FIFA 14 News & Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I apologized to him. But I don't apologize to people who troll, no.

Wow, it's like a medical condition or something - you just can't stop, can you?

A troll, seriously? More baseless attacks. (And kinda ironic coming from you.)

And for what it's worth, I was only referring to apologizing to Rod, which you (sort of) did before I could see it.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

My personal oppinion on the matter is that EA has invested a lot of time listening to all their audiences (and that's a good practice). The problem is that they have to cater to their broad audience first, so all of the hardcore feedback will unavoidably be very softed (and soemtimed dumbed) down when something is implemented in the game.

It has been like this for years and will continue to be like this, because it's the only logical thing they can do taking into account where's their business.

My problem with Fifa, like with Hollywood blockbusters, is derived from the slavery it has towards its own public. It's not a product that will satisfy my needs, even though I can (and I've had) enjoy it now and then for what it is.

Pes, on the other side, is a bit more "free" to change things and cater other audiences (and they have failed big time during most of this generation until they realized this).

Considering the market positioning, it's Konami who should have been listening a lot more its audience, and investing a lot more considering the millions they did in the previous gen. So, in my oppinion, it's Konami the one who has been ignoring its audience and doing the minimal effort for years.

I don't like much Fifa in its current state, but it's a hell of a product that does what it needs to be done and sells like nothing else on the planet. Of course they won't change the game to suit our needs as a priority. That's just naive.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

My personal oppinion on the matter is that EA has invested a lot of time listening to all their audiences (and that's a good practice). The problem is that they have to cater to their broad audience first, so all of the hardcore feedback will unavoidably be very softed (and soemtimed dumbed) down when something is implemented in the game.

It has been like this for years and will continue to be like this, because it's the only logical thing they can do taking into account where's their business.

My problem with Fifa, like with Hollywood blockbusters, is derived from the slavery it has towards its own public. It's not a product that will satisfy my needs, even though I can (and I've had) enjoy it now and then for what it is.

Pes, on the other side, is a bit more "free" to change things and cater other audiences (and they have failed big time during most of this generation until they realized this).

Considering the market positioning, it's Konami who should have been listening a lot more its audience, and investing a lot more considering the millions they did in the previous gen. So, in my oppinion, it's Konami the one who has been ignoring its audience and doing the minimal effort for years.

I don't like much Fifa in its current state, but it's a hell of a product that does what it needs to be done and sells like nothing else on the planet. Of course they won't change the game to suit our needs as a priority. That's just naive.

I think its quite evident EA have definitely listened to their fans year in year out. Have things gone smoothly with all of the new additional features? of course not but they have improved year on year..It is a shame that they have alienated PC users this year though by not including ignite but they need a selling point for next gen and as a business i can understand that..If people dont like it then thats fine but for some to come and post its just like 2010,11,12,13 etc is borderline insane as this years demo plays superbly with the additional weight and inertia that we have been crying out for. If anything it is PES that not only has shown hardly any improvement it has actually gone backwards...maybe 2014 will be different as a PC user i havent had the pleasure yet
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Can someone explain why people even respond to angus?

A couple of pages earlier it was the arcade/simulation discussion that just ended up with him/her being pedantic, now its the same with how we supposedly look at EA.

Its the same build up, he/she is critical of something in a way that illicits responses and then it quickly moves on to a pedantic discussion about the responses, which is far removed from the original subject.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Good post drekkard, I think the good thing offline is that they give you sliders, they aren't perfect but allow the player to optimize the game to suit them, that is a big positive.

They'd also allow to search for manual online, be good for sliders online.

But I accept FIFA for what it is I know who their core audience is, but I think they have done ok catering for people that want a better footballing experience.

It's far from perfect, but I don't see why people get so angry. Just accept it or move on.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

My personal oppinion on the matter is that EA has invested a lot of time listening to all their audiences (and that's a good practice). The problem is that they have to cater to their broad audience first, so all of the hardcore feedback will unavoidably be very softed (and soemtimed dumbed) down when something is implemented in the game.

It has been like this for years and will continue to be like this, because it's the only logical thing they can do taking into account where's their business.

My problem with Fifa, like with Hollywood blockbusters, is derived from the slavery it has towards its own public. It's not a product that will satisfy my needs, even though I can (and I've had) enjoy it now and then for what it is.

Pes, on the other side, is a bit more "free" to change things and cater other audiences (and they have failed big time during most of this generation until they realized this).

Considering the market positioning, it's Konami who should have been listening a lot more its audience, and investing a lot more considering the millions they did in the previous gen. So, in my oppinion, it's Konami the one who has been ignoring its audience and doing the minimal effort for years.

