FIFA 22 Discussion (Console Versions)

Can someone advise how to save controller settings, not as temporary settings? Every single time I run the game I have to change the controller/game settings over and over again (or even every game), which makes me fucking fuming.

Why they made some things so complicated?

EDIT: PS5 by the way.
You need to do IT in menu not during gameplay

Here's our newest set, and we've added some customized sets for those that are liking the base. As always, it's a base, feel free to adjust as you'd like. Very happy to have a FIFA game this year that all can enjoy.



FIFA 22 Operation Sports Sliders - Version 3 + Other Sets

Explanation of each set and their corresponding values are listed in Spoilers: Please note that this year the values of the sets are divided by a | line. Most value differences between the sets are obvious, but please ask in the thread if you have questions of why certain values were chosen.

Version 2 Beta was really good to us. A lot of great gameplay overall, and I think we managed to accomplish what we were looking for as a base. I believe that a good base can be improved, and that is the purpose of this update. Some gameplay elements have returned such as cross-field passes from the CPU, lobbed passes and crosses with pace. I think we liked the base to overcome issues, but lost a bit of the variety that is craved for. This is why we work on sliders from default and move gradually away, and sometimes find values that are essential to be closer. Nature of the beast when testing sliders, and why we have the environment that we do.

The following sets are additions to the base, and also addresses the customizations that are possible to make for varying preferences such as lower minutes and more difficult.

Of course, as we always say, the set(s) posted is intended as a BASE, meaning you are not hardcoded into putting in these values, and are free to modify to your own personal preferences. Remember, we test with various teams of all leagues, tactics and quality of players - so the base set posted is a rounded approach that gives enough flexibility to those who want to adjust.

With all that said, here are the explanations of each set. Please know that if the value is the same through all three sets, the writeup is repeated in explaining that specific value. Also, we aren't doing Ultimate difficulty this year as it's 99 overall rating for the CPU, it just doesn't make sense to dive into that unrealistic approach.


Version 3 - consists of Professional/World Class + Legendary

♦♦♦ Goal: This version is of course building off of Version 2 and the good that came with it. There are some opportunities to improve areas such as the CPU passing, and passing variety, while also getting a tad more physicality than before. The result is a good balance of challenging and realistic, but still gives room to have varied experiences from each team faced. ♦♦♦

♦♦♦ Notes and Caution: While not consistent, I do have to stress the importance of paying attention if you play on SLOW versus NORMAL game speed. I know there are a lot who want to play SLOW and love it, but I'm afraid that the same issues that plagued 21 are still there where the defenders lose track of runs - making it incredibly easy to find an open player in the box on counters, etc. I'm not saying this is 100% going to happen, but I just wanted to bring that up as transparently as possible. ♦♦♦

If the value is the same for all difficulties, it will be listed once. If the value is different, it will be separated by a | indication. Please refer to posted image of slider set as well.

Sprint - 10/15 (Previous: 5/5)
► We had to get a couple things sorted here which was ensuring the CPU would stay in their challenges longer, especially when chasing a runner off-the-ball, and the other is to ensure there is more physicality as on values under 10 result in less chance of players falling down. Instead of falling down, they would absorb tackles or any type of physicality, which has a lesser chance of experiencing the true animation library for this year.

Acceleration - 50/50 (Previous: 49/49)
► In order to complement the physicality, we had to raise acceleration back to 50. The main issue with it under 50 is that the CPU struggles to start accelerating into challenges or maintaining those 1v1 situations. The working theory here is that because under 50 doesn't impact stamina, that there is less effort extended, which results in less dynamic situations that could be possible.

Shot Error - 65/65 (Previous: 70/70)
► Just a slight lowering here to get more balance throughout the league. The high shot error still produces misses of all kinds of variety, but another note is that because we've lowered pass error, the User & CPU's crossing has improved, which means more heading opportunities - so lowering shot error was important to ensure there's a threat there as well.

Pass Error - 52/52 | 52/55 (Previous: 60/60 | 55/65)
► Lowering pass error was needed now that we have the lines and marking to a good, and consistent, place. With this error change it's opened up the way the CPU moves the ball. Switching of the field returns, lobbed passes and also whipped crosses.

