FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I also prefer the shooting model this year..use of feet and good position..scored some really articulate goals something that's been missing for me..

All sounds very positive from me but I'm very critical normally.

Just got to take your hat off to ea.

I also agree with jamenzino,pes has got great gameplay but what Fifa is doing technically is vastly superior.Two really good games pushing each other hard but you can't deny Fifa this year has taken a huge chunk of what pes always held dear.
Just enjoy it while you can - with the reviews, and the complaints from the Ultimate Team kids, I'm worried that they're going to patch the best bits away before long.

(I feel the same - getting up an hour early to play a game before work, and spending a couple of hours a night progressing through a manager career. Can't put it down.)

EDIT: Speaking of reviews...

Eurogamer's FIFA 16 review
(PES gets a "recommended" score, FIFA gets nothing)

FIFA 16 is the first football game I've ever played where I've so consistently felt the need to pass the ball back to my defenders, at times feeling forced to retreat from the edge of the opponent's box all the way back to my own half. When you think about it, that actually means there's a never-before-seen level of realism at work here. But I'm not sure it's one that I want.


FIFA 13, fun. FIFA 14, not so fun. FIFA 15, fun. FIFA 16...

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Well each to their own.

If Lami is bugged by those animations, so be it. He made a decision and had a good reason.

Tbh, I find a few of those ugly as hell as well.
For example when a player gets injured and walks off the field.
In the close up you see a guy holding his shoulder and walks like Charlie Chaplin in speeded up silent movies.

But it´s not that much that it kills the fun I have with this game.
FIFA got flaws and PES got flaws and it´s up to everyone to decide for himself (herself (where is Melody btw??)) with what he can live more.

Keepers that fall down in slow motion and don´t stretch themselves like showing no effort to parry a shot, passes on rails and less shot variation is something I can´t enjoy and that´s why I stick to FIFA and endorse bad player faces, some hectic animations (which got toned down quite much this year compared to the year before), no camera angles, no CL/EL etc etc and savor all the pros this game provides.

Another important factor:
I don´t have the feeling to be let down by this company. I paid a reasonable price and I´m fine with what I got for my money.

Probably my illusion but last night i put dsr 1.78 from 1080p to 1440p downsampling. those speeded up animation is smoother.
Euro gamer review appears to be by an armchair fan. Wants to win 8-5 online in fut matches with a team full of messi clones and every goal is on the highlight reel, overheads, halfway line volleys, goal keepers dribbling around all played from own box etc

Im going to be devestated next year when they now to this pressure and then well see reviews crying about how it's too arcadey and easy to score (because they're shit and keep getting thrashed online).
Strange, but my experience is quite different. I am playing career on professional with legacy defending and most assists on (broadcast camera doesn't go well with manual) and the CPU is very reluctant to actually attack, even when they are down in the score. They often pass the ball around for ages in their own half or in midfield and when they are attacking you basically just have to patiently close down space until they give the ball away. They hardly ever play a long ball or a cross. It doesn't feel like a relentless attack to me at all. In fact, I wish the top teams like Dortmund or Bayern would be a bit more agressive, especially when they are playing on their home turf.

It likely is because you're playing on Professional. There's a huge difficulty spike between Pro and WC this year, and part of that has to do with how much more aggressive the CPU plays.

For example, my last match was against Bayern and they were bombarding my goal with shots for the entire match.

It's the double-edged sword of FIFA's difficulty levels: Pro this year is the much better balanced straight out the box, whereas the AI decision-making is much better at the higher difficulties but you have to use sliders to compensate for some imbalances.
Anyone have any objections to closing the pes v fifa thread ?
Reading the posts here that is where I thought I was.

Thoughts please.
Take that back about Matic not standing out. Tried tinkering with the Run Frequency slider and he was solid against me, spraying passes all over.

