FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

What is still really bad with FIFA games is the dumb teammates AI. My team still leaves so much space for CPU AI and makes no structured pressure at all.
Just played my pre-season tourney final and saw some really odd things:
1. I had the ball, was coming up the wing with Shaw, around halfway, played a long ball over the top and the ref blew the whistle, and gave the other team a free kick on the edge of my box. Truly weird bug. Watched the replay, there was no player with 10 yards of where the free kick was given.

2. Game definitely does some 'final' adjustments. My passing dropped like 15% accuracy, the through ball turned back into 'pass the ball to their keeper' button and so forth. Very, very noticeable, but I guess in a final players are supposed to be tense so makes some sense.
Players like Matic and Yaya Toure don't stand out enough. Am I the millionth man saying that? They were different beasts in FIFA 14. Shocked to see how they have become just some players. Of course they are different from Mertesacker. But Yaya Toure should run the midfield. Making interceptions and spraying passes. Doesn't happen quite that way.

Are you talking from a point of view as you playing against them on the AI or when you control them?

If it is when you are controlling them then I'll you have to use them the way you want to and make the most of their attributes.

When I play as Arsenal I get the ball to Ozil as much as possible and he controls the game for me, but I use him in the correct way. His final ball is immense.

Also Cazorla, once I win the ball deep I try to get the ball to him to dictate the play and get out of tight spots, it works well.

Alexis I try and take on players more as he has that burst of pace to get away from players. He isn't the fastest though so you have to use that burst of pace at the right time to make it effective.

I think it works well.

Against AI with key players I need to pay more attention, but I did notice Kane for spurs and Erikson were very effective and somewhat true to life.

Anyway, I think the individualism is coming out more as I at it.
There needs to be more booing in career mode. I'll lose at home and my fans cheer, I've just beat Sunderland at their ground and at full time everyone cheered. I beat Chelsea in the cup thanks to a penalty and again at full time the Chelsea fans cheered.
Maybe I'm late realizing this but did y'all know that if you press X (on PS4) when defending, it does a fake tackle animation? I have no idea how it's useful.

I did already know that if you press square after attempting a slide tackle it makes your player jump back up quickly, but I also haven't seen how this can be useful. I never remember to use it.

Both these two features are kinda like the new no touch dribbling - I have no idea how they're meant to be useful.

Anything else that I'm missing that's new? Anyone find useful applications for these features?
Maybe I'm late realizing this but did y'all know that if you press X (on PS4) when defending, it does a fake tackle animation? I have no idea how it's useful.

I did already know that if you press square after attempting a slide tackle it makes your player jump back up quickly, but I also haven't seen how this can be useful. I never remember to use it.

Both these two features are kinda like the new no touch dribbling - I have no idea how they're meant to be useful.

Anything else that I'm missing that's new? Anyone find useful applications for these features?

The only one I use a bit is no touch dribbling. I'm not sure how I do it, but when receiving the ball it lets you let the ball role past you a bit so you can use the space around you a bit better.

I also use the drilled ground pass a bit when there are a couple of players around my receiving player. Because the ball flicks up a bit and you can use that to knock the ball forward or start some nice moves and use that 'poor control' in your favour to get past players.
Maybe I'm late realizing this but did y'all know that if you press X (on PS4) when defending, it does a fake tackle animation? I have no idea how it's useful.

I did already know that if you press square after attempting a slide tackle it makes your player jump back up quickly, but I also haven't seen how this can be useful. I never remember to use it.

Both these two features are kinda like the new no touch dribbling - I have no idea how they're meant to be useful.

Anything else that I'm missing that's new? Anyone find useful applications for these features?

slide tackle recover is very good when attempting interceptions or when trying to close the dribble-space of your opponent, such as when they try to burst down the wings. it just gives that insurance that if you miss the tackle you can still get back to your feet fairly quick

no-touch dribbling makes it very easy to get dispossessed because you are no longer shielding the ball, so i try to use it when my player is just out of tackling range of the defender and then use sprint to burst away. its hard though, i havent had much success with it. mostly i use it to let the ball "run-on" when receiving a pass, so my player keeps their forward momentum

its not a new feature but R2 (sprint) + L2 is extremely useful for dribbling. it gives tighter dribbling control so when a defender is rushing at you you can do a quick tight control to the side and then burst away. i use this one a lot

I am enjoying it but not as much as I could do!!

Can anyone help me create more space in midfield, it feels congested and clunky in this area. I have increased the CPU pass and first touch error which has helped with the heavy CPU possession.

I like the momentum of PES but prefer the ball physics and presentation of FIFA, If I could try and get some of that momentum in FIFA it will be great?

I am currently playing on slow, should I go with normal to increase the speed a bit as it does feel a bit chuggy? The other thing I have noticed is sometimes when players strike the ball it feels like they are hitting a medicine ball?


