FIFA 14 News & Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

but i cant open, files dont open on jenkey tools, i open .big files of demo and jenkey tool dont do nothing do i have to do other thing else before open files on jenkey tool?
I don't edit graphics, I only create my own custom database files. Therefore I don't use Jenkey's tools. Sorry I can't help you with graphics editing, but someone at soccergaming can help you with that I'm sure.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I disagree completely. The ability of the CPU for example to magically hit teammates with crosses that end up in the back of my net, is hyper-unrealistic. The rating boosts the CPU gets on Legendary are much too effective, and the game at that point doesn't resemble real-life football at all. But I appreciate your POV, and especially your willingness to engage in an adult exchange.

I have seen some amazing plays and goals by the CPU on Legendary that I didn't on lesser difficulties, but my reaction was always more of the "wow" variety than the "that was total bullshit" type of reaction.

So I wouldn't describe anything that I've seen as "hyper-unrealistic" nor would I simply blame it on attribute boosts. I didn't see evidence of CPU players being faster, stronger, more skillful, etc. What I see when you increase the difficulty is a CPU that plays with increased aggression, intelligence, and variety.

If anything, I've seen the CPU play more realistic in some ways, for example by retaining possession much better and playing with a better build up.

You'd have to post a video of examples of what you're calling unrealistic because so far all that I see on Legendary is a CPU that plays more aggressive, makes better, and more punishing, decisions, and is more likely to succeed with what it attempts to do.

I'll play it again when I get home tonight and who knows, maybe I'll see what you're talking about then, but for now I've yet to see anything especially unrealistic.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

anyone knows how can i open fifa files? that background for example? how can i edit?
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

To me CPU cheating (call it as you want, to me what I point down here are cheats) is pretty obvious based in the following points:

They can predict the trajectory of the ball with perfect precision at the very nanosecond a player touches it. To make it clear, the CPU AI is not PREDICTING AT ALL where the ball is going, they simply KNOW where it will go exactly at all times, as if they were asking the engine the X,Y,Z coordinates of the ball. This is specially excruciating when in tight situations you can see a defender changing drastically it's path towards the perfect landing point the very same moment the ball is rebounding on someone. Psychic powers. Totally unfair. Make the AI predict the trajectory as if they were watchingt the ball, and if you can't because there's not enough CPU, then throw a bit of "human" delay to the reactions. Or... just use the REACTIONS stat of the player, that should be there for a reason, not only online.

They also can perfectly read your movements in real time. That's why CPU players will perfectly avoid your sliding tackle in certain situations, no matter the stats they have. If you go to replay you will see perfectly that the CPU player starts the dribbling/avoiding movement the very moment you pressed the button to do the slide tackle. Both movement are then perform in such a synchronized way that is hilarious. This is because, again, CPU isn't predicting anything based on what it sees, it just reads the inputs of the engine in realtime and reacts accordingly. Again, this should be eased out and leaving it like this is just a lazy and cheap attempt of creating artificial difficulty, because CPU knows perfectly what you will do the very moment you do anything. They should have stats impact a lot more all this decision "understanding" by the players.

The CPU doesn't always follow the same rules of physics that my players do. Countless times I've seen the CPU player doing hilariopus turns with instant maximum acceleration that you couldn't achieve with your players. In the Fifa 14 demo, I dribbled Hummels with Messi and knocked the ball ahead while passing him. To my surprise, Hummels did an hilarious backwards-totally accelerated 180º turn, caught Messi and pushed him from behind. Things like that happen now and then and are completely bollocks because there's no way I can do that with my players, it's impossible. And it happens because when pushed to the limit, the CPU has some kind of "allowance" to break free from some physical constraints that my players can't break.

They get boosting of stats when needed (near 45 or 90 minutes, for exmaple, or in an important match or when you're too ahead in the league and the CPU decides it must be a difficult match). Having players like Iniesta pushing Toure from behind or winning headers it's a bit embarrassing, and definitely a cheat, as the CPU is receiving an extra boost that is out of the rules. I know it's difficult to program decent AI without resorting to things like this. But there are limits and they don't even try doing it decently. It's stupid to be dominating a team for 85 minutes, then all of a suddent they become stronger and faster. Trying to impact the flow of the game "from outside" is something I just can't stand, it breaks inmersion and generates a fustration that makes me feel tired of the game. To me the challenge is playing good, beautiful and realistic football, not having to endure the god mode when it fires.