I don't like much Fifa in its current state, but it's a hell of a product that does what it needs to be done and sells like nothing else on the planet. Of course they won't change the game to suit our needs as a priority. That's just naive.

I think this is a fair way to look at things, even if I actually do enjoy FIFA in its current state (which isn't to say I don't see loads of room for improvement).

But I do think EA - or at least the devs - are trying to make a realistic game of football. It's just that they are also trying to create a fun video game, and those two goals can be at odds with each other.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I'd also say that's pretty close. Because we are the part of the FIFA community which spends the time to create constructive feedback, and perhaps partially because we're the most eloquent part of the community, there is a tendency for the changelist to answer a lot of our problems. When it actually comes to putting it all together, balancing it, polishing it and tuning it, a lot of the changes become less noticeable and less meaningful.

The large number of options we have to alter gameplay should be a major helper in solving this issue - the sliders, the gamespeed setting, and the assists - and I guess they do to a large extent. The sliders are only offline though, which is understandable, but that ability to alter gameplay needs to be transferred across to the online.

I came to the conclusion a pretty long time ago that the best way forward is for EA to actually build a split into the online. Call of Duty does it with it's Hardcore modes, so why shouldn't FIFA? It's a big enough game to support that split, I believe, and I think there is a sufficiently large market for it too.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I came to the conclusion a pretty long time ago that the best way forward is for EA to actually build a split into the online. Call of Duty does it with it's Hardcore modes, so why shouldn't FIFA? It's a big enough game to support that split, I believe, and I think there is a sufficiently large market for it too.
Yeah, I can see a "Hardcore Mode" being implemented for next iterations. As a business, EA should know there's a whole community looking for a more realistic gameplay.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I think its quite evident EA have definitely listened to their fans year in year out. Have things gone smoothly with all of the new additional features? of course not but they have improved year on year..It is a shame that they have alienated PC users this year though by not including ignite but they need a selling point for next gen and as a business i can understand that..If people dont like it then thats fine but for some to come and post its just like 2010,11,12,13 etc is borderline insane as this years demo plays superbly with the additional weight and inertia that we have been crying out for. If anything it is PES that not only has shown hardly any improvement it has actually gone backwards...maybe 2014 will be different as a PC user i havent had the pleasure yet

Without a doubt, it plays significantly different to Fifa 13 (better - slower, more realistic), but the problem is you take one look at PES 14 and it's hard to consider buying Fifa 13 which, although it plays differently, looks exactly the same; it hasn't changed in the graphics department much at all since Fifa 11. OK, now there are animated ballboys etc, but other than that nothing much has changed. Konami on the other hand, even though they know full well that 'NG' is upon us, have gone to the trouble of releasing their game - which is likely to be their last 'CG' game - with a brand new engine. An engine that not only wipes the floor with Fifa 14 CG, but doesn't look too shabby when put up against Fifa 14 'NG' either.

The problem for me then isn't whether Fifa 14 is enough of an improvement on Fifa 13; it might very well be. The problem is playing the game with the nagging feeling in the back of your mind that it looks exactly like Fifa 13! Even without a new engine, I'm sure EA could've made more of an effort to make the game look better, and somewhat fresher than Fifa 13!
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Without a doubt, it plays significantly different to Fifa 13 (better - slower, more realistic), but the problem is you take one look at PES 14 and it's hard to consider buying Fifa 13 which, although it plays differently, looks exactly the same; it hasn't changed in the graphics department much at all since Fifa 11. OK, now there are animated ballboys etc, but other than that nothing much has changed. Konami on the other hand, even though they know full well that 'NG' is upon us, have gone to the trouble of releasing their game - which is likely to be their last 'CG' game - with a brand new engine. An engine that not only wipes the floor with Fifa 14 CG, but doesn't look too shabby when put up against Fifa 14 'NG' either.

The problem for me then isn't whether Fifa 14 is enough of an improvement on Fifa 13; it might very well be. The problem is playing the game with the nagging feeling in the back of your mind that it looks exactly like Fifa 13! Even without a new engine, I'm sure EA could've made more of an effort to make the game look better, and somewhat fresher than Fifa 13!

Even if FIFA looks exactly the same, isn't it more important that it plays significantly better? Or are you saying that graphics are more important for gameplay to you? Which then confuses me because you think PES wipes the floor with FIFA and yet FIFA is the far superior product when it comes to everything non-gameplay related. Even when it comes to graphics alone, if there is a difference it's rather minimal (at least on consoles).

