FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Its funny how some people have gone from FIFA to PES and PES to FIFA this year. Ive gone back to PES after many years.

One thing that did annoy me on FIFA is the ridiculous kick off bug is still in - Hold down sprint from kick off 4 times - 3 times got all the way through and a shot on target the only time i didnt i was brought down and the AI sent off.

Cant believe this hasnt been sorted.

Still might buy it after 2nd patch as it will probably be reverted back to FIFA 15 then knowing EA
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Krebstar from Operation Sports has stated that tactics, formations and instructions completely work this year and he's delighted.

So are we.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

FIFA at that time was more arcadey than its current iteration; it was not necessarily more arcadey than PES at that time. So what he's saying makes sense.

And for many of us former hardcore PES fans, for years PES was simply just too poor to be considered a viable alternative to FIFA, like it is now.

No he doesn't make any sense, sorry. He's slated Asim for loving arcade games and that was the reason Asim jumped ship to PES 16. So Asim loved all the previous Fifas meaning obviously they were arcady games, which also happen to be the same time Sbu said these Fifa games were better than PES, that he enjoyed. So he's saying he's enjoyed what Asim enjoyed, the previous arcady Fifa games. And Fifa wasn't more arcady than PES? C'mon now. All the complaints of weightless players and no inertia and super speedy turns. Fifa was always more arcady. We always wanted Fifa to have PES' weighty feeling and inertia. That was one thing we always wanted and begged for that would've made Fifa feel much less arcady.

Just a reminder of my opinion of both; I don't think any of them is a true sim. They're both arcady in their own ways.

Anyway, whatever. I'm done with all this silly PES v Fifa talk. There's a thread for that which in all honesty I don't even care about. I just play what I enjoy and I wish you all do. Whatever floats your boat. I just wish neither get mentioned negatively on purpose every time someone wants to praise the other. That will always start a silly pointless argument. They're silly because it's always a defensive argument; almost never a mature one. It's always an exhausting one. So really who cares? Buy the game you like and enjoy it for whatever it is that it has that gives you satisfaction and enjoyment. That is all that really matters.

Ok but what a point? What do You want proof? For me Pes 2016 is amazing game and better than Fifa 16 in many aspects. Balance between sim and fun smashed Fifa. It not only my opinion look for reviews about Pes 2016. 87 % matecritics gave Pes. It's top game.

No need for any proof. He simply enjoys the game. There's no point preaching either. If you knew the shit-scored games or movies I enjoy you'd be surprised. If you're not interested in Fifa just don't post in here and leave this thread for the game's fans. Let them discuss it's pros and cons, because they care about it. You don't so you won't add any value here. Please do yourself and them a favor and stay in the threads of games you like. This constant PES is better or Fifa is better is just pointless.

If I see anyone baiting, stirring, or trolling in any thread I'm going straight banning. People are tired of this and just want to enjoy their game.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

No need for any proof. He simply enjoys the game. There's no point preaching either. If you knew the shit-scored games or movies I enjoy you'd be surprised. If you're not interested in Fifa just don't post in here and leave this thread for the game's fans. Let them discuss it's pros and cons, because they care about it. You don't so you won't add any value here. Please do yourself and them a favor and stay in the threads of games you like. This constant PES is better or Fifa is better is just pointless.

If I see anyone baiting, stirring, or trolling in any thread I'm going straight banning. People are tired of this and just want to enjoy their game.

Thanx :)
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Oh my god. These "discussions" reminds me of why I shouldn't read gaming forums or any forum at all on the internet. Some people are acting like they were still in pre-school. They're on the same level as five year olds. Same kind of arguments. It's embarassing and scary at the same time. Some people really deserve to get a ban or at least a long cooldown.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Oh my god. These "discussions"reminds me of why I]shouldn't read gaming forums or any forum at all on the internet. Some people are acting like they were still in pre-school. They're on the same level as five year olds. Same kind of arguments. It's embarassing and scary at the same time. Some people really deserve to get a ban or at least a long cooldown.

Thanks for the generalisation,it does not really serve much purpose finger pointing and describing members as 5 year olds though.

Combine not reading these forums with not posting and Your sorted.
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Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I feel like I'm in an episode of the Twilight Zone. How can so many critics be so wrong? I don't even concur with those of you that are being so measured as to suggest that both EA and Konami have produced great games this year and are both fabulous on the pitch. It's simply not true. For all of the good things PES is doing, the issues are critical ones. They are absolute game breakers. People are mentioning how they feel empty when they score a goal. That effectively means playing a football match on PES is boring. That's a complete and total failure; the absolute opposite to how a video game is supposed to make you feel.

