FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

And yet I think there are some double and even triple saves from GKs in PES that are truly incredible and I haven't seen any of thaat in FIFA yet. In FIFA, keepers usually either send the ball away, retain it or rebound somewhere.

Actually, the women US team's GK made some incredible back to back saves against me until I finally scored 1 :)

Lami, I've read this in a couple of different posts from you already and I'm really curious as to which akward passing animations you're refering to. Could you show me a video or something? I haven't noticed any. Really.
I've seen weird dribbling or tricks animations but none regarding passes or shots.

Wish I did but it's not with me anymore. Just walk/run towards a direction then quickly pass towards the opposite direction and the player just does this freakishly quick animation that looks so off; inertia out the window.

Others might not see it or mind it much though so you guys are quite lucky to be able to ignore all these weird super-quick animations. Some of them you can obviously see when players shake hands, you'd think they're having an epilepsy episode they way they're sped up. These types I didn't care about though since they don't affect gameplay. PES doesn't have the best animations either, but at least I can put it on -1 and can see animations play out naturally. I wish I could do that in Fifa. Would've definitely kept it.
Actually, the women US team's GK made some incredible back to back saves against me until I finally scored 1 :)

Wish I did but it's not with me anymore. Just walk/run towards a direction then quickly pass towards the opposite direction and the player just does this freakishly quick animation that looks so off; inertia out the window.

Others might not see it or mind it much though so you guys are quite lucky to be able to ignore all these weird super-quick animations. Some of them you can obviously see when players shake hands, you'd think they're having an epilepsy episode they way they're sped up. These types I didn't care about though since they don't affect gameplay. PES doesn't have the best animations either, but at least I can put it on -1 and can see animations play out naturally. I wish I could do that in Fifa. Would've definitely kept it.

You sold the game, because it has an awkward passing animation? :II
Not that this is anything new in football games, but I'm tired of the CPU playing 10x above their level whenever I manage to score a goal against them. The amount of 45/90th minute goals I concede is mind boggling.
I wish I had saved this goal.

Wanyama plays a short little pass into Bendtner on the edge of the opposition box and then makes a run in behind the defence. Bendtner traps the ball under his feet and purposely waits for the right moment, before lifting the ball up over the defenders and into the path of Wanyama. It's got to be perfect because the keeper is closing in, so I only have a second to get my shot off. I hit the ball far harder than I should, but it doesn't matter, the ball smashes against the underside of the bar and then bounces on the line, before hitting the inside of the right post. The ball then continues to just trickle over the line...

One of the most aesthetically pleasing goals I think I've ever scored on any football game, ever.
Noticed that changing the cpu lines slider so that it's more up the pitch has more effect than simply changing the man marking slider.
Putting their line up a little more give just some more time on the ball, but they still mark well meaning you have to really look for openings.
Big improvement for me.

Also seeing some lower shots after increasing the shot power. Mind you, no daisy cutters yet which i think are simply not in the game. But not all balls are going into the top corner anymore.

Still see the cpu hitting the post and crossbar a lot....and i mean a LOT.

Patch those that out and the daisy cutter in and i'm a happy man.
You sold the game, because it has an awkward passing animation? :II
It's a shame to pass on a game for something we consider trivial but everyone has their own threshold for what they consider game-breaking. No point persevering with something you can't enjoy.

For me, PES2016 is borderline unplayable. Far too many issues for me to entertain the idea of buying it. FIFA16 isn't perfect, it's just a case of choosing the game that does the least wrong and is the easier product to live with.
You sold the game, because it has an awkward passing animation? :II

Yep. The same animation that happened constantly when the CPU kept blind passing between it's players. Ruined the gameplay for me. I just wasn't comfortable. Hope that answers your question.

It's a shame to pass on a game for something we consider trivial but everyone has their own threshold for what they consider game-breaking. No point persevering with something you can't enjoy.

Exactly this :)
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It's a shame to pass on a game for something we consider trivial but everyone has their own threshold for what they consider game-breaking. No point persevering with something you can't enjoy.
Sure, but if one funky animation is the reason someone quits FIFA, don't let them near the animation disaster that is PES, their head will explode! j/k, I'm playing more PES than FIFA right now.
Sure, but if one funky animation is the reason someone quits FIFA, don't let them near the animation disaster that is PES, their head will explode! j/k, I'm playing more PES than FIFA right now.

Well my head is still where it is ;)

Anyway I'm done posting here. Don't want to annoy no one neither sound redundant.

