FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Does anyone else have problems with their full backs positioning? Not so much on attack but when defending they are always too far infield and forwards. It's rare to see them in a flat back four, and a lot of the time the winger ends up having to cover and take the position I'd expect the full back to take.

On a similar note, I've just about given up trying to make my DM sit. He sort of does which as as good as it look likes it's going to get. What I notice is that players naturally rotate positions in the midfield, which is good and bad. When Eric Dier is the furthest player forward after another lung bursting run, it's bad.
One of many occasions where I wish I had a gaming PC - might have to bite the bullet at Christmas just for Fallout 4.

Definitely worth it, and there's so many ways you can be smart about it, for example buy a good new motherboard that supports a widerange of CPUs, for now stick in a cheaper 2nd hand quad core AMD that will run most stuff at a medium level (already on a par with consoles) then add in a much better 8 core in the future when you have more money...
Definitely worth it, and there's so many ways you can be smart about it, for example buy a good new motherboard that supports a widerange of CPUs, for now stick in a cheaper 2nd hand quad core AMD that will run most stuff at a medium level (already on a par with consoles) then add in a much better 8 core in the future when you have more money...

Cheers for the advice, the main reason I've never set myself up with a PC for gaming is because I know so little. All wishful thinking I suppose, out of work and cash for now - but definitely some stuff to bear in mind for the future, thank you!

Does anyone else have problems with their full backs positioning? Not so much on attack but when defending they are always too far infield and forwards. It's rare to see them in a flat back four, and a lot of the time the winger ends up having to cover and take the position I'd expect the full back to take.

On a similar note, I've just about given up trying to make my DM sit. He sort of does which as as good as it look likes it's going to get. What I notice is that players naturally rotate positions in the midfield, which is good and bad. When Eric Dier is the furthest player forward after another lung bursting run, it's bad.

If you see some of my previous posts, I've been trying to fix that issue for the last week (few weeks?) and haven't had much success with in doing so. I had been thinking it was the fault of RM/LM programming for the issue with them covering so deep and wide, I've been playing with no wingers recently and the issue that pretty much every team has a ridiculously compact back-line, narrower than the penalty box, regardless of any sliders or custom tactics - nothing I've tried seems to fix it. If you stumble across anything you'll have to let me know.

With the DM thing, they just don't sit. I put Pirlo back at Juve just to have some fun and he was often my furthest midfielder forward. The best solution I've found is to go no further than "Balanced Attack" on your other midfielders instructions. At least it restricts the movement of your players to being a bit less gung-ho when they do rotate.


Update for winter?
Does anyone else have problems with their full backs positioning? Not so much on attack but when defending they are always too far infield and forwards.
Lower the User line height slider to pull your defensive line back.
Raise the User line width slider to spread your line out.
Lower the User fullback positioning slider to keep them from pushing forward.
Change team tactics and lower defensive aggression and pressure.
Use the d-pad in-game and switch to defensive tactics.

Below: Two different settings setups, I circled my player (ball carrier) to emphasize how my team is positioned by default in each setup. These screens were taken seconds apart, all I did was pause the game and switch sliders, and then change d-pad tactics in-game. That's how responsive the various in-game options are.

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Does anyone use HUD: indicator setting (small triangle above players head)?
Can you please check if fatigue is shown in the triangle. I am pretty sure that before it would show current stamina of the player you are controlling (if player was 50% fatigued, the triangle would be half-empty) but now the triangle is full and it only temporarily depletes when you run and it recharges again.
ok updated the game and playing the game after some days. sadly it has become fifa 15 !!! heavy feel of the game is totally gone. demo was the game i liked.
Ive notice something. Before patch (default game 1.01) i had 4-5 goals scored in 20 matches at 45/90'min of game. Now with pach (guess its 1.03, but doesnt mater), i scored x3 times more in that time of game (i think its bug or script from fifa15).

Really annoying.
Alright, after a couple of matches (1 1/2 manager-seasons in, ~5-10 online-matches) I have one major flaw with this game: The player awareness. My god, is it bad.

I encountered hundreds of situations where my players ran past the ball, although it rolled towards them after it had been cleared by header or something. This really grinds my gears and makes it almost unplayable, because I can never count on the fact that my player will get the ball, even if I get an inch-perfect pass to him.
Maybe this only has to do with manual controls, I don't really know - but it's something that EA has to get rid off!
It is specially bad when it is the GK. I've scored and conceded own goals after passing the ball to the GK. And sometimes after a header from my defender tbe GK comes out of is line just to stare at the opponente heading the ball to an empty goal. Fortunatelly it does not happen all the time but it is tough when you lose a game because of that.

On the other hand the game as some great details. I play bayern in seasons and after conceding a goal from kroos (90% of games are againts RM unless you play RM yourself) he appologise for scoring against his old team.
any way to remove the updates?
On the Xbox One, you're asked if you want to install the update each time you boot - you can keep saying no, though obviously, you sacrifice online play. (That's what I did while I was experimenting, but I have to concede, I think I was wrong to suspect a big difference between the original version and the current version.)

On the PS4, I'm not sure if you can?
On the Xbox One, you're asked if you want to install the update each time you boot - you can keep saying no, though obviously, you sacrifice online play. (That's what I did while I was experimenting, but I have to concede, I think I was wrong to suspect a big difference between the original version and the current version.)

On the PS4, I'm not sure if you can?

PS4 you need to wipe off the game from the menu. Triangle delete. Then ever time you load you need to pause or cancel the patch because it auto downloads.

The game will say something about playing without the patch and that is all.
Alright, after a couple of matches (1 1/2 manager-seasons in, ~5-10 online-matches) I have one major flaw with this game: The player awareness. My god, is it bad.

I encountered hundreds of situations where my players ran past the ball, although it rolled towards them after it had been cleared by header or something. This really grinds my gears and makes it almost unplayable, because I can never count on the fact that my player will get the ball, even if I get an inch-perfect pass to him.
Maybe this only has to do with manual controls, I don't really know - but it's something that EA has to get rid off!

Another thing that grinds my gears is when your AI team mates are moving in a direction, even point sometimes were they want the ball played & as you pass it they completely stop or move in a different direction.

Also ball ghosting through defenders head to reach attackers head still exists. The broken advantage rule for offsides & fouls also does my head in, not only the stoppage in play but it kills variation in play.
Another thing that grinds my gears is when your AI team mates are moving in a direction, even point sometimes were they want the ball played & as you pass it they completely stop or move in a different direction.

Yes, yes, yes! That too!
PS4 you need to wipe off the game from the menu. Triangle delete. Then ever time you load you need to pause or cancel the patch because it auto downloads.

The game will say something about playing without the patch and that is all.

Doing this, game version will be 1.00
Patch 1.01 is no longer available
The only patch in download by EA is the 1.02 and it's cumulative.
Wasn't that supposed to be one of the big additions this year, teammate AI? They would reach for loose balls and cover ground, can't see any of that.

Seems none existent to me, I've said it before about the AI controlled players on your side being dumb, it's like they're using the pro or semi pro AI routines whilst the AI opposition uses the higher difficulty routines so seem more intelligent, really does my head in when you're trying to defend and someone's just stood there with their thumb up their arse leaving an opposition player in free space or letting him have a free run, throw ins in your defensive third are one of the worst examples of this as you always know where it's going but can rarely do anything about it, I often sit there screaming "pick your man up you lazy bastard" :D

I reckon if you had a 10 v 10 match online with people who can stick to their positions and do their jobs instead of bombing about trying to win the game single handedly it would probably be the best football game ever, the engines there it's just let down by some of the crap going on in the background.
I play Be A Pro (against the AI) at the minute, and you can see where the AI issues come from. You can get yourself into a good position, but unless the pass is guaranteed to make it, the pass won't come (unless you force it with the "request pass" button, obviously).