Shot Speed - 49/49
► No changes here. The mix of shot power is controlled by the shot error. There are still the deflections out for corners, and also enough pace in which the keeper can't get to the ball.

Pass Speed - 40/30
► With the lowering of pass error, the ball will now skip across the turf a bit more, so there's no need to adjust pass speed either. The CPU does like the driven pass, but the positioning is solid enough that they won't be able to constantly pass forward without interruptions.

Injury Frequency - 75/75 (Previous: 50/50)
► Tested a lot of 80 and it resulted in fairly consistent injuries, so dropped it down just a tad to something we've used in the past that works well again.

Injury Severity - 25/25 (Previous: 50/50)
► Tested at 30 for the majority of the time, so of course found a good balance reaching another value we've used before at 25. Good variety of injuries from torn ACL's to bruised shoulders. Sometimes players need to be subbed off, sometimes just treatment or walk it off.

GK Ability - 50/50 (Previous: 48/48)
► There are enough odd animations with keepers this year that it didn't make sense to "play around" and keep using values under 50.

Marking - 70/70
► No changes with marking thankfully because it was a hard value to find a proper balance for, relative to the set we have. Teams that press will not hide that fact and they may overcommit, but just like they would in the real match, they will do their best to recover from vulnerable positions. The drop back teams will be aggressive when it matters, but will not give up so much space in 1v1 situations.

Run Frequency - 5/5
► Still happy with this value as it allows runs to still happen in the tight spaces, which with the runs - and the defenders following those runs - it extends a pitch length of 25 into the 50's. In addition, the FB positioning at 70 will bring that element of modern football of overlapping and underlapping runs, with the midfielder oftentimes tucking in on the opposite runs.

● The Height, Length, Width (often referred as "HLW") are quite important to consider for each slider set. [/color]

Height - 65/65
► Again, no changes here as it is a value that has been tested [significantly] and does not do anything. Cosmetic purposes only.

Length - 25/25
► No changes as this is an important value and has been through a lot of sample sizes throughout. As mentioned above, the run frequency will extend the pitch, but so will the length as it controls the types of runs that are made. While the slider value of Height does nothing, the length will assist in height tactics that teams choose, which is why there are still offsides and not just defenders following deeply into the box or endline. As always, we want compression and decompression, and these combinations of values allow that to exist.

Width - 45/45
► No changes. Lowering width has allowed the marking and FB positioning to be increased. Some teams will have room to switch, some teams won't. It just depends on the tactics used and faced against. This does allow more congestion in the center of the pitch, and it also helps support the higher marking value so there is less passive play in the midfield. Again, it does depend on the tactics in use.

FB Pos - 70/70
► No changes. With the tighter lines, the more room was needed for the fullbacks to play their role. This also widens out the defensive line as they need to cover a bit more space - which can only be a good thing as they tend to group up too closely in transition and near the goal. Something FIFA has done a good job this year is the winger covering for the fullback as well.

FT Control - 85/85
► No changes. The control is too silky smooth on default, so a significant bump was needed. We usually don't want to raise FT so high with a low pass - but because the driven pass still exists, it should be built as a risk/reward, and that's exactly what this does. It also makes for some great sloppy play as well.

Harder World Class + Harder Legendary

♦♦♦ Goal: While a lot of values here are similar to the version 3 posted, there are certain areas that stand out to make the gameplay a bit more challenging for the respective difficulties. ♦♦♦

♦♦♦ Notes and Caution: While not consistent, I do have to stress the importance of paying attention if you play on SLOW versus NORMAL game speed. I know there are a lot who want to play SLOW and love it, but I'm afraid that the same issues that plagued 21 are still there where the defenders lose track of runs - making it incredibly easy to find an open player in the box on counters, etc. I'm not saying this is 100% going to happen, but I just wanted to bring that up as transparently as possible. ♦♦♦

If the value is the same for all difficulties, it will be listed once. If a value does not change from the previous version, there will not be a new writeup for that specific value. Please refer to posted image of slider set as well.

