FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Are you sure it's specifically not in the demo?

You've said this repeatedly, but I think it's because the CPU is not playing a competitive game, which means you don't see it in friendlies either (and by "boost coding" you mean the AI switching to "all out attack" - play Be A Pro and watch the strategy shift, and your teammates' intelligence suddenly become sharper - which is pretty crappy, admittedly).

There's no way someone sits in the demo-making phase and specifically removes "cheat coding" to entice people. How many people do you think would actually notice out of the audience FIFA has? It wouldn't even be 1%.

At the very most, they'd remove the AI's ability to change strategy for the demo, but even that I don't believe, because it makes no sense that they'd choose that you wouldn't see the AI adapt to certain situations - the game would be missing a key part of football, i.e. reaction to the events as they unfold, so you wouldn't be seeing the game at its full potential.
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Are you sure it's specifically not in the demo?
"Just shows you that they actually have a very good game but it's also very easy to get wrong a few variables in the balance and turn it into an utter turd. Given the game can so easily be tranformed from a gem into a turd, I wonder if EA can be persuaded for future releases to give a set of new slider type settings that allows those of us who want to play the demo type of gameplay (proper sim)."

THAT'S what I'm talking about, the difference between how the demo plays and how the full game plays. As to the specifics of why that is, what the definition of boost code is, and who coded or didn't code whatever, none of that makes any difference to the bottomline.
Yeah, the bottom line I can't argue with. It's weird to see it unfold in Be A Pro - as soon as that switch to the attacking strategy occurs, movement up the pitch is so much better. It's a pretty core AI issue, I'm convinced - it isn't switching on any "boost" code or making a decision to allow passing or shooting with more accuracy, it's that attacking play (and even direct play) doesn't incur any kind of punishment, there's no extra risk of passes going astray.

Every team in the world would play direct and/or attacking football if the chances of losing possession or pass quality being worse were no different than playing possession football.

This is where I worry about FIFA big-time - the engine is absolutely there, but AI-wise there's always a general issue like this which means all team play very similar football, and makes each match feel much more similar to the last than it should.

I don't think the football intelligence is there, and I don't know if it ever will be, due to how popular the game is regardless of our complaints ("our complaints" as in, you and I on an unofficial forum, that isn't even dedicated to FIFA")...
This is where I worry about FIFA big-time - the engine is absolutely there, but AI-wise there's always a general issue like this which means all team play very similar football, and makes each match feel much more similar to the last than it should.
That's kind of why I suggested you fire up the demo again and watch how the CPU misses passes left and right. This is one of several areas where you can clearly see the difference in gameplay between the demo and full game. In the demo, CPU player ratings and slider settings matter; they are never overridden by the "whatever you want to call it" code that is in the full game. So it IS possible for EA to create a game where players and teams play to their ratings and abilities.
I did compare the demo to the retail game quite a bit (after the first patch) and didn't see a huge difference, especially not in passing accuracy. I'll have to download it again.

I just can't help but feel that EA have got the technical expertise when it comes to the physics, both human and in terms of ball-movement, but when it comes to the tactical side of the game, there just isn't enough tactical intelligence within the development team for players / managers to react as they should. The emphasis is on Ultimate Team now, too, so it's not something I think will change any time soon.

That being said, in my opinion, it's still the best football game we've ever had.
That being said, in my opinion, it's still the best football game we've ever had.
Oh sure of course, FIFA improves incrementally every year. But EA had a Rolls Royce on their hands with the FIFA 16 demo and they turned it into a Kia. And yes a Kia will get you where you want to go.
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I would have to agree in my humble that fifa16 is the best footie game we've had..I don't play it everyday but when I do each match is a joy..

The patch improved it very slightly in my humble..when the game shipped certain players touches were way to laboured and heavy.For me the improvements since the patch are more technical then anything that radically altered the game play.

It's a great game and as good as Fifa14 and pes5 were they don't touch fifa16..

