FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

So by your own words, Fifa got better during the years PES went down, which happened to be the same years Asim jumped ship to Fifa, when it was more arcady, and you liked it.

Great post there. Bravo. Bravo.

FIFA at that time was more arcadey than its current iteration; it was not necessarily more arcadey than PES at that time. So what he's saying makes sense.

And for many of us former hardcore PES fans, for years PES was simply just too poor to be considered a viable alternative to FIFA, like it is now.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

This is from the FSB review: "You see, it seems like EA forgot to balance or tweak the defensive AI to cater for a good experience when you’re not playing a human. Your AI opponents, no matter the team, will usually hold a very rigid, unrealistically solid defensive line. This, more often than not, will mean you have to pass, pass and pass again in an attempt to break down two banks of four to create a chance or simple shooting opportunity. This might sound fun and “realistic” to some, but given that the pitch in FIFA is already quite small it makes for an extremely frustrating experience."

Worries me because no matter what your opinions on the reviewers themselves, no one who has played the demo on World Class can't say they've seen this.

Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

This is from the FSB review: "You see, it seems like EA forgot to balance or tweak the defensive AI to cater for a good experience when you’re not playing a human. Your AI opponents, no matter the team, will usually hold a very rigid, unrealistically solid defensive line. This, more often than not, will mean you have to pass, pass and pass again in an attempt to break down two banks of four to create a chance or simple shooting opportunity. This might sound fun and “realistic” to some, but given that the pitch in FIFA is already quite small it makes for an extremely frustrating experience."

Worries me because no matter what your opinions on the reviewers themselves, no one who has played the demo on World Class can't say they've seen this.


Yeah, my worry right now is that in a month's time (or maybe even just a week or so) we're going to be talking about the AI still not being good enough in FIFA.

That said, I don't really have the most faith in the guys at FSB anymore.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

The problem is:

You don't know if the reviewer is any good in this game or used to play against legendary cpu. He likes PES 2016, which is easy against superstar. In the FIFA 16 demo, the legendary CPU is a challenge, but you can score. But you need to adjust and give you some time with the game.

A friend of mine destroyed the PES 2016 CPU on superstar. Germany versus Brazil 8:1. Realistic, i know. :P

Than he started playing the FIFA 16 Demo on legendary: "Piece of shit, this game is terrible, players are so slow and move like tanks, i can't make anything in the offense." I said to him:" Why the hell are you playing on legendary, this is for players who are used to it." Answer:" because i'm good in PES."

What i'm saying is:
People reviewed PES first, than they start playing a much harder game. They can't score as easy in FIFA, so the game is not as good as PES.

Or EA really got crazy, and made Legendary unplayable, but it wasn't like this in the demo.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Haven't played full game but marketing is powerfull tool... This is first year in my life when I didn't buy pes becoise I prefer simulation not arcade games and this year fifa offers that...
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

The problem is:

You don't know if the reviewer is any good in this game or used to play against legendary cpu. He likes PES 2016, which is easy against superstar. In the FIFA 16 demo, the legendary CPU is a challenge, but you can score. But you need to adjust and give you some time with the game.

A friend of mine destroyed the PES 2016 CPU on superstar. Germany versus Brazil 8:1. Realistic, i know. :P

Than he started playing the FIFA 16 Demo on legendary: "Piece of shit, this game is terrible, players are so slow and move like tanks, i can't make anything in the offense." I said to him:" Why the hell are you playing on legendary, this is for players who are used to it." Answer:" because i'm good in PES."

What i'm saying is:
People reviewed PES first, than they start playing a much harder game. They can't score as easy in FIFA, so the game is not as good as PES.

Or EA really got crazy, and made Legendary unplayable, but it wasn't like this in the demo.

That's totally fair, but I can only go from what I've seen in the demo of FIFA: it's undeniable that (at least with no slider tweaks) the ability to keep the ball is absurd with the CPU, no matter what team they play as. Pass completion is almost always above 90%, sometimes above 95%!

Personally I can't believe that got through QA. I mean, there's a bit stat board at the end of every match, wouldn't be hard to test that against real life.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Guys there is a update 1? Is it the day 1 update? I am downloading right now. There were few gameplay changes.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Guys there is a update 1? Is it the day 1 update? I am downloading right now. There were few gameplay changes.
Doesn't alter the game in a negative way, don't worry.

As for the reviews, I've just read this on Twitter.

"Slightly slower, with more focus on build up play" is actually listed as a negative in GamesRadar's #FIFA16 review.

Imagine being one of the developers and reading that.

FIFA 17 will be shit as a result of these reviews, and 16 might even get patched to death at a later date.

Enjoy it while you can, folks.