Sprint - 10/15
► We had to get a couple things sorted here which was ensuring the CPU would stay in their challenges longer, especially when chasing a runner off-the-ball, and the other is to ensure there is more physicality as on values under 10 result in less chance of players falling down. Instead of falling down, they would absorb tackles or any type of physicality, which has a lesser chance of experiencing the true animation library for this year.

Acceleration - 50/51 | 50/50
► A slight discrepancy for the World Class set to ensure the CPU has just a bit of an advantage. As users, we have the freedom away from the programming, so a 1pt advantage isn't so significant that it will be unrealistic, but it should be challenging. Legendary is challenging as is without creating this discrepancy, but feel free to do so if needed.

Shot Error - 65/55 | 55/55
► The shot error is fairly straightforward here as the user will be at a tad disadvantage compared to the CPU.

Pass Error - 52/50 | 55/50
► Pass error controls everything, and when the CPU is closer to 50, it just becomes a bit more of a challenge. The pass speed will help the CPU more, but they will try to exploit the user's positioning more directly.

Shot Speed - 49/49
► The mix of shot power is controlled by the shot error. There are still the deflections out for corners, and also enough pace in which the keeper can't get to the ball.

Pass Speed - 40/30
► With the lowering of pass error, the ball will now skip across the turf a bit more, so there's no need to adjust pass speed either. The CPU does like the driven pass, but the positioning is solid enough that they won't be able to constantly pass forward without interruptions.

Injury Frequency - 75/75
► Tested a lot of 80 and it resulted in fairly consistent injuries, so dropped it down just a tad to something we've used in the past that works well again.

Injury Severity - 25/25
► Tested at 30 for the majority of the time, so of course found a good balance reaching another value we've used before at 25. Good variety of injuries from torn ACL's to bruised shoulders. Sometimes players need to be subbed off, sometimes just treatment or walk it off.

GK Ability - 50/50
► There are enough odd animations with keepers this year that it didn't make sense to "play around" and keep using values under 50.

Marking - 70/70
► No changes with marking thankfully because it was a hard value to find a proper balance for, relative to the set we have. Teams that press will not hide that fact and they may overcommit, but just like they would in the real match, they will do their best to recover from vulnerable positions. The drop back teams will be aggressive when it matters, but will not give up so much space in 1v1 situations.

Run Frequency - 5/5
► Still happy with this value as it allows runs to still happen in the tight spaces, which with the runs - and the defenders following those runs - it extends a pitch length of 25 into the 50's. In addition, the FB positioning at 70 will bring that element of modern football of overlapping and underlapping runs, with the midfielder oftentimes tucking in on the opposite runs.

● The Height, Length, Width (often referred as "HLW") are quite important to consider for each slider set. [/color]

Height - 65/65
► Again, no changes here as it is a value that has been tested [significantly] and does not do anything. Cosmetic purposes only.

Length - 25/25
► No changes as this is an important value and has been through a lot of sample sizes throughout. As mentioned above, the run frequency will extend the pitch, but so will the length as it controls the types of runs that are made. While the slider value of Height does nothing, the length will assist in height tactics that teams choose, which is why there are still offsides and not just defenders following deeply into the box or endline. As always, we want compression and decompression, and these combinations of values allow that to exist.

Width - 45/45
► No changes. Lowering width has allowed the marking and FB positioning to be increased. Some teams will have room to switch, some teams won't. It just depends on the tactics used and faced against. This does allow more congestion in the center of the pitch, and it also helps support the higher marking value so there is less passive play in the midfield. Again, it does depend on the tactics in use.

FB Pos - 70/70
► No changes. With the tighter lines, the more room was needed for the fullbacks to play their role. This also widens out the defensive line as they need to cover a bit more space - which can only be a good thing as they tend to group up too closely in transition and near the goal. Something FIFA has done a good job this year is the winger covering for the fullback as well.

FT Control - 85/65 | 85/75
► The first touches will be a bit softer for the CPU than they are on 85+, but not to the point they are absorbed into the players' feet unrealistically.

