Having been initially very impressed by this game, I am having a tougher time with it now. I went with FUMA out of the gate and am playing on Professional. Although my shooting is acceptable, headers always fly over the bar. I am having a tough time getting to grips with the passing, it seems to require longer input than PES, so my passes have a tendency of being weak. One thing that makes little sense to me though, is the through passes. I press the button for what seems to be an age and it produces very weak passes that go nowhere about half of the time, the other half is fine.
I can't defend worth a damn of course, and even on slow the PL matches I have been playing seem quite fast - the very first CL game you play in the intro was lethargic in comparison. They do slow down as the games go on, and I have only played one slider game, but it did seem to slow it down to a more acceptable pace for me. I think the slider business also made it harder to just go down the wings and get a cross in, which is maybe a bit too easy on non-sliders Professional, with a top team.
Some of the Liverpool players feel very lifelike, Fabinho and Matip seem especially close to the real deal, when controlling them.
A couple of silly things, I can't make a short pass from a goal kick without it looking very stupid. Why not let us actually turn the goalkeeper towards the receiver?
Some transitions are naff, when a player scores a goal and celebrates, when cutting back to the kick off there is often a transition to the player, alone, doing a wild celebration like a kid in kindergarten who just scored his first ever goal playing against other kids. Just show the player jogging back, ffs.
Henderson looks more like the late George Michael, the only likeness that seems off to me so far.
And again, the big flags. We must make a petition about those stupid ass flags. Have them at the start, and then people would put them away because presumably they would like to see some of the match.
Edit: No Iceland in the National women's teams
I can't defend worth a damn of course, and even on slow the PL matches I have been playing seem quite fast - the very first CL game you play in the intro was lethargic in comparison. They do slow down as the games go on, and I have only played one slider game, but it did seem to slow it down to a more acceptable pace for me. I think the slider business also made it harder to just go down the wings and get a cross in, which is maybe a bit too easy on non-sliders Professional, with a top team.
Some of the Liverpool players feel very lifelike, Fabinho and Matip seem especially close to the real deal, when controlling them.
A couple of silly things, I can't make a short pass from a goal kick without it looking very stupid. Why not let us actually turn the goalkeeper towards the receiver?
Some transitions are naff, when a player scores a goal and celebrates, when cutting back to the kick off there is often a transition to the player, alone, doing a wild celebration like a kid in kindergarten who just scored his first ever goal playing against other kids. Just show the player jogging back, ffs.
Henderson looks more like the late George Michael, the only likeness that seems off to me so far.
And again, the big flags. We must make a petition about those stupid ass flags. Have them at the start, and then people would put them away because presumably they would like to see some of the match.
Edit: No Iceland in the National women's teams

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