I can accept boosting of the CPU stats a bit to simulate difficult or rivalry matches, but only if the stats are the same through all the game. But boosting stats like speed and strength DURING a match should be out of the equation, because it's done only to balance the result, it doesn't take into account nothing that happened in the match. The engine simply decides it's time to pressure and that's it. Shallow experience due to cheap programming.

And last of all, and worse of all. The "downgrading" of my own players they do when necessary. I think I've tried all the good goalkeepers in the world in the last 5 or 6 Fifa. I've never felt my goalkeeper was better than my opponent goalkeeper. To make it clear, no matter who you sign, your goalkeeper is always underperforming and will always parry the ball to the feet of an oncoming striker or simply not reaching it. The story is always the same, I shoot 20 times and the opponent goalkeeper is like godly, a bloody spider that can block and stop almost everything. My goalkeeper won't save practically anything remarkable. And will parry the ball all the time. You are tempted to buy that incredible goalkeeper that costed you 2 points. But it's not necessary, because the CPU will transform it into an idiot. I even signed the worse goalkeeper I found and after 2 months the average of goals allowed was exactly the same than with Valdes, Neuer, Ter Stegen and Cech. Now, in certain situations the game does exactly the same to your players NO MATTER WHAT YOU DID during or before the match. You are playing great, then at the 80th minute your team turns into zombies, even if their stamina stats are much higher than the opponent and you hardly run during the match. In this case, it's scripting leading to a lowering of the stats of your players. So, it's a cheat.

I know both games use them at some degree and there's not enough CPU to get rid of them and have real AI in place, but there are decent ways to do it, and the way Fifa has gone during this generation has degraded the game too much. At least for me. Playing the AI now feels a collection of those things to achieve a certain level of difficulty, diregarding stats and other variables. This route has clearly put Fifa in the situation of having a linear, repetitive and mechanic single player experience, becasue this "cheats" (call it as you want) are an integral part of the definition of how the CPU plays.

And that's the feeling me and a lot of other veteran players feel of the single player experience, that the CPU is more based in a player-situation focused model rather than having a sandbox and let the stats do their work.


I agree about the Psychic Powers but not as much the rest. For me one of the top improvements I've been wanting for years is for the CPU to play more human like, with it's reaction times the prime culprit.

Physics Rules: The CPU does get the benefit at times of unrealistic movement physics, but so do you. It's not a CPU cheat; it's inconsistencies in the physics engine.

Stats Boosting: I dunno, is it stat boosting or is it the CPU changing its tactics to play more aggressive; more aggressive CPU play combined with inhuman response times (Psychic Powers) I think might be what leads to what appear to be stat boosts.

Zombification: this I don't think exists.

Again, I think the main culprit is CPU response/reaction times. That combined with increased aggression on higher difficulties or at times in games when the CPU changes it's tactics (i.e. high pressure, high attack) lead to most if not all of what we consider to be cheating by the CPU.

I'm not going to say it's not happening at all, but I think it's better in this demo, and I think that might be because Precision Movement has a restraining effect on the CPU's ability to react/respond unrealistically.

I won't sit here and outright say that you're wrong, because I don't think anyone can really be sure without familiar knowledge of the code, but my personal impression is that the vast majority, if not all, of CPU "cheating" is down to reaction times, not to stat boosts, physics cheats, and "zombification."
Really difficult to come back to Fifa after looking at the pace and inertia of pes demo.. Fifa looks just too fast and unrealistic. This comes from someone who played Fifa the last 2 years and believe me, many hours.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I agree about the Psychic Powers but not as much the rest. For me one of the top improvements I've been wanting for years is for the CPU to play more human like, with it's reaction times the prime culprit.

Physics Rules: The CPU does get the benefit at times of unrealistic movement physics, but so do you. It's not a CPU cheat; it's inconsistencies in the physics engine.