I love saying 'spraying passes'.
I feel You are very angry for Konami that PC ver is not like Ps4
And what was that about someone being angry about PES 2016 PC or something? You really defend your game mate. You don't do it with honor. Reminds me of Chelsea.
It's the double-edged sword of FIFA's difficulty levels: Pro this year is the much better balanced straight out the box, whereas the AI decision-making is much better at the higher difficulties but you have to use sliders to compensate for some imbalances.
That wouldn't be my assessment. I play on Pro because the AI is just fine, and with very few boost cheats. Go up a notch to WC and the boost cheats start to appear. Doesn't make the AI smarter, just makes the CPU annoyingly superhuman.
That wouldn't be my assessment. I play on Pro because the AI is just fine, and with very few boost cheats. Go up a notch to WC and the boost cheats start to appear. Doesn't make the AI smarter, just makes the CPU annoyingly superhuman.
I tried to make pro difficulty hard enough to keep playing on last night and found no success. It's beautifully fair, and initially challenging, but as you get used to the game it loses its edge - even with the pass error reduced, you just get an AI that passes perfectly to a heavily-marked man all the time and loses possession too easily.

It's world class with sliders for me from now on I think. Managed to beat Denmark with the USA last night and my cheers could have brought the house down.

Not when its viral.We need one or other not both if people insist on derailing threads with same subject matter.
Maybe it's time to kill the versus thread, then, as long as it's not frowned upon to compare in here (without trolling)!
That wouldn't be my assessment. I play on Pro because the AI is just fine, and with very few boost cheats. Go up a notch to WC and the boost cheats start to appear. Doesn't make the AI smarter, just makes the CPU annoyingly superhuman.

Honestly I don't even know how this could be debatable. On Pro you see the CPU make mistakes in its passing, shooting, dribbling, and tackling decision making that you simply see less of, if at all, on the higher difficulty settings.

The boost cheats are certainly the more noticeable changes, but I don't see near the same amount of dumb, and less aggressive, decisions by the AI on WC or Legendary that I do on Pro.
I tried to make pro difficulty hard enough to keep playing on last night and found no success. It's beautifully fair, and initially challenging, but as you get used to the game it loses its edge - even with the pass error reduced, you just get an AI that passes perfectly to a heavily-marked man all the time and loses possession too easily.

It's world class with sliders for me from now on I think. Managed to beat Denmark with the USA last night and my cheers could have brought the house down.

Maybe it's time to kill the versus thread, then, as long as it's not frowned upon to compare in here (without trolling)!

Thats what I was thinking Chris,and threw it open to FIFA regulars.
People need to compare in this thread anyways judging by the conversations lately.
Will leave in case anyone else looks in today & wants to feedback,then close the versus thread if its generally accepted as O.K.
Honestly I don't even know how this could be debatable. On Pro you see the CPU make mistakes in its passing, shooting, dribbling, and tackling decision making that you simply see less of, if at all, on the higher difficulty settings.

The boost cheats are certainly the more noticeable changes, but I don't see near the same amount of dumb, and less aggressive, decisions by the AI on WC or Legendary that I do on Pro.
Right, on Pro it plays realistic, as in real games where you see mistakes in passing, shooting, dribbling, and tackling. On the higher levels it plays superhuman and practically mistake-free. Those are the boost cheats kicking in.
I tried to make pro difficulty hard enough to keep playing on last night and found no success. It's beautifully fair, and initially challenging, but as you get used to the game it loses its edge - even with the pass error reduced, you just get an AI that passes perfectly to a heavily-marked man all the time and loses possession too easily.
I'm a ways away from anything resembling scoring even a goal a game on Pro, lol.
always going to get pes fifa comparisons.

yeah it goes hand in hand really. some casual discussion is okay for this thread and the fifa vs pes thread can be used for more in-depth and specific discussion. in my opinion

anyway, when playing fifa16 and the goalkeeper can pick up an easy ball sometimes the commentator says "that was so easy he could have thrown a cap on it". so yesterday i was playing with arsenal... with cech in goal... and he picks up an easy ball and the commentator says the same thing, and i think "hey wait a minute.." :CONF: :D
Right, on Pro it plays realistic, as in real games where you see mistakes in passing, shooting, dribbling, and tackling. On the higher levels it plays superhuman and practically mistake-free. Those are the boost cheats kicking in.

Well, realism is subjective and highly dependable on skill level. Someone who is better at defending will be able to create more mistakes from the CPU for example. You say you struggle scoring a goal a game on Pro; I score 3-4 easily against the best teams - that's unrealistic.

I've read elsewhere some people recommending playing on Legendary over WC, that, as counter-intuitive as it may seem, it plays out better. Anyways, my point is that I've been testing this, playing on Legendary, and I've had no problem forcing the CPU into making mistakes at times. So the idea that the CPU plays superhuman and practically mistake-free is not true for me. (Which isn't the same as saying I'm not getting crushed.)

