FIFA 22 Discussion (Console Versions)

Honestly, where is this patch!

I find the midfielders are often too narrow in this game in relation to the rest of the team. I think this is the reason the wing play is quite prominent, as your wide players are often quite free in transition. I tried to offset this by using a width value of 40/60. It definitely helps, but I would like to see the mids engaging higher up the pitch more frequently and for them to also spread out.

I think this is an element where the 11v11 capture is a little rigid in its current form. I love it overall, but it can do with some work for sure.
Console patches are typically 6-7 days after PC so it between now and Thursday . It has been longer on some occasions. I think it's Sony that slow it down for PLaystation users and not EA. I'm sure I've read that somewhere
Honestly, where is this patch!

I find the midfielders are often too narrow in this game in relation to the rest of the team. I think this is the reason the wing play is quite prominent, as your wide players are often quite free in transition. I tried to offset this by using a width value of 40/60. It definitely helps, but I would like to see the mids engaging higher up the pitch more frequently and for them to also spread out.

I think this is an element where the 11v11 capture is a little rigid in its current form. I love it overall, but it can do with some work for sure.

To be fair it's been the majority of my FIFA goals since 2008. But never as frequently as in 22. I'd certainly say defences are narrower in 22. In the past I'd be reliant on lofted crosses and headers but now it's a case of squaring it on the deck across the six yard box.
To be fair it's been the majority of my FIFA goals since 2008. But never as frequently as in 22. I'd certainly say defences are narrower in 22. In the past I'd be reliant on lofted crosses and headers but now it's a case of squaring it on the deck across the six yard box.
Yeah I like the narrow defence and in theory the mids too, but the CMS in particular really bunch up quite a lot and don’t really venture too far from that position. I think they need a little extra freedom to create some more resistance.
Sorry if this has been asked before, but have anyone played the PS4/XBone version? How does it play compared to next gen?
Extremely early impressions, but defensive line seems like it’s being held a little better than previously in some scenarios. Also, AI slide tackled me and got a yellow quite early so looks like that wasn’t completely removed as some feared. Oh and defensive positioning after a corner did seem improved. I’ll check back..
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Had a few games over lunch (and it's taken me until now to get the clips uploaded, converted and merged, I hate Microsoft sometimes).

It's a mixed bag - largely good, but I have to start with the first thing I notice, every time I play.

Jesus Christ on a jet plane, how bad is the animation now? Hypermotion seemed to help with this initially, but they seem to be deleting more and more of it in favour of instant-response, physics-defying bullshit for the FUT kids. This may be a new low, or it's just because I've not played for a while.

Players drag their trailing foot along the floor behind them (dragging their big toe along the ground) with every step they take. I paused video playback earlier and, mid-jog, several players were leaning so far forward (with their legs so far behind) they would fall flat on their face in reality.

It's not just an aesthetic problem, though. I was walking (not sprinting) with a player, towards goal (pressing right), then wanted to walk towards the sideline (pressing down). It took 3-4 seconds for some really crazy leg-flailing animations to stop and to allow the player to just change direction... and that's with agile dribbling disabled.

They never stop twitching, vibrating, and acting nothing like humans. It's insane to me how much they've sacrificed human physics for instant gratification when you look back at the likes of FIFA 16. Even the twitch-gameplay guys must see how broken this is.

However, the good stuff...

Though the AI doesn't just spam "slide tackle" any longer, it seems fouls remain and are much more realistic when they do happen. I had a couple of dangerous free kicks in each game I played. I really like this change.

Also, more driven passes are intercepted now - which I saw in the changelog and thought nothing of. However, it means that when the AI starts spamming these (particularly when you lower the pass speed slider), your defenders are much more likely to block them, and it helps a little with the constant counter-attacks.

It does, however, make you realise just how little effort your defenders make when a standard pass is made. If I could enable that enhanced AI defending logic permanently, and not just when a driven pass was made, it would be a much more thoughtful game...

