FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I'm an advocate of legacy defending. I tend not to defend in a double-pressure, guided missile kind of way, prefering to stand off sometimes, jockey and keep shape as much as possible, going for a tackle when the best opportunity arises. It works for me.

I never took to tactical defending.
Block passing lanes that's the key, AI is forced to go backwards most of the time, doesn't really matter that much which type of defending you use, if you drag 2nd defenders over the AI will destroy the empty spaces you leave.
I'm an advocate of legacy defending. I tend not to defend in a double-pressure, guided missile kind of way, prefering to stand off sometimes, jockey and keep shape as much as possible, going for a tackle when the best opportunity arises. It works for me.

I never took to tactical defending.

Block passing lanes that's the key, AI is forced to go backwards most of the time, doesn't really matter that much which type of defending you use, if you drag 2nd defenders over the AI will destroy the empty spaces you leave.

I agree. That is the way I play (legendary, 15 min, manual, legacy defending).
Also, IMO it is best to let AI go into your half (or even final third) and than jockey or double press accordingly and wait for them to get nervous and make a cross/long/short pass which I can intercept.
Chasing AI players in their half is usually pointless and frustrating.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Really now?
Some people said the full game is like the demo and some say the full game is a little faster.

Can´t check before tonight.

The perceieved increase in game speed could be more down to the camera angle changing at different stadiums (closer to the pitch on some). However there is definitely a change in agility and responsiveness. It's more noticeable when dribbling and also when defending. It feels a bit skatey like the players are too light or big for the pitch. There was a real inertia between player and pitch on the demo, but for me, it's greatly reduced in the full game. Not to Fifa 15 levels but it is noticeable.

Still a good game, but I had more fun with the demo.
Block passing lanes that's the key, AI is forced to go backwards most of the time
That I can do, but it's still a fault of the game (if it's trying to be realistic) that when I'm positioned on-top of an opposition player and I want to tackle the ball, I either...

A) Do a sliding tackle that misses.

B) Do a stab-tackle that misses because I can't get close enough to do that (for me, they work in midfield far more often than I can get them to work against a striker).

C) Try to predict where he's going to move so I simply run into the guy and just "fumble" the ball off him, which causes me to just walk/run the wrong way.
Not sure whether the early access trial made me good at the game but all of a sudden first game on the actual game and I've beaten Sunderland 4-0 away as Newcastle on world class.
IMO tactical defending is one of th best things that happened to Fifa..I am very glad that it's a must in online games. When ı try to play Pes online ,it's really hard to enjoy a game when opponent players constantly running towards you for the entire game..It's really disgusting. In Fifa , ı have more time with the ball and i can play a good passing game. Like gamespot said , middfield feels like battlefield in Fifa 16, scoring a goal feels rewarding which is amazing..There is no cheap way to score in this game.
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That I can do, but it's still a fault of the game (if it's trying to be realistic) that when I'm positioned on-top of an opposition player and I want to tackle the ball, I either...

A) Do a sliding tackle that misses.

B) Do a stab-tackle that misses because I can't get close enough to do that (for me, they work in midfield far more often than I can get them to work against a striker).

C) Try to predict where he's going to move so I simply run into the guy and just "fumble" the ball off him, which causes me to just walk/run the wrong way.

You missed D:

D) Run your defender through the middle of the attacker and watch them get thrown to the floor then do the diving hands motion if the referee gives a free kick ;)

In all seriousness though it does seem to be a legitimate alternative tactic if you're controlling a strong player walk them through the ball and opponent instead of pressing either tackle button...
hey guys, to those who own the pc version, what is the settings that they ask to select after choosing ur favorite club? lol i was just double pressing the button without realising that screen
Can someone help please? It may be mentioned previously but I've emigrated today, I'm knackered, and just picked up FIFA so need to chill.

Isn't there a squad update for transfers etc for offline?
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

It feels quicker to me. But I then I did play this straight after a session of PES and FIFA always feels quicker after playing Pes - and I was tired.

I'll have another go tonight

Okay....on what platform again were you playing?

I had the feeling that the PC demo was slower than the PS4 one in general.

The perceieved increase in game speed could be more down to the camera angle changing at different stadiums (closer to the pitch on some). However there is definitely a change in agility and responsiveness. It's more noticeable when dribbling and also when defending. It feels a bit skatey like the players are too light or big for the pitch. There was a real inertia between player and pitch on the demo, but for me, it's greatly reduced in the full game. Not to Fifa 15 levels but it is noticeable.

Still a good game, but I had more fun with the demo.

Hmmm ok thx for your impression.
On what platform are you playing?
I'm an advocate of legacy defending. I tend not to defend in a double-pressure, guided missile kind of way, prefering to stand off sometimes, jockey and keep shape as much as possible, going for a tackle when the best opportunity arises. It works for me.

I never took to tactical defending.

I’m the opposite. I think that tactical defending was a great addition to Fifa.
It was good in 15, but to me in 16 it is much too difficult. Due to this I may have to give legacy a try.

Block passing lanes that's the key, AI is forced to go backwards most of the time, doesn't really matter that much which type of defending you use, if you drag 2nd defenders over the AI will destroy the empty spaces you leave.

