FIFA 14 News & Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

guys no one help me, how can you manage fifa files? try with jenkey tools and nothing, how can i open fifa .big files where are located the graphics?
guys no one help me, how can you manage fifa files? try with jenkey tools and nothing, how can i open fifa .big files where are located the graphics?

As somebody else mentioned the other day, go and ask in the editing forum. If nobody is answering in there then I guess they don't know.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

guys no one help me, how can you manage fifa files? try with jenkey tools and nothing, how can i open fifa .big files where are located the graphics?
I already told you, go to; they can help you there.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

YouTube - FIFA 14 CAREER MODE GAMEPLAY! | Global Transfer Network Tutorial #2

There are already vids from full game posted on YT like I said and there are ALREADY changes made to full game. Cry all you want, it won't change a thing.

Of course there are changes made to the full game. Shall we wait until we play it to see what they are?

Even if EA patches the game, it will be for online only. They don't care about offline (sad truth, online = money making machine for EA).
Well, out of all the modes, I'd say that this year Ultimate Team has received the most investment, followed by Career Mode. Online isn't a money making machine. Ultimate Team is a money making machine.

Even if that does not interest you, here is part of Description which shows how YT support themselves:

The other YouTubers who attended the FIFA 14 Capture Event:
Nepenthez -
Calfreezy -
TwoSyncFIFA -
Kazooie94 -
AirJapesFIFA -
FIFARalle -
Hjerpseth -
MattHDGamer -

Is it a bad thing? Yes, it is. Because the guys like Heikki360, FluorescentFIFA, would NEVER get invited to such events. EVER.
Have you seen the relative size of their subscriber bases? It's got nothing to do with manual controls.

EA does not cater for FULL manual players. They seek, skillers and people who CAN ascertain that NEW guys will go and BUY their game. Or that OLD fans won't move to other game (that wouldn't happen anyway).

Plus add to that, they get access to early game versions and you're in for trouble. Their feedback is more vocal than community one (*you may disagree here, but wait for full game to see what I mean).
I've had a level of early access to FIFA with FIFA 11, FIFA 12, FIFA 13, and FIFA 14. Only with FIFA 14 was I not allowed to talk about it.

Sad days if you're looking for SIMULATION of FOOTBALL in FIFA.

You see one side of a complicated story, and you believe it to be all there is. As I think I said before, as a community I think we punch well above our weight. Crying about it isn't going to make it better. If you something to be done about it, do something.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Played about 10 games of the demo and its not for me.

That said, even if I loved it I wouldnt buy it as Im getting the next gen one with my XB1.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I only play both Fifa and PES in offline, and take a big interest in the CPU AI. After a week of sitting through countless CPU vs CPU matches for both games, I love both games equally and feel there is room for both games to meet gamers needs, and last night I witnessed a skillmove attempt by Messi in Fifa 14 that I have wanted to witness for years...........he actually attempted an Advanced Rainbow!! He flicked it up and did the extra flick which is meant to send the ball forwards over his own head and in front of him, but the ball hit his own back and bounced back down, but to say my jaw hit the floor at the attempt is an understatement. I am ecstatic at the amount of tricks the CPU attempts in both games this year although they are a bit too frequent on PES 2014 as we know.

Anyway, to know the CPU attempts Rainbow's now, albeit very rarely (quite correctly), and also that the tricks appear to use realistic ball physics that give the ball its unpredictable nature (i.e. if they used a set combined animation for the trick for the ball and the player, the ball would have perfectly floated over Messi's head when he did the Rainbow trick) says a lot about the coding this year, it has real depth. It wouldn't surprise me if the CPU has juggling skills built in this year too, I really would love the CPU to be able to attempt ALL the tricks that we can do from the skillmove's list for both games.