Enjoy everyone!
Still see the cpu hitting the post and crossbar a lot....and i mean a LOT.

Patch those that out and the daisy cutter in and i'm a happy man.
Hitting the post and crossbar a lot is a slider thing, sounds like you upped the shot error?
Been having a blast with this one for real, although I dislike a few hectic animations as well.
I can overlook that still, but there happen so many nice situations on the pitch.
It´s amazing.

Can´t wait to start a CM, but still waiting for the first moddingway patch to have the CL and EL.

Played a few online season matches and started some FUT offline tournaments and seasons.
Didn´t tweak any sliders yet, as I find the basics very nice so far.

I just can´t get any sweetFX to work.
I´m on WIN 7 64 bit...?
Well my head is still where it is ;)

Anyway I'm done posting here. Don't want to annoy no one neither sound redundant.

Enjoy everyone!
Ha! The PES PC version is shameful in so many ways. But I'm playing PES much more for one reason: CPU team tactics customization. Yesterday I set up the CPU to specifically play defensive possession football. Played a 30 minute game which ended with the CPU 70% possession and 3 shots.

FIFA, no matter how you tweak the settings, is relentlessly offense-oriented. FIFA CPU with 70% possession - which wouldn't happen to begin with - would end up with 15-20 shots min in a 30 minute game.

Oops just reread Lami's comment. Sorry I honestly thought I was posting this in the FIFA vs PES forum!
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These types I didn't care about though since they don't affect gameplay. PES doesn't have the best animations either, but at least I can put it on -1 and can see animations play out naturally. I wish I could do that in Fifa. Would've definitely kept it.

This is what I find strange. In a number of gameplay cases, PES really doesn't have particularly natural animations - so often a player will suddenly slingshot into another direction in a way that defies logic. There's so much more momentum and inertia in FIFA than PES this year and, while there's still room for improvement, I am genuinely baffled that the couple of discrepancies in FIFA are picked up but the majority of PES is allowed to slide. I'm not trying to make this a PES/FIFA discussion - I just find it interesting that so many of the criticisms against FIFA in the past have been addressed (momentum, weighty dribbling, passing error, trapping error, shooting error) and yet it's still being viewed as if it has the same old problems. That PES has so many of these old FIFA problems makes it all the more baffling (but that is for another thread)

I'm not saying you're wrong to feel as you do, you're entitled to do as you feel and enjoy whichever game you like. I just find it fascinating considering what the problems with FIFA were 5 years ago, compared to where the 2 games are now.

I do get that FIFA has an issue with animation speeds at times though. The issue is that they'll have, for example, a jogging animation where the size of the stride is fixed, and to represent that player jogging a bit faster, they'll just speed up the jog rather than 80% open the stride out and 20% speed the jog up. The same sort of logic will be applied to passing or shooting animations very occasionally, which usually doesn't look too awkward but is exacerbated when the player spins around.
Unable to force CPU AI to force long balls from behind, even adjusting to 100 related value in AI custom tactics.
Tried everything with slides...
Someone notices this issue (PC version)?
FIFA, no matter how you tweak the settings, is relentlessly offense-oriented. FIFA CPU with 70% possession - which wouldn't happen to begin with - would end up with 15-20 shots min in a 30 minute game.

Strange, but my experience is quite different. I am playing career on professional with legacy defending and most assists on (broadcast camera doesn't go well with manual) and the CPU is very reluctant to actually attack, even when they are down in the score. They often pass the ball around for ages in their own half or in midfield and when they are attacking you basically just have to patiently close down space until they give the ball away. They hardly ever play a long ball or a cross. It doesn't feel like a relentless attack to me at all. In fact, I wish the top teams like Dortmund or Bayern would be a bit more agressive, especially when they are playing on their home turf.
Oh ok, thx a lot.
Haven´t seen this one yet.

I´ll try tonight.

There are 4 main steps:

  1. Download the main pack and extract to your Fifa folder
  2. rename ReShade64.dll (because Fifa is a 64bit game) that's now in the same place as your exe to dxgi.dll
  3. from download the actual preset by clicking "download preset"
  4. rename the preset .txt file to SweetFX_settings.txt and overwrite the one contained in the \FIFA 16\SweetFX folder.

That should be all you need, if all worked right it'll show text on loading in the centre of the Fifa loading screen and in the top left to say it's working and you should see that the lighting is different, you can turn it on and off without restriction during the game by pressing "Scroll Lock" :)
Talking about animations. Are they ever going to work on the curling free kick animations? The follow through is all wrong. Noone takes free kicks like that!! Such an immersion killer
It's a shame to pass on a game for something we consider trivial but everyone has their own threshold for what they consider game-breaking. No point persevering with something you can't enjoy.