Yes PES's new engine looks pretty darn good, but am I the only one thinking it's a little premature pronouncing that the "king is back" before we've even played the full retail version, especially considering how Konami has disappointed us repeatedly this generation? I've lost count of the times I've been supremely impressed with the next PES up until I've played the final version; EA isn't the only one guilty of over-hyping their next edition.

Back to FIFA, I do agree that FIFA's graphics have been looking dated for some time now and I'm looking forward to the graphical upgrade with next gen, but I'm much happier myself that in recent years they've dedicated whatever resources left on the current machines to upgrade gameplay elements, like first touch and Precision Movement, rather than making things prettier.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

yeah maybe you have a point, EA could have done something extra graphical wise, but the question is do they need to? it looks fine as it is and if they keep the gameplay untouched for release and improve the career mode then they've pretty much nailed mind my be changed by friday though although master league mode is so dated and it just doesn't draw me in. We shall see. What will also be interesting is how much of next gen fifa can be ripped and inserted into this fifa on PC by the modders..maybe none maybe some
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

yeah maybe you have a point, EA could have done something extra graphical wise, but the question is do they need to? it looks fine as it is and if they keep the gameplay untouched for release and improve the career mode then they've pretty much nailed mind my be changed by friday though although master league mode is so dated and it just doesn't draw me in. We shall see. What will also be interesting is how much of next gen fifa can be ripped and inserted into this fifa on PC by the modders..maybe none maybe some

That's my dilemma right now - PES 14 looks beautiful on the pitch, but off the pitch it barely looks deep enough for an ant to drown in; indeed by the sounds of it, they've really stripped it down to the bare bones in PES 14. Fifa's 'tried and tested' on the pitch and off the pitch I'm liking the changes made. Oh for a way to mix the two games...

Even if FIFA looks exactly the same, isn't it more important that it plays significantly better? Or are you saying that graphics are more important for gameplay to you? Which then confuses me because you think PES wipes the floor with FIFA and yet FIFA is the far superior product when it comes to everything non-gameplay related. Even when it comes to graphics alone, if there is a difference it's rather minimal (at least on consoles).

Gameplay is absolutely the most important thing to me, but I am still not happy about having to shell out another £25-£29 for a game that looks exactly the same as it has done for the past few years (if I buy the game that is). EA haven't even done anything about the crappy formation/editing menus. They've designed all these lovely new menus for the front end, and done nothing to the menus that needed the most work. ;)

Yes PES's new engine looks pretty darn good, but am I the only one thinking it's a little premature pronouncing that the "king is back" before we've even played the full retail version, especially considering how Konami has disappointed us repeatedly this generation? I've lost count of the times I've been supremely impressed with the next PES up until I've played the final version; EA isn't the only one guilty of over-hyping their next edition.

That's why I haven't pre ordered either game. This year I'm going to be more cautious and wait to see some reader reviews from here.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I think as long as EA sports use their current animation engine as a base, you'll be haunted with previous FIFA feeling. Unless ignite engine is actually a completely new one, the ghost of CG Fifa will be very likely to come to each of your NG matches... :P
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I think the point doctor is trying to make is, should we pay the price of a complete game when it feels ( whether accurate or not) that it's little more than tweaks. Which is compounded with the NG version around the corner. The menu update highlights it even more, they couldnt even bother to actually redo the menus and really just reskinned the parts that are the most visible to people.

Atleast thats my take, I know I wont be bothering with the CG version but will get it on the ps4 as I still want to play some footie at some point this season.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Well that just goes back to the age old debate of whether buying yearly updates to sports video games is value for the money. For every sports franchise it's rare to have massive change from year to year. PES this year is one of the those exceptions.

Personally I buy football games each and every year, and this year I know I'll be buying both CG and NG versions of FIFA. Plus PES. And a World Cup game if they come out with one.

On the other hand, I also know people who are fine buying FIFA every couple or few years. To each's own.

But I do think it's unfair and an exaggeration to call FIFA 14 nothing more than tweaks. The new player movement technology (Precision Movement) has been in development for the past two years, and though it's not perfect, I think it by itself equates to more than just "tweaks." But I suppose that's relative - Precision Movement seems like a substantial addition to me, but maybe it's just a tweak to someone else.

As for FIFA looking the same for years now, well I'm just hoping that the NG version is a substantial enough improvement. I'm tired of FIFA's visuals too, but I understand that they've been pushing the limits of the current tech for a couple years now, and so I'm just waiting for the big changes that are surely to come with the new hardware.