Stats Boosting: I dunno, is it stat boosting or is it the CPU changing its tactics to play more aggressive; more aggressive CPU play combined with inhuman response times (Psychic Powers) I think might be what leads to what appear to be stat boosts.

Zombification: this I don't think exists.

Again, I think the main culprit is CPU response/reaction times. That combined with increased aggression on higher difficulties or at times in games when the CPU changes it's tactics (i.e. high pressure, high attack) lead to most if not all of what we consider to be cheating by the CPU.

I'm not going to say it's not happening at all, but I think it's better in this demo, and I think that might be because Precision Movement has a restraining effect on the CPU's ability to react/respond unrealistically.

I won't sit here and outright say that you're wrong, because I don't think anyone can really be sure without familiar knowledge of the code, but my personal impression is that the vast majority, if not all, of CPU "cheating" is down to reaction times, not to stat boosts, physics cheats, and "zombification."

Interesting post, probably we've discussed this many times before.

So you've never experienced CPU players getting faster and stronger when they "change tactics"? Because I've experienced this countless times. Let's assume it's the combination of other factors (and it could perfectly be), as you say. It doesn't matter! To us humans the outcome feels as if the opponents suddenly got faster and stronger. Rayo Vallecano players suddenly can outmuscle all my Bilbao players while the previous 45 minutes they couldn't? So with the same stats now all of them can push me and disposses me by blinking the eyes?

Programmers may know the roots of it, but I know the feeling. To me it feels like the game is cheating, because suddenly I can't win any body check even if my Bilbao players are strong, confident and could toy them for the rest of the match. And it's not in my control at all. Not controlling things is the main cause of fustration in life. Some will take it as a challenge. Me, having to endure this EVERY match is simply boring and irritating, becasue there's no reason for that.

About the zombi thing, I stated quite clearly the example of the goalkeeper in Career Mode, and it's just empiric, I've played many seasons over the years. It doesn't matter much who is guarding my net, the goalkeeper will always have a higher rate of parrying the ball than the opponent goalkeeper, no matter the stats. How many times can you say "wow, my goalkeeper saved the match", "he was phenomenal"... never! And how many times you can say "if it weren't for their goalkeeper I could have scored a dozen"? This speaks for itself.

I have 20 shots per game and the CPU just 2 or 3, and the ratio of score/shots of the CPU is like 3 or 4 times higher. You can say that it's because the CPU aims better and that causes the very few shots they take more dangerous. But then this don't match with stats. So all the strikers in the league are equally accurate against me? The programmers are taking shortcuts here to level the table and the outcome is a flat experience in which my goalkeeper never performs as it should. Hence, the feeling of cheating, which undoubtedly I have.

Finally, regarding physics, what the CPU players do now and then is simply impossible to do with a dualshock. Behaviors like instant acceleration WHILE turning 180º backwards are simply out of our reach. If you can do it, please show me! It's not happening all the time, it's just that the CPU seems to be allowed to trespass the limits when going to the limit. So yes, the CPU and the human player can have different levels of physics constraints, even if only in certain conditions.

PS: I refer to standard gameplay out of the box, no modding, no sliders, etc...Because we need to have a common ground to compare!
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Yep worked for me last year. Don't turn off your console or FIFA game for that matter. Always leave it on. Hopefully it will work again this year. :)

Thank you both.

Lol alright I'll try this. Hopefully this won't kill my xbox, it's already making funny noises... :LMAO:
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

There are 2 'cheats' that kill me in FIFA, and they appear to still be there:

1. I have played hundreds and hundreds of matches against the CPU, and I'm not sure a cleared ball out of the CPU's defence has ever landed at my feet near their area. Ever. In hours and hours and hours of playing. When they clear the ball, it clearly is 'told' to ping towards one of their forwards or midfielders.

