FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

First match, professional 7 min halves against Sunderland as United. Barmy.

Sunderland with 91% pass completion, 55% posession, scored 3 goals:
1. A move after about 40 passes let do a free kick, they score a header.
2. A move after about 50 passes they got into the box, down and a penalty despite me not actually hitting tackle button, and it being clear shoulder to shoulder.
3. A move after about 40 passes resulting in a free kick, top corner.

Basically the match consisted of me running after the ball.

Are people really able to play against the CPU with tactical defending? By the time the plyaer you're controlling gets near the ball, it's been passed perfectly somewhere else, and your teammates are basically coded to never tackle.

Their much vaunted 'interception' system appears to only be for the CPU.

It's appalling. I'm hoping it's just a one off because I cannot believe I paid for this.

I hate to sound reductive, but sliders, sliders and more sliders. To me, FIFA would be a lot less enjoyable if it wasn't for sliders. Bump up the pass error, touch error, user pass speed (and CPU if you'd like, but I wouldn't put it that high), maybe slightly reduce their marking. You can also check out other people's slider settings and see what you prefer. With that said, there are still times where their ability to retain possession and move the ball so quickly boggles my mind.

With those tweaks the CPU becomes much more manageable and less of a passing factory.

I'm trying to learn the manual game, but find the passing to kind of get stuck in the grass 9if that makes sense?) shall I up the pass speed in the sliders or is it simply a case of learning the technique???

As someone who had played FIFA on full manual for years, I would suggest upping the user pass speed for FIFA 16. Passing (in general) feels unrealistically slow to me this year. My friend who also plays full manual said the same thing. Ever since I tweaked it, it's been a much better experience. Oh, and don't forget to utilize RB + A. Very useful.
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First match, professional 7 min halves against Sunderland as United. Barmy.

Sunderland with 91% pass completion, 55% posession, scored 3 goals:
1. A move after about 40 passes let do a free kick, they score a header.
2. A move after about 50 passes they got into the box, down and a penalty despite me not actually hitting tackle button, and it being clear shoulder to shoulder.
3. A move after about 40 passes resulting in a free kick, top corner.

Basically the match consisted of me running after the ball.

Are people really able to play against the CPU with tactical defending? By the time the plyaer you're controlling gets near the ball, it's been passed perfectly somewhere else, and your teammates are basically coded to never tackle.

Their much vaunted 'interception' system appears to only be for the CPU.

It's appalling. I'm hoping it's just a one off because I cannot believe I paid for this.

It's definitely a bitch on higher difficulties but on professional it's pretty easy to defend, at least for me, so I'd say give it some time. That said, World Class and up might be a different story. No idea how you're suppose to defend against the CPU on the higher difficulties.
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It's definitely a bitch on higher difficulties but on professional it's pretty easy to defend, at least for me, so I'd say give it some time. That said, World Class and up might be a different story. No idea how you're suppose to defend against the CPU on the higher difficulties.

Yeah I actually checked and it auto set me to World Class cause of FIFA 15, makes some sense why it was so much harder than the demo (was on pro there). Knocking it back down.

To the sliders thread!
FIFA is no longer a shallow pick up and play experience has not been for a couple of years now. So many mini games to play and learn.
Last year for 15 there were so many I had not completed or even bothered trying,this year I plan to finish all of them.

This years Tactical Defending is a little more nuanced but definitely manageable with more practice.

Keep trying to win a Pokal with Dortmund keeping losing in the second round.
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Edit - Aggression & Pressure work. Put Barca up to 100 for both and they are hawking me down. Neymar picked up a yellow 4 passes into the match and as soon as I beat Neymar Jordi Alba picks me up.

I wonder what affect it has on stamina.

Think we need to find the correct instructions and then mix it with the correct tactics in order to make 'em hit it long.

Even then, don't even think they would.
FIFA is no longer a shallow pick up and play experience has not been for a couple of years now. So many mini games to play and learn.
Last year for 15 there were so many I had not completed or even bothered trying,this year I plan to finish all of them.

