FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

That no touch stuff looks impressive. Now... is there a way to slow FIFA down to slo-mo speed like that, in order to make no touch dribbling useful when playing actual games?
Perhaps a turn-based online mode, or a VATS game mode like Fallout. :LOL:

I'm sure millions love the dribbling in FIFA but I always find it a bit "childish", for want of a better word.

(Maybe that's just because I really cannot do it and I end up getting absolutely murdered by 10-year-olds who know how to, essentially, glue the ball to their player's foot.)
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I'm sure millions love the dribbling in FIFA but I always find it a bit "childish", for want of a better word.
I grab the ball and run forward until I hit something, hopefully the other team's net but usually just Per Mertesacker.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I've started playing 15 again too with tweaked sliders (the biggest change being the "slow" speed setting and further reductions to the speed and pass speed sliders), and honestly, apart from the defending (which I think is truly atrocious), the game is brilliant, in my opinion.

Playing as Liverpool against West Brom, at their ground (which is one of those graphical details that shouldn't be important but is somehow), finding it very difficult to grind out a goal, Henderson whipped a free kick into the box and Sterling, with a glancing header (which I rarely see), managed to direct the ball onto the underside of the bar and just over the line.

The feeling that gave me compares to the Pro Evo games of old. Hard work against an AI that feels "cheaty" (though the sliders help even it out), resulting in a goal.

I think this year's PES is great too, and the better game with the default settings I think (if I couldn't alter the sliders in FIFA I wouldn't play it, and I don't play it online any longer). But I'd say the potential with FIFA is huge, because so much of the game is already great. It's only the 10%-15% that's badly wrong (defending, CPU AI, team styles in general) that can spoil the rest of it.

I'm so glad that the producer is talking about overall tweaks and no big key features, and that defending is top of the list of changes. From my point of view, they couldn't be talking a better game.

I just hope it all comes together - I've not been this excited for a football game in years.

Exactly the same thoughts as mine.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread


the shadow says it is a night match. its from E3 presentation. confused !!
did they really fix night lighting? other screens or footage look same as 15 !

It is exactly what I thought about while watching latest FIFA 16 features video. I even screen-shotted that part of it when actual gameplay under the lights is shown to consider whether the brightness of overnight games has been improved.

HOPEFULLY. I look forward to see another improvments of FIFA, and as I can remember from last year, almost all news of what's being new on FIFA have been announced just about a month before the game was released. So we still have a couple of weeks till Gamescom and August when we will get all details of even the smallest, newly developed things into the game.

According to last year again, FIFA surprised me in really positive way by including a lot of details to FIFA 16 - moveable corner flags, goal posts, boots' signs on turf, dirty kits after sliding tackles or FINALLY - completely new looking of rain that comes down from the sky (we know how it looked like on previous FIFAs..). And all these things were announced just before an official game release.

Look forward to be surprised in this year again. If they will change the goals nets, player's model and kits that look just weakly and game lighting while playing under lights, then nothing else has to be changed of visual game aspects for me, to be honest.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

It is exactly what I thought about while watching latest FIFA 16 features video. I even screen-shotted that part of it when actual gameplay under the lights is shown to consider whether the brightness of overnight games has been improved.

HOPEFULLY. I look forward to see another improvments of FIFA, and as I can remember from last year, almost all news of what's being new on FIFA have been announced just about a month before the game was released. So we still have a couple of weeks till Gamescom and August when we will get all details of even the smallest, newly developed things into the game.

According to last year again, FIFA surprised me in really positive way by including a lot of details to FIFA 16 - moveable corner flags, goal posts, boots' signs on turf, dirty kits after sliding tackles or FINALLY - completely new looking of rain that comes down from the sky (we know how it looked like on previous FIFAs..). And all these things were announced just before an official game release.

Look forward to be surprised in this year again. If they will change the goals nets, player's model and kits that look just weakly and game lighting while playing under lights, then nothing else has to be changed of visual game aspects for me, to be honest.

these screens also indicates the improved lighting. its not good enough, but at least they did some work may be.

Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I think graphics aren't as bad as people make them out to be. However I do think the turfs should be A LOT better. On close up cinematics, it looks perfect, but from gameplay camera... I'm not convinced.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I think graphics aren't as bad as people make them out to be. However I do think the turfs should be A LOT better. On close up cinematics, it looks perfect, but from gameplay camera... I'm not convinced.

i also hope they will improve the gameplay camera with more zoom out option like old gen fifa. fifa 15 camera is too zoomed in. sliders doesn't work at all !! i don't like co-op cam.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

That Toure bit looked quite great like it has changed massively. A short bit but enough to make me look forward to gamescom.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

That Messi feint is already in FIFA - it locks you into an animation too and you can't get out of it.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I would be allot more interested in these extra features if like PES (don't slam me here its my only way to explain it) has COM control so you see AI utilise this when playing against them, hopefully it will, can anyone confirm this at all? Does that fare well in 15 at the moment? I know since I jumped ship from 14 I never really saw "AI" players do much like this.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I would be allot more interested in these extra features if like PES (don't slam me here its my only way to explain it) has COM control so you see AI utilise this when playing against them, hopefully it will, can anyone confirm this at all? Does that fare well in 15 at the moment? I know since I jumped ship from 14 I never really saw "AI" players do much like this.
That's not in FIFA, in FIFA the CPU shifts from "normal mode," to "bumbling fools mode" where they stand around like pylons allowing you to score ridiculously easy goals, to "psychic ninja mode" where they are 3 steps ahead of every move you make... and before you even have the thought in your head to move! As I said already, awful, horrible, juvenile AI coding that needs to be completely scrapped. Oh, and I forgot "batshit crazy mode" that kicks in just before the end of each half.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Oh, and I forgot "batshit crazy mode" that kicks in just before the end of each half.

Hmmm, that still happens then? I thought 15 might have had an overhaul especially this. I do remember it from 14 and prior. Oh well.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Hmmm, that still happens then? I thought 15 might have had an overhaul especially this. I do remember it from 14 and prior. Oh well.
Some say it's toned down, but the ridiculous stats boost coding is still the way EA programs "tactics changes." The CPU definitely doesn't shift actual tactics ala PES, which is what you seem to be asking.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

That's not in FIFA, in FIFA the CPU shifts from "normal mode," to "bumbling fools mode" where they stand around like pylons allowing you to score ridiculously easy goals, to "psychic ninja mode" where they are 3 steps ahead of every move you make... and before you even have the thought in your head to move! As I said already, awful, horrible, juvenile AI coding that needs to be completely scrapped. Oh, and I forgot "batshit crazy mode" that kicks in just before the end of each half.
I don't think I'm a fanboy of any description but I've got to say, in my personal experience (switching between the top two difficulties), I've not seen "bumbling fools mode" or teams performing exceptionally well in the last five minutes of a half (I've seen lots of last-minute goals online so I'm sure it's in the code somewhere, but against the CPU, I've not really noticed this).

"Psychic ninja mode", though, is a huge bugbear of mine on the higher difficulty levels. This is what I find happens:

WORLD CLASS: Opponents are far too good at predicting what I'm going to do, and create lots of scoring opportunities that they always seem to miss (I find the shot stats are usually hugely in the CPUs favour, e.g. 14 shots with only 1-2 goals scored)

LEGENDARY: Opponents don't seem to be able to predict what I'm going to do, BUT once they gain possession, it is next to impossible to get it off them because when you're within a few feet of the ball, they either pass it away or dribble past you like you weren't there, and they refuse to actually shoot until they are 90%+ likely to score (much lower shot count but more goals, e.g. 7 shots, 1-2 goals scored)

Slider tweaks don't seem to fix the above, either (making pass accuracy worse for the CPU, for example, just seems to make them pass less - the tweaks are "overridden").

For me (though to overly simplify it), the shooting and passing AI from World Class with the defensive AI from Legendary would be great.

CPU difficulty sliders needed, maybe?
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Slider tweaks don't seem to fix the above, either (making pass accuracy worse for the CPU, for example, just seems to make them pass less - the tweaks are "overridden").

CPU difficulty sliders needed, maybe?
The reason I've played the PC version only for the past 4 years is because the psychic ninja stuff can be fixed by applying global edits to players' ratings - lowering every player's agility, accel, etc. Truth is, FIFA with global edits plays a very fair game, it pretty much neutralizes the stat boost stuff and I'm pretty happy with the game after that.
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Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

FIFA 06 (xbox360 version).