2. The result of a shot is scripted at the point of the shot. What I mean by that is when you press 'shoot' and choose your corner or whatever, the engine decides if it is going in. Then the engine renders the keeper animation to save/not save accordingly. So you get absolutely ridiculous saves, and also terrible attempts at saving easy shots. I understand coding in this way, but it explains those matches where you batter the door down for the whole match and it feels like a god in goal.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

No hope for this game! The game has its fans who buy it yearly. EA will cater to them more than a "potential" buyer like me.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Been glued to PES demo went back to this played a match could not play no more this game brings me 0 excitement.

Cant believe im saying this but i lost my love for Fifa now :( maybe next year it will be back.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Been glued to PES demo went back to this played a match could not play no more this game brings me 0 excitement.

Cant believe im saying this but i lost my love for Fifa now :( maybe next year it will be back.

Same here. Played the FIFA demo first for a few hours and thought it was good, an improvement over 13 at least. Been hammering the PES demo ever since and I just can't play this anymore. Feels bloody awful really coming off of PES. I definitely won't be buying it this year although I hope EA release a demo for the NG version.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Other way round for me tbh, played a few hours of PES and hated it more and more, Im loving this game, hope NG builds on this
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

There are 2 'cheats' that kill me in FIFA, and they appear to still be there:

1. I have played hundreds and hundreds of matches against the CPU, and I'm not sure a cleared ball out of the CPU's defence has ever landed at my feet near their area. Ever. In hours and hours and hours of playing. When they clear the ball, it clearly is 'told' to ping towards one of their forwards or midfielders.

2. The result of a shot is scripted at the point of the shot. What I mean by that is when you press 'shoot' and choose your corner or whatever, the engine decides if it is going in. Then the engine renders the keeper animation to save/not save accordingly. So you get absolutely ridiculous saves, and also terrible attempts at saving easy shots.
Great explanation with #2, I've never thought of it like that but you're quite probably right.

#1 is a result of jacked up ratings in FIFA (most of the problems in FIFA are). I play using a db with player ratings lowered by as much as 90%, and I can tell you the CPU now clears many balls over their players' heads and right to my guys. It happens so often actually that I'm going to be editing the db to tone it down some, the CPU is too inaccurate with clearances as it is now.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Interesting post, probably we've discussed this many times before.

So you've never experienced CPU players getting faster and stronger when they "change tactics"? Because I've experienced this countless times. Let's assume it's the combination of other factors (and it could perfectly be), as you say. It doesn't matter! To us humans the outcome feels as if the opponents suddenly got faster and stronger. Rayo Vallecano players suddenly can outmuscle all my Bilbao players while the previous 45 minutes they couldn't? So with the same stats now all of them can push me and disposses me by blinking the eyes?

Programmers may know the roots of it, but I know the feeling. To me it feels like the game is cheating, because suddenly I can't win any body check even if my Bilbao players are strong, confident and could toy them for the rest of the match. And it's not in my control at all. Not controlling things is the main cause of fustration in life. Some will take it as a challenge. Me, having to endure this EVERY match is simply boring and irritating, becasue there's no reason for that.

I have loads of experience with situations like this, so I know exactly what you're talking about. I don't disagree that it feels like the CPU players become stat boosted, I simply question the cause - whether it's actual stat boosts or simply the combination of heightened aggression via tactical adjustments with unfair/heightened CPU response times.

Yes, on one hand it doesn't matter; the result is the same: it feels like cheating. But on the other hand it does matter for the sake of understanding what's going on and suggesting improvements.

Moreover, I never questioned that this has happened in FIFA. Indeed, I'm amazing at dominating possession only to concede late winners and equalizers to the CPU in the fashion you've described. What I suggested however is that with the addition of Precision Movement, I'm wondering whether the CPU response times will be somewhat tempered. Based on the demo, i haven't felt as cheated as I had in the past. Maybe it's because I've yet to play enough, maybe it's because of the short half lengths, maybe it's because it's just the demo.

About the zombi thing, I stated quite clearly the example of the goalkeeper in Career Mode, and it's just empiric, I've played many seasons over the years. It doesn't matter much who is guarding my net, the goalkeeper will always have a higher rate of parrying the ball than the opponent goalkeeper, no matter the stats. How many times can you say "wow, my goalkeeper saved the match", "he was phenomenal"... never! And how many times you can say "if it weren't for their goalkeeper I could have scored a dozen"? This speaks for itself.