This years Tactical Defending is a little more nuanced but definitely manageable with more practice.

Keep trying to win a Pokal with Dortmund keeping losing in the second round.

Even w/o flicking the ball fwd you were still able to out-pace the trailing defender. No catchup bug there.

Good to see!
Even w/o flicking the ball fwd you were still able to out-pace the trailing defender. No catchup bug there.

Good to see!

No confidence yet with the flick forward yet only in certain situations, Aub has speed for days cant burst past anybody with Reus yet, this game is so contextual in so many areas of the pitch. Surprised the powers that be even let the game get released.
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No confidence yet with the flick forward yet only in certain situations, Aub has speed for days cant burst past anybody with Reus yet, this game is so contextual in so many areas of the pitch. Surprised the powers that be even let the game get released.

Ah.....gotta try it though to get better at it.

Yeah I haven't mastered that no touch dribbling yet. I think that's a nice little feature that's going to take some time to get the hang of.
Think we need to find the correct instructions and then mix it with the correct tactics in order to make 'em hit it long.

Even then, don't even think they would.

Yeah, long-ball might be hard but the "Speed" attack setting sets how fast teams will advance the ball. Maxed it out to 100 and Barca were on my backline in a heartbeat.

I'm going to try:

Speed - 100
Crossing - 100
Pass Distance - 100 or 0 (can't remember which extreme creates the distance)
Pass Risk - 100

That should get teams trying to advance the ball as fast as possible with risky passes with players a good bit of distance away from each other.

If I turn down the aggression and high pressure I might even be able to unlock clubs that sit on the counter. Organized defense, absorb pressure, force turnover, and spring the counter.

I'll report back
Assigned extreme values and booted up two matches in the demo. They do work. When set to the preset long ball tactic, they hoofed it up frequently and went the short route when I set safe and short tactics.

What happened is, during different stages of the match, they kept on changing their approach. For a brief period, they started hoofing it up, crossing frequently. A bit later, they reverted to their short passing style, which I set.

So there's that. Teams do adhere to tactics but the CPU overrides it according to the match. This can be disabled with a few ini tweaks and the MatchIntensity table but if that does the trick, I can't tell.

Either this is good or bad, gotta wait and see.
Still not sure about this game. Played as Bournemouth v Arsenal at the Emirates. I totally dominated the game. Arsenal got nowhere near me. Won 0-1
I then played as Chelsea away to Arsenal and drew 1-1 - they needed a last minute goal. Better match.
First match, professional 7 min halves against Sunderland as United. Barmy.

Sunderland with 91% pass completion, 55% posession, scored 3 goals:
1. A move after about 40 passes let do a free kick, they score a header.
2. A move after about 50 passes they got into the box, down and a penalty despite me not actually hitting tackle button, and it being clear shoulder to shoulder.
3. A move after about 40 passes resulting in a free kick, top corner.

Basically the match consisted of me running after the ball.

Are people really able to play against the CPU with tactical defending? By the time the plyaer you're controlling gets near the ball, it's been passed perfectly somewhere else, and your teammates are basically coded to never tackle.

Their much vaunted 'interception' system appears to only be for the CPU.

It's appalling. I'm hoping it's just a one off because I cannot believe I paid for this.

I had the same problem as you, but on professional.
So, i decreased the cpu sliders for marking and player runs, and increased their passing error slider a bit.

Much better now. They pressure you less, and sometimes run out of options when passing the ball around.
I find now that it has made my defending better / easier.
This morning i won 4-0 on pro, Ajax vs Feyenoord.
So i should alter the sliders again cause it's starting to become too easy perhaps. Or i'm getting better at the game.
Tweaking the sliders really helps.

Also noted that playing Ajax vs Feyenoord is easier than playing a premier league match.
Makes sense since both Ajax and Feyenoord suck these days.

Although defending in general is harder than in 15, your cpu controlled teammates position themselves much better.