That's how goal nets looked like on FIFA 06.

It was times better than nets we can see in latest EA's products. The first at all - the whole goal looks more realistic due to net texture that doesn't make it too thick, and net's tension is absolutely nice.



Additionally, look at net physics. After 9 years of the date when FIFA 06 was released, we supposed to have extremely realistic netting on latest FIFA, provided that nets in all next FIFA released games would have been based on 06 physics.

EA should go in that way and just trying to get these nets better and better from year to year. That would be a perfect "base" ever for an ideal goal nets in football games.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I'm so tired of this stupid shooting animation. So unnatural, so unrealistic


EA folks, I know that goal celebrations are very important in a football game, but you can also use motion capture for this kind of "silly" things
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

My issue with that no touch stuff is that it looks too exaggerated. Messi wouldn't make a massive gesture like that to sell a defender. It would be a subtle movement that skins the defender and bang, he's past you. And from what I've seen, Messi changes pace and direction to beat you but rarely ever does what they're showing off as a new feature.

It's also the thing that irks me about the CPU moving with the ball - the touches they take are too far/big - whereas you see on PES the players move with the ball closer to them if they're trying to shield it - on FIFA they do a slalom skiing animation. If they could reduce the radius of those movements and the movements in the no touch stuff shown in that video, it would definitely appear more lifelike to me.

But back to the game - I've been playing a bit of online seasons and a bit of a season mode with Southampton. Professional mode with a couple of sliders tweaked and fast game setting (so I don't feel like it's too different to when I play online or with a couple of mates). Has been very good.

Playing with 2-3 star teams gives you some unpredictability in passing and shooting because of the higher error stats and the game feels more organic and more of a grind (in a good way) without having to play on manual settings.

So I wouldn't change slider settings before every game like someone else implied before but definitely you could come up with different settings based on different leagues and the abilities of the teams within. Subtle changes with the weaker teams and a little bit more on the better teams. You can reduce the same same kinda feeling you get with the perfect passing and first touch and the game doesn't get stale as quick.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

FIFA 06 (xbox360 version).

That's how goal nets looked like on FIFA 06.

It was times better than nets we can see in latest EA's products. The first at all - the whole goal looks more realistic due to net texture that doesn't make it too thick, and net's tension is absolutely nice.



Additionally, look at net physics. After 9 years of the date when FIFA 06 was released, we supposed to have extremely realistic netting on latest FIFA, provided that nets in all next FIFA released games would have been based on 06 physics.

EA should go in that way and just trying to get these nets better and better from year to year. That would be a perfect "base" ever for an ideal goal nets in football games.


The nets are good!
I know I was ranting a little about the bar that jumps off the grass everytime a strong shot hits the net.
I thought it was unrealistic until I saw the U21 Germany vs Portugal (where Germany got crushed 5:0) and there happened exactly the same!

Nets are good.
Better tone down pace.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

But back to the game - I've been playing a bit of online seasons and a bit of a season mode with Southampton. Professional mode with a couple of sliders tweaked and fast game setting (so I don't feel like it's too different to when I play online or with a couple of mates). Has been very good.

Playing with 2-3 star teams gives you some unpredictability in passing and shooting because of the higher error stats and the game feels more organic and more of a grind (in a good way) without having to play on manual settings.
I re-downloaded FIFA 15 and have been playing games on Professional. I have to say the stat boost stuff has indeed been toned down significantly. Plays a very decent, very realistic, very fun game without tweaks, so I kinda have to eat my words from yesterday. Only major tweak was setting both CPU and User line sliders to 20. Makes for a very tight defensive game which I prefer.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I re-downloaded FIFA 15 and have been playing games on Professional. I have to say the stat boost stuff has indeed been toned down significantly. Plays a very decent, very realistic, very fun game without tweaks, so I kinda have to eat my words from yesterday. Only major tweak was setting both CPU and User line sliders to 20. Makes for a very tight defensive game which I prefer.
The patches have been a positive step forward overall, though give it time and you'll soon see familiar patterns and become a bit naffed off. That said, it's truly one of my favourite football games, and 16 could be brilliant, if they don't piss about with the dynamic too much.