Always room for improvement but when it gets as good as it is now and as varied interms of the variables within a match you just can't be anything but satisfied.

I also like everything now,the player models,faces etc..that goofy looking game of old is gone.

Had some real corkers,be it tight games that have swung against me or for me(and every match is different)..Ea hit the A spot this year!
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The demo doesn't have the CPU boost coding which is why it plays so much better than the full game. If it's that easy to accomplish, you have to wonder why EA doesn't include an off/on option as you described. Not that it matters to me, I've found my football nirvana already with the demo.
Hi angus
you are so right...
Ciao amico
Agree I've played a lot of PES and Fifa games over the years and in my opinion Fifa 16 is the best of them all on PS4.

Great to hear..naturally it's my opinion but I base that on enjoying digital footie since the days of the early home computers..I also say it as someone that in the main has always sat on the pes side of the fence(although I have warmed to Fifa more since Dave Ruttler came on board)..

Just has all the ingredients of what makes a great footie game in 2015..I have both pes and Fifa and I play both.That said in comparison one is like something from a different era.

For me it's all about alchemy and I'm certainly not a whore to cosmetics..

It will be interesting to see where Ea takes it next year..I think the consoles are already showing there limitations this gen,and the reality that ea shipped three very polished games across 3 formats and with the level of execution and depth that there game has this year shows a commitment to a honest ethos and return for there punters..

It's already exceeded my expectations for what I want in 2015 so the futures bright.
im a bit lost guys atm. today i played some with the demo against my brother and it was a lot of fun and it was balanced. yet back then i said against the cpu its horribly like 15. but against a human it seems ok.

so how is it with the current patch? is it still like the demo?
FIFA16 is way too smooth to be a real footballing experience to me. PES5 and 2011 had it down perfectly, dribbling was hard... trying to get through the midfield was hard. There was lots of fouls and physicality, and ultimately it felt like if you beat two players back-to-back you achieved something. Don't really get that feeing with FIFA, feels so easy to move through the midfield and to beat players. In real life defenders are like brick walls, even if you dodge their foot they're committing professional fouls so you can't get past - and the centre midfield is hugely competitive.

It's the same for online and offline really, but especially offline where the AI is really bad at defending diagonal runs for some reason

It's a fun game but yeah, so far away from reality. There's other flaws like the boring tiki-taka AI and its lack of variety, lack of individualism in some areas. Goalkeepers are ridiculously good which keeps the scorelines realistic in my experience
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FIFA16 is way too smooth to be a real footballing experience to me. PES5 and 2011 had it down perfectly, dribbling was hard... trying to get through the midfield was hard. There was lots of fouls and physicality, and ultimately it felt like if you beat two players back-to-back you achieved something. Don't really get that feeing with FIFA, feels so easy to move through the midfield and to beat players. In real life defenders are like brick walls, even if you dodge their foot they're committing professional fouls so you can't get past - and the centre midfield is hugely competitive.

It's the same for online and offline really, but especially offline where the AI is really bad at defending diagonal runs for some reason

It's a fun game but yeah, so far away from reality. There's other flaws like the boring tiki-taka AI and its lack of variety, lack of individualism in some areas. Goalkeepers are ridiculously good which keeps the scorelines realistic in my experience

Oh come on..your talking about a game where every player had perfect touch,8 directions of movement and everything was stat driven and today's terms pes5 and 2011 were very one dimensional.

I had a game a few nights back on Fifa16 where I was a goal up with cola-cola against Blackpool..they were pressing late because i was a goal up and I managed to breach there high line with a one forward had a yard but because his touch was heavy it allowed one off blackpools CB to catch me stopping me from having a nice easy chip against the keeper running out..

I was forced slightly wide,chipped the keeper from a difficult angle only for another Blackpool defender running back did who did a last ditch header clearing his lines and stopping a well executed chip and goal..I have these moments all over the park and there's never a dull moment..and the variation is on another level as is the ai that makes pes5 and 2011 look basic.
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Sold my FIFA16 last night on eBay. Got £30 so happy with that.