I have 20 shots per game and the CPU just 2 or 3, and the ratio of score/shots of the CPU is like 3 or 4 times higher. You can say that it's because the CPU aims better and that causes the very few shots they take more dangerous. But then this don't match with stats. So all the strikers in the league are equally accurate against me? The programmers are taking shortcuts here to level the table and the outcome is a flat experience in which my goalkeeper never performs as it should. Hence, the feeling of cheating, which undoubtedly I have.

Yes, I understood your goalkeeper story. However, first of all, you mentioned the "zombification of team/players" which implied this zombi problem was more widespread than just applying to your goalkeeper. I don't think I've ever felt that my entire team all of the sudden turned into zombies.

But regarding goalkeeping, I agree that there's an issue in single player FIFA, though I don't know that I'd say it's the game gimping your goalkeeper as much as that FIFA simply has balance issues in single player. Unfortunately, whether it's designed intentionally this way or not, the possession and chance created stats typically favor the user controlled team, by a lot. FIFA deals with this by making the CPU more deadly with the chances it does create.

This is an annoying feature of FIFA, but what you've suggested is rather different. You suggest that at certain moments within a game, the game gimps your players. I don't think this is correct, whether we're talking about outfield players or the goalkeepers. In FIfA, the CPU is better at taking it's chances; if on Legendary you need 3 quality chances with Messi to score, the CPU only needs 1.

I don't like this, but is it a cheat? I don't think so. Why? Because I question whether the CPU boosts its stats or gimps yours on a situational basis within a match; rather I'm thinking that the CPU is always deadlier (well, at least on the higher difficulties).

And regarding your hypotheticals about goalkeeping, yes I can say my goalkeeper saved the match. Loads of times. Maybe not to the effect that you'll regularly see the CPU keeper stop 20, but I've been saved plenty of times by my keeper in those final moments when the CPU goes all out attack and it feels like you're hopeless.

Finally, regarding physics, what the CPU players do now and then is simply impossible to do with a dualshock. Behaviors like instant acceleration WHILE turning 180º backwards are simply out of our reach. If you can do it, please show me! It's not happening all the time, it's just that the CPU seems to be allowed to trespass the limits when going to the limit. So yes, the CPU and the human player can have different levels of physics constraints, even if only in certain conditions.

PS: I refer to standard gameplay out of the box, no modding, no sliders, etc...Because we need to have a common ground to compare!

Well then aren't you implying that there are animations in FIFA that only the CPU players have access to? That the CPU is operating under a different physics engine? I dunno, I do see failures in realism that provide the CPU unfair advantage in certain situations. But I also see this happen for the user-controlled player too. Maybe you're right but at least drastic failures in realistic physics that give unfair advantages are far, far fewer than they once were. So if the CPU is getting unfair advantages at times through lapses in the physics engine - and you're not - I don't think they are happening often enough to be that detrimental to gameplay overall.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

2 days testing of 14 DEMO.
I will never play this game again, too slow, gameplay is hell, players movement is tragedy, too many nice goals, not possible shots, etc. I dont see one thing which is positive. For me FIFA13 was masterpiece, now EA try to do PES from Fifa? I dont know. Another year of playing FIFA13 - or maybe it is chance that EA will release full FIFA14 as FIFA13.1 (almost the same gameplay and all squads/kits/etc. updated).
For me slow FIFA14 is a killer for this series. Fast FIFA13 gameplay was the best game ever - and I will play it now and next weeks.
When I play FIFA14 I dont want next matches, when I start FIFA13 I cant see when 7 hours passed.
14demo is barca style game (a lot of passes, slow actions), FIFA13 is EPL style footbal, much faster - and also giving us a lot of fun in playing football game.
Thank you for attention ;) .
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

2 days testing of 14 DEMO.
I will never play this game again, too slow, gameplay is hell, players movement is tragedy, too many nice goals, not possible shots, etc. I dont see one thing which is positive. For me FIFA13 was masterpiece, now EA try to do PES from Fifa? I dont know. Another year of playing FIFA13 - or maybe it is chance that EA will release full FIFA14 as FIFA13.1 (almost the same gameplay and all squads/kits/etc. updated).
For me slow FIFA14 is a killer for this series. Fast FIFA13 gameplay was the best game ever - and I will play it now and next weeks.
When I play FIFA14 I dont want next matches, when I start FIFA13 I cant see when 7 hours passed.
14demo is barca style game (a lot of passes, slow actions), FIFA13 is EPL style footbal, much faster - and also giving us a lot of fun in playing football game.
Thank you for attention ;) .