I captured this Rainbow attempt on my phone and will upload it later somewhere.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Guys I downloaded pc demo and I must say that I am impressed. Every year when I try to play fifa I turn it off after 5 minutes. Every year players are like ghosts,they don`t have weight and gameplay was funny. But when i give a chance to fifa 14 I was shocked! slow build up from players, they dont push forward but they try to find space in your defence to break you. Much more tactical than any other fifa game. If they decide to improve players dribling and make it like in fifa 13 they will screw up things totally. For me this years fifa is best and reminds me of good days from pes on ps2 :)
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I only play both Fifa and PES in offline, and take a big interest in the CPU AI. After a week of sitting through countless CPU vs CPU matches for both games, I love both games equally and feel there is room for both games to meet gamers needs, and last night I witnessed a skillmove attempt by Messi in Fifa 14 that I have wanted to witness for years...........he actually attempted an Advanced Rainbow!! He flicked it up and did the extra flick which is meant to send the ball forwards over his own head and in front of him, but the ball hit his own back and bounced back down, but to say my jaw hit the floor at the attempt is an understatement. I am ecstatic at the amount of tricks the CPU attempts in both games this year although they are a bit too frequent on PES 2014 as we know.

Anyway, to know the CPU attempts Rainbow's now, albeit very rarely (quite correctly), and also that the tricks appear to use realistic ball physics that give the ball its unpredictable nature (i.e. if they used a set combined animation for the trick for the ball and the player, the ball would have perfectly floated over Messi's head when he did the Rainbow trick) says a lot about the coding this year, it has real depth. It wouldn't surprise me if the CPU has juggling skills built in this year too, I really would love the CPU to be able to attempt ALL the tricks that we can do from the skillmove's list for both games.

I captured this Rainbow attempt on my phone and will upload it later somewhere.

I played Barca on Legendary mode and Messi was awesome, in fact the whole team was. Playing passes and letting it run through their legs, little back heels here and there in the box..but not annoying, it was a strange feeling to be ripped apart but in total admiration at the same time
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Well, out of all the modes, I'd say that this year Ultimate Team has received the most investment, followed by Career Mode. Online isn't a money making machine. Ultimate Team is a money making machine.

You see one side of a complicated story, and you believe it to be all there is. As I think I said before, as a community I think we punch well above our weight. Crying about it isn't going to make it better. If you something to be done about it, do something.
Reading your posts a cross between reading a dev blog on the EA forums, and Adam Bhatti's Twitter remarks. You dismiss any and all criticisms out of hand, and you insult people by insinuating they're babies for simply posting their criticisms and concerns.

On top of that you contradict yourself and offer a resolution that you yourself indirectly admit isn't even an option. You point out that EA focuses on "money making machine" features. But then you challenge people to do something about it. What exactly are a small handful of offline simulation players supposed to do to change EA's corporate vision and direction? Our interest is not their interest and never will be. May as well hand a dozen people paddles and then challenge them to help steer the Queen Mary.

You can love EA and love FIFA all you want; I sure don't care and I actually really like the demo. But this need of yours to single out, attack and criticize posts from people who are attempting to have a dialogue on these issues, is just plain weird to say the least. Strange enough you even feel the need defend EA like that. Much worse that every post of yours is ad hominem argument in some form or another. People post criticisms of EA or the game, meanwhile you respond by attacking them for daring to say something. What? Why?
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Guys I downloaded pc demo and I must say that I am impressed. Every year when I try to play fifa I turn it off after 5 minutes. Every year players are like ghosts,they don`t have weight and gameplay was funny. But when i give a chance to fifa 14 I was shocked! slow build up from players, they dont push forward but they try to find space in your defence to break you. Much more tactical than any other fifa game. If they decide to improve players dribling and make it like in fifa 13 they will screw up things totally. For me this years fifa is best and reminds me of good days from pes on ps2 :)
Agree with everything you said. And if they change the demo like they did last year, I'll just play the demo all year with the team and stadium add-ons. I don't play online and I only play exhibitions against the CPU, so the demo as it plays now will suit me just fine.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Reading your posts a cross between reading a dev blog on the EA forums, and Adam Bhatti's Twitter remarks. You dismiss any and all criticisms out of hand, and you insult people by insinuating they're babies for simply posting their criticisms and concerns.

On top of that you contradict yourself and offer a resolution that you yourself indirectly admit isn't even an option. You point out that EA focuses on "money making machine" features. But then you challenge people to do something about it. What exactly are a small handful of offline simulation players supposed to do to change EA's corporate vision and direction? Our interest is not their interest and never will be. May as well hand a dozen people paddles and then challenge them to help steer the Queen Mary.

You can love EA and love FIFA all you want; I sure don't care and I actually really like the demo. But this need of yours to single out, attack and criticize posts from people who are attempting to have a dialogue on these issues, is just plain weird to say the least. Strange enough you even feel the need defend EA like that. Much worse that every post of yours is ad hominem argument in some form or another. People post criticisms of EA or the game, meanwhile you respond by attacking them for daring to say something. What? Why?