On the other hand, Pro is not realistic for me because I can play against the best teams in the world and force them into making mistakes like they're lower rated players.

To each's own but personally I like to play on a level that I see the fewest dumb mistakes by the CPU, which on Pro there's too many for my tastes (or maybe ability level, whatever), and then use sliders to deal with physical and other boost.

IMO, all of us are always going to be smarter than what the AI is capable of, which is our unfair advantage over the CPU. That intelligence gap is just too much for my tastes on Pro.

But to each's own. That's why all the different settings options and sliders are wonderful in FIFA - because it's amazing how much variance there is in all our preferences, interpretations, and ability levels.
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Anyone have any objections to closing the pes v fifa thread ?
Reading the posts here that is where I thought I was.

Thoughts please.

Are Fifa comparison discussions allowed in the PES thread? If so then sure PES comparisons should be allowed in the Fifa thread, if the answer is no they aren't then the same should apply here and we should keep the comparison thread (maybe rename it something like "Fifa & PES: Contrast & Compare" or something equally soothing ;) )

If people continue offtopic PES discussions in here perm ban them and then ban their whole IP range, or perhaps politely remind them to stop ;)
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Like the idea of renaming the other thread to something less combative.
This thread tends to wander onto pes and stay for a page or two.
Sometimes by the time its happened its not worth blitzing all the posts.
I think debate/exchange of thoughts is good as clearly these games are offering different takes on attempting simulation and to be honest each game does things the other doesn't and would clearly benefit from.

I re-invested in a PS4 yesterday. Thanks to a trade-in of my back-up PS3 and five ancient games I got £100 trade-in value, with the remainder of the games I traded (including PES2016 on PS3) and some existing store credit in Game I never knew I had allowing me to get a £350 bundle for just over £150. The bundle came with FIFA 16, MGSV and Mad Max, but traded Mad Max in immediately and got PES2016 for it. A most productive Sunday I thought.

So after a few games of PES in which I was frankly blown away as to just how much a step up there is in visual fidelity and performance, I installed FIFA 16.

I quite like it to be honest. I absolutely adore not the Sky Sportsy stuff but the simple, broadcast authentic touches that football games have been crying out for. Love how, for instance, the highlight reel comes with commentary and that also it goes letterbox with a slight film grain effect. Also love how during a break in play they will replay and comment on a goal from the match. Genius little touches.

As for the gameplay it is most certainly slowed down and just a tad more streamlined along with it. I like the no touch dribble stuff in particular. Early days, but this is the best FIFA has been for me in some seven years, though admittedly I thought the games since FIFA09 (and maybe the World Cup game) were complete and utter balls. Couldn't get on with them at all and FIFA 14, although a nice step up visually with the dawn of a new generation, just didn't click. I skipped last years games entirely for the most part due to me selling my last PS4 as just fell out of love with gaming in general and was just before truly decent stuff was released.

FIFA will always impress me in some way, always has, but for the first time in a long time I am content and the presentation assets (could still do without the real world goings on being rammed down my throat) compliment a pretty solid game out on the pitch. There are still things that rub me up the wrong way with the gameplay design, but really don't want to comment in full as yet. So far as being better than PES 2016 for me goes: no, but that is not to say I think PES is miles ahead. Thus far, it is proving I simply enjoy both whilst being of the mindset currently that they still are not anywhere near as engrossing as a PES5/6 or UEFA08/FIFA09 proved to be. They are obviously miles ahead technically, but something still feels missing. I have heard it opined that such feelings are that of nostalgia. It is in part true but these older games just resonated more with me, and it isn't some nonsense about being an "arcade" minded player as opposed to a "simulation" one. Nah, it is just about balance and some terrific, enduring game design, for me. It is that way for others too as this forum pays testament too; you still get people swearing by and still playing older versions of these games.

I'll say this: while both games this year are good, there is no room at all for complacency moving forward for either development team and both most certainly could do with taking a look at their opposite number for inspiration.
To each's own but personally I like to play on a level that I see the fewest dumb mistakes by the CPU, which on Pro there's too many for my tastes (or maybe ability level, whatever), and then use sliders to deal with physical and other boost.
Yes, I see your point; on pro, dumb AI mistakes are made that wouldn't happen in a real match, that I've seen. So I guess I prefer the less-than-human pro AI, to the (what I think is) super-human AI of WC and Legendary.
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