I can't legislate for what a lot of the critics have to say about both games, but I've played them both enough to know that only one of them is worth playing. The other is laughably bad.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Oh my god. These "discussions" reminds me of why I shouldn't read gaming forums or any forum at all on the internet. Some people are acting like they were still in pre-school. They're on the same level as five year olds. Same kind of arguments. It's embarassing and scary at the same time. Some people really deserve to get a ban or at least a long cooldown.
Oooh your hard!
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Eurogamer's review of pes makes a great point about how pes often come away from gamescon with tons of awards and that it's well suited to short bursts with screamer long range goals that leave people impressed. But scratch past that and there's not much.
What they don't go on to say, but is the obvious FIFA argument that FIFA requires more effort and offers more long term.

I think most reviewers barely touch these games thinking one game is the same as the 70th so once they've played a couple they know it all. So suddenly pes is 9/10 the king is back and FIFA is too hard.

The positive spin here though is the point a lot of us think about when we are hoping they make the game more realistic and slower etc. that 'they're making so much money they don't care so maybe it's the same with this - they're making the game THEY want and assuming it sells well and makes them a fortune they'll continue.

Plus I think the difficulty plays right into their cash hungry hands. I imagine FUT is going to be as difficult and so kids will spend more than usual as they try for those superstars. So why make it easier next year so they can score just as easy with Emile Heskey as they can Ronaldo
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Fifa is actually good and playable against the AI this year, don't know what some reviewers have been smoking to rate it lower than 15.

And btw the only football game that Lami should only be allowed to play was Captain Tsubata because he's a damn corner cheater!!!! :P
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I'm REALLY struggling to create a chance on Professional this year. The CPU defence is just rock solid and no amount of trying to pass through it or run into space is working for me.

On top of that, I'm playing on semi passing and I feel like I'm at a huge disadvantage and the CPU feels like it's on the equivalent of assisted passing as every pass seems to be inch perfect and fired into the recipient.

Very different to FIFA 15 as I was scoring easily on Professional then.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

It's quite possible everyone needs to drop down 1 skill level until they get to grips with the mechanics of 16, no shame in that :) I usually play on World Class/Legendary and currently on Professional :)
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I like how it's more difficult to create chances in FIFA16.
Pressure of the midfield i'm still getting used to, but with practice perhaps ill get there.

What i do not like : the cpu ping ponging the ball around constantly.
Very hard to get the ball.
Some people say i have to wait till they are near my box, but with a good team it should be possible to catch it on their half of the pitch.

Starting to feel like the honeymoon is over.
Might have to sit this one out, and wait for some more opinions on here once the game is released.

Loved it at first but right now it's giving me too much frustration.
Might be just me having turned into a casual gamer though.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Ok, I dont have the full game yet, since the download is not yet completed, but Im playing the retail version of course.

I dont know if some of you follow some of my posts here. Those who do it might notice that I tend to preffer PES, but my point here is not comparing both games in anyway, but making a bold statement that might be a surprise for those who know my prefference towards PES.

And My bold claim is: AT LEAST based on my impressions from the first match I played, this might be the best Fifa ever created by sucha a long margin, my God!

I'll give more details later. All I can say by now is that the things that annoyed me a bit on the demo were vastly improved.

Anyone who says is like the demo, just because the gamespeed/pacd hasnt suffured much changes (wich is true) is soooo wrong.

The manual passing is just SUBLIME! And I am very surprised by how NO ONE made any mention yet about how much better it is in comparison to the demo version.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I like how it's more difficult to create chances in FIFA16.
Pressure of the midfield i'm still getting used to, but with practice perhaps ill get there.

What i do not like : the cpu ping ponging the ball around constantly.
Very hard to get the ball.
Some people say i have to wait till they are near my box, but with a good team it should be possible to catch it on their half of the pitch.

Starting to feel like the honeymoon is over.
Might have to sit this one out, and wait for some more opinions on here once the game is released.

Loved it at first but right now it's giving me too much frustration.
Might be just me having turned into a casual gamer though.

Edit some slidres. Put CPU pass error on 70 and first touch on 70 and playing on World Class they will already make lots of mistakes. No more +90% pass for all teams, like in the demo.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Full game is 90% demo. EA make some changes and the game is more similar to 15.
There are still a lot of 3rd kits missing in full game. Lyon, Barca, Inter, Roma, Galatasaray... Will they add them in the patch? Brazilian teams have real names. Ronaldinho is missing yet :(
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Edit some slidres. Put CPU pass error on 70 and first touch on 70 and playing on World Class they will already make lots of mistakes. No more +90% pass for all teams, like in the demo.