I don't think Rod is attacking anyone, he just trys to reason with your posts.

EA invited lots of people to play and give feedback on the game over the last few years, we have tactical defending, sliders, close control, passing changes, full manual controls etc that would never have been changed if these people of a like mind like Rod and others gave them this feedback.

If it was just kids that play on assisted and thats all that matters and they only listen to these people, then we wouldn't have half of the good things we have in the game now.

Rod has said on a few occasions now, he doesn't disagree with the criticism of EA, but you are exaggerating things quite a bit with your criticism, which is why Rod is calling you out on it.

The biggest thing EA is guilty of is dumbing down some of the good things they have introduced and the gameplayers (Whatever they were called?) suggested to them.

To say they only listen to the trickster and assisted younger guys is just plain wrong and you should be called out on it imo :))
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

To say they only listen to the trickster and assisted younger guys is just plain wrong and you should be called out on it imo :))
I never said any of that, nor have I ever joined in that particular discussion. But for him or you to state as fact that EA listens to the simulation gaming community, is just as wrong. Neither of you knows who or what EA listens to when they make the decisions they do. The two of you are doing the same thing in reverse: you're blindly defending EA and tossing out opinions as fact.

Me, I don't couldn't care less what peoples' opinions are about EA or FIFA or whatever. I speak up when I see people who are being biased and illogical, criticizing others for being biased and illogical. That's nuts.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Reading your posts a cross between reading a dev blog on the EA forums, and Adam Bhatti's Twitter remarks. You dismiss any and all criticisms out of hand, and you insult people by insinuating they're babies for simply posting their criticisms and concerns.

On top of that you contradict yourself and offer a resolution that you yourself indirectly admit isn't even an option. You point out that EA focuses on "money making machine" features. But then you challenge people to do something about it. What exactly are a small handful of offline simulation players supposed to do to change EA's corporate vision and direction? Our interest is not their interest and never will be. May as well hand a dozen people paddles and then challenge them to help steer the Queen Mary.

You can love EA and love FIFA all you want; I sure don't care and I actually really like the demo. But this need of yours to single out, attack and criticize posts from people who are attempting to have a dialogue on these issues, is just plain weird to say the least. Strange enough you even feel the need defend EA like that. Much worse that every post of yours is ad hominem argument in some form or another. People post criticisms of EA or the game, meanwhile you respond by attacking them for daring to say something. What? Why?

The first of these links is to an old Official forum thread. It's nearly 30,000 words long. The remaining links are blogposts that I have written over the last two years or so. The last link is my review of the demo, it's about 4,000 words long. If you want to read some of these, go ahead. Alternatively, you can take it from me: they are filled with detailed criticism of FIFA. In fact, I doubt you can find anyone on this Earth who has spent more time criticising FIFA than me.

When I oppose the things that some people are saying on this forum, it is not because they are criticising FIFA or EA, as the links should prove. It is because I believe that what they are saying is untrue, or unfair to EA. While I am extremely critical of FIFA, I still have a level of respect for EA and for what they do. There seems, to me, to be a culture on this forum where negative things said about EA are seen as acceptable, even laudable, regardless of validity. To be absolutely clear, this is not a culture perpetuated by everyone, but it is one that seems ever more significant.

Personally, I don't feel the way you do about EA. There are some things EA have done, and still do, that I do not like, and do not agree with, and I make this very clear. At the same time, I know that there are some very good people who work for EA and that, whatever you may believe with your limited knowledge, they do care about what we think. I have listed a number of reasons why I believe this before, but I cannot list all of the reasons I believe it.

I say do something because I know that individuals can make a difference and because I know a group of people can make a big one. You can say it's impossible all you like, but over the last five years people who are part of this community have, quietly, made a difference. I'd love to see this community have more influence, but posting vicious, factually incorrect rhetoric about YouTubers and EA isn't actually going to make that happen.

(I apologise for linkgate. I don't tend to plug my articles here as it seems a bit cheap, but enough is enough)
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Toby, I remember you mentioning (on one of the podcasts) you weren't a big pro clubs player but you felt EA had neglected the mode over the last few years and it had stagnated. Are you surprised there are no new changes again this year?
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Reading your posts a cross between reading a dev blog on the EA forums, and Adam Bhatti's Twitter remarks. You dismiss any and all criticisms out of hand, and you insult people by insinuating they're babies for simply posting their criticisms and concerns.

On top of that you contradict yourself and offer a resolution that you yourself indirectly admit isn't even an option. You point out that EA focuses on "money making machine" features. But then you challenge people to do something about it. What exactly are a small handful of offline simulation players supposed to do to change EA's corporate vision and direction? Our interest is not their interest and never will be. May as well hand a dozen people paddles and then challenge them to help steer the Queen Mary.

You can love EA and love FIFA all you want; I sure don't care and I actually really like the demo. But this need of yours to single out, attack and criticize posts from people who are attempting to have a dialogue on these issues, is just plain weird to say the least. Strange enough you even feel the need defend EA like that. Much worse that every post of yours is ad hominem argument in some form or another. People post criticisms of EA or the game, meanwhile you respond by attacking them for daring to say something. What? Why?

This post is absolutely ridiculous. First of all, Rodelero/Xaor has been one of - if not the - most vocal critics of FIFA's gameplay in recent years. You might want to know what you're talking about before you start criticizing people and making things personal.

Second of all, he didn't attack anyone (like you're doing). All he did was refute some baseless claims.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I never said any of that, nor have I ever joined in that particular discussion. But for him or you to state as fact that EA listens to the simulation gaming community, is just as wrong. Neither of you knows who or what EA listens to when they make the decisions they do. The two of you are doing the same thing in reverse: you're blindly defending EA and tossing out opinions as fact.

Me, I don't couldn't care less what peoples' opinions are about EA or FIFA or whatever. I speak up when I see people who are being biased and illogical, criticizing others for being biased and illogical. That's nuts.

Actually, quite the contrary. Some of us have been in direct communication with devs in recent years. Our influence hasn't been as strong as we might have hoped for (the gamechanger program was mostly a bust), but we know - for a fact - that we've been listened to.

So no, it is you that is making blind accusations and tossing out opinions as fact.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Second of all, he didn't attack anyone (like you're doing). All he did was refute some baseless claims.
I'm sorry but what are you crying about here?

Oh and remember, telling someone they're crying isn't attacking them, it's refuting. ;)
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Punzz said:
Toby, I remember you mentioning (on one of the podcasts) you weren't a big pro clubs player but you felt EA had neglected the mode over the last few years and it had stagnated. Are you surprised there are no new changes again this year?

I doubt I said that I wasn't a big Pro Clubs player - it's my favourite mode. The rest sounds like me though.

I am not all that surprised to be honest, because, like most Clubs players, I'm used to being let down. Should be said that there are some changes, but they are very minor and they mainly come out tidbit by tidbit from Garreth Reeder's twitter account ( I'm guessing there is still stuff we don't know. The PR on this one really has me scratching my head in all honesty!

A recent(ish) tweet from the 11th, in reply to:
"Can you tell us anything you guys did that actually improved the game or was there not a development cycle for Pro Clubs at all?"

Garreth wrote:
"We did lots of work, just hasn't been talked about yet."

I mean.. what? We're less than two weeks from release. I don't really know what to think at this moment but I don't know anything. I don't know whether that tweet implies there is some significant announcement coming or what - maybe it's not for CG? Creation Centre integration is the only thing that keeps coming back to me as a possibility.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I doubt I said that I wasn't a big Pro Clubs player - it's my favourite mode. The rest sounds like me though.

I am not all that surprised to be honest, because, like most Clubs players, I'm used to being let down. Should be said that there are some changes, but they are very minor and they mainly come out tidbit by tidbit from Garreth Reeder's twitter account ( I'm guessing there is still stuff we don't know. The PR on this one really has me scratching my head in all honesty!

A recent(ish) tweet from the 11th, in reply to:
"Can you tell us anything you guys did that actually improved the game or was there not a development cycle for Pro Clubs at all?"

Garreth wrote:
"We did lots of work, just hasn't been talked about yet."

I mean.. what? We're less than two weeks from release. I don't really know what to think at this moment but I don't know anything. I don't know whether that tweet implies there is some significant announcement coming or what - maybe it's not for CG? I should probably put my investigative tweet hat on.