So basically what you are saying is FIFA 13 is end to end frantic game and FIFA 14 is more of a realistic, tactical build up slower thoughts too which is why its pretty good, i liked FIFA 13 too but this is miles better
FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

2 days testing of 14 DEMO.
I will never play this game again, too slow, gameplay is hell, players movement is tragedy, too many nice goals, not possible shots, etc. I dont see one thing which is positive. For me FIFA13 was masterpiece, now EA try to do PES from Fifa? I dont know. Another year of playing FIFA13 - or maybe it is chance that EA will release full FIFA14 as FIFA13.1 (almost the same gameplay and all squads/kits/etc. updated).
For me slow FIFA14 is a killer for this series. Fast FIFA13 gameplay was the best game ever - and I will play it now and next weeks.
When I play FIFA14 I dont want next matches, when I start FIFA13 I cant see when 7 hours passed.
14demo is barca style game (a lot of passes, slow actions), FIFA13 is EPL style footbal, much faster - and also giving us a lot of fun in playing football game.
Thank you for attention ;) .

Fast end to end rubbish. That's everything I hate about 13. That's why when I'm online I tend to dominate possession and slow the game down. I'm not a headless chicken who plays the game like a pinball machine so I enjoy annoying all the little kids who run around like lunatics.

I've played the demo of 14 and I can still play it the same way I play 13. I like the hold up play button but the rest is still the same (and I wouldn't expect much difference anyway (it make me laugh when people do as what do you really expect?)). Yes it feels a bit different and theirs more momentum in the game now but because of my style of play it doesn't make much difference.

The PES demo is better than previous years but still FIFA suits me. Maybe its because I'm not used to some of the PES controls but I'll stick with FIFA. I play full manual online and probably some clubs and 2v2 co-op seasons so it will do for me. Not getting on CG though. Will wait for NG.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Played Fifa14 demo, had fun
Switch to PES2014 demo, bored in 5 minutes
Switch to fifa demo again, joy returned...

PES feels very unresponsive, ball floaty on shots and a game without passion and power, despite its improvement...
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

2 days testing of 14 DEMO.
I will never play this game again, too slow, gameplay is hell, players movement is tragedy, too many nice goals, not possible shots, etc. I dont see one thing which is positive. For me FIFA13 was masterpiece, now EA try to do PES from Fifa? I dont know. Another year of playing FIFA13 - or maybe it is chance that EA will release full FIFA14 as FIFA13.1 (almost the same gameplay and all squads/kits/etc. updated).
For me slow FIFA14 is a killer for this series. Fast FIFA13 gameplay was the best game ever - and I will play it now and next weeks.
When I play FIFA14 I dont want next matches, when I start FIFA13 I cant see when 7 hours passed.
14demo is barca style game (a lot of passes, slow actions), FIFA13 is EPL style footbal, much faster - and also giving us a lot of fun in playing football game.
Thank you for attention ;) .

totally disagree...
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Fast end to end rubbish. That's everything I hate about 13. That's why when I'm online I tend to dominate possession and slow the game down. I'm not a headless chicken who plays the game like a pinball machine so I enjoy annoying all the little kids who run around like lunatics.

I've played the demo of 14 and I can still play it the same way I play 13. I like the hold up play button but the rest is still the same (and I wouldn't expect much difference anyway (it make me laugh when people do as what do you really expect?)). Yes it feels a bit different and theirs more momentum in the game now but because of my style of play it doesn't make much difference.

