FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I should stop reading this thread. I'm supposed to be a grown up who shouldn't be swayed by forum posts to buy a game. I've already parted with some money for a football game. I shouldn't do it again for another. God dammit.

Bought it already????
I bought PES for PS4 and FIFA for PC (which I play on my TV through HDMI, when my gf is not watching TV, LOL).
I have no idea when will I make myself the time to play one, let alone the other. Damn...
Went to Big W, sold out. Then went to Target, sold out. Said to myself that's it, it's an obvious sign. Then went to EB Games just to have a look around for any cheap games, and they had FIFA 16 in abundance but costs a $100. Said to myself, well OK, if they price-match I'll get it, if not then this is strike 3 and I'm out. Unfortunately....

they price matched


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So are handballs working in career mode this year?

There's no on off option in career mode so I set mine to on in settings from the main menu and then started a career but so far I've not had any called.
Yeah I actually checked and it auto set me to World Class cause of FIFA 15, makes some sense why it was so much harder than the demo (was on pro there). Knocking it back down.

To the sliders thread!

A few of us have noticed that the CPU just knocks it around on World Class, but it's fine on Professional.

The problem is I'm used to Professional now and winning convincingly. Might have to look at sliders.
Went to Big W, sold out. Then went to Target, sold out. Said to myself that's it, it's an obvious sign. Then went to EB Games just to have a look around for any cheap games, and they had FIFA 16 in abundance but costs a $100. Said to myself, well OK, if they price-match I'll get it, if not then this is strike 3 and I'm out. Unfortunately....

they price matched




it's higher grade fomo I suffer from it too
I'm playing the Women's WC now on Professional, slow, 65 pass and first touch error. It is fabulous. Players have weight now and dribbling is the best I've ever seen in Fifa. This remind me so much of PES. I hope this romance continues.
I'm playing the Women's WC now on Professional, slow, 65 pass and first touch error. It is fabulous. Players have weight now and dribbling is the best I've ever seen in Fifa. This remind me so much of PES. I hope this romance continues.

Lol, same here. It's a great addition. Won the championship with Germany on Professional, with a very tight SF against France (got ahead late 1-0 then my keeper saved a french penalty) and another late goal against Brazil in the final, a beautiful header. Quality stuff. Only the stadiums should probably be less crowded.

In general I love how even the CPU sometimes blast the ball miles high over the crossbar or well wide or totally fumbles a header. Never seen such random AI misses in any other footy game.
Handballs are working but they are exaggerated and I got penalty(usually against me) due to handball in almost every match in the career mode. :/
Handballs are working but they are exaggerated and I got penalty(usually against me) due to handball in almost every match in the career mode. :/

Turn off handball in the box then, that is what I do.

I am really liking this, dribbling feels great.

I am playing on all assisted at the moment and I think it is nearly spot on. You can't do blind passess anymore, they usually go off target including back heels etc

Passess can be over and under hit.

Shots can go way off if you don't hit them correctly etc

I am enjoying it a lot at the moment.
I'm playing the Women's WC now on Professional, slow, 65 pass and first touch error. It is fabulous. Players have weight now and dribbling is the best I've ever seen in Fifa. This remind me so much of PES. I hope this romance continues.
It has got a bit of the old-school PES about it in some ways. That's why I'm quite taken by FIFA this year.
You sound like a perfect candidate for online play. It's very well balanced this year and tons of fun. As long as you're okay only playing against Real Madrid...

I never play online. There are too many guys out there doing a million tricks which i really don't like.
Shooting is wonderful, scored some great goals, on manual.

Shooting in general is wonderful and much improved from 15.
I just see too many balls going into the top corner.
I don't play manual controls, but on 15 there was more variation in the height of the shot.
in 16 they go in the top or middle of the goal. I have yet to see the first daisy cutter, after about 30 matches in both demo and final game together.

I'm just wondering why this is. I mean, shooting feels better but why the lack of varation? Is it because they changed some other parameters?
Really curious about this.
I think both games have something good to offer this year. Nothing wrong with enjoying either or both.

I haven't got the full version of FIFA yet but can you whack some shots with real pace? I've seen the CPU hit some shots with venom but not yet from my controller. I like the variety in shooting and that the ball can go anywhere...but you don't want to see the odd thunderbolt like on PES, when you actually do connect properly. Given that the keepers are so good on FIFA, I don't know why the acceleration isn't greater on some shots.
I think both games have something good to offer this year. Nothing wrong with enjoying either or both.