Shorter Halves World Class + Harder Legendary

♦♦♦ Goal: The core of version 3 still holds true in these sets, but with less time to play, we need to bump up some values and lower some errors to ensure it's not just frustration being experienced. We still want there to be enough of a challenge, but also do not want to remove the possibilities of experiencing the variety of play that this year's game has brought us. ♦♦♦

♦♦♦ Notes and Caution: While not consistent, I do have to stress the importance of paying attention if you play on SLOW versus NORMAL game speed. I know there are a lot who want to play SLOW and love it, but I'm afraid that the same issues that plagued 21 are still there where the defenders lose track of runs - making it incredibly easy to find an open player in the box on counters, etc. I'm not saying this is 100% going to happen, but I just wanted to bring that up as transparently as possible. ♦♦♦

If the value is the same for all difficulties, it will be listed once. If a value does not change from the previous version, there will not be a new writeup for that specific value. Please refer to posted image of slider set as well.

Sprint - 10/15
► We had to get a couple things sorted here which was ensuring the CPU would stay in their challenges longer, especially when chasing a runner off-the-ball, and the other is to ensure there is more physicality as on values under 10 result in less chance of players falling down. Instead of falling down, they would absorb tackles or any type of physicality, which has a lesser chance of experiencing the true animation library for this year.

Acceleration - 50/50
► No need to modify this value as we're not going for more sped up animations just because there is less time being experienced.

Shot Error - 55/55
► The high shot error still produces misses of all kinds of variety, but another note is that because we've lowered pass error, the User & CPU's crossing has improved, which means more heading opportunities - so lowering shot error was important to ensure there's a threat there as well.

Pass Error - 52/52 | 52/55
► Pass error controls everything, and when the CPU is closer to 50, it just becomes a bit more of a challenge. The pass speed will help the CPU more, but they will try to exploit the user's positioning more directly. A slight discrepancy in favor of the user on the Legendary set as we've increased the run frequencies.

Shot Speed - 49/49 | 50/50
► A bit of a strange one here because the shot speed at 49 on other sets seem fine, but with less time (tested 4-8 mins), the legendary keepers are much better and seem to make a lot of saves. Not wanting to reduce GK Ability, the next option was to raise shot speed, which has actually balanced the set to have a mix of shots and still have shot error control the behavior of the shots.

Pass Speed - 40/35
► The increase in pass speed for the CPU is needed here to get the ball moving just a tad quicker, but not so much that each pass chosen is a driven one.

Injury Frequency - 75/75
► Tested a lot of 80 and it resulted in fairly consistent injuries, so dropped it down just a tad to something we've used in the past that works well again.

Injury Severity - 25/25
► Tested at 30 for the majority of the time, so of course found a good balance reaching another value we've used before at 25. Good variety of injuries from torn ACL's to bruised shoulders. Sometimes players need to be subbed off, sometimes just treatment or walk it off.

GK Ability - 50/50
► There are enough odd animations with keepers this year that it didn't make sense to "play around" and keep using values under 50.

Marking - 70/70 | 60/60
► The discrepancy here is that World Class needs a bit more help in aggression in 1v1's, while Legendary does well in balancing the space between the players, but is still aggressive when there's an opportunity to tackle. With less match time, it's important that there is a bit more room to breathe on the higher difficulty as well. Teams that press will not hide that fact and they may overcommit, but just like they would in the real match, they will do their best to recover from vulnerable positions. The drop back teams will be aggressive when it matters, but will not give up so much space in 1v1 situations.

Run Frequency - 10/10
► This value is raised to accomodate for less time played, which means less match action in front of goal. It also allows counters to happen a bit more often, depending on tactics of course, to help with less time played.

● The Height, Length, Width (often referred as "HLW") are quite important to consider for each slider set. [/color]

Height - 65/65
► This value has been tested [significantly] and does not do anything. Cosmetic purposes only.

Length - 25/25
► An important value and has been through a lot of sample sizes throughout. As mentioned above, the run frequency will extend the pitch, but so will the length as it controls the types of runs that are made. While the slider value of Height does nothing, the length will assist in height tactics that teams choose, which is why there are still offsides and not just defenders following deeply into the box or endline. As always, we want compression and decompression, and these combinations of values allow that to exist.

Width - 45/45
► Lowering width has allowed the marking and FB positioning to be increased. Some teams will have room to switch, some teams won't. It just depends on the tactics used and faced against. This does allow more congestion in the center of the pitch, and it also helps support the higher marking value so there is less passive play in the midfield. Again, it does depend on the tactics in use.