Starting to like this game more and more.
Yesterday i complained about goalies also playing a perfect passing game.
This morning i was chasing the Feyenoord defender, and under pressure he passed the ball from the corner flag to his goalie.
The goalie trapped the ball to pass it to somebody.....but he trapped it behind his goal line. Own goal!!!
In the replay you saw that goalline technology. It made me laugh.
In real life there would be a riot, since the Feyenoord goalie used to be the Ajax goalie 2 seasons ago :)

It's little things like this that make the game all the more fun to play.
Are people really able to play against the CPU with tactical defending? By the time the plyaer you're controlling gets near the ball, it's been passed perfectly somewhere else, and your teammates are basically coded to never tackle.
I can't play with tactical defense the way I used to do before anymore.
What I used to do was put myself on the pass lanes and have a teammate of mine containing the ball carrier. Now I feel the right way to defend is the othr way around though: I'd let my teammates care about the pass lanes and go containing the ball carrier myself.
Also, auto-tackling looks like is there for me as when I approach the ball carrier I can dispossess him without having to press any button. It just doesn't happen when my teammates are containing though (or, at least, it happens very rarely).

What I find difficult the most is scoring though. I play on manual, Professional difficulty (yeah, I had to go that down to stand a chance), 6 minute halves, and I often finish games with just 1 or 2 shots on goal.

But, to be honest, I like it a lot so far. Defending is probably a little too easy (I'd remove auto-tackling also when I'm in control for example) but on the other hand attacking has been made a little more difficult meaning that there won't be many goalfests this time. My usual results are 1-0, 0-1, 1-1 and such.
I only managed to win the first match 3-0 (but it was on a difficulty level on its own I guess) and one match, with women, between Italy and China in which I had 6 shots at goal and scored 4. I won 4-1 (because I ballsed up big time with the keeper and passed the ball to an opponent having her shoot at te open goal, which is something I also did in real life lately :JAY: ) and I still don't know how though. :SHOCK:
Well well,

finally fired up the game yesterday.
I don´t see no difference between demo and full game at all (both PC).

Played an exhibition match and then two online matches.

Damn, they have been fun!!!
The pace is great even online.

I had Bayern Munich and played against Chelsea in the first match and Real Madrid in the second.
The first match I´ve lost 1:2 and the second I´ve won 2:1.
Man, they have been great!!

And it wasn´t like in 15 that Hazard or Bale could run through my defense just like that.

The balancing was right, so I hope they won´t change it!

So that all star teams is a lot of fun, whereas in FIFA 15 I had to play with 3 star teams online to make it more bearable.

I know, 2 matches aren´t enough, not at all, but damn...this first impression was awesome!

And the best thing:
The goal scoring didn´t leave me cold at all!
Scored a nice shot with Lewandowski from the edge of the box in the left bottom corner and it made me bump my fist and scream "Yeeaaah!!!" :).

Too bad I didn´t have time for more matches.

Fog games look incredible!

I´ll even gonna try out FUT.

Nice game!
Scored a nice shot with Lewandowski from the edge of the box in the left bottom corner and it made me bump my fist and scream "Yeeaaah!!!" :).
That's also true.

I tried Draft yesterday (and think it's a viable way for people willing to try a pack-only FUT campaign) and scored one with Seamus Coleman that just got me jumping off the chair.
It's not really true that shots are bad/feel floaty. If you strike the ball at the right time with the right power, you'll hit some pretty good bombs even from 25+ metres.
Hi there
I have a question.
Offline (PRO difficulty), patched version, i find it very easy to go to the shooting.
The CPU does not press and leave it, even if i change there tactics with more pressing..
It 'just me?
Any tweaks or tips?
Marking CPU slider is about 65
World Class is too difficult for me.
Quick question for seasoned Fifa players.

I have played PES ever since the days of ISS and have only played the odd version of Fifa so have very little experience of the game. Yesterday I purchased Fifa 16 on the PS4 and played it for about 5 hours last night. I have to say that on first impressions I am really impressed with the game. The gameplay is more suited to the way that I want to play football games where you have to think about constructing attacking moves and cannot simply waltz from one end of the pitch to another.