I haven't got the full version of FIFA yet but can you whack some shots with real pace? I've seen the CPU hit some shots with venom but not yet from my controller. I like the variety in shooting and that the ball can go anywhere...but you don't want to see the odd thunderbolt like on PES, when you actually do connect properly. Given that the keepers are so good on FIFA, I don't know why the acceleration isn't greater on some shots.

Yeah you can if it is favouring your correct foot, body position etc, that's why I love it this year it reminds me of old pro evo in many ways, its fantastic.
My biggest problems so far, and these have already been said, are...

A) Defending, especially online. Using the pressure button is a hindrance more than a help, because it puts my player a distance away that I can never successfully tackle from. It's infuriating when you're holding on to a 0-0 somehow and then in the 80th minute your defender dances AROUND the ball-carrier and lets him score, when in reality there's no way a professional defender would dance around that invisible circle around the opponent.

I'm more disappointed about that because of all the PR stuff that bragged about the much-improved defending first and foremost.

B) No daisy-cutters. I've seen lowish shots from using the "fancy pass/shot" button, but not ground shots.

C) I'm seeing lots of goals from outside the box, finesse shots into the corner, when playing online. It's weird to me that goalkeepers are unbeatable in certain circumstances (e.g. one-on-one) but then finesse shots fly in from miles outside the box.

D) This is very much a personal one that I don't expect anyone to agree with, but... I wish they'd just do away with the tricks (and of course, that will never happen). It not only looks ridiculous when every player is doing a rabona (or a Ribena as my phone wanted to autocorrect it to :D), but it's frustrating as hell to see the overwhelming advantage it gives people who've learnt how to twiddle a stick 45 degrees left, then 72 degrees right, then hop on one leg and shout "RONALDOLEGS".

One of the reasons I still play PES occasionally is the lack of that (which, funnily enough, is a byproduct of the button lag)...

That's about the sum of it, really.

I agree with the "it's 90% there" comment - I'd probably go further, it's a technical wonder in certain circumstances and one of the best sports games I've ever played (not including the 2K NBA games which I haven't played, but I'm tempted after the reviews of the latest one).
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These loading screen mini games feel redundant this year. They seem to take an age to actually load and then maybe 5 seconds later the real match has loaded and you just want to play that instead.
Scored a lovely goal earlier, my number 10 was on a dribble into the box, saw my left winger runner into the box and the AI right back tracked his run so I "used his run" and had my number 10 run into the vacated space to slam the ball into the net, great movement in the game :)
A) Defending, especially online. Using the pressure button is a hindrance more than a help, because it puts my player a distance away that I can never successfully tackle from. It's infuriating when you're holding on to a 0-0 somehow and then in the 80th minute your defender dances AROUND the ball-carrier and lets him score, when in reality there's no way a professional defender would dance around that invisible circle around the opponent.

yes, this is why legacy-type defending should come back. its ridiculous that secondary pressure does not make your player actually go for the ball. it just means your players dance around the opponent instead of making the simple tackle, which in real life they would make

im pretty sure tactical defending was only ever implemented to stop pressure abuse, but the thing is pressure abuse was a result of lack of interia in defenders which allowed to them to turn and recover instantly (this is no longer the case) and stamina not having proper effects (also much less of a problem in 16). but instead of addressing these issues outright they just implement this tactical defending to literally stop defenders from taking the ball from attackers - so lazy.
Scored a lovely goal earlier, my number 10 was on a dribble into the box, saw my left winger runner into the box and the AI right back tracked his run so I "used his run" and had my number 10 run into the vacated space to slam the ball into the net, great movement in the game :)

I forgot to mention this, I have done some nice fluid moves where my team mate AI has done some great movements.

Also it is easier to pass between two players now. In 15 if players were too close together it was nearly impossible to pass through them, but it works better now.

Still not sure if individulism is so pronounced, but using Ozil to pass he is ridiculously better than anybody else. Playing perfectly weighted passes behind the defence etc and also Getting Cazorla onto the ball and creating space for himself and getting out of tight spots.

It makes you use these players for what they are intended to do in the team much more.
Wait, so legacy defenfing has been removed completely?

If so and I can't believe I am going to say this...

Gamebreaker fot me.

Honestly, I do wonder more and more just how much, if any, football the developers of both footy titles have actually played. Yet another completely basic fundamental of the sport overthought and over-produced.
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