(Imagine PES being marked down for being exciting...)
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Doesn't alter the game in a negative way, don't worry.

As for the reviews, I've just read this on Twitter.

Imagine being one of the developers and reading that.

FIFA 17 will be shit as a result of these reviews, and 16 might even get patched to death at a later date.

Enjoy it while you can, folks.

Why don't people watch an actual football match and then play FIFA 16 before reviewing it? We are not living on the early 2000's where arcade was a huge part of gaming. Now it's more into simulation and realism. These reviewers needs to pull out their head from their buttholes.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

You guys are making me jealous.. game releases on Thursday here (South Africa)... at least Thursday is a holiday I can play it from the morning :-)
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

im curious, what is the game like? most review sites are bashing the game and heaping praise on pes when it all honesty pes is lacking in certain areas as well
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

That's totally fair, but I can only go from what I've seen in the demo of FIFA: it's undeniable that (at least with no slider tweaks) the ability to keep the ball is absurd with the CPU, no matter what team they play as. Pass completion is almost always above 90%, sometimes above 95%!

Personally I can't believe that got through QA. I mean, there's a bit stat board at the end of every match, wouldn't be hard to test that against real life.

You're right, the possession play was a little too much. In FIFA 15, they sometimes played crazy tiki-taka (i called it: The 5 Barca-Minutes)around my box. In the FIFA 16 Demo, they played tiki-taka in their own half.

But I've countered it with high pressure in the custom tactics and teammate contain which forced the cpu to make long balls. (i'm not a fan of sliders).
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Doesn't alter the game in a negative way, don't worry.

As for the reviews, I've just read this on Twitter.

Imagine being one of the developers and reading that.

FIFA 17 will be shit as a result of these reviews, and 16 might even get patched to death at a later date.

Enjoy it while you can, folks.

(Imagine PES being marked down for being exciting...)

I know, it's pretty amazing that the game is getting knocked for being slightly slower and more methodical, which is exactly the biggest change the game needed!
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I know, it's pretty amazing that the game is getting knocked for being slightly slower and more methodical, which is exactly the biggest change the game needed!
PES used to be praised for exactly that...
I hope EA do not get swayed by this...
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

You're right, the possession play was a little too much. In FIFA 15, they sometimes played crazy tiki-taka (i called it: The 5 Barca-Minutes)around my box. In the FIFA 16 Demo, they played tiki-taka in their own half.

But I've countered it with high pressure in the custom tactics and teammate contain which forced the cpu to make long balls. (i'm not a fan of sliders).

I would still count that as an improvement. FIFA 15's AI was horribly repetitive and frustratingly scripted.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

What these people who review the game dont seem to understand is that FIFA is now harder to play/master just like PES used to be in its pomp.
PES has gone like FIFA used to be - pick up and play.

Im enjoying both. They both play football but in different ways.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

One thing I've been meaning to mention is that stupid defensive training drill in the demo. The one where you have two defenders chasing down the ball against 4 attackers stood in a diamond, one-touching to each other. It's already pretty hard given the lack of error in this mode, and that I'm using slow speed which makes the passing faster relative to the players, and that each attacker just instantly passes, and that the other defender just rounds around aimlessly.

But then, with a minute to go, the other defender just leaves, so you have 1 against 4? Bloody madness.

And this can be what tactical defending against the CPU's possession play is like. You cannot corral play into a cul-de-sac and then attack the ball-possessor - only one player tries to win the ball at a time. It just isn't fit for that particular purpose - hence why World Class / Legendary don't do it for me at the moment.

We really, REALLY need to make it absolutely clear to EA that they're completely headed in the right direction. There are definitely issues with 'sluggishness' being hard to come to terms with for new players, or with defensive lines being too rigid and play not being fluid enough, or with team individuality being too subtle. But there are many ways to try and fix these problems, and a lot of them would end up making the game worse. It's bloody crucial that we make explicitly clear exactly how to fix these problems without EA throwing out the baby with the bath water.

Can't stress that enough. Reviewers are the ones with power, with a voice and a contribution to metacritic, but not the football gaming palette to really know how to articulate these problems. In many cases they think simulation is mutually exclusive from fun. The real problem (if you think there's a problem) is that certain aspects of the game aren't being simulated well enough, which is letting the well-simulated parts down. Reviewers will say the solution is to dumb down the latter, rather than improve the former.

Twitter followers are going to make so much noise about how it isn't fun enough from day 1, and EA are going to make the wrong decisions. That is, unless YOU step up and speak with clarity. Be diplomatic, be positive about what's done right, and explain why things that aren't quite right need to be improved. Explain why the twitter followers and critics might have a point in some respects, but also why they haven't put their finger on the actual problem in the way you have.