I played against Chelsea on Legendary last night and it was sheer infuriation, laser-passes and psychic ability. I knocked it down to World Class, and looking at the end-of-game stats you'd think it was a pretty realistic interpretation, but the match itself and the way Chelsea kept possession (again, psychic ability and never letting a defender near them), wasn't.

Again, this isn't something I think the current sliders can fix - the lack of error in their judgement (particularly pertaining to opposition defenders), their dribbling ability and superhuman reaction times to your input...

And if I knock it down another difficulty notch, suddenly I'm winning the game and feeling like the game "isn't trying" (I want the game to try, just within human levels of possibility)!

Tonight I was going to try:

A) Using "legacy defending" in the hope that the game allows my defenders to get close to, and tackle, the opposition

B) dropping the difficulty to "professional" but upping all the CPU's ability sliders massively so that they're much more dangerous

Anybody else experimented with the above?
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Tonight I was going to try:

A) Using "legacy defending" in the hope that the game allows my defenders to get close to, and tackle, the opposition

B) dropping the difficulty to "professional" but upping all the CPU's ability sliders massively so that they're much more dangerous

Anybody else experimented with the above?
Unlike you, I'm lousy and professional provides me with a very decent challenge. Why not try what I do, I lower Line Height and Length sliders to 20. This forces the CPU to bring its players back to its 18 yard box. Makes it very challenging to try and weave through their defense in order to get shots off. Will probably even help on WC/Legend difficulties as the CPU won't throw as many players forward to attack. Plus your CPU-controlled teammates will come back to help defend, getting more bodies back to plug up passing and shooting lanes. Line width 20 will bring your defenders in even tighter.
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Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I checked and I'm actually on World Class not Professional. Been drawing 0-0 or losing 1-0, 2-1 in the last few games. Am trying to tweak sliders now.

Stats seem realistic but maybe on the conservative side. Game is a competitive grind but I'd like to be able to get more space for a shot here and there. Reduce CPU marking? Or line height?
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I'd like to be able to get more space for a shot here and there. Reduce CPU marking? Or line height?
I posted this in another thread, showing how different line slider settings influence User team attack positioning (and conversely, CPU defensive positioning). I play with settings that mimic the top screen which to me is realistic positioning. I set my height and length to 20 for the majority of the game. If I fall behind and need a goal, I raise my length slider to 80 which pushes my team forward. The bottom screen is closer to how default FIFA plays; too much space for my tastes. But it's always about whatever works for you of course, and if you prefer a more open game.

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Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

The patches have been a positive step forward overall, though give it time and you'll soon see familiar patterns and become a bit naffed off. That said, it's truly one of my favourite football games, and 16 could be brilliant, if they don't piss about with the dynamic too much.

I played against Chelsea on Legendary last night and it was sheer infuriation, laser-passes and psychic ability. I knocked it down to World Class, and looking at the end-of-game stats you'd think it was a pretty realistic interpretation, but the match itself and the way Chelsea kept possession (again, psychic ability and never letting a defender near them), wasn't.

Again, this isn't something I think the current sliders can fix - the lack of error in their judgement (particularly pertaining to opposition defenders), their dribbling ability and superhuman reaction times to your input...

And if I knock it down another difficulty notch, suddenly I'm winning the game and feeling like the game "isn't trying" (I want the game to try, just within human levels of possibility)!

Tonight I was going to try:

A) Using "legacy defending" in the hope that the game allows my defenders to get close to, and tackle, the opposition

B) dropping the difficulty to "professional" but upping all the CPU's ability sliders massively so that they're much more dangerous

Anybody else experimented with the above?

Anything after professional doesn't mean A.I will play smarter. It just means their stats will be boosted, their turning will be quicker, they are more aggressive at the defense. Basically super saiyan mode activated.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I posted this in another thread...

Thanks for that. I did read it the first time wherever I saw it.

I started a quick CPU vs CPU game last night to watch the slider impacts but it was late at night and I didn't finish it off but I'll try it again tonight and see how I go. Might even try Professional and see if I can make the CPU mark me closer and have less shot error. I did like the amount of attacking they do under World Class but I will sus it out some more.

I don't think anyone ever answered this question but if a slider says Increase/Decrease does that imply shifting the slider to the left will increase the parameter or does it mean anything above 50 will increase the parameter? For example, marking at 55 will be tighter than 50 or looser?
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