FIFA 14 News & Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 14 - General Discussion

I meant it's the only game that brings out emotions to me! It's obviously not the only game that brings out any emotions!!

My comments have as much place in a dedicated football forum as yours. Condescending or not. I've been around this forum for years and there's the same shit posted every fucking year. Don't people get bored of spouting the same old stuff? Fact is, the game is what it is. I can't do fuck all about it so I play whatever is in front of me. If I don't like it, I don't play it. Simple.
You aren't the only one who lives and breathes sport either. I play this and realise it's a fucking game! If I want real life football, I get out on the pitch and play it. In the meantime I'll just enjoy the virtual game even with its faults... which I don't let bother me.
When you see the same shit getting posted every year it gets tedious (you wouldn't have seen it seeing as you only joined last year). If I feel like saying that now and then I will. I don't need your permission sunshine but thanks for your input. Iechyd da.

Heh, just coz my new account is a year old doesn't mean that I haven't been around evo web for a while.

yeah your condescension really doesn't have a place in any meaningful discussion. Why the fuck stay on a forum if you don't want people to discuss their insights? If it bothers you so much, a veteran poster like you, grow the fuck up and don't post your tripe that doesn't add anything to the discussion. You want shit like that reddit and youtube might be better for your tastes.

You sound like my mum who says that world football is a circus of grown men playing little boys games.

Whatever. I said my piece. I'm done.
FIFA 14 - General Discussion

Heh, just coz my new account is a year old doesn't mean that I haven't been around evo web for a while.

yeah your condescension really doesn't have a place in any meaningful discussion. Why the fuck stay on a forum if you don't want people to discuss their insights? If it bothers you so much, a veteran poster like you, grow the fuck up and don't post your tripe that doesn't add anything to the discussion. You want shit like that reddit and youtube might be better for your tastes.

You sound like my mum who says that world football is a circus of grown men playing little boys games.

Whatever. I said my piece. I'm done.

Grow up? I'm not the one crying about certain things in a bloody game. Some people in here are the ones who need to grow up! Whining about the same things year after year. It's boring now.
I stay here as there are enough people who don't talk the same shit over and over so I'll stay around as long as I want but thanks for your suggestion kid. YouTube is full of bellends like that KSI guy my nipper was on about the other week so how the fuck would that be more to my taste?!!! 178mph, chipped through ball, spinning around unrealistic assisted crap!!

Carry on talking about the same shit year after year if you want to. Don't cry when I tell you to stop boring me and repeating the same shit though. How many times can the same bollocks be discussed? Every year you could just copy and paste the previous years discussion. Meaningful conversation my fucking ass. Some (not all) of it is absolute shite.
Re: FIFA 14 - General Discussion

hi there
how can i update my multiplayer sqauds so i can have bale at madrid?
Re: FIFA 14 - General Discussion

hi there
how can i update my multiplayer sqauds so i can have bale at madrid?

Offline multiplayer? Cos online should download the squads automatically if they're out of date.

Go to the customize tab and you can manually download the latest squad file which will be used for all offline modes.

Customize/edit teams/download updates.
Re: FIFA 14 - General Discussion

Ultimate difficulty is bloody hard. I've now committed to a tournament and don't want to back out now. It's taken me long enough to beat FC Porto and Napoli (1-0 both games). Now I've got Juve in the semi's and look to face either City or United in the final.

Re: FIFA 14 - General Discussion

lads need some advice still enjoying the game but becoming very frustrated with myself

im playing on world class CM as Newcastle Utd and currently in 15th place after 19 games.I have hardly scored although im playing 6 minute games is that not advised? my problem is I cannot dribble and beat players its almost like I dont have enough time on the ball or space I will receive the ball and take maybe a second to get it under control then when I go to even move forward BANG im tackled.

My questions are do I need to learn the R stick moves more since I dont use it?

How do you make a player pressure the CPU?

how do you make him attack the ball when being passed to instead of just standing there to recieve it? is their a super cancel button?

whats 1-2 pass?

also the sliders im confused about does putting the slider higher mean less? say CPU marking for example if I set it to 70 does that mean they mark me more or less? they dont make that clear at all

loads of question I know but I like this game and im willing to keep trying to get better and not get too frustrated
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Re: FIFA 14 - General Discussion

If English isn't your first language I would understand why the sliders are confusing (no offence intended). Obviously if you're playing the game in a language other than English I've no idea how they've labelled the sliders!