For me, call it placebo if you want, but I couldnt put the demo down. I loved it. PES16 demo wasnt getting a look in. Upon release I just don't like the full game. No idea what they have done - maybe nothing? - but It feels totally different to me.
For me, call it placebo if you want, but I couldnt put the demo down. I loved it. Upon release I just don't like the full game. No idea what they have done - maybe nothing? - but It feels totally different to me.
It's no placebo, the demo and full game are like night and day. Full game was arcaded up, for the online crowd one would assume and unfortunately.
It's no placebo, the demo and full game are like night and day. Full game was arcaded up, for the online crowd one would assume and unfortunately.

Ill download the demo again and play that when PES annoys me. I didnt change a thing on the demo. Just the pace down to slow. I loved it.
I´m still enjoying this a lot.

I didn´t feel no difference between demo and full game.
Maybe because I just played and enjoyed it instead of observing specific aspects of the gameplay...don´t know.
Or maybe I only have time playing this like 1 or 2 times per week.

What I noticed though (or what I thought I noticed) was, that the PS4 demo was a little faster than the PC one.
That´s all.

I´m still into FUT. It feels like a good replacement for the MLO as I don´t really like myclub that much.
FIFA16 is way too smooth to be a real footballing experience to me. PES5 and 2011 had it down perfectly, dribbling was hard... trying to get through the midfield was hard. There was lots of fouls and physicality, and ultimately it felt like if you beat two players back-to-back you achieved something. Don't really get that feeing with FIFA, feels so easy to move through the midfield and to beat players. In real life defenders are like brick walls, even if you dodge their foot they're committing professional fouls so you can't get past - and the centre midfield is hugely competitive.

It's the same for online and offline really, but especially offline where the AI is really bad at defending diagonal runs for some reason

It's a fun game but yeah, so far away from reality. There's other flaws like the boring tiki-taka AI and its lack of variety, lack of individualism in some areas. Goalkeepers are ridiculously good which keeps the scorelines realistic in my experience

What difficulty are you playing on? 'Cause playing on Legendary, most games it's a challenge just to get out of my own half! I see tons of fouls on Legendary 'cause the CPU is so aggressive, while creating chances are hard as hell. The exploits that are present on WC and Pro I don't find on Legendary (yet at least). Pretty opposite to what you describe.

Keepers are weird for sure. They'll make crazy saves but then poorly deal with an easy long shot. It balances out in the end for me.

Playing against lesser sides that are able to do their tiki-taka possession game is the most frustrating thing for me by far. If I'm playing against a lesser quality side, I'll often ramp up my custom tactic's aggression and press settings, which usually will make a big difference, but it can be a dangerous strategy. Right now I'm playing on default settings on Legendary but I might go back to using sliders for this issue alone.
FIFA16 is way too smooth to be a real footballing experience to me. PES5 and 2011 had it down perfectly, dribbling was hard... trying to get through the midfield was hard. There was lots of fouls and physicality, and ultimately it felt like if you beat two players back-to-back you achieved something. Don't really get that feeing with FIFA, feels so easy to move through the midfield and to beat players. In real life defenders are like brick walls, even if you dodge their foot they're committing professional fouls so you can't get past - and the centre midfield is hugely competitive.

It's the same for online and offline really, but especially offline where the AI is really bad at defending diagonal runs for some reason

It's a fun game but yeah, so far away from reality. There's other flaws like the boring tiki-taka AI and its lack of variety, lack of individualism in some areas. Goalkeepers are ridiculously good which keeps the scorelines realistic in my experience

Could not agree more.

It has a lot to do with the mentality of how players get into space. IRL, players do not constantly sprint into space - they jog slightly into space, they jog on defense, they jog on offense. They also do not run from end to end on every possession like FIFA tends to do - especially CPU players.

