Here in the US on xbox one, did trial and downloaded quickly! Went straight into CM with Liverpool and had all the same settings as 17 (no sliders yet as i rely on the community for those), and immediately noticed that things felt looser--manual passing is more difficult, weight seems different (both in passing and player movement, for the better), and defending (on legacy) is more challenging. Real life Liverpool would have been proud, Watford tore me up on the counter and sat back in numbers. Only bug I noticed was the commentary lagging/stuttering significantly. Gameplay was smooth, given what we've read about atmosphere being improved I was very underwhelmed. Not much noise, sounded very subdued.
Didn't get the beta and played only a couple matches on the demo so I'm not sure how these very brief impressions line up, but hoping to get more time in tomorrow.
Didn't get the beta and played only a couple matches on the demo so I'm not sure how these very brief impressions line up, but hoping to get more time in tomorrow.