Ok, will give that a try.
Currently struggling on pro, so world class seems a million miles away.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I'm really baffled after reading many posts like this (read on another forum):

"If someone has not noticed it yet final version gameplay (as all the years) is worst than the gameplay demo.

here are some of the Things That, in my opinion, are worse in the final version (I'm only talking about offline gameplay aainst the cpu):

- Game is faster anche Generally if you play at slow (and can not touch the speed and acceleration slides' cause they mess up everything else)
- Dribbling have become too easy once again
- Cpu defenders fall asleep once again (not as in 15 but still they defend worst)
- Attackers agility have been increased (especially When they run with the ball)
- Ball physic is different. The ball was heavier before.
- Stamina decreases less than in the demo "

So the final version seems not to be like the demo!
The dream is gone!
I think this year i'll skip both games (PES and Fifa)
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Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I'd been playing the demo on Professional, so I continued with that with the retail. First match, I win 6-0, me Dortmund vs Hoffenheim. Crazy, crazy easy.

Replayed the match on World Class and, even with Hoffenheim getting a red card, the match ended 0-0. A fun, challenging match, though I didn't like seeing Hoffenheim finish with such a high passing acc stat.

I love how it's much more difficult to score this year, but I can see why people are finding it frustrating. The question will be whether early frustration is due to just getting used to the new game. For me right now it's challenging rather than frustrating; we'll see with time if that changes.

FIFA definitely has issues still with defending, which as many people have mentioned allows the CPU to retain possession all too easily. The whole tactical defending system just needs to be entirely gutted, and I still wish teammates were a bit more aggressive and assertive in situations they could make a tackle. And man after playing PES, I desperately miss having the teammate pressure actually do something helpful!

Really, really enjoy the variety within matches. It's such a huge strength of this franchise now. I also like that they've increased first touch error significantly.

So far the early reviews and impressions are real mixed bag. It'll be interesting to see where the opinion settles after more time with the game.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Like fuck stamina decreases less than the demo. I'd say it's faster! I never once noticed a player in the demo on rock bottom stamina. I don't play sprint fest games.

I'm playing the same way in the full and I did arsenal vs Norwich and Ozil was knackered at 60 mins!. I had to sub him off (achievement bing) and get Ramsey on.

Hopefully we get some decent sliders soon and we can get the pass error and other niggles tweaked
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

The game is out in a lot of stores in France.
I have the xbox one version and it's a masterpiece.
The gamespeed is the same as the demo, don't be scared!!
The IA is really good on Pro level, the goalkeepers are really good this year, they are cleaver and hard to beat. No more pingpong pass, yessssss!!
In carriere mode, when you have enough money to buy a player, you don't have to go back to the balance budget to increase your salary, it's automatic, again yesssssssssss!!!
I really love the pace in the game, the gamespeed in slow is perfect, and the trainning is a really good feature this year.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

First online Seasons match went awesome - dominated a guy who was clearly trying to exploit the game like last year. Basically all he did was spam long diagonal passes with zero luck.

Dude got frustrated, got a red card, and I won 3-1. Really satisfying after last year's online, goalfest debacle.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I have had to drop down to professional in FIFA 16 as well. I find it a much more enjoyable way to learn the nuances of the gameplay before stepping up to world class.

I can see why people get frustrated with it at the moment, sometimes I am, but in a way I like it, PES 5 frustrated the life out of me for the first few days compared to PES 4. Even after a couple of months of playing I would turn the PS2 off in a huff because it had just annoyed the hell out of me, but I still loved it. With frustration comes learning and with learning comes skill.

At the moment every goal I concede or every mistake I make I feel like I own it, I dont feel cheated and am finding FIFA 16 a rewarding experience thus far and a far cry from what FIFA 15 was.

I personally hope FIFA 16 is still frustrating me at Christmas!
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

First online Seasons match went awesome - dominated a guy who was clearly trying to exploit the game like last year. Basically all he did was spam long diagonal passes with zero luck.

Dude got frustrated, got a red card, and I won 3-1. Really satisfying after last year's online, goalfest debacle.
That's so good to hear. I spent most of my time on online seasons and my losses would status come from exploits and spamming rather than actually betting out classed and outplayed.

Sounds like this year's game is going to reward you for actually being patient and playing football.
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