I get that people want more. We always want more. I want more. But as yearly updates go, I think this year's update is pretty solid, especially when you consider we're getting a feature in Precision Movement that we've been requesting for many years. And then there's FIFA 14 NG, which will be even more of an upgrade.

(I will admit that I had really been expecting a new team management interface this year, so the fact that we're stuck with the old crappy system is a major disappointment.)
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Couldn't care less about the menus personally. And there isn't a problem with the visuals. I can't see how either really looks better than the other? I find it quite funny people moaning about this type of thing. 11 v 11 virtual men on a green background with a ball. What do you really expect?? As for whining about FIFA this year (after they changed the engine a few years back), will the same whingers be moaning about PES when theirs doesn't change in a few years time? This is the same company that wrecked their games a few years back remember?! FIFA added loads of things over the years and given years of a decent enough game so after playing the PES demo (it's an improvement for sure) I'm not sure why it's getting so much love tbh.

Moan, moan bloody moan over stupid things. It will be sock tape, boots and nets next!... Again!!!

Go and make your own games people. Problem solved. If you don't have the funds to make your own game, just be grateful you have something pretty damn decent to play.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

When did they change the engine a few years back? FIFA 07? That's a lifetime ago for a seven year old.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Fifa08 was the first proper one with the new engine wasn't it?

No, I think it was FIFA 07, though the Champions League game after it and FIFA 08 were significant improvements further. FIFA 07, I think very clearly, wasn't on the same engine as the PS2 versions.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

To those who got the game any gameplay difference between the demo and the full game?
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

When will we start seeing some decent vids and information for the Next Gen version?

I'm resisting the urge to buy FIFA14 on current gen. I'll stick with tinkering with my FUT until I get my XBOne with Fifa. Would just be nice seeing a video or two to detail how different (or perhaps not so different) it is from current gen.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

When will we start seeing some decent vids and information for the Next Gen version?

I'm resisting the urge to buy FIFA14 on current gen. I'll stick with tinkering with my FUT until I get my XBOne with Fifa. Would just be nice seeing a video or two to detail how different (or perhaps not so different) it is from current gen.

Is it not worth getting then using Games guaranteed £40 tradein/upgrade?
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I think as long as EA sports use their current animation engine as a base, you'll be haunted with previous FIFA feeling. Unless ignite engine is actually a completely new one, the ghost of CG Fifa will be very likely to come to each of your NG matches... :P

I disagree - the 'NG' version looks completely different to the CG version. The crowds look a lot better for one thing; the whole stadium just feels more alive.

I think the point doctor is trying to make is, should we pay the price of a complete game when it feels ( whether accurate or not) that it's little more than tweaks. Which is compounded with the NG version around the corner. The menu update highlights it even more, they couldnt even bother to actually redo the menus and really just reskinned the parts that are the most visible to people.

Atleast thats my take, I know I wont be bothering with the CG version but will get it on the ps4 as I still want to play some footie at some point this season.

Yep, that's pretty much it. Correct me if I'm wrong people, but shouldn't a new game look different to its predecessor? EA don't want to lift a finger in the graphics area? Fine, but don't bloody charge full whack for it then! Fifa 14 is marketed as a new game, but it's exactly the same game as far as the graphics go. Therefore, it doesn't warrant a full price release in my opinion.

Couldn't care less about the menus personally.

Go and make your own games people. Problem solved. If you don't have the funds to make your own game, just be grateful you have something pretty damn decent to play.

'Stupid things'? When I was talking about the formation/editing screen menus, I wasn't complaining about the looks. I was complaining about the way they work; it's the same crappy, clunky and archaic system they've used for years, compared to PES' drag and drop system.

I mean, they've even missed a trick with the new formation screen you see when you pause the game. That's crying out for the ability to drag and drop players exactly where you want to yet all you can do is change between default formations, none of which are of any use whatsoever if your CB has just been sent off and you need to fill the gap.

Is it a stupid thing that I can't simply click on that formation screen and drag a CB into a place vacated by someone who's just been sent off? Even if you dig through all the menus required to manually change your formation, you can't put a player there because the game says you can't put two players in the same place. The game seems to forget that there isn't another player there because HE WAS BLOODY WELL SENT OFF!
Moan, moan bloody moan over stupid things. It will be sock tape, boots and nets next!... Again!!!

Yeah, because that's not a completely different sort of thing from what I'm talking about is it? One's a purely cosmetic aspect (and one I couldn't care less about) and one is so clunky, unintuitive and archaic that I never even bother to manually change my formation however much I might want to. That's not just coming from me either: every single year the Fifa previewers mention how bad the system is, and that it needs to go. Do EA do anything about it? Nope.
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