FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

yes, this is why legacy-type defending should come back. its ridiculous that secondary pressure does not make your player actually go for the ball. it just means your players dance around the opponent instead of making the simple tackle, which in real life they would make

im pretty sure tactical defending was only ever implemented to stop pressure abuse, but the thing is pressure abuse was a result of lack of interia in defenders which allowed to them to turn and recover instantly (this is no longer the case) and stamina not having proper effects (also much less of a problem in 16). but instead of addressing these issues outright they just implement this tactical defending to literally stop defenders from taking the ball from attackers - so lazy.

Completely agree with you about tactical defense, it's just another EA attempt to make the game "looks" realistic but done wrongly. Basically to defend in Fifa we just watch the AI pass around until he misses a pass or shot on goal, it looks more like a basketball match than football. The only way i can play is increasing AI pass error so it can make more mistakes and i can have some ball possession, and it's been that way since they implemented tactical defense.

For me they should make a new defense system hybrid between tactical and legacy, where we would be able to contain when it was necessary, pressure when necessary, stand tackle when necessary, call cpu pressure when necessary or call cpu contain when necessary. Actually the best defense system from any football game ever done was the one in PES 2013, it was very close to this hybrid that i just explained.
My biggest problems so far, and these have already been said, are...

A) Defending, especially online. Using the pressure button is a hindrance more than a help, because it puts my player a distance away that I can never successfully tackle from. It's infuriating when you're holding on to a 0-0 somehow and then in the 80th minute your defender dances AROUND the ball-carrier and lets him score, when in reality there's no way a professional defender would dance around that invisible circle around the opponent.

I'm more disappointed about that because of all the PR stuff that bragged about the much-improved defending first and foremost.

B) No daisy-cutters. I've seen lowish shots from using the "fancy pass/shot" button, but not ground shots.

C) I'm seeing lots of goals from outside the box, finesse shots into the corner, when playing online. It's weird to me that goalkeepers are unbeatable in certain circumstances (e.g. one-on-one) but then finesse shots fly in from miles outside the box.

D) This is very much a personal one that I don't expect anyone to agree with, but... I wish they'd just do away with the tricks (and of course, that will never happen). It not only looks ridiculous when every player is doing a rabona (or a Ribena as my phone wanted to autocorrect it to :D), but it's frustrating as hell to see the overwhelming advantage it gives people who've learnt how to twiddle a stick 45 degrees left, then 72 degrees right, then hop on one leg and shout "RONALDOLEGS".

One of the reasons I still play PES occasionally is the lack of that (which, funnily enough, is a byproduct of the button lag)...

That's about the sum of it, really.

I agree with the "it's 90% there" comment - I'd probably go further, it's a technical wonder in certain circumstances and one of the best sports games I've ever played (not including the 2K NBA games which I haven't played, but I'm tempted after the reviews of the latest one).

I agree with A and B, less so with C and D.

Everything's already been said about defending, the "tactical" system sucks. It was always a less than ideal system from the start. But I'm surprised that you say "especially online" because in my experience the defensive system works far better online than offline, mainly because online people play more aggressive with less patience so you're not seeing them pass it around effortlessly like you do with the CPU. And people are more mistake prone than the CPU. Regardless, the system sucks and I couldn't agree more - it's absolutely infuriating seeing your defenders dance around the goddamn ball rather than stick a darn boot in for an easy tackle.

I don't get the lack of hard low shots. They were there last year, no? Also, I do understand why some people think the shooting physics feel a little off, or floaty at times. Sometimes the velocity on the ball doesn't seem quite right to me, sometimes not quite matching the animation and user input. I love how context and stat based shooting is this year, but something feels a little off to me nonetheless, including the lack of daisy cutters.

For C, I'm not seeing many long distance goals, or at least nothing disproportionate and out of the ordinary. Not saying you're wrong necessarily, but I haven't yet noticed an issue. Or at least, I don't see it being any easier than last year, but maybe the difference is that it's just much harder to score from - or create a chance really - inside the box. It is curious though how goalkeepers seem amazing in short situations and one-on-ones but not as good with long distance shots?