FB Pos - 70/70
► With the tighter lines, the more room was needed for the fullbacks to play their role. This also widens out the defensive line as they need to cover a bit more space - which can only be a good thing as they tend to group up too closely in transition and near the goal. Something FIFA has done a good job this year is the winger covering for the fullback as well.

FT Control - 85/65 | 85/75
► The control is too silky smooth on default, so a significant bump was needed. We usually don't want to raise FT so high with a low pass - but because the driven pass still exists, it should be built as a risk/reward, and that's exactly what this does. It also makes for some great sloppy play as well.
And I don't know how to explain it that passing and the flow the game just seems to have more

Happy to revert back to default later today and give it another swirl. There is certainly alot to like and enjoy especially as I've never played fifa for some long. Maybe Pes is ingrained in me so anything else will feel alien.
It definitely does feel alien when you play pro so much. I would play pro offline and then FIFA 21 co op online with my mate. He used to tell me to stop playing pro offline as all I would do is moan about pretty much everything. When I first tried the trial, i wasn’t exactly enamoured. It wasn’t until all the positive reviews on here from people’s opinions that I respect, that I went back to it and approached it with a new mindset. To just play what was in front of me and like I say, try to win.
I play it on Legendary, semi assist and I can’t remember the exact names but I turned off the special player attributes, the competitors mode and made another one classic instead of default and instead of falling into the trap of trying to tackle and win the back back straight away ( which only ads to the chaos or stimulates it) I would cover space, keep my formation and tackle when appropriate
Also Tv Camera, height max , zoom max out. Gives me a sense of Pro.
I’ve not played for a fair bit though as my trial maxed out. Waiting for Xmas sales.
No way I’m spending $100 on a game they could change in a week or so.
Sliders are great because you can tweak things how you like, there is nothing sacred about Vanilla settings. But I have to agree with you that most of the popular slider sets I've seen, and particularly the OS community sliders tend to make the game super flat for me. But that's because I am not a fan of super-low Sprint values like (5) because while they get rid of most of the sliding they also get rid of any momentum and inertia thus making players feel stuck to the pitch.

Anyway, duller is not exactly the problem for me, my real problem is if the game is super flat, that is: nice realistic pace during the build-up stage but then neither the player/CPU can accelerate the game in the final third. For me personally, my aim is to make the game as realistic as possible, therefore it needs to be somewhat slow during the build-up stage, BUT there have to be moments of explosion in the attacking areas, otherwise, the game will look flat.

And now that I'm seeing saturator's sliders they are kind of similar to the approach I have in my own personal sliders which, IMO provides a much more balanced and interesting game honestly. I will likely start a thread on the FIFA Editing forum with my own set following this "philosophy" which hopefully people will enjoy. I will also be updating it pretty regularly.
I agree whole heartedly. I just found in previous Fifa's that the core gameplay wasn't to my liking at all and all I would do is play a game, or half and change the sliders. Never ending tweaking and changing and being dissatisfied. I'll save yours and when I eventually buy it ( barring a patch that ruins it ) give them a go. I may also tweak some to suit what I am looking for, which is generally closest to something like PES5. Is that possible? probably not. I wouldn't say I am looking for realism, just the joy PES5 gave and can still give me.

I just worry I'll get stuck in the never ending cycle of wondering if I can make the game better, instead of enjoying it and playing it, which leads to alway analyzing it instead of allowing myself to to get lost enough in it to get some enjoyment.
Just been watching TTB playing efootball and he's saying "I still think this game is more realistic than Fifa"

I'm sorry but what?


I feel just for the weight shift, pace, inertia, movements seems more human.
But the rest is off.
Btw i don't agree about the pace of some stuffs, like passes, it's slower but too slow.
Well, whatever i don't care, no way to rectify that stuff. Hard to stop the O.T. but it's just my assumption.

