FIFA 14 News & Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Hm, indeed YT caps vids @24fps.

But you can judge from how fluid passing flows. That can give u indication on how fast the game is.

It's easier if you record and upload vids to YT tho.

For me, they have slightly sped up the game for retail release and probably, upped interia a bit so players turn faster now. Nothing drastic though.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

But you can judge from how fluid passing flows. That can give u indication on how fast the game is.

Not trying to be deliberately obtuse here but I wouldn't agree with that either. Maybe it's just a personal opinion but for me all I feel watching a video can give you an idea of is the visual/graphics quality, for anything else you need to get your hands on it to feel how it really is :)
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

can anyone help please ?? my ingame settings are not saving....every time i start the game i have to start from team selection and all the settings are in default ?? is it happens for everyone ?? am on PC.
Use DBM 12 to open the db, export the fifaGameSettings table, edit your settings... you can even increase demo time from 3 minutes to 10, 15, 20, etc. Save, import back into db, play. Go to for more info/help. You can also edit right in the program itself, but I always export and edit in Excel. DBM 12 hasn't been updated and is buggy at times.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Not trying to be deliberately obtuse here but I wouldn't agree with that either. Maybe it's just a personal opinion but for me all I feel watching a video can give you an idea of is the visual/graphics quality, for anything else you need to get your hands on it to feel how it really is :)

Couldn't agree more. Every year the game plays different than what I'd expect going purely from the videos. Precision Movement for example is much more noticeable playing the demo.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Love this game so far, I managed to keep a clean sheet with Pique and Puyol in defence for the first time in 2 years,online will probably be a different story cause more like to use pace but so far my only concern is the fact keepers don't seem capable of catching a cold let alone a ball.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

The Moddingway 2.0 patch is great. Having more teams available gives you a chance to see some differences and I've just had a couple of great games.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Not trying to be deliberately obtuse here but I wouldn't agree with that either. Maybe it's just a personal opinion but for me all I feel watching a video can give you an idea of is the visual/graphics quality, for anything else you need to get your hands on it to feel how it really is :)

Have you heard anything mate about creation centre
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

The camp is split. One side, on gaming board like this and EA's prefer current build. But on the other hand, generally from the followers of popular Youtubers like KSI, Japes, Neppo etc. think the game is too sluggish, unresponsive and unrealistic when controlling player such as Messi, Iniesta & co. We'll see what happen in just few days.

According to Nepenthez, he has played the newer build and none of these 'problems' exist anymore.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

The camp is split. One side, on gaming board like this and EA's prefer current build. But on the other hand, generally from the followers of popular Youtubers like KSI, Japes, Neppo etc. think the game is too sluggish, unresponsive and unrealistic when controlling player such as Messi, Iniesta & co. We'll see what happen in just few days.

According to Nepenthez, he has played the newer build and none of these 'problems' exist anymore.

Ffs.seriously,if this game gets changed to a pace abusers level, i'm gonna hunt down Rutter and slap him with a wet smoked sausage...
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Precision movement is one of their biggest advertised feature this year, i don't think whatever changes they gonna make will be a bad one. But of course FUT will be frantic as usual.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Ffs.seriously,if this game gets changed to a pace abusers level, i'm gonna hunt down Rutter and slap him with a wet smoked sausage...

I dont see why through ball abuse not viable right now as well, the problem is not attackers moving too fast or something like that, but those laser precision passes are way too easy to execute. Try just to loft a through balls to players like Navas, Reus and scoring chances just drop in without effort.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I dont see why through ball abuse not viable right now as well, the problem is not attackers moving too fast or something like that, but those laser precision passes are way too easy to execute. Try just to loft a through balls to players like Navas, Reus and scoring chances just drop in without effort.

For all the good points of FIFA, this is why I yet again walk away from this game.

It's hilariously easy to get chances to score and when you do that gives me absolutely no satisfaction whatsoever. I don't get any kind of 'yes' feeling.

I can understand why a lot of people will complain about it feeling sluggish, MOST people don't play either football game that is out in the way a lot of people on evo web would subscribe to. Luckily I have at least one football game to play this year, sadly it's not going to be FIFA :(
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I dont see why through ball abuse not viable right now as well, the problem is not attackers moving too fast or something like that, but those laser precision passes are way too easy to execute. Try just to loft a through balls to players like Navas, Reus and scoring chances just drop in without effort.

This, this, and more this.

Pace abuse isn't caused by pace. It's passing, as you say, and also defensive AI.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Have you heard anything mate about creation centre

I haven't but it's not something I really look into TBH, the only thing regarding editing I ever hope for initially is if there's a way to edit an existing player's hair/face.

on one serbian gamers forum.

Hmm I can't see any reason why EA would especially give official feedback to the Serbian community or listen to criticism from a Serbian community (nothing against them of course but I don't believe there are any Serbian speakers in the core dev team who'd be particularly inclined to listen out to that community, if that makes sense?), hopefully it's just a case of some random speculation or someone making 5 from 2+2 etc :)
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

please EA, improve the player models...PES player models are way better....NG version have better player model i think.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Ffs.seriously,if this game gets changed to a pace abusers level, i'm gonna hunt down Rutter and slap him with a wet smoked sausage...

When people like KSI who know absolutely nothing about football are the face of the FIFA community I'd say that's hardly surprising.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

so just in case, all of you who are active on official fifa 14 boards, please tell them not to change gameplay speed or anything similar to that.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

:RANT:they better not change the gameplay just because those youtubers people doesn't like it..
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

YouTube - FIFA 14 CAREER MODE GAMEPLAY! | Global Transfer Network Tutorial #2

There are already vids from full game posted on YT like I said and there are ALREADY changes made to full game. Cry all you want, it won't change a thing.

Even if EA patches the game, it will be for online only. They don't care about offline (sad truth, online = money making machine for EA).

Even if that does not interest you, here is part of Description which shows how YT support themselves:

The other YouTubers who attended the FIFA 14 Capture Event:
Nepenthez -
Calfreezy -
TwoSyncFIFA -
Kazooie94 -
AirJapesFIFA -
FIFARalle -
Hjerpseth -
MattHDGamer -

Is it a bad thing? Yes, it is. Because the guys like Heikki360, FluorescentFIFA, would NEVER get invited to such events. EVER.

EA does not cater for FULL manual players. They seek, skillers and people who CAN ascertain that NEW guys will go and BUY their game. Or that OLD fans won't move to other game (that wouldn't happen anyway).

Plus add to that, they get access to early game versions and you're in for trouble. Their feedback is more vocal than community one (*you may disagree here, but wait for full game to see what I mean).

Sad days if you're looking for SIMULATION of FOOTBALL in FIFA.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

EA = Business, Business needs advertising. YouTubers = free (or extremely cheap) form of advertising.

Keeping these youtubers happy means ea spends less advertising their game while maintaining a huge portion of their fan base.

Simple business, simple logic. What does ea care that they lose one manual player if they gain 10 Sprint players.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I don't know why you are looking for simulation in FIFA? you know and I know it wasn't going to happen. We all know how EA work, why wind yourself up about it and keep repeating yourself?

I'm dissappointed if they have changed the gameplay in the final game but I also expected it as I know how they operate.

But I will still get the game, I enjoy it for what it is, whatever that may be.

Everybody is saying PES is amazing and becoming a true sim, so you should get it and hopefully it will be good for you.

I will be happy playing my career mode and some seasons fully manual :))
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I'm ready to only play the demo and wait for next year's Fifa if these changes are real ...
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

anyone got a link to the PC demo please?

or should you download it through origin?

I want to add the mods to it
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