Lami's threshold seems to change depending on which game he is playing, though. Do you not find it inexplicable how he could be so disillusioned with FIFA's animations that he would return the game, and yet he hasn't reached that point with PES -- which by most accounts contains far more obvious defects in terms of how the players move and interact with the football?

Each to his own, but I don't understand that.
Probably really dumb question, but how do I 'loft' my long passes? The CPU loves doing these cross field balls that go really high, but for the life of me I can't get a ball over a full back to the wing. Everything is hit hard and low.

Is there a button or something?
Probably really dumb question, but how do I 'loft' my long passes? The CPU loves doing these cross field balls that go really high, but for the life of me I can't get a ball over a full back to the wing. Everything is hit hard and low.

Is there a button or something?
I remember playing one of the skill games where you have to execute those long passes from one touch line to the other. The way I managed to do it was by holding the long pass button for quite a long time, i.e. the power bar was maxed out. But you must use a player with a good Long Passing stat - Rooney or Carrick (or Schweini even) from Utd.

I can't guarantee it will work though.
Probably really dumb question, but how do I 'loft' my long passes? The CPU loves doing these cross field balls that go really high, but for the life of me I can't get a ball over a full back to the wing. Everything is hit hard and low.

Is there a button or something?

L1 seems give more elevation.
Lami's threshold seems to change depending on which game he is playing, though. Do you not find it inexplicable how he could be so disillusioned with FIFA's animations that he would return the game, and yet he hasn't reached that point with PES -- which by most accounts contains far more obvious defects in terms of how the players move and interact with the football?

Each to his own, but I don't understand that.
I don't want to labour over this one as it's a discussion for the PES v FIFA thread but....Romagnoli said it all really. Seems a bit strange that FIFA is getting so much criticism this year when it's trying to offer so many things PES used to be lauded for. But each to their own. Some stick with what they know even if, in my opinion, PES has now become pure fan service, pure nostalgia, and in doing so feels like a dated, simplistic football game. It's going down the wrong path as far as I'm concerned.
Some stick with what they know even if, in my opinion, PES has now become pure fan service, pure nostalgia, and in doing so feels like a dated, simplistic football game. It's going down the wrong path as far as I'm concerned.

if anything they are taking a new direction to appeal to arcade pick-up-and-play type players, because nothing about recent pes games have been nostalgic or captured anything like the ps2 games
I don't want to labour over this one as it's a discussion for the PES v FIFA thread but....Romagnoli said it all really. Seems a bit strange that FIFA is getting so much criticism this year when it's trying to offer so many things PES used to be lauded for. But each to their own. Some stick with what they know even if, in my opinion, PES has now become pure fan service, pure nostalgia, and in doing so feels like a dated, simplistic football game. It's going down the wrong path as far as I'm concerned.

wrong path from what ? pes 2014, 2015 path ? PES 2016 is better compared to last year iteration.
Well each to their own.

If Lami is bugged by those animations, so be it. He made a decision and had a good reason.

Tbh, I find a few of those ugly as hell as well.
For example when a player gets injured and walks off the field.
In the close up you see a guy holding his shoulder and walks like Charlie Chaplin in speeded up silent movies.

But it´s not that much that it kills the fun I have with this game.
FIFA got flaws and PES got flaws and it´s up to everyone to decide for himself (herself (where is Melody btw??)) with what he can live more.

Keepers that fall down in slow motion and don´t stretch themselves like showing no effort to parry a shot, passes on rails and less shot variation is something I can´t enjoy and that´s why I stick to FIFA and endorse bad player faces, some hectic animations (which got toned down quite much this year compared to the year before), no camera angles, no CL/EL etc etc and savor all the pros this game provides.

Another important factor:
I don´t have the feeling to be let down by this company. I paid a reasonable price and I´m fine with what I got for my money.
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All I will say is when I'm not playing Fifa I'm thinking about Fifa..haven't felt like this about a footie game since pes back in the ps2 days..

So many heart in the mouth moments and so much variation..when I think back to Fifa World Cup 2010 and how Good I thought Fifa could be potentially,little did I realise it would get this good..

I dunno call me old fashioned but this is the footie game I've wanted for a age.

Still very satisfied with pes16 but I'm finding Fifa arresting to play.
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