Now, i'm waiting for the patch to play the "real" FIFA version as it was probably designed. I've read stuffs very interesting like closer marking, and i hope that one day, the pass vs animations in terms of logic (small touch super fast pass etc.) will be rectified on another patch or this one.
Also, would like to try slider to slow down a bit some stuffs, but as the one i tried removed the AI "dynamism", and make looks the players less moving, i prefers to play on "slow" even with troubles it could made, or create like i've read here (doesn't annoy me that much).
On normal it's way too fast for me, even the last i played, FIFA 20, is less super agile. In fact, it's more a matter of agility than pace while running.

I won't lie, i tried it with good teams and it makes me quit after too match, for that and something else. The AI is better, even contains is better than on previous version, but i don't know, the keepers that you talk about "it's better > more human" well, even before i tooked goals i disagree. There's a lot of thing that aren't human in this game, but GK should be?
It's not even the reaction that caused issue, but the blocking, i took and scored some goals that a normal keeper could have easily deflect, but no : it looked like the shoot/head was too strong for them. I didn't get it to be honest. I hope "more human" won't be less effective, but more realistic in the way they act against some types of balls.

And Sliders from O.S. was a bit too weird ATM : i will try the new ones when the patch will be out on PS5. I think i will like it more, it seems that many issues i noticed were corrected so. Thanks for listenning / or not too listen to people complains or Esports gamers. It doesn't look like.
But even with flaws from the Vanilla game, i would prefers to play the game with smaller teams and having a better experience overally.
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I agree whole heartedly. I just found in previous Fifa's that the core gameplay wasn't to my liking at all and all I would do is play a game, or half and change the sliders. Never ending tweaking and changing and being dissatisfied. I'll save yours and when I eventually buy it ( barring a patch that ruins it ) give them a go. I may also tweak some to suit what I am looking for, which is generally closest to something like PES5. Is that possible? probably not. I wouldn't say I am looking for realism, just the joy PES5 gave and can still give me.

I just worry I'll get stuck in the never ending cycle of wondering if I can make the game better, instead of enjoying it and playing it, which leads to alway analyzing it instead of allowing myself to to get lost enough in it to get some enjoyment.
Yeah, I'm all too familiar with this cycle of never-ending tweaks. I'm also not a huge fan of FIFA's gameplay at its core. PES21 still being my favorite footy game, and PES5 like you mentioned is one of my favorites from old-gen, only topped by PES3 hehe.

Anyway, I already posted my sliders for those who want to give them a go (Slow Speed, World Class, FUMA):
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Started a(nother) career with Milan. Top moment of the evening:

Made me jump from my seat after a very suffered match and half the team half dead.. so damn good to draw this way, felt almost out of a real CL match.
What's your Cam setting mate? That's exactly what i was searching for, no joke :SHOCK:
Perhaps a bit less closer to the ball, but it would be far easier to me for everything.
I never founded those "FIFA 08-14" type of Cam, like Dynamic V1 or V2 don't remember (the pitch was smaller too so, a bit normal)
How do you turn the grey arrow off that is on top of the cpu players?
That's the player level difficulty indicator, or whatever they call it (where selected players use a higher difficulty level than the one you're on).

There is a bug right now where turning the indicator off doesn't work. It's in the fix list for the upcoming patch.
That's the player level difficulty indicator, or whatever they call it (where selected players use a higher difficulty level than the one you're on).

There is a bug right now where turning the indicator off doesn't work. It's in the fix list for the upcoming patch.
so this is ralated to player based difficulty in the settings menu?

what about live form, before entering a match? anyone noticed differences in "offline" gameplay when turning that on or off?! and should it be called offline gameplay if i disbale live form but stay connected to the EA server in game (there still is a connections to the servers...)?

edit: btw, for 2 days now, i just cant play on slow anymore. it became super slow... animations took to long, inputs as well... like something had changed. anyway... i switched to normal speed (with latest OS sliders) and i'm good again. strange that is though!
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Any settings I should be using?

Also can the green icon when using 2nd press be turned off as well?
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I think I’m going back to FIFA 20 until the millions of bugs I keep seeing get fixed. I love the gameplay in this, it’s so smooth, ball feels the best it’s ever felt in a FIFA game. However…

In a match I just played, the opposition GK just turned around and fired the ball into his own net.

The visual glitches and general weird stuff that happens is annoying me too much :LOL:
Initial impressions are good.