It's really important that everyone who wants a simulation steps up, makes themselves heard, and writes in a way that developers can actually listen to, can understand in footballing terms, and doesn't resort to hyperbole. Otherwise we may take several steps back in the course of one year, which may take several years to redress.
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Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I've just been doing that 1v1 drill as part of Career Mode training, that's hard enough already as your opponent is the best dribbler at the club, not very fair when you're trying to improve a young crap defender! It does have a nice benefit that it's teaching me to be a better defender overall within the mechanics of the game :)
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

It's really important that everyone who wants a simulation steps up, makes themselves heard, and writes in a way that developers can actually listen to, can understand in footballing terms, and doesn't resort to hyperbole. Otherwise we may take several steps back in the course of one year, which may take several years to redress.
I honestly don't think there's enough of us to make a difference with regards to how the Metacritic will be viewed by the higher-ups, which makes all the difference.

Metacritic scores are a part of development now - when it comes to a series of games, anyway - and if enough reviewers mark FIFA down for being "too slow" and "boring" then no amount of Twitter positivity will help, I imagine.

Besides that, because of the nature of consumers - those with complaints are ALWAYS more vocal and persistent than those with none - there will doubtless be more angry Twitter people than there would ever be happy Twitter people.

I'm enjoying FIFA 16 a hell of a lot, but if they do react based on these initial reviews, I'm hoping Konami put all their eggs in the Pro Evo basket next year and make up for the drop in FIFA's quality that will be the result...

(I guess that's another point - if PES smashes FIFA in the metacritic scores, will Konami "wake up" and give them more money? Or, in-fact, are they more likely to say "look what we achieved on a shoestring budget - see, you guys don't need more money, just carry on as-is"...)
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Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Every year I would see the same comment reappearing for PES " The King is back!"-.-
In my opinion, the last decent PES is still PES 6.

Fifa is clearly better this year.
In fact, PES 2016 is even more arcade orientated than Fifa 16.
- GK too weak.
- Almost all shots are on target
- Almost no fouls.
- lack in variety of goals
- Terrible PC port
I played on Top player.

Despite some little issues, Fifa 16 is still one of the best fifa in years. Probably since world cup 2010.

Fifa 14 demo as well as 15 demo was great but EA patched the full game in favor of casual players.
Thus both games became a sprint fest with speedy players.

Finger crossed that EA will not listen to people complaining about the buildup plays and the difficulties in scoring this year. (Gamesradar's laughable review)
I have been looking forward to this simulation version of Fifa for years.
I feel satisfied and happy when I score a goal, it is the good old PES 3-6 magical feeling that keeps me playing.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Those reviews just show how good game this year is!
Played yesterday 3 matches online, and all those guys played on feints (like those guys on YT like hjpset or what is his username) and other played just from bugs (trying whole game dropshots from long distance) but NO! They couldnt do anything. Game is amaizing. ITs slow, need action to be created, and patience. FAntastic! Thats why kids dont like it.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I honestly don't think there's enough of us to make a difference with regards to how the Metacritic will be viewed by the higher-ups, which makes all the difference.

Metacritic scores are a part of development now - when it comes to a series of games, anyway - and if enough reviewers mark FIFA down for being "too slow" and "boring" then no amount of Twitter positivity will help, I imagine.

Besides that, because of the nature of consumers - those with complaints are ALWAYS more vocal and persistent than those with none - there will doubtless be more angry Twitter people than there would ever be happy Twitter people.

I'm enjoying FIFA 16 a hell of a lot, but if they do react based on these initial reviews, I'm hoping Konami put all their eggs in the Pro Evo basket next year and make up for the drop in FIFA's quality that will be the result...

(I guess that's another point - if PES smashes FIFA in the metacritic scores, will Konami "wake up" and give them more money? Or, in-fact, are they more likely to say "look what we achieved on a shoestring budget - see, you guys don't need more money, just carry on as-is"...)

Ok but what a point? What do You want proof? For me Pes 2016 is amazing game and better than Fifa 16 in many aspects. Balance between sim and fun smashed Fifa. It not only my opinion look for reviews about Pes 2016. 87 % matecritics gave Pes. It's top game.
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Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Doesn't alter the game in a negative way, don't worry.

After playing extensivly pre-patch(over 25 hours) and now post patch my conclusion is that they did NOT alter the pace/speed of the game itself...

BUT(yes theres a but) one thing they did touch is player trapping(its evan listed in the patch fixes) and this is having a subtle impact in the game fluidity and ultimatly speed too, nothing game breaker but i do feel the game is more responsive now and i can break from tight spaces with more ease, making the hole thing more fluid and also a little bit faster.
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