It’s the best way to go. But, sometimes you don’t want to block lanes and wait for a mistake.
It should be possible to chase a defender and take the ball from him every now and then.
The success rate for this in 16 is very very low.

That I can do, but it's still a fault of the game (if it's trying to be realistic) that when I'm positioned on-top of an opposition player and I want to tackle the ball, I either...

A) Do a sliding tackle that misses.

B) Do a stab-tackle that misses because I can't get close enough to do that (for me, they work in midfield far more often than I can get them to work against a striker).

C) Try to predict where he's going to move so I simply run into the guy and just "fumble" the ball off him, which causes me to just walk/run the wrong way.

I agree. Seems that the cpu “feels” what you are going to do and they always beat you.
They either pass that ball or do a feint or simply dribble past you.
As mentioned above, success rate for a standing tackle is much too low.

On a positive note : it’s great to watch my striker putting pressure on a defender and then watch him do a body feint and move past me like I wasn’t there. That made me laugh a few times.
Unfortunately it happens too much.
Even the keeper – all of them – have great skills and never kick the ball in the third row seats.
They pass and pass, not realistic.

IMO tactical defending is one of th best things that happened to Fifa..I am very glad that it's a must in online games. When ı try to play Pes online ,it's really hard to enjoy a game when opponent players constantly running towards you for the entire game..It's really disgusting. In Fifa , ı have more time with the ball and i can play a good passing game. Like gamespot said , middfield feels like battlefield in Fifa 16, scoring a goal feels rewarding which is amazing..There is no cheap way to score in this game.

Agree with the tactical defending. Midfield battles are great but the balance has shifted too much to this now. It was almost non existant in 15, in 16 It’s too dominant.

So, I caved in (I know, I’m weak) today and bought 16.
Managed to play 2 games before work. It’s nice to see that most of my settings migrated from 15.

Played 2 matches on pro.

Fist one Ajax – Feyenoord. It’s always my first one.
At first I thought : pro is easier.
But in the end all I managed was a 0-0 draw.
Somehow it was just a little easier getting the ball from the cpu.
I also noticed a lot of errant passes, without having altered any sliders.

2nd match was me Bayern vs Hoffenheim.
Thought I’d take a top team vs medium team. But again all I managed was a 0-0 draw.

Speed on slow was to slow, on normal it feels too fast. Might have to do some slider tweaking here.

I’m starting to realize more and more that part of my problems are created by myself.
Thought I was a good player, but it seems I’m not. And I’m noticing this because of the increased pressure from the cpu.
I have less time on the ball and start to panic. Press wrong buttons, make the wrong choices.
Quite realistic actually.
With some tweaking I can have fun with this for a year , no doubt.

Some of the negatives remain :

The shooting, although generally much better than 15, is at certain points automated.
I miss the low driven shots, most shots go halfway or in the top of the goal.
Too many automatic placed shots…really don’t like it.

Defending is much harder than 15. I’m struggling on pro and don’t see myself ever going up to world class.
When doing league mode I’m sure I’ll have this problem against all teams.
Would be more realistic to struggle against the top teams and have it a bit easier against the shitty teams.

Have seen some great new animations already. Reactions of players when missing a shot / header.
Very realistic and immersive.
I really wish that my career mode with a created Marco van Basten could have been migrated into 16.
Now I have to start all over again, which I am not going to do.
Perhaps something to think of for future editions.

Ok, back to work.
Liked the demo (tho I really do miss the L1/LB close control).

Bought the game today. Configured all settings the same as demo (slow gamespeed, manual etc).
Played Spurs(cpu) vs City, was 5-0 up within 30 mins, just sprinting past players for fun.

First impressions are absolutely terrible. Knew EA would ramp up the speed / nerf the momentum.

Shame on me.
Liked the demo (tho I really do miss the L1/LB close control).

Bought the game today. Configured all settings the same as demo (slow gamespeed, manual etc).
Played Spurs(cpu) vs City, was 5-0 up within 30 mins, just sprinting past players for fun.

First impressions are absolutely terrible. Knew EA would ramp up the speed / nerf the momentum.

Shame on me.
I mentioned to people a couple weeks back when everyone was praising the demo up and down, that EA doesn't include the randomizer/boost coding in the demo, which has a huge affect on how the game plays. Someone even laughed at my comment and said "So what?" But I'm not the type to tell someone "I told you so..."
I mentioned to people a couple weeks back when everyone was praising the demo up and down, that EA doesn't include the randomizer/boost coding in the demo, which has a huge affect on how the game plays. Someone even laughed at my comment and said "So what?" But I'm not the type to tell someone "I told you so..."
Can I just say, against Scunthorpe in the cup (and against all kinds of teams in the pre-season tournaments) I've been WAITING for that 90th minute winner, and I've honestly not seen any kind of sudden improvement yet.

Again, I think you can narrow this down to AI manager tactics being too "strong" rather than actual cheating. When you play Be A Pro this year, the AI manager (in the games I've played) is constantly changing your strategy throughout the 90 minutes, and when it gets close to 90 minutes (if the score is level) the strategy is pushed to "all out attack", even when it's a pointless game (which is a bit rubbish).