Fully agree. Some tips that people on here gave :

you can decrease the cpu marking slider. You can also tinker with the height of their lines. It does help somewhat but for me the clunkiness remains.
Fifa 16 is class...its so pes like in a great way..quite breathless about how good this game is..

Faces and body shape are on the money and it's so silky and deep.

Fifa for me this year is in a different grade..ea are finally serious about there footie
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I like fifa quite alot, one issue I have is the goalkeeper tho, he is god damn superhuman, insane reflexes and reach. From the 10 games I played so far I haven't scored once outside the penalty area. The goalkeepers are insane, and im not even talking world class ones, keepers with 76 overalls.. they seem to be mistake free and insane.

Anyone else feel this way?
I don't agree that the keepers are superhuman, maybe a little too good though. That's preferable to the inept keepers in PES as far as I'm concerned.

I've scored a few long-range screamers so I don't feel that's a problem. At least we have a keeper slider to tone down their ability. I haven't used it yet but will probably knock it down a touch.
Yeah on professional I'm definitely happy with the keepers on the default 50, love how they no longer catch everything, lots of punches and fumbles to keep things exciting!
One thing that's big for me is the improvement in manual passing,just feels right and its much more rewarding retaining and distributing the ball..The added sense of weight and the toning of the old hyper dribbling gives the game a really solid feel..

Very satisfying in all areas really now..I'm surprised so many are tweaking so much..the base game is pretty well executed and I'm also drawing as much fun if not more from this years offering as I am pes16.

It's certainly not dull..there's just a much deeper game here with a bigger curve..but once your in its as rewarding as any football games that's been..imo.
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They've really fucked up the menus with the stupid right stick = share crap, you can't access a player's profile from news items or from scout reports or anything like that, have to add a player to your shortlist if you actually want to see minor stuff like their work rate/traits etc. etc.
had about 2 hours on the game today playing as various teams and i love playing as Atletico Madrid. Won a few and lost a few but Fifa as finally clicked for me.
Yeah, it's been like this ever since they introduced tactical defending.

As has been said, tactical defending was introduced specifically to limit pressure abuse online, even though the real problem at the time wasn't the pressure per se as much as it was the super unlreastic player movement physics, overpowered auto tackle animations, and poor ability to protect possession.

But yeah, legacy defending is only for offline.

You can choose Legacy defending for online coop and against a friend online. Me and my mate both use Legacy and play each other online every other night
I hope a FIFA 15 to FIFA 16 Face converter gets done soon, I can't stand some of the faces in this game. It shocks me how a company like EA, so full of resources is uncapable of doing a proper Neymar, Dani Alves (wtf is up with his hair?), Otamendi, etc. Damn even some of the scanned faces are awful... like Agüero!

I can understand that from Konami, which sometimes is as resourceful as the EVO-WEB facemakers, but EA?. Come on.

The rest of the game is really great. It's so full of little details which take the game to another level. Players reactions are so life like.
Does anyone understand the youth team players they choose in FIFA? I'm playing as Man United and I've barely heard of any of them! Certainly none of our better youth players like Rashford or Harrop.
Even the keeper animation when they dive, their reflexes are super human at times, and also the player models and animations that's stopped me from playing it. They need to redo the men like the women.

I actually find the GKs OK, no issues with them much, you know, coming from PES' GKs inability to block 1v1 low weak shots. My issue is with the super quick blind passing animations. Playing with women's teams though it wasn't blatant and played a very good game. Now I wish they release a standalone women's game which would work great for me.

I tried to like it. I really did. I even went back and forth like 4-5 times deleting the patch thinking it might've sped up the game but it hardly did. From what I remember the demo was slower, and Placebo's full game video that I liked, but these were Championship teams. I wish they all played like that video or at least the womens'.

Anyway, I returned it. I couldn't justify keeping something I wasn't comfortable with.

I just wish it was slower :(

Anyway guys, lucky you're enjoying it.
I've spent all night tonight playing around with sliders trying to get a decent game on "world class" after beating Norwich 4-0 on "professional" and biting the bullet.

Took a lot of doing to get it just right, and the CPU still doesn't like to shoot unless they've passed it around a good long while first, but I've got a good balance now I think (I'll post them in the sliders thread sometime if anyone's interested).

I took an international job (USA) and lost to Germany 2-0 in a friendly, before beating Denmark 1-0 in the next match. Never felt such elation on scoring a goal, Dempsey tucked away a volley from an early cross (it sliced off his boot as he hit it and he actually half-fell afterwards, the animations and reactions to certain situations are just spot-on).

It was said when the demo was out and it made me cringe a bit, but with sliders, it really is the best football game ever, for me. (Lots of faults still, but it's got so much going for it, and it deserves so much credit for what it achieves - I'm astonished the reviews aren't better and I DREAD what EA will do to this game with patches as a consequence, genuinely DREAD it).

Even online, I've only played 10 games or so but when I'm beat I know why. Playing on the co-op camera, I can pass it around and force gaps 'til my heart's content.

I played PES before bed to provide a contrast, and within a minute I'd scored a screamer that nearly took the net off. The amount of counter-attacks and through-balls that leave you with one-on-ones is crazy, it's a great PES but it makes you appreciate the layers FIFA really has, AND it highlights that players do actually behave differently in FIFA.

Playing as the USA the passes aren't great - playing as a young Liverpool team (during cup games), nothing is great, and the guys with the pace or the passing skill really stand out with a slider adjustment or two (and online to a lesser extent).

I'm a very happy (but exhausted) camper.
If you have issues with it being too fast, why not just use sliders to make it slower? Pretty easy fix, no?

If you're post is aimed at me, I play on slow. The sliders decrease player's speeds but it doesn't affect their very-quick-turn-and-do-an-awkward-pass animation. I wish it did. Anyway it's pointless now as I don't have it anymore.

Enjoy :)
Ah I see. Ironically one of the things I notice this year is how less effective those types of passes are.

Fifa does have a number of animations that are too quick for my tastes and look funny.
Ah I see. Ironically one of the things I notice this year is how less effective those types of passes are.

Fifa does have a number of animations that are too quick for my tastes and look funny.

I kept testing that as well and it seemed more effective after the patch, but there's hardly noticeable difference really.

And I agree with the last line. I know these things might be nothing to anyone but they turn me off.

I was also hoping I see more fouls (again coming from PES with almost no fouls, I'm really sorry for the comparison again) but there were hardly any. When they happened though they looked realistic, especially the penalties I won. I think one of the PK fouls the defender wrapped his arms around Rooney while he was taking a shot and also stuck a foot in between Rooney's foot and the ball then Rooney went down. Looked so good!

As usual, I'd love a Fifa-PES hybrid, which will never happen. I swear I used to think this is surely a conspiracy a decade plus ago and I'm slowly believing it's the case again. How is it that what one does good the other does worse? It's been like that forever. You can't help but conclude there must be some confidential agreement between the two :P
Took a lot of doing to get it just right, and the CPU still doesn't like to shoot unless they've passed it around a good long while first, but I've got a good balance now I think (I'll post them in the sliders thread sometime if anyone's interested).

Yes mate, please post them. btw on which console you are with FIFA?
I actually find the GKs OK, no issues with them much, you know, coming from PES' GKs inability to block 1v1 low weak shots. My issue is with the super quick blind passing animations. Playing with women's teams though it wasn't blatant and played a very good game. Now I wish they release a standalone women's game which would work great for me.

I tried to like it. I really did. I even went back and forth like 4-5 times deleting the patch thinking it might've sped up the game but it hardly did. From what I remember the demo was slower, and Placebo's full game video that I liked, but these were Championship teams. I wish they all played like that video or at least the womens'.

Anyway, I returned it. I couldn't justify keeping something I wasn't comfortable with.

I just wish it was slower :(

Anyway guys, lucky you're enjoying it.

Pacing of the game on PC and PS4 big difference it seems cos I liked placebos video as well but didn't get the same experience either when I played it again, i had enough and returned it back for a refund.
I actually find the GKs OK, no issues with them much, you know, coming from PES' GKs inability to block 1v1 low weak shots. My issue is with the super quick blind passing animations. Playing with women's teams though it wasn't blatant and played a very good game. Now I wish they release a standalone women's game which would work great for me.

I tried to like it. I really did. I even went back and forth like 4-5 times deleting the patch thinking it might've sped up the game but it hardly did. From what I remember the demo was slower, and Placebo's full game video that I liked, but these were Championship teams. I wish they all played like that video or at least the womens'.

Anyway, I returned it. I couldn't justify keeping something I wasn't comfortable with.

I just wish it was slower :(

Anyway guys, lucky you're enjoying it.

And yet I think there are some double and even triple saves from GKs in PES that are truly incredible and I haven't seen any of thaat in FIFA yet. In FIFA, keepers usually either send the ball away, retain it or rebound somewhere.

If you're post is aimed at me, I play on slow. The sliders decrease player's speeds but it doesn't affect their very-quick-turn-and-do-an-awkward-pass animation. I wish it did. Anyway it's pointless now as I don't have it anymore.

Enjoy :)

Lami, I've read this in a couple of different posts from you already and I'm really curious as to which akward passing animations you're refering to. Could you show me a video or something? I haven't noticed any. Really.
I've seen weird dribbling or tricks animations but none regarding passes or shots.
I think playing 10 minute halves full manual on legendary in the MLS Career Mode, I have pretty much found the perfect football game.

Because the players are all rated between 60-80 they have normal reflexes and agility. It's perfect.

On a side note, EA definitely made some minor tweaks for the full game. Agility has been increased. The players feel lighter. It's particularly noticeable when defended a one v one situation. Lost count of the number of times my defender has literally ran right by the attacker when trying to take the ball.

I still maintain that EA lost all inertia with the pitch back in Fifa 10 when they implemented '360 movement'. They still don't know how to implement it properly.
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