FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

@Chris Davies .. deadly serious mate :)

Its trivial about covers etc but I always found Fifa seemed to select the crappiest action shot to use, must be a theme.

For example in fifa 14, how come they replaced Messi with the Actor John Turturro? That confused me somewhat ...


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Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

That doesn't look like John Turturro. lol

The real point is it doesn't look like Messi either (if you removed the barca kit would anyone have known?) ... :) AS in .. a much better idea is a clear non expression shot.

Dont know why they dont do that, just take a HD face shot and have that.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Henderson! Really... Seems like the only thing Liverpool has won recently is an online poll. Henderson ffs! Looks ridiculous next to Messi.

Good thing I'm not getting a retail hard copy and I can change the cover image on Origin! :BLEH:
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Henderson! Really... Seems like the only thing Liverpool has won recently is an online poll. Henderson ffs! Looks ridiculous next to Messi.
If Messi can wear a skin-tight lycra suit to advertise a phone for no apparent reason, and Henderson can say some cringeworthy shit to advertise a skin cream, I don't think this is a big deal. It's not really about footballing ability, is it - that's not the world we live in...
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Henderson sounds good to me, as a North American I think anything Euro football related is just fine. Except for Ronaldo, he's a dink.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Recommended requisites FIFA 16 PC:

OS: Windows 8/8.1/10 -64-bit
CPU: Intel i5-2550K @ 3.4Ghz
Hard Drive Space Required: 15.0 GB
Supported Video Cards: ATI Radeon HD 6870, NVIDIA GTX 460
DirectX: 11.0

Minimal requisites FIFA 16 PC:

OS: Windows 7/8/8.1 -64-bit
CPU: Intel Core i3-2100 @ 3.1GHz
Hard Drive Space Required: 15.0 GB
Minimum Supported Video Cards: ATI Radeon HD 5770, NVIDIA GTX 650
DirectX: 11.0
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

The 460 is two years older than the 650.

It maybe 2 years older but it is a 60 series not a 50 series so it actually outperforms the 650.

The 60 series is the mid range card and generally pretty good performers the 50 series are the low end gaming cards.

The 3D Mark scores on the cards in similar systems are:
460 - 3560
650 - 2900
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Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

It maybe 2 years older but it is a 60 series not a 50 series so it actually outperforms the 650.
Okay, thanks. So comparing my two laptops, why is my GT 445 card -- which is two years older -- not as good as my GT 640 card? And so these companies actually produce cards that aren't as good as the cards they made two years previous... That just blows my mind, I assumed all technology always leapfrogs itself.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Okay, thanks. So comparing my two laptops, why is my GT 445 card -- which is two years older -- not as good as my GT 640 card? And so these companies actually produce cards that aren't as good as the cards they made two years previous... That just blows my mind, I assumed all technology always leapfrogs itself.

The 445 would just be a modified 440, that is why it won't be as quick as the 640.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Maybe is a bad typo from EA sports, that info is from Origin. :CONF:
I'm with bsmaff on this. Usually it's the "second" number that represents the tier of the product, the higher the number the higher the tier.
The first nmber just shows the "generation" of the product (so, for example, Intel CPUs named 2xxx are Sandy Bridge ones while 4xxx ones are Haswell ones, and in the middle we have Ivy Bridge CPUs named 3xxx).
This means that a Core i7 3930K will probably score better than a Core i7 4770K in a benchmark despite having the lower number.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I'm with bsmaff on this. Usually it's the "second" number that represents the tier of the product, the higher the number the higher the tier.
The first nmber just shows the "generation" of the product (so, for example, Intel CPUs named 2xxx are Sandy Bridge ones while 4xxx ones are Haswell ones, and in the middle we have Ivy Bridge CPUs named 3xxx).
This means that a Core i7 3930K will probably score better than a Core i7 4770K in a benchmark despite having the lower number.

Was talking about graphic cards, not chipsets. :BYE:
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Sorry for not being clear, I was just sayin' that it's not just nVidia, it's a common practice even with AMD graphic cards and with other stuff (like Intel CPUs).
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

You know what would be lovely? Online, co-op career mode where I can tailor the gameplay settings any way I see fit. The dream. Hell, give me just a basic season/cup mode that I can play on slow, World Class with sliders with my friend. How difficult is that to accomplish?
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

You know what would be lovely? Online, co-op career mode where I can tailor the gameplay settings any way I see fit. The dream. Hell, give me just a basic season/cup mode that I can play on slow, World Class with sliders with my friend. How difficult is that to accomplish?

Yeh man, co-op career mode is what we really need in FIFA, its been there for ages in Madden and other sports games... this would finally take us to next gen.

And yeh, its been done by EA in Madden, shouldnt be difficult to adapt to FIFA, it works great in Madden.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

We are more likely to see co-op online seasons in UT first, thats the mode that EA gives 2 shits about.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

EA's main priority is UT, it generates them a shit load of additional income, adding additional features to Career Mode is not in there best interest...
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Check out this comment :

EA held a public poll but excluded Arsenal players to stop them rigging the vote. Therefore online Arsenal communities decided to vote in Henderson instead, other clubs might've helped too. I voted three times to make sure...
If this is true, it is fucking hilarious :LMAO:
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Well let's face it the choices were shocking.

Henderson, Coutouis and Kane..

There are much better players in the Premier League.
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