I'm not holding my breathe over this 'lots of work' stuff. I remember reading a interview last year about 2 weeks before release with a pro clubs community website. The developer/producer said we would be able to pick and choose specific animations in the customising menu before a game. The only 'change' i've heard is they've limited the drop in games to 5v5 and you can now unlock traits via the points store. If that's a years worth of development then call me Susan.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Personally, I don't feel the way you do about EA.
Thanks for the links, very informative and I admit I jumped the gun with my remarks to you. That said, how do you know how I feel about EA? I feel great about them because they released a terrific FIFA 14 demo. And I will feel disgusted by them if they do the same thing they did last year, and change the full game and ruin it. And in my opinion that would be a perfectly appropriate and acceptable reason be disgusted; nothing personal against EA.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I'm not holding my breathe over this 'lots of work' stuff. I remember reading a interview last year about 2 weeks before release with a pro clubs community website. The developer/producer said we would be able to pick and choose specific animations in the customising menu before a game. The only 'change' i've heard is they've limited the drop in games to 5v5 and you can now unlock traits via the points store. If that's a years worth of development then call me Susan.

Very dependent on how many people are working on it, I guess! The other thing is EA does have a history of doing longer-than-a-year development cycles on some features. The Impact Engine and Precision Movement, for example. It's just possible that there has been rather a lot of work done and that we won't be seeing it in CG FIFA 14.

Like you, I'm not holding my breath. It's pretty clear that Clubs hasn't garnered the popularity necessary to justify the investment people like us think is necessary. It's inevitable though, I'd think, that we'll get there in the end. 11v11 has too much potential.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I'm sorry but what are you crying about here?

Oh and remember, telling someone they're crying isn't attacking them, it's refuting. ;)

Ah, so this is how you're going to be, just continue on being an ass? Apologies would've been the way I'd gone, but hey, that's just me.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Thanks for the links, very informative and I admit I jumped the gun with my remarks to you. That said, how do you know how I feel about EA? I feel great about them because they released a terrific FIFA 14 demo. And I will feel disgusted by them if they do the same thing they did last year, and change the full game and ruin it. And in my opinion that would be a perfectly appropriate and acceptable reason be disgusted; nothing personal against EA.

To answer your question (and I realize you meant it rhetorically) " do you know how I feel about EA?" when you use terms to describe your reaction as "disgusted" to EA making some slight changes from the demo, it does lead a reader to believe that you have some animosity, beyond normal, against EA.

Being "disappointed" seems like a more appropriate reaction to EA making some changes to the retail release based on feedback (from other fans, who EA also listens to) to the released demo. You being "disgusted" by EA making those hypothetical changes shows your bias against them.

Hey, maybe you just made a peculiar choice of verbiage... but since words are the medium through which we readers understand your thoughts, you may want to chose differently if you are not trying to display general animosity towards EA.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

To answer your question (and I realize you meant it rhetorically) " do you know how I feel about EA?" when you use terms to describe your reaction as "disgusted" to EA making some slight changes from the demo, it does lead a reader to believe that you have some animosity, beyond normal, against EA.

Being "disappointed" seems like a more appropriate reaction to EA making some changes to the retail release based on feedback (from other fans, who EA also listens to) to the released demo. You being "disgusted" by EA making those hypothetical changes shows your bias against them.

Hey, maybe you just made a peculiar choice of verbiage... but since words are the medium through which we readers understand your thoughts, you may want to chose differently if you are not trying to display general animosity towards EA.
So it's okay to be disappointed but not disgusted? Why would anyone choose to judge my reaction either way? That's my point. If people could verbalize what they felt about the game without being told they're "crying" for example, there would be no fighting or arguments around here. We'd all just be happily sharing our particular POV, and that would be that.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Very dependent on how many people are working on it, I guess! The other thing is EA does have a history of doing longer-than-a-year development cycles on some features. The Impact Engine and Precision Movement, for example. It's just possible that there has been rather a lot of work done and that we won't be seeing it in CG FIFA 14.

I hope that's not the case where the CG is bereft of features in comparison to the NG version. We'll see
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Oh Bobby you winky guy you!

Oh no you called me 'winky' now im just going to ignore what people are actually posting and go off rambling about things that nobody has actually said and when they point out how wrong I am, I will quote a tiny bit of text from what they said and ignore where they have proved I am so very very wrong.....;))
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