The PES demo is better than previous years but still FIFA suits me. Maybe its because I'm not used to some of the PES controls but I'll stick with FIFA. I play full manual online and probably some clubs and 2v2 co-op seasons so it will do for me. Not getting on CG though. Will wait for NG.

yea im waiting on NG version. not this CG version as i feel it is not a good game

PES is the far superior game because it encourages you to play the style you just noted whilst fifa is just a ping pong end to end rubbish
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

if you think this game is ping pong end to end take it off assisted and increase the pass error although even on normal it is anything but ping sure i must be playing a different game to some people in here

please if you have the time upload a video of you playing ping pong football , maybe i am misunderstanding the meaning
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I'd honestly say PES 2014 is more "ping pong" than FIFA 14, oddly.

Even with 1-bar passing on PES 2014, it can be too easy to pass at times. Whereas FIFA 14 on manual is never that easy.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

2 days testing of 14 DEMO.
I will never play this game again, too slow, gameplay is hell, players movement is tragedy, too many nice goals, not possible shots, etc. I dont see one thing which is positive. For me FIFA13 was masterpiece, now EA try to do PES from Fifa? I dont know. Another year of playing FIFA13 - or maybe it is chance that EA will release full FIFA14 as FIFA13.1 (almost the same gameplay and all squads/kits/etc. updated).
For me slow FIFA14 is a killer for this series. Fast FIFA13 gameplay was the best game ever - and I will play it now and next weeks.
When I play FIFA14 I dont want next matches, when I start FIFA13 I cant see when 7 hours passed.
14demo is barca style game (a lot of passes, slow actions), FIFA13 is EPL style footbal, much faster - and also giving us a lot of fun in playing football game.
Thank you for attention ;) .
If this kind of paceabuser won't be present in FIFA 14, I'll be happy.

Bye :BYE:

PD: FIFA 14 has almost nothing to do with 13. And I remember 13 well. In full manual is excellent, and the individuality is more pronounced than ever before.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

can someone teach me how to export this background from fifa files?
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

There are 2 'cheats' that kill me in FIFA, and they appear to still be there:

1. I have played hundreds and hundreds of matches against the CPU, and I'm not sure a cleared ball out of the CPU's defence has ever landed at my feet near their area. Ever. In hours and hours and hours of playing. When they clear the ball, it clearly is 'told' to ping towards one of their forwards or midfielders.

2. The result of a shot is scripted at the point of the shot. What I mean by that is when you press 'shoot' and choose your corner or whatever, the engine decides if it is going in. Then the engine renders the keeper animation to save/not save accordingly. So you get absolutely ridiculous saves, and also terrible attempts at saving easy shots. I understand coding in this way, but it explains those matches where you batter the door down for the whole match and it feels like a god in goal.

1. My experiences have been different. Maybe it's down to formation differences? (I play 4-3-3 with one DMF... Barca Style) On CPU headed clearances out of the box (on corner kicks most often) the ball often goes to my players just outside the box to attempt volleyed shots back into the goal. Very rarely does it go right to a CPU player. It's usually a 50/50 ball or to my players.

On longer "hoofed" clearances, the ball many times goes out of bounds or straight to my waiting defenders. This is probably because of the way I play (super possession) that by the time the CPU gets an opportunity to clear the ball, all their players have dropped back to defend.

2. I certainly don't think the game is programmed that way. I think you take your shot at whatever angle/power (decided by your input and modified by player ability) toward the goal and then the CPU goalie tries to make the save diving (modified by goalie ability) toward the trajectory the ball is on. Sometimes he gets there, sometimes not. Often in my games there is a deflection on the way to goal and the goalie dives the completely wrong way for a goal to trickle in.

The CPU controls my goalie too, and seems to do the exact same weird job for both of us. I don't think the game is programmed to just say that a shot goes "in" the moment it's taken.