Midfielders are a little passive when the opposition have the ball. I find my two centre midfielders not really doing anything, it's hard to make one of them engage. I think mostly do to the 2nd press being shite.

But so far so not terrible. Getting a decent amount of fouls as well, which was unexpected.
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In a match I just played, the opposition GK just turned around and fired the ball into his own net.
That's exactly was i pointed out about the keeper. Deflection, it's like they miss power in their gloves.
I'm also waiting the patch, i came back twice and get twice the same issue with keepers, on pretty simple/not powerful balls.

And i take average to relatively good teams with good GK so.
It's not totally a game breaker neither but it's pretty annoying me to have some super quick saves and taking/scoring goals like that type.

Also i'm waiting @Madmac79 camera settings (i can pay you by micro-transactions to have the settings if you want)
Initial impressions are good.

Midfielders are a little passive when the opposition have the ball. I find my two centre midfielders not really doing anything, it's hard to make one of them engage. I think mostly do to the 2nd press being shite.

But so far so not terrible. Getting a decent amount of fouls as well, which was unexpected.
I think the best choice is to have one central CDM. When they are two they leave space between them and strikers go through defense line.
Well i'm also thinkin to that about midfield, as except on very low teams, they are outshined by laterals and passes from others midfields, defensively.
A CMF and a DMF with instructions to stay central could resolve the issue.
Well, i checked on teams i didn't found one team with CMF or DMF not "cover wings", it should be adressed. It's the standard for all teams, i still don't understand it. Check on Sofifa, you'll see, it was the same the 2 last year i don't know since when in fact.

Yes of course a CMF can cover wings, but naturally, i would like to give them a "free play" style. Not especially staying in the middle defensively, and not especially cover wings neither. Or it's just a simple mention to not being stick on the midfield to defend, but the result is when i use CMF on my formation, they're like a bit of AMF which sometimes participate to the defence. Well pressing you can forget, they just block more or less.
It's nother thing that annoy me, well i won't lie, it's even more annoying than GK to me but i didn't mentioned it same as everything bothering me : i prefers to tolerate it. Pretty fixable and not that hard, that's what piss me the most.

Hope and pray for the update on PS5, that not only Defenders will mark closer their opponent : but also players who should have a supposed defending role to play.
I think the best choice is to have one central CDM. When they are two they leave space between them and strikers go through defense line.
i do play with one CDM in my Girona career. not sure if this is any better than having 2 CDM's or CM's... but overall: they should be better in marking the oppponent, imo! some awareness is missing...
so most of the defensive work is up to myself... switching players with RS and trying to cover lanes and closing down strikers.
I think I’m going back to FIFA 20 until the millions of bugs I keep seeing get fixed. I love the gameplay in this, it’s so smooth, ball feels the best it’s ever felt in a FIFA game. However…

In a match I just played, the opposition GK just turned around and fired the ball into his own net.

The visual glitches and general weird stuff that happens is annoying me too much :LOL:
Hahahaha how much did you pay the GK...I also had a weird thing yesterday where the opposition got a "indirect free-kick" instead of a penalty and my wall stood behind the keeper etc. Never have I ever experienced stuff like this before 😄 also in one game I scored and instead of a goal the ref blew halftime..thought it was offside for a sec but no..hahah so 2 times by now, not so bad but they have to fix it and the lag in 2nd half occurring sometimes aswell..
What's your Cam setting mate? That's exactly what i was searching for, no joke :SHOCK:
Perhaps a bit less closer to the ball, but it would be far easier to me for everything.
I never founded those "FIFA 08-14" type of Cam, like Dynamic V1 or V2 don't remember (the pitch was smaller too so, a bit normal)
I play on dynamic with all the zoom maxed. But you have to consider that with my old monitor I have to play Stadia on 16/9 with the classic black bands top and above (doesn't bother me too much, already had to play 15 and 16 this way), the saved replay looks a bit more zoomed in than the actual thing. If you play on console it should be more or less this tho (at least I think?). Anyway, this is the only kind of Cam I can enjoy play football games on since forever except from a few exceptions (sorry for the delayed answer, could only connect now. THank you but I think I'll pass on microtransactions :PP)
This is definitely FIFA. I love so much about it but also dislike a lot about it. It's still too fast & frantic. But with sliders it makes everything feel turgid. This entire series is supposed to be quick, snappy, end-to-end. And that's fine. But sometimes I'm not in the mood for that. I do wish they'd slow down the SLOW mode. In FIFA 20, SLOW is perfect - even in Tele Broadcast where other FIFA games including 22 speed along at 100 mph.