About tricks, I love me some flair. I suck at it, and more often than not am unsuccessful using tricks, but I enjoy a good trick or two. It drives me nuts when people do them nonstop, and sometimes they feel overpowered relative to the defensive mechanics, but I think for the most part they're pretty well balanced. People make a big deal about how online is a trickfest but it really isn't, at least not in Seasons. And the guys who spam tricks are actually easier to defend against than those who use them sparingly in smart moments. But I do think PES does flair and tricks with more elegance, and I'd like to see more variety in FIFA's trick animations; they feel too canned for me.

My biggest gripe at the moment is that I'm just sick of playing Real Madrid in Seasons. I don't blame people for choosing them - playing as Ronaldo and Bale still is a huge advantage - but I'd love EA to implement something that provides incentive to choose other teams. They've done something with FUT Draft to mix up FUT, now something similar is needed for Seasons.
Really? So for online matches the game auto-switches to tactical? That explains me underachieving in (handful) of online matches I have played.

Yeah, it's been like this ever since they introduced tactical defending.

As has been said, tactical defending was introduced specifically to limit pressure abuse online, even though the real problem at the time wasn't the pressure per se as much as it was the super unlreastic player movement physics, overpowered auto tackle animations, and poor ability to protect possession.

But yeah, legacy defending is only for offline.
I get what FIFA is doing, but for me somehow it's missing some fun factor.
Call me shallow, call me tradional core audience (i only started playing FIFA since '14) but i need more of that fun factor.

I don't mind admitting this. There is finally midfield battle in FIFA but for me it is just too much battle.

Kept switching between 15 and 16 today to see what i like most.
Will continue to tweak the 16 sliders some more to see if i can get it to play more the way i like.
Perhaps it will grow on me a little more.

Sofar the only matched I enjoy are Ajax vs Feyenoord. All other matches i played were simply too much work.
I'm a 46 yr dad with a wife and 2 daughters, so have limited game time these days.
Therefore i want my games to be fun.

Kudos to FIFA for what they are trying to do, guess it's just not my cup of tea.

But please...please fix the shooting. Bring back the daisy cutters and get rid of the automated shots.
Use the line sliders to create more midfield space, and to open up the game and make it more "fun" as you say. Adjust them to push the CPU forward leaving more space in the CPU half for open play. I actually do the opposite, I like to create a more defensive CPU positioning, although this year they're like a wall of defenders and I have to admit I may have met my match, can't get shots!

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Is the alternative Clive tilsley Andy Townsend commentary gone now?

I last remember seeing it on 14 I think but she you selected it nothing actually happened and it was the normal commentary.
I'm not sure I'm enjoying it or not. Seems to me the computer cheats me all the time, you can get the ball off them with them constantly passing between defense. With me as Man Utd and getting outplayed by Shrewsbury until they score and they start playing shit again, get a equalizer and it's back to super team again.
I'm not sure I'm enjoying it or not. Seems to me the computer cheats me all the time, you can get the ball off them with them constantly passing between defense. With me as Man Utd and getting outplayed by Shrewsbury until they score and they start playing shit again, get a equalizer and it's back to super team again.
"Seems"? This is the way FIFA has been programmed for a decade now lol. You described the CPU boost AI perfectly.
I get what FIFA is doing, but for me somehow it's missing some fun factor.

Call me shallow, call me tradional core audience (i only started playing FIFA since '14) but i need more of that fun factor.

I don't mind admitting this. There is finally midfield battle in FIFA but for me it is just too much battle.

Kept switching between 15 and 16 today to see what i like most.

Will continue to tweak the 16 sliders some more to see if i can get it to play more the way i like.

Perhaps it will grow on me a little more.

Sofar the only matched I enjoy are Ajax vs Feyenoord. All other matches i played were simply too much work.