As for games in which you batter the goalie with shots, but don't score, I think the more plausible explanation (as opposed to EA programming the AI to cheat against the player on Legendary mode only) is your playing ability for that game not being at its best. I know it happens to me... sometimes I take shots to early, or too late... or pick the wrong angle... or try to make it too perfect... or just can't get that teammate to make the run I want and get caught in possession... or whatever and it all adds up to me taking quite a few shots, but never really getting a lot of great scoring opportunities. Heck, sometimes the CPU goalie will be so out of position that I shoot it right at him not expecting him to be there (that's where the sideline camera is poor... figuring out shooting angles). And yes, elite goalies are hard to score on as they react faster and have a larger reach, but this is to be expected.

2 days testing of 14 DEMO.
I will never play this game again, too slow, gameplay is hell, players movement is tragedy, too many nice goals, not possible shots, etc. I dont see one thing which is positive. For me FIFA13 was masterpiece, now EA try to do PES from Fifa? I dont know. Another year of playing FIFA13 - or maybe it is chance that EA will release full FIFA14 as FIFA13.1 (almost the same gameplay and all squads/kits/etc. updated).
For me slow FIFA14 is a killer for this series. Fast FIFA13 gameplay was the best game ever - and I will play it now and next weeks.
When I play FIFA14 I dont want next matches, when I start FIFA13 I cant see when 7 hours passed.
14demo is barca style game (a lot of passes, slow actions), FIFA13 is EPL style footbal, much faster - and also giving us a lot of fun in playing football game.
Thank you for attention ;) .

FIFA 13 definitely felt more responsive to me than FIFA 14, and I don't see much advantage in "slowing" FIFA down by making it react more slowly to button presses... which is the feeling I get in FIFA 14. I think an area that PES has nailed down better than FIFA this year (and previous) is the default speed of play. The passing speed to running speed ratio seems to play better than in FIFA (although FIFA has sliders to adjust, which is nice).

Overall, I do agree that FIFA 14's demo slowness was not enjoyable, although I disagree on your reasoning why. I play a slow buildup style already in FIFA 13 so I don't disparage on that type of gameplay. However, in the final attacking 3rd of the field, quick passing movements and dribbles require highly responsive button controls which seem to be lacking in FIFA 14's demo. And that, I don't enjoy.

And I think both FIFA 13/14 can be played up-and-down or possession. That's up to the player.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

yea im waiting on NG version. not this CG version as i feel it is not a good game

PES is the far superior game because it encourages you to play the style you just noted whilst fifa is just a ping pong end to end rubbish

PES looks like it might be a nice alternative this year. Yes it plays a more methodical, tactical, slower pace game, but it's just as easy to find issues with PES gameplay as it is with FIFA's - they are flipped sides of the same coin in many respects; one can feel to frenzied, the other too lifeless.

PES superior? Debatable. Highly, highly debatable, especially when considering everything beyond gameplay itself, like game modes and especially CM vs ML.

Far superior? Now that's laughable.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

2. I certainly don't think the game is programmed that way. I think you take your shot at whatever angle/power (decided by your input and modified by player ability) toward the goal and then the CPU goalie tries to make the save diving (modified by goalie ability) toward the trajectory the ball is on. Sometimes he gets there, sometimes not. Often in my games there is a deflection on the way to goal and the goalie dives the completely wrong way for a goal to trickle in.

The CPU controls my goalie too, and seems to do the exact same weird job for both of us. I don't think the game is programmed to just say that a shot goes "in" the moment it's taken.

As for games in which you batter the goalie with shots, but don't score, I think the more plausible explanation (as opposed to EA programming the AI to cheat against the player on Legendary mode only) is your playing ability for that game not being at its best. I know it happens to me... sometimes I take shots to early, or too late... or pick the wrong angle... or try to make it too perfect... or just can't get that teammate to make the run I want and get caught in possession... or whatever and it all adds up to me taking quite a few shots, but never really getting a lot of great scoring opportunities. Heck, sometimes the CPU goalie will be so out of position that I shoot it right at him not expecting him to be there (that's where the sideline camera is poor... figuring out shooting angles). And yes, elite goalies are hard to score on as they react faster and have a larger reach, but this is to be expected.

Totally agree. Goalkeeping still has its issues but I don't see any true evidence to support the ideas that shots are pre-determined, or that goalkeeping is rigged in favor of the CPU.

FIFA 13 definitely felt more responