FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I've seen this pic over at SoccerGaming.
I hope this is distorted somehow, or a joke, or Heaven knows what as long as it's not the default body models:
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I've seen this pic over at SoccerGaming.
I hope this is distorted somehow, or a joke, or Heaven knows what as long as it's not the default body models:

WTF is this? Please someone tell me this is a joke???? :PRAY:

DEMO models where far better than this!
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

All of them look good to me apart the two in front.
One looks like the slenderman (and it could be pretty much legit, I don't know the player so he maybe he's just tall and skinny like Crouch), the other one... Well... Either he's Hulk in disguise or they've given him the "Akinfenwa" body type for mistake.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread



Just compare the body models, night and day!

Look at the legs, what is that on first picture, sticks instead of legs ???
I hope that is FIFA 15 screenshot...
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Interesting having read the two PES threads extensively the last couple of days, if someone replied like that in the PES thread you'd be telling them off for trolling, but when it's against Fifa you're even happy to take part in it yourself, real lack of balance IMO.

That's a joke between me and my friend Jimi.

Take a chill pill will ya. Too serious and sensitive.

And what's so wrong about me being surprised someone calling Fifa super hardcore sim? Don't tell me you believe that? Hell I don't even believe PES is super hardcore sim. So yes I'll use the same reaction if someone said that same thing about PES. I even posted in the PES thread before than none of these games are realistic and I'd like a dev to give football sim lovers that game one day. So thanks for the silly accusation.
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Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Just compare the body models, night and day!

Look at the legs, what is that on first picture, sticks instead of legs ???
I hope that is FIFA 15 screenshot...
It is a FIFA 15 Screenshot, you can be sure of it ;)

The guy from soccergaming forum just wanted to preview the Cardiff City kit he made for FIFA 16 and used FIFA 15 to make the screenshot.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Take a chill pill will ya. Too serious and sensitive.

Is that your "official" response to me as a moderator?

I have nothing against you Lami and think you're top drawer (as they say), but IMO your high opinion of PES sometimes leads to a bias against PES criticism and a neglect of similar Fifa criticism, maybe you don't read the Fifa threads as much as you read the PES threads (and perhaps the same applies to the other more active moderators) but there certainly to me at least feels as though there's a disparity between the line taken when moderating PES and the line taken when moderating Fifa.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

This year he's correct, the demo by default plays a terrific sim game, and with slider adjustments and player edits even more so. My :CONFUSE: with his post had to do with the fact he didn't seem to appreciate the fact that FIFA plays so sim!
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

well tried FIFA 16 PS3 retail, gladly its the same as the demo. its the most competitive yet balanced FIFA now, it even owns the next gen in terms of gameplay imo
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Is that your "official" response to me as a moderator?

I have nothing against you Lami and think you're top drawer (as they say), but IMO your high opinion of PES sometimes leads to a bias against PES criticism and a neglect of similar Fifa criticism, maybe you don't read the Fifa threads as much as you read the PES threads (and perhaps the same applies to the other more active moderators) but there certainly to me at least feels as though there's a disparity between the line taken when moderating PES and the line taken when moderating Fifa.

That's my official response to you as myself. What is it that you don't like about my post? How do you find me biased? Have you not seen the incredible amount of negativity in that thread since PES4? And it has only increased drastically since PES6. There's a difference between criticism, trolling and winding up. Constructive criticism is welcome, which is what the PES thread is filled with, along with crappy troll posts. Hell it even bugs the PES fans and they complain the thread is too negative. It needs heavy moderation because of that. Many people have stopped coming to evo-web because they thought the PES thread is too negative, then I'm accused I don't allow criticism? Seriously what more do you want in there? A troll haven? People have to understand that this forum is first and foremost a PES forum. So the obvious would be is PES fans signing up to discuss PES. The number of people posting in the Fifa thread isn't even close so it doesn't attract as many trolls. Every time I've come to this thread I've noticed it needs less moderating because of that. The Fifa thread is much more peaceful. I wish the PES thread was the same and wasn't such a troll attraction.

Do you read my posts in the PES thread? I've been complaining about a few things I found game-breaking on PES before. I haven't been playing PES properly since PES 2011 because I wasn't really satisfied. But I don't try hard to make people hate the game, whether PES or Fifa, because I'm unhappy with it, like many here are on a mission to do. I do like PES 2016 now as I find it more football related than Fifa because it translates my thoughts into the game nicely. I have discouraged people from trolling and sounding like broken records in both the PES and Fifa threads before.

Anyway, and imo, I've noticed you being defensive quite a number of times here. Honome once joked and you jumped on him. The guy never came back since apart from a post or two I've seen the last week. In case you didn't know Honome spent the last 2 years playing Fifa instead of PES. I just did that now with a friend and you jumped out of nowhere. It was just meant to be me aimed at him. Next time I'll make sure I send him a PM and not irritate the sensitive guys in here.

In all honesty I can't be bothered getting irritated over video-games. Banter here and there and poking light-hearted fun at each other is ok, but I cannot get sensitive and defensive over video-games. I find that very weird and discourage people from doing so. People signing up to wind up people over a video-game, people getting mad and defensive then aggressive, then insulting each other to no end and for what? Has anyone in here stopped to think for a moment, what about the person who likes PES or Fifa? Maybe that person would be my bum-chum irl if we'd met? Are we only judged as good or bad people because we like a certain football game? How silly is that? It's just a never ending viscous cycle.

Anyway sorry for the long incoherent rant, and please continue to talk about Fifa. I'm never posting jokes in here again.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Well said Placebo

This is the problem with Evo-Yawn.

Lami is a hypocrite. There was a guy in PES thread a few days ago using the words 'retarded' and 'gay'. Does this guy get banned? No.

IF you praise PES and slate FIFA, you'll be fine here. You will be accepted by Lami the PES Fanboy.

IF you have a negative opinion of PES and praise FIFA, you won't last long - you will be banned.

This is why Evo-Yawn is dead as a dodo most days. None of the old members post anymore, as Classic D stated. Why? Because this place is full of the Super Fanboy now like that Los Lamingos Amiga Fanboy guy and Zeemeister the Annoying African Lion Tamer Super PES Fanboy who pretends that he's played FIFA and slates it (When we all know he hasn't touched the thing.)

The moderators at this forum are unprofessional to say the least. They ban people for being 're-gens' when half the time they're new members. Do you know how I know this? Because I have several accounts with different IP addresses yet you keep banning the wrong ones!

Take Clown Baby. He wasn't me, he was an actual real member who was banned for god knows what (probably pissed Lami Fanboy off with his negative opinions of Pathetic Electronic Soccer 2016.)

Then you've got Jay 'Egghead' Grim with his young followers Honome and Chris 'I have never kissed a girl before' Davies. Isn't Jay about 40 years old? And he still spends his weekends in the Evo-Web chatroom? What a sad bastard! What in the actual fuck does JayGrim contribute around here? Nothing. Sarcastic one liners. But that's not trolling? Why? How isn't that breaking forum rules?

This is the thing. There are rules for some people here but not others. It's why Evo-Yawn is dying and won't be around in a few years when Konami stop making PES, which they will.

Anyway, have a nice weekend dudes. I've got around 10 other accounts to play with and lots of IP addresses so I will probably be back at some point - when I am bored and fancy a good troll.

PS. Lami, you are a steaming big pile of boring PES fanboy!


Thanks for the entertainment. Exactly the kind sad kind of people I try to avoid and sign up yearly just to wind people up. This is the kind of person that's been banned yearly. I mean how sick and sad can one get that they have no life but to wait for the same yearly period to do exactly the same thing? I hope this fucktard is proof enough of how hard moderating the PES thread is. Dealing with such people who have no life but to spoil other's fun. This idiot always signs up as a PES fan praising it to no end then magically turns against it after watching videos and playing the demo. Wolf in sheep clothing. Every damn year. And he's not alone. And when he starts crying about how we aren't fair and not allow PES criticisms it just does my head in. Trying to act innocent and winding others up. We know who he is and we know what he's up to. I mean how obvious can you get when you do the same damn thing every year? It's called insanity.
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Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Well said Placebo

This is the problem with Evo-Yawn.

Lami is a hypocrite. There was a guy in PES thread a few days ago using the words 'retarded' and 'gay'. Does this guy get banned? No.

IF you praise PES and slate FIFA, you'll be fine here. You will be accepted by Lami the PES Fanboy.

IF you have a negative opinion of PES and praise FIFA, you won't last long - you will be banned.

This is why Evo-Yawn is dead as a dodo most days. None of the old members post anymore, as Classic D stated. Why? Because this place is full of the Super Fanboy now like that Los Lamingos Amiga Fanboy guy and Zeemeister the Annoying African Lion Tamer Super PES Fanboy who pretends that he's played FIFA and slates it (When we all know he hasn't touched the thing.)

The moderators at this forum are unprofessional to say the least. They ban people for being 're-gens' when half the time they're new members. Do you know how I know this? Because I have several accounts with different IP addresses yet you keep banning the wrong ones!

Take Clown Baby. He wasn't me, he was an actual real member who was banned for god knows what (probably pissed Lami Fanboy off with his negative opinions of Pathetic Electronic Soccer 2016.)

Then you've got Jay 'Egghead' Grim with his young followers Honome and Chris 'I have never kissed a girl before' Davies. Isn't Jay about 40 years old? And he still spends his weekends in the Evo-Web chatroom? What a sad bastard! What in the actual fuck does JayGrim contribute around here? Nothing. Sarcastic one liners. But that's not trolling? Why? How isn't that breaking forum rules?

This is the thing. There are rules for some people here but not others. It's why Evo-Yawn is dying and won't be around in a few years when Konami stop making PES, which they will.

Anyway, have a nice weekend dudes. I've got around 10 other accounts to play with and lots of IP addresses so I will probably be back at some point - when I am bored and fancy a good troll.

PS. Lami, you are a steaming big pile of boring PES fanboy!


We always know it is you because you act exactly the same every time you douche bag. The only sad one is you for having 10 accounts and keep coming back being a knob.

I can safely say you have mental issues, I hope you see somebody one day so we can stop with your drivel.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Anyway sorry for the long incoherent rant, and please continue to talk about Fifa. I'm never posting jokes in here again.

Actually, please don't be sorry I appreciated you taking the time to make your points and I agree and understand a lot of them :) I wasn't aware that your "emoticomment" earlier was a joke so I'm more than happy to hold my hands up to that one and say sorry :)

As for Honome, I don't remember quite to what you're referring but if it's the incident I think it was...I have nothing against him personally, however for some reason he went through a spell of making really snidey remarks (bantz) to people (not just me) that he didn't know other than as a name posting on a forum, I'd never had any kind of direct communication with him (as I have had with other people on here) and even if someone like Chris who I do consider myself good friends with had made similar "bants" towards me I would have raised an eyebrow, when someone I don't know from Adam makes such comments to me I will certainly respond, it was never my intention to force him out of the forums obviously, just to stop directing his "humour" in my direction.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I'd really prefer you don't agree with me and then insult a very dear friend of mine in the same post, thanks.
:D No worries man, all fun and games.

My favourite bit was the denial that he was Clown Baby. "That wasn't even me, you fools! Mwahaha! It hasn't bothered me at all! I'm not upset! Don't even care, bro! I'm just going to rant and cry and bitch and come back ten more times to say the same thing until eventually I run out of IPs, THAT'S HOW MUCH I DON'T CARE! Wasn't even me! Seriously!" Comedy gold (by forum standards, anyway).

It's a welcome distraction during the week up to the full release... :)
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

And I just went back and read what I said to Honome in November 2014 and I don't think I was that mean to him, I explained what I had an issue with, so please don't blame me anymore for taking him offline ;)

Even Gerd forgave me for what I said to him many moons ago and to him I certainly was out of line ;)
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Out of interest with regards to teams plyaing the same - were any of the mods/patches last year focussed on tactics? Like did anyone go through all the prem teams and change them up, for example?

Absolutely love the gameplay when I have the ball, but I'm just letting the CPU waltz to the edge of my area before I try to defend because it's more entertaining than watching them for 10 minutes pass the ball in their half.

I had an extra time against Dortmund, and the entirety of the 2nd period of it they kept the ball without shooting. Literally, the 15 minutes of game time I didn't touch it, couldn't get near them. And it was a draw!!! I actually think it might be a bug they'll fix, seems like something is wrong with the AI.
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