Semi-shooting seems even more difficult and more dependent on the spin of the ball than before. I've never been so bad up-front, and I like it.

It's not massively different, but it's an improvement IMO.
I've tested on default, my slider set was far too slow. I think the game is really well balanced now on default, feels very tactical and more patient. I've dropped back down to proffessional due to getting hammered on WC. That 7-1 defeat was on world class where my squad was tired 10 mins after kick off.

Here are some bullet points improvement bate in mind I really enjoy the game beforehand

As stated feels more patient in the build up
Seen a couple of new animations I haven't seen before , defensive diving header was nice
AI have more shot variety , had a few low shots against me
Keepers come off their line more , see videos
Fouls still there and in context not for the sake of it

Keeper pen

Keeper off line

Solid mprovement overall
Early impressions are promising. Only played 1 game. FUMA WC Man utd vs Burnley. AI are popping the ball around nicely, looks like there is improved decision making to me. The way they are picking passes is much more life like somehow.

Crossing seems much more useful.

AI attempting passes that can be cut out. Before it always felt like AI had the ball until it was coded that they had to give it back to you. Feels much more organic now.

I've just had de gea make the faintest finger tip save and the commentary said it was a good save, but goal kick given. That's a first for me. Probably a bug rather than coding in but nice to see, in a way 😁

Hopefully its not all placebo, I have been playing regularly though and can feel the difference immediately
@Chris Davies Thanks for the impressions. Did you test with default sliders?

Early impressions are promising. Only played 1 game. FUMA WC Man utd vs Burnley. AI are popping the ball around nicely, looks like there is improved decision making to me. The way they are picking passes is much more life like somehow.

Crossing seems much more useful.

AI attempting passes that can be cut out. Before it always felt like AI had the ball until it was coded that they had to give it back to you. Feels much more organic now.

I've just had de gea make the faintest finger tip save and the commentary said it was a good save, but goal kick given. That's a first for me. Probably a bug rather than coding in but nice to see, in a way 😁

Hopefully its not all placebo, I have been playing regularly though and can feel the difference immediately
Organic that's a really good way to it's not a placebo , there's genuinely things in there that just weren't in before. The other thing to go off is the score line. I won 2-1 against utd on proffessional. That would have been 5-4 with no sliders pre patch
I'm enjoying this a lot on PS5 again. Downloaded the new update and started a career with Torino. Changed camera to Broadcast, slowed down passing with sliders just a tad and leave everything else at default.

Had some really interesting pre-season matches so far. CPU still makes fouls - in the first match, it was given a red card for sliding through the back of my player.
I’m feeling like the CPU is a little more hyperactive in their passing post update..not loving that aspect. Also feeling like the pass error has been toned down slightly. Might need to rebalance with sliders a little to see if it can settle..could also be placebo too, need to spend some more time with it.

On the positive side I have seen the CPU try some different types of shots. I saw an outside of the foot finish, a few low attempts and a finesse.

EDIT: Something else I’m seeing which is the most concerning is in the CPU defenders. I’m finding they’re being more passive than before the update and not engaging as much. On my sliders I used to find it almost impossible to simply run by a man as they’d force a challenge. It’s happening a bit too frequently now where I can breeze through unopposed..
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They never stop twitching, vibrating, and acting nothing like humans. It's insane to me how much they've sacrificed human physics for instant gratification when you look back at the likes of FIFA 16. Even the twitch-gameplay guys must see how broken this is.

Imagine NBA 2k where the players shoot without moving their arm…

Or MBL The Show where the pitcher has no wind up…

Or F1 where the acceleration was just an on/off switch (because, you know, got to keep it at maximum responsiveness).

It’s just unfortunate that the major game representing the world’s most popular sport is designed by a gang of people who, when a 7-year-old tells them to jump, they say, “How high?” because they need to steal as much of their pocket money as possible.
I’m feeling like the CPU is a little more hyperactive in their passing post update..not loving that aspect. Also feeling like the pass error has been toned down slightly. Might need to rebalance with sliders a little to see if it can settle..could also be placebo too, need to spend some more time with it.

On the positive side I have seen the CPU try some different types of shots. I saw an outside of the foot finish, a few low attempts and a finesse.

EDIT: Something else I’m seeing which is the most concerning is in the CPU defenders. I’m finding they’re being more passive than before the update and not engaging as much. On my sliders I used to find it almost impossible to simply run by a man as they’d force a challenge. It’s happening a bit too frequently now where I can breeze through unopposed..
Is this based on default, or your slider set? Surprised to hear passing error toned down as I've found it the other way, it seems to have gone up with cpu misplacing plenty of passes. I'm using your set. Difference might be to do with standard of teams I've played so far

I've had a couple of low drilled goals scored against me. Actually got walloped by Brentford 4-1

Have you found CPU defenders are easier to get at and tackle? I've managed to get through on goal a few times by putting pressure on the defender. A few too many times for my liking really.

I've liked being able to run a bit more with the ball, and I've had a few nice fouls from standing tackles. Really looking forward to starting a career mode now. Just hope I don't reveal more dislikes the more I play, as after 4 or 5 games I'm loving it way more then the last patch
Is this based on default, or your slider set? Surprised to hear passing error toned down as I've found it the other way, it seems to have gone up with cpu misplacing plenty of passes. I'm using your set. Difference might be to do with standard of teams I've played so far

I've had a couple of low drilled goals scored against me. Actually got walloped by Brentford 4-1

Have you found CPU defenders are easier to get at and tackle? I've managed to get through on goal a few times by putting pressure on the defender. A few too many times for my liking really.

I've liked being able to run a bit more with the ball, and I've had a few nice fouls from standing tackles. Really looking forward to starting a career mode now. Just hope I don't reveal more dislikes the more I play, as after 4 or 5 games I'm loving it way more then the last patch
Yeah based on my slider set as it's my reference point, but I really need to spend more time with it. I've only played a couple of games at the moment so sample size is small. That’s good if you’ve seen the opposite for pass error, hopefully the reality is in the middle for us haha.

I haven't noticed defenders easier to tackle yet but I'll keep an eye out for it. I feel like I had the gameplay quite finely balanced prior to the update and I can definitely tell that balance is a little off after the patch. Hopefully minimal changes required, as I'd like to get stuck into a career mode soon too. I'm the same as you, hoping there's no nasty surprises around the corner.
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Does anyone know if there is a way to lock the freekick aim circle in place before a shot. I know where i want to put it and how to add swerve but it seems to always drift back a little just before i shoot
Well well. I played four matches of FIFA 22 and didn't tell it to fuck off once. That hasn't happened in a while.

It felt as if all 22 players were active at all times and that the game was in my hands. That's huge. I also - out of five goals - didn't score one of the customary tap ins, as I found my strikers were being tracked more effectively. Keepers still a little suspect, though.

I didn't notice them while playing, but I read in the patch notes about how animations have been removed, including one that had a player stumbling when turning around after being nutmegged. To me, that's a nice little humanising touch. Obviously has no place in the cutthroat, ultra-responsive world of FIFA now!
Hi mates
I have tasted the patch on 5 matchs on Euro matches!
I have Portugal in 2024 and CR7 is still ok!
The CPU before the patch, always go forward, forward and forward, and took the sideline and run.
No more since yesterday! AI goes back to take some new options and I like it. The game is less predictible.
Fouls are in,FK too, no more freeze on FK. Very good patch

Quarter finale versus France :

Half finale versus Spain :

Test :

Second match to test the patch again
Big freeze and a reboot on my Series X so no penalty:SHOCK:

Second try :

Finale versus Germany :
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Would like to see the ai using the back heel pass a reduced. Some of the player animations still feel cartoony and fast but apart from those issues it can often deliver a fun game of football.
Question: live tuning updates (like the latest from hours ago) make It into a „running“ career mode save, right?! For patches to work I need to start a fresh career save with that current patch, right?!
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