I'm a 46 yr dad with a wife and 2 daughters, so have limited game time these days.

Therefore i want my games to be fun.

Kudos to FIFA for what they are trying to do, guess it's just not my cup of tea.

But please...please fix the shooting. Bring back the daisy cutters and get rid of the automated shots.

You need pes16 then
Anyone able to get Gameface working?

I have tried Chrome, IE, Safari, Firefox and Opera all with no success in saving the gameface.

Firefox and Opera get the furthest but just sit with the save spinner. Annoying.
You're all over the map, I just read your post about liking the FIFA 16 demo but not the full game. So he can't have issues with it as well without people posting snarky remarks.

It wasn't a snarky remark (whatever that is). If you don't have time to master FIFA play Pes. It's end to end easier game
D) This is very much a personal one that I don't expect anyone to agree with, but... I wish they'd just do away with the tricks (and of course, that will never happen). It not only looks ridiculous when every player is doing a rabona (or a Ribena as my phone wanted to autocorrect it to :D), but it's frustrating as hell to see the overwhelming advantage it gives people who've learnt how to twiddle a stick 45 degrees left, then 72 degrees right, then hop on one leg and shout "RONALDOLEGS".

One of the reasons I still play PES occasionally is the lack of that (which, funnily enough, is a byproduct of the button lag)...

I fully agree, and think that many more people will agree. It's one of the things i loved about PES, no tricks. Although PES has added a few since then.
Wish they would take it out as well, but it will never ever happen.
Too many kids out there who are very good at these tricks.
Me, i can't pull one off to save my life.

I even tried the body feint, looked like a moron as i faked my body left and right, and the defender just stepped in and took the ball.

I swear i could hear him laugh
Use the line sliders to create more midfield space, and to open up the game and make it more "fun" as you say. Adjust them to push the CPU forward leaving more space in the CPU half for open play. I actually do the opposite, I like to create a more defensive CPU positioning, although this year they're like a wall of defenders and I have to admit I may have met my match, can't get shots!


Thanks for the tip, will certainly give it a try.
Sorry, should have mutliquoted.

Just played a friendly, me Brasil vs Argentina on pro.
Wow, i got my ass handed, lost 4-1.

Never had a chance. I actually like it. It was fast paced even though i play on slow.
Argentina had very very good defense.
Even though i lost it felt great.

I'm not giving up yet
Sorry, should have mutliquoted.

Just played a friendly, me Brasil vs Argentina on pro.
Wow, i got my ass handed, lost 4-1.

Never had a chance. I actually like it. It was fast paced even though i play on slow.
Argentina had very very good defense.
Even though i lost it felt great.

I'm not giving up yet

Have you tried using the new fifa trainer feature? I've heard a couple people say it helped them a bit get over some initial frustrations.
Is the alternative Clive tilsley Andy Townsend commentary gone now?

I last remember seeing it on 14 I think but she you selected it nothing actually happened and it was the normal commentary.
In FIFA 15 they were there too, but I only heard them in international matches, where they were the default commentary team. As you said, you couldn't select them yourself, as you could previously in FIFA 14.

In FIFA 16, I don't know, as I don't have the full game yet. :THINK:
Is the alternative Clive tilsley Andy Townsend commentary gone now?

I last remember seeing it on 14 I think but she you selected it nothing actually happened and it was the normal commentary.

I don't believe you can select it, but they're there if you play an international match.
I've always been a pes lover..the only FIFA games I've enjoyed was 08;09 and the 2010 world cup.....but this is amazing. ..the randomness of it captures what the ps2 pes was about ..winning the ball back from cpu is the only thing pissing me of.if ea can nail player and team individuality and player models,next year ...there will be no competition imo.
If there is one thing I want PES to unashamedly steal from FIFA it's the stadium lighting and that pitch with its effects.

Simply outstanding.
Konami might also want to steal the FIFA's skin textures, those waxy cadavers in PES are scary bad. Replay closeups are hide-your-kids horrifying.
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