This is the difficulty I have had with adjusting sliders. Runs off the ball are all the same. If you lower run frequency, you get all the same runs - by all players. IRL, you will see different run types (yes, run frequency is not just about the amount of runs, but also the type of runs) from different positions. This is not the case in FIFA though - and significantly impacts how the game is played. Add on to the fact that marking is hit or miss, you get poor defensive shape consistency - and it results in your LM playing CB at times.

Regardless, I still feel the game has a lot of potential. I refuse to listen to those that talk in absolutes when in fact there are still many undiscovered combinations using sliders.

PES 11 and FIFA 11 (PS3 as my experience) had it right though. There was less of a fluidity to the game and it was more start and stop - which is how the game is truly played. This is why there is that stupid word called "variety" when in fact it means, to the FIFA player, ball in the air versus ball on the ground (tiki-taka). Balls that are played in the air by teams are not their tactics, it's simply the result of what pressure is being placed on what run is presented off the ball. This is another reason I loathe listening to those that talk about tactics because the fundamentals of the game are not even there (especially on default) to even start to exploring, so why build a game from poor fundamentals and expect the fundamentals to show up by way of tactics? Sigh.

Either way, I appreciate your post. It's pretty much how I have felt for a long time about the last iterations of FIFA (especially 15) after all the initial hype was removed. I've definitely been guilty of getting hyped too fast (look at my youtube videos), but when the smoke clears - it starts to uncover a lot of the fundamental problems that FIFA has.

Despite all that - as I've said - I'm excited each time I fire up the game to explore more combinations. It may take a lot longer than before, but I know it'll be worth it once it can be truly compared to the games that had it right.
I am still loving this and the way it forces me to try more formations depending on the team, playing Arsenal away I went 4-3-3 as I didn't want to be overrun in midfield and the playing a counter attack tactic it did the trick, playing Sunderland at home I was forced to go 4-4-2 as they had men behind the ball and it wasn't sticking up front, they were so used to pressing my main striker off the ball that my other striker now had lots of space.

Biggest complaint is the snow pitches, when the yellow ball is the other side of the pitch I cant see it!

Its tough as hell and scoring is very satisfying and the context of the shots are superb.

Defending is still an issue on tactical as there is no way to close the space between yourself and the attacker if you jockey, so you have to let go and the defender usually overshoots the man he is marking.

I am loving it overall though, find myself poring over stats on players I have scouted as they really seem to matter.

Brilliant game.
Could not agree more.

It has a lot to do with the mentality of how players get into space. IRL, players do not constantly sprint into space - they jog slightly into space, they jog on defense, they jog on offense. They also do not run from end to end on every possession like FIFA tends to do - especially CPU players.

This is the difficulty I have had with adjusting sliders. Runs off the ball are all the same. If you lower run frequency, you get all the same runs - by all players. IRL, you will see different run types (yes, run frequency is not just about the amount of runs, but also the type of runs) from different positions. This is not the case in FIFA though - and significantly impacts how the game is played. Add on to the fact that marking is hit or miss, you get poor defensive shape consistency - and it results in your LM playing CB at times.

Regardless, I still feel the game has a lot of potential. I refuse to listen to those that talk in absolutes when in fact there are still many undiscovered combinations using sliders.

PES 11 and FIFA 11 (PS3 as my experience) had it right though. There was less of a fluidity to the game and it was more start and stop - which is how the game is truly played. This is why there is that stupid word called "variety" when in fact it means, to the FIFA player, ball in the air versus ball on the ground (tiki-taka). Balls that are played in the air by teams are not their tactics, it's simply the result of what pressure is being placed on what run is presented off the ball. This is another reason I loathe listening to those that talk about tactics because the fundamentals of the game are not even there (especially on default) to even start to exploring, so why build a game from poor fundamentals and expect the fundamentals to show up by way of tactics? Sigh.

Either way, I appreciate your post. It's pretty much how I have felt for a long time about the last iterations of FIFA (especially 15) after all the initial hype was removed. I've definitely been guilty of getting hyped too fast (look at my youtube videos), but when the smoke clears - it starts to uncover a lot of the fundamental problems that FIFA has.

Despite all that - as I've said - I'm excited each time I fire up the game to explore more combinations. It may take a lot longer than before, but I know it'll be worth it once it can be truly compared to the games that had it right.

Hi there
well said Matt10!!
A question:
Which mode do you prefer: WC or Legendary and why?
So new big annoucement was that game will have 900+ chants. EPL and Bundesliga are really great, but what are other teams that have updated chants?

Teams (with updated chants)
Full EPL
Full Bundesliga
OGC Nice (OGC Nice had best atmosphere and most enjoyable atmosphere in whole FIFA16 game, thats how they shoud do it for all teams).

Also there are some player chants. We have Chelsea fans singing Diego, Diego, Diego...and i heard Dusan Tadic (Southampton) chant.

Diego (Chelsea)
Tadic (Southampton)

Any other?
Hi there
well said Matt10!!
A question:
Which mode do you prefer: WC or Legendary and why?

Hi fideco - I use WC for Home matches and Legendary for Away matches. It's quite fun and makes the feel of home vs away advantages, etc.
Hey guys,might be the wrong thread,but can't find answers anywhere else.
On Pes 2016, but I a friend of mine is selling his FIFA 16 (ps4)

How's the player Career mode this year?
Have 14 and 15 on 360, played a lot of career mode last year,sucked big time I'm afraid in my opinion.
Have they changed the contracts?
Or are you still on a permanent contract?
Manager getting fired?
The managers changing gameplay during the game?

Would be grateful for an answer, since I'm thinking about buying it.
Doing this, game version will be 1.00
Patch 1.01 is no longer available
The only patch in download by EA is the 1.02 and it's cumulative.

That is correct. As as everyone wants demo gameplay 1.00 will be fine.

Your options are 1.00 or 1.02.

The real problem is the patch didn't change the game speed what happened was people ( on youtube ) worked out that if you sprint instead of passing you can bring back the pace. They are also using the driven pass instead of the normal.

This is why the slow pace is gone.

The fifa games are based on Barclays premier league which isn't s snail pace like everyone keeps posting.

The fifa games are based on Barclays premier league which isn't s snail pace like everyone keeps posting.

Sounds about right. It's about getting forward at every opportunity. Less patience in defence & midfield than Italian/Spanish/French leagues. German league is quicker.

I'm still playing FIFA 15 but started a French league season with Marseille. Last few games have actually been some of the best offline games I've ever played. World Class with tweaked sliders. Will try comparing them to what the current slider set is in the FIFA 16 slider thread. My mate bought 16 so I'll try out the full game at his place this weekend. Have only played the demo so far and a few games while the full version was installing.
Hey guys,might be the wrong thread,but can't find answers anywhere else.
On Pes 2016, but I a friend of mine is selling his FIFA 16 (ps4)

How's the player Career mode this year?
Have 14 and 15 on 360, played a lot of career mode last year,sucked big time I'm afraid in my opinion.
Have they changed the contracts?
Or are you still on a permanent contract?
Manager getting fired?
The managers changing gameplay during the game?

Would be grateful for an answer, since I'm thinking about buying it.

Haven't played much yet but the FIRST difference I noticed in Player Career Mode this year compared to previous versions is that you can now request a LOB pass (cross)! Previously you could only request a pass via short pass button or the through ball button. Of course teammates still used to cross the ball to you if distance was big (far) and they were on the wing, let's say... but there was no way to ask for a lofted ball.

But this year, there are 3 different ways to request the ball. Short pass, Lob pass and Through Ball.

I wouldn't be surprised if this was the only real change in Player Career Mode.
I'm enjoying this game despite it s minor flaws, however, i entered a preseason tournament and both my GK's were at the euros. I stuck a CB in goal and he was just as good!! He certainly made good saves, the only thing he wasn't that good at was crosses. This can't be right.
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