When a slider includes "error" in the name then the higher you raise it the more errors will be caused (eg pass error, shot error, first touch error), all the other ones mean that the higher you raise it the better they will be at doing that (eg goalkeeper slider, marking slider).

Move the CPU marking slider all the way down to 0, you should find you have more time and space on the ball, if it's now suddenly too easy raise it a little bit, to 15 or 20.

Super cancel is Left Trigger + Right Trigger (or L2+R2 if on PS3), hold those down and then move the player with the stick.
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Re: FIFA 14 - General Discussion

haha no offence taken I am Italian but I thought my english was pretty good!

ok I understand now with the sliders thanks seems I have adjusting them wrong this whole time:CONFUSE: sorry also what about line height width? the higher the more spread out they become right?

and yes I am on the PS3 I couldnt find super cancel on the game controls menu or the 1-2 pass
Re: FIFA 14 - General Discussion

No, regarding line height the higher they are the more they will push everyone towards the midfield thus filling the midfield and making the game scrappier :)

1-2 I think is hold down R1, make the pass then let go of R1, something like that, I tend not to do it myself so don't have it memorised!
Re: FIFA 14 - General Discussion

thanks for the help placebo I will give it a try when i get back from work hopefully it sorts out the mess I have created with the adjustments I have made to sliders
Re: FIFA 14 - General Discussion

Offline multiplayer? Cos online should download the squads automatically if they're out of date.

Go to the customize tab and you can manually download the latest squad file which will be used for all offline modes.

Customize/edit teams/download updates.

thank you but i actuly talked about the onlime, its not update my squads automticly ,have any idea why?
FIFA 14 - General Discussion

thank you but i actuly talked about the onlime, its not update my squads automticly ,have any idea why?

Very strange. The impression I had is that you can't play online without the updated squads. Bale is currently injured so take a look in the reserves within hour squad. Sorry if that sounds obvious but it's the only thing I can think of.

And in reply to other guy chatting with Placebo just above, I thought a 1-2 was hold down L1 press pass and then the through ball button for the return. Sorry I don't know the button letters on Xbox. I still call them X and Triangle! :) It does my kids head in. Won't be long until it is X and Triangle again though!
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Re: FIFA 14 - General Discussion

Ultimate difficulty is bloody hard. I've now committed to a tournament and don't want to back out now. It's taken me long enough to beat FC Porto and Napoli (1-0 both games). Now I've got Juve in the semi's and look to face either City or United in the final.


wtf is ultimate difficulty? is that something only in ultimate team?
Re: FIFA 14 - General Discussion

No, regarding line height the higher they are the more they will push everyone towards the midfield thus filling the midfield and making the game scrappier :)

1-2 I think is hold down R1, make the pass then let go of R1, something like that, I tend not to do it myself so don't have it memorised!

1-2s and player runs are LB/L1 - quit trying to mess the guy up!

lads need some advice still enjoying the game but becoming very frustrated with myself

im playing on world class CM as Newcastle Utd and currently in 15th place after 19 games.I have hardly scored although im playing 6 minute games is that not advised? my problem is I cannot dribble and beat players its almost like I dont have enough time on the ball or space I will receive the ball and take maybe a second to get it under control then when I go to even move forward BANG im tackled.

My questions are do I need to learn the R stick moves more since I dont use it?

How do you make a player pressure the CPU?

how do you make him attack the ball when being passed to instead of just standing there to recieve it? is their a super cancel button?

whats 1-2 pass?

also the sliders im confused about does putting the slider higher mean less? say CPU marking for example if I set it to 70 does that mean they mark me more or less? they dont make that clear at all

loads of question I know but I like this game and im willing to keep trying to get better and not get too frustrated

If you're having problems getting tackled easily like you described, then maybe you're rushing your attack. This game punishes you more than previous FIFAs for rushing forward. Pay attention to the direction of your first touch in relation to defenders. Use your body and the new protect the ball feature to shield the ball. Sometimes you have to pass it around a few times before you can move forward. Some matches can be pretty tight like this.