Anyhow - onto my question. Does Fifa ramp up the difficulty in tournament games (cup/league etc) or is the difficulty the same as experienced in the exhibition games? I want to start a Premier League playing as West Brom and am unsure which level to play on. Last night I tested out Semi-Pro and Professional levels. When playing at home to Arsenal on Professional I lost 2-0 and the game played out in a very realistic manner with Arsenal dominating the ball and me feeding off the odd scraps. I then played Villa at home and the game was a tight affair that I edged 1-0. This is exactly how I would envisage things to turn out in real life so that pleased me. However as I said those games were only friendlies - will things be different in a league scenario?

Any guidance would be appreciated - cheers.
Quick question for seasoned Fifa players.

I have played PES ever since the days of ISS and have only played the odd version of Fifa so have very little experience of the game. Yesterday I purchased Fifa 16 on the PS4 and played it for about 5 hours last night. I have to say that on first impressions I am really impressed with the game. The gameplay is more suited to the way that I want to play football games where you have to think about constructing attacking moves and cannot simply waltz from one end of the pitch to another.

Anyhow - onto my question. Does Fifa ramp up the difficulty in tournament games (cup/league etc) or is the difficulty the same as experienced in the exhibition games? I want to start a Premier League playing as West Brom and am unsure which level to play on. Last night I tested out Semi-Pro and Professional levels. When playing at home to Arsenal on Professional I lost 2-0 and the game played out in a very realistic manner with Arsenal dominating the ball and me feeding off the odd scraps. I then played Villa at home and the game was a tight affair that I edged 1-0. This is exactly how I would envisage things to turn out in real life so that pleased me. However as I said those games were only friendlies - will things be different in a league scenario?

Any guidance would be appreciated - cheers.

Hmmm hard to say.
I played a lot of FIFA 15 CM and startet with a weak team from the 2nd division.

On professional I really had to struggle and lost many games, had draws and also won a few.
My team players had stats around 60 - 70.

By the time when I got to sign new stronger players and when the team was getting stronger slowly - I think after 2 or 3 seasons or so - I had to set it up to world class.

But the good thing is that you can do a lot of fine tuning with the sliders.

So, I´m quite sure You´ll enjoy the CM.
Hmmm hard to say.
I played a lot of FIFA 15 CM and startet with a weak team from the 2nd division.

On professional I really had to struggle and lost many games, had draws and also won a few.
My team players had stats around 60 - 70.

By the time when I got to sign new stronger players and when the team was getting stronger slowly - I think after 2 or 3 seasons or so - I had to set it up to world class.

But the good thing is that you can do a lot of fine tuning with the sliders.

So, I´m quite sure You´ll enjoy the CM.

Cheers mate. What happens if you just play a Premier League (not Career Mode)? I assume that the squad is exactly as in real life and you cannot sign/sell players etc?
Picked this up yesterday and I have to say I'm absolutely loving it!..while I enjoyed 14 and 15 immensely along with pes this year Fifa is a very different animal.

Definitely room in my life for both footie games this year and I'm certainly going to get some enjoyment from Fifa.

I brought it with no expectations and its delivered...nice pace and tempo and I like now that playing footie and moving the ball is rewarded..manual control also feels much sharper and tight.

Happy Punter!..good work from ea.
Definitely forces you to play football rather then bursting forward..also like how the super players have been toned down..more realistic,how it should be..

Fingers crossed they stay true to there vision of a more realistic game and don't revert back to high intensity run at goal gameplay.

I don't no how it shapes up in the assisted settings as I'm a manual player..
Not a chance I always get it and umming over getting this with a buddy as a share play but in PES 2016 II. very well catered for pal.

Tbh i'm enjoying both games offline this year. Fifa fixed many of the broken things from 15 and the AI is sort of more humanized now, even with only some minor sliders adjustments.
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