Still a very good football game though - it's hooked me, and FIFA 21 I couldn't wait to stop playing.

I'm not playing anymore for a while though - looking forward to the update/patch now.

Just one more match first...
That's my FIFA PS3 setting mate! But i think on 14 or 16 for the zoom.
Didn't know it was so much "FIFA 10-14 lookalike" with the bigger pitch and all. Yes i will change the zoom a bit but the view is corresponding to what i'm searching. There's so much cameras, all with their pro and cons, i didn't even remember my fundamental.

Many thanks mate. It's more immersive to me. I remember there was a Dynamic who changed view to closer when there was a 1V1, and the other without. I tooked the other without (like the one you got, don't even think there's still Dynamic V2 or replaced by another name)

Edit: well to me FIFA 20 is not an option at all, i never really hated FIFA, i just disliked or lost interest on the series and switched to PES from the 17 small by small (well my own taste i won't argue about why, not a option simply) which makes me for the first time after buying the 20 and lost 50 euros with a promotion saying that the game is dead and won't never came back to 14 balance and physics logic.

Now, i tolerate like someone said FIFA 22 with his flaws, thanks to the AI which is finally playable, and challenging. Graphics, presentations, possibilities, yes. But not the realism part, i got really hard to agree. It's too agile and i prefers pressing than any feature in game / the well Legacy Def. is unusefull. Like i a well know member said it's far better with contain + manual.

But it's like i tolerated AO Tennis after 150 patchs and zero assistance (well, zero assistance +- equal to Top Spin lol, a bit harder but less logic overall)
It's a good game. But not Top Spin 4.
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That's my FIFA PS3 setting mate! But i think on 14 or 16 for the zoom.
Didn't know it was so much "FIFA 10-14 lookalike" with the bigger pitch and all. Yes i will change the zoom a bit but the view is corresponding to what i'm searching. There's so much cameras, all with their pro and cons, i didn't even remember my fundamental.

Many thanks mate. It's more immersive to me. I remember there was a Dynamic who changed view to closer when there was a 1V1, and the other without. I tooked the other without (like the one you got, don't even think there's still Dynamic V2 or replaced by another name)
You're welcome! Yeah Dynamic 2 used to zoom in, I replayed some good Fifa 11 lately and that's the last chapter they had it in (at least on pc which basically was a 10 port.. didn't checked if it was still on the Ps3 counterpart, might do out of curiosity the next time I play it). Don't think they ever replaced it later on. We seriously could use with more Cam customization anyway
Well i was lost with Cams to be honest. I tried all the new ones and it didn't fitted. Even Default or i don't remember what other didn't fit for me to play the right way, like when i was good lol. They added angle turn if i'm right and it's annoying me on Default, but never ever been the case on Dynamic on to contrary, weirdly. The cam following is better to adapt you little by little to the angle for wen you have to shoot on goal.
I'm not sure to be understood but well in some simple word : the angle turn seems more adaptative and less brutal when you run trough the pitch. Not turning only when you're closer to the goal.

On PS3 and it's still the best Fifa overally to me, with no tactical defending. There's should be gameplay changes as the contact and the midfield is more solid than FIFA 10. The more balanced in fact, i could said even more enjoying and solid than the 14 to me (as it's the closest to a PES in terms of gameplay with the same defending system, balance, with 360 degree movements) but for PC gamer it can't be the more "one game again".

FIFA 14 is far better on PC.

The 10 got a big issue with lob on GK, and others stuffs who were rectified. So what you got on PC is the 10 from PS3 with some rectifications, but not added animations, added algorithms added etc. but probably the same features i suppose. I tried and firstly it looked similar, but i watched a youtube vids and no, it isn't. It's just lookalike and also solid, but a bit too goal to goal like FIFA 10.
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