No, you don't need to use R stick moves, but they can help. It totally depends on you, and depends on the players you're using. Just be warned though that skill moves can be as frustrating as they can be helpful, especially against the CPU. It's all about timing.

You make your teammate pressure the CPU by holding down L1/LB.

Also, depending upon your slider, gameplay, and assistance settings, you might want to raise your half length. I'm playing 10 min halves currently but I also like 8 min halves (with assisted settings, not manual).

Hope those help.
Re: FIFA 14 - General Discussion

the advice is much appreciated mfmaxpower

I was thinking of bumping up the half length it seems to fly by on 6 minutes so I will give 8 a try.

I play offline mostly at the minute so just trying to find ways to beat the computer with a decent dribbler of the ball I will try using the shield ball more then and slow it down when i attack.This game when it hits the sweet spot is brilliant which is why I am going to keep at it.

since its my first year of playing FIFA im sure things will improve when I learn all the moves
Re: FIFA 14 - General Discussion

Every game I am playing on online seasons is in the rain?! It's driving me bonkers, is it a bug or have people played in other weather conditions?

I've played about 9-10 games so far I think.
Re: FIFA 14 - General Discussion

Every game I am playing on online seasons is in the rain?! It's driving me bonkers, is it a bug or have people played in other weather conditions?

I've played about 9-10 games so far I think.

I don't play seasons myself but I think I've seen that as a regular complaint on the official forums. Maybe there's a fix there you can find... if you're brave enough to test those waters.
Re: FIFA 14 - General Discussion

Every game I am playing on online seasons is in the rain?! It's driving me bonkers, is it a bug or have people played in other weather conditions?

I've played about 9-10 games so far I think.

Try not playing with home English teams... Is always raining in that damn country!
Re: FIFA 14 - General Discussion

Post patch, you HAVE to play on Legendary. With the patch they went a little too far in the opposite direction and now playing against the CPU is the easiest it's been in years.

The problem is that they've significantly toned down CPU reaction/response times but the AI isn't good enough to compensate. So for example with being easily able to dispossess the CPU, which is one of the biggest issues when playing the CPU IMO, the AI isn't intelligent enough to protect the ball like it should while sprinting in defense is OP. Playing on Legendary does make a difference, though it's still too easy to just sprint at a CPU dribbler and steal the ball.

If you're worried about the big jump in difficulty the easy solution is to compensate with sliders, so you could increase CPU pass, shot, and first touch error, and maybe decrease their marking.

IMO the way to always go is play with Legendary, so that you get the best out of FIFA's AI, but use the sliders to tone things down to your ability level.

Just wanted to say thanks again for this info. I am playing it on Legendary and adjusting sliders and its much better now. :))
Re: FIFA 14 - General Discussion

Legendary and Ultimate is very difficult to play against the AI with good sides.

What is ultimate?

Obviously everyone is different, so all I can say is that pre-patch I was really struggling on World Class, while post-patch I win most games on Legendary.

Ultimate difficulty is bloody hard. I've now committed to a tournament and don't want to back out now. It's taken me long enough to beat FC Porto and Napoli (1-0 both games). Now I've got Juve in the semi's and look to face either City or United in the final.


wtf is ultimate difficulty? is that something only in ultimate team?

I've no idea. Quite possibly as that's what I'm playing, but bloody hell it's a challenge.

Does anybody know when, where, and what is ULTIMATE DIFFICULTY?:BRICK: :P
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Re: FIFA 14 - General Discussion

It's not that much more difficult from default Legendary, but AI player boosting is done 20% more there... ;)

So don't be surprised if you are playing vs ridiculously weak side, yourself having great one. They will play as good as your players, or even edge on them...

Tried it last year in UT Offline. Funny it was xD.
Re: FIFA 14 - General Discussion

It must be the hardest difficulty setting on Ultimate Team - hence the name.

It's not that much more difficult from default Legendary, but AI player boosting is done 20% more there... ;)

So don't be surprised if you are playing vs ridiculously weak side, yourself having great one. They will play as good as your players, or even edge on them...

Tried it last year in UT Offline. Funny it was xD.

Thanks guys. I don't play UT, I might give it a go. Does it cost 'real' money, buying players?
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