Sliders are great because you can tweak things how you like, there is nothing sacred about Vanilla settings. But I have to agree with you that most of the popular slider sets I've seen, and particularly the OS community sliders tend to make the game super flat for me. But that's because I am not a fan of super-low Sprint values like (5) because while they get rid of most of the sliding they also get rid of any momentum and inertia thus making players feel stuck to the pitch.I was like this too. Maybe try it Vanilla. I always find the sliders make the game dull for me. Maybe I didn’t give them enough time. During the trial I played it like I would play pro. Just trying to win and fully investing in each match rather than judging it. It felt good then and the usual stuff that winds me up about fifa dissipated.
We’re all different though
Anyway, duller is not exactly the problem for me, my real problem is if the game is super flat, that is: nice realistic pace during the build-up stage but then neither the player/CPU can accelerate the game in the final third. For me personally, my aim is to make the game as realistic as possible, therefore it needs to be somewhat slow during the build-up stage, BUT there have to be moments of explosion in the attacking areas, otherwise, the game will look flat.
And now that I'm seeing saturator's sliders they are kind of similar to the approach I have in my own personal sliders which, IMO provides a much more balanced and interesting game honestly. I will likely start a thread on the FIFA Editing forum with my own set following this "philosophy" which hopefully people will enjoy. I will also be updating it pretty regularly.