In FIFA 15, this is when players run forward AND become better in their decision making too (which I believe is that strategy shift doing too much rather than the coders "trying to create drama" as has been said before), and so far in 16 I've only seen a shift in emphasis and not superpowers.

Again, during the game against Scunthorpe, when it was 0-0 approaching 90 minutes (and when Arsenal were a goal down with ten minutes to go), I was expecting the worst, and I was looking out for it. Arsenal shifted men forward, but didn't become supermen. Scunthorpe had a bit more intelligence and didn't seem to shift strategy at all, still holding out for penalties (which I don't think was the case last year).
That's what i'm missing!!! I used that a low trying to go past defenders since i lack the skills of doing tricks.
Is this gone from the game?

Don't agree with your other remarks at all.

The close control dribble (Left Trigger) is still there (tho I've found it useless most of the time) but the really tight close control which allows you to stop the ball dead (Left Shoulder) is gone :(

I use to use it all the time in 15 to slow the game down and dictate the midfield but no more. The no touch dribbling is cool but I hope they bring it back
I don't see any real "cheating" going on anymore. The problem is that the CPU is able to play in a way that we aren't able to on defense. It's not cheating; it's tactical defending being clearly designed with online play in mind, and it's not sufficient for playing against the CPU.

We have to play extremely conservative against the CPU on anything higher than Pro difficulty, whereas the CPU has the ability to properly apply pressure. Inability to apply pressure = high possession and pass acc stats for the CPU, and high frustration levels for us.

When defending I keep feeling like I'm missing something, because I can't believe that EA thought this was a fair fight against the CPU with the tools they've provided us. I'm hoping the experience gets better but I don't see what I should be doing differently. I'm actually at the point where I might try legacy defending.
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The close control dribble (Left Trigger) is still there (tho I've found it useless most of the time) but the really tight close control which allows you to stop the ball dead (Left Shoulder) is gone :(

I use to use it all the time in 15 to slow the game down and dictate the midfield but no more. The no touch dribbling is cool but I hope they bring it back

Close control is in the game mate..It's really useful in tight spaces..
Nobody pissed off about the keepers letting in shots like CB's video above quite a lot?

I know it pisses me off, a shit animation trying to tip the ball over running backwards what's worse it there always close but rarely save it.

A utterly shit unrealistic animation
I'm on XBox One, maybe that's why? I dunno but pretty much all the inertia that was in the demo has gone for me - or at least that's how it felt until I walked away 7-0 up at HT
Nobody pissed off about the keepers letting in shots like CB's video above quite a lot?

I know it pisses me off, a shit animation trying to tip the ball over running backwards what's worse it there always close but rarely save it.

A utterly shit unrealistic animation
I thought it was pretty spot-on - never seen it before either, but I'm not doing a Wenger there, I haven't played online much yet. Are you seeing a lot of chips go in?

I'll be honest, I didn't even mean that shot to be a chip. I think he hit it with his wrong foot, which added a lot more loft to it than I'd intended, but that made it all-the-more special to me - never had that happen before.

It's annoying that they've somehow ramped the speed up for you and a handful of others. For everyone else it's absolutely 100% the exact same as the demo.
Agreed. I'm seeing players bring down the ball and pass more quickly, but it hasn't made my game play any different at all. And I HATED FIFA 15, and still do (when I go back to it to make sure I'm not going mad after reading comments like that)...

I'm on XBox One, maybe that's why? I dunno but pretty much all the inertia that was in the demo has gone for me - or at least that's how it felt until I walked away 7-0 up at HT
I'm on the Xbox One too. The most I've won by so far is three goals, but I'm no superstar...
Did anybody have time to check if the Custom Tactics work?

For the umpteenth time.
Did anybody have time to check if the Custom Tactics work?

For the umpteenth time.
Did you not answer this yourself a while ago now? WAY BACK WHEN?

I've experimented with them as Liverpool and found that the players do actually respond now. I've mainly used it to make wingers stop going on constant runs forward which leave me with nobody to pass to, and to force man-marking on players in certain positions.
Nice to see there are some Xbox one players here :-) I play full manual but I don't mind playing against full auto players since it seems very balanced this year. My gamertag is : Mongolourk.
Feel free to add me
Been playing the demo to death on the PS4. Just got back from playing the retail version for ~two hours and noticed no differences whatsoever. Like, at all.

And something that I forgot to state is, the man himself, Krebstar, later corrected himself and said that it was fine in the demo but not in the full game.

You're the only person I can depend upon. My true love.
You're the only person I can depend upon. My true love.
Don't let Jaygrim see that, he doesn't like me flirting with other guys.

But yeah, it's made a difference for my own team in terms of keeping players around the ball. I've not made changes to other teams but I don't think they'd "stick" anyway given how often the AI managers change things based on the match.

That's something I'd like to see in the next FIFA - manager styles as opposed to team styles. You can set everything for a team so that they play like they're supposed to, but the attack/defend bar is up and down constantly which changes the shape and the style of play (i.e. goal down with 30 minutes to go equals "attacking" and "long ball").
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