It expects you to be in a very narrow, strict area, and the AI knows far too much about what's going to happen when it kicks the ball - there's no risk, no misjudgement, no absolute howler of a pass due to a player's lack of passing ability.

Still enjoying the game, don't get me wrong, but it would be great to play against an AI that doesn't feel like it's constantly looking "beneath the matrix", and one where the difference in each players' abilities is much more obvious.

At the moment I'm playing FIFA for five games, PES for one (70% passing accuracy from the opposition sometimes, it's bliss - but it's the only bit I like).
Must say I'm having more fun editing the game than actually playing it atm :)
I play 2 games at the most, then I just wanna throw the controller througt the tv. Teammate AI is what's letting me down.
the AI knows far too much about what's going to happen when it kicks the ball - there's no risk, no misjudgement, no absolute howler of a pass due to a player's lack of passing ability.

Still enjoying the game, don't get me wrong, but it would be great to play against an AI that doesn't feel like it's constantly looking "beneath the matrix"
Go back and play the demo, you'll see misjudged CPU passes all over the place with no sense whatsoever of CPU matrix AI, it's a thing of absolute beauty, the demo is all I play now.
I deleted the game on PS4 (after latest patch) and reinstalled it, but only applied the roster update, not the latest patch and it still plays a pretty good game, with custom tactics working reasonably well to create a bit of variety between cpu teams. Still seeing new goals scored by the cpu and still feel it's worth trying all sorts of passes and moves with a chance they'll come off from time to time (unlike PES, where I quickly learn to not bother trying certain balls as the cpu is 100% guaranteed/scripted to intercept/win the challenge, etc)

Like others, I found the latest patch seems to turn it into FIFA15, which was horrible - worst FIFA in the past 7 years.

Just shows you that they actually have a very good game but it's also very easy to get wrong a few variables in the balance and turn it into an utter turd. Given the game can so easily be tranformed from a gem into a turd, I wonder if EA can be persuaded for future releases to give a set of new slider type settings that allows those of us who want to play the demo type of gameplay (proper sim) that option, whilst giving those who prefer the arcade shite of FIFA15 the option to tweak these special new sliders/settings to achieve that type of gameplay.

Frankly, just a simple arcade/sim switch would probably do the trick, albeit it would lead to all sort of arguments. I just fear that they've got a cracking game engine on their hands but will release the arcade flavour next year, and probably the years ahead too, given the ridiculous media reception of the excellent demo, virtually cristicising it for being too much like real football.
Can't say that I see any substantial difference between the different versions but I do think the women's gameplay is quite a bit better than the men's in regards to a lot of what's being discussed. I especially thought that my AI teammates were more helpful in the women's game, while the CPU seemed to make more human-like errors.

Ironically, the issue that a lot of us single players have with AI teammates not being helpful enough in defense against the CPU is the opposite of what a lot of multiplayer guys are complaining about - they say AI teammates do too much now, making defending in multiplayer too easy.

Having played a good bit of multiplayer myself, I don't agree, but I do think the new defensive AI is more noticeable in multiplayer than against the CPU, probably because the CPU is less error prone so you see fewer interceptions by AI teammates in single player whereas you sometimes see a ton in multiplayer.
Given the game can so easily be tranformed from a gem into a turd, I wonder if EA can be persuaded for future releases to give a set of new slider type settings that allows those of us who want to play the demo type of gameplay (proper sim) that option, whilst giving those who prefer the arcade shite of FIFA15 the option to tweak these special new sliders/settings to achieve that type of gameplay.
The demo doesn't have the CPU boost coding which is why it plays so much better than the full game. If it's that easy to accomplish, you have to wonder why EA doesn't include an off/on option as you described. Not that it matters to me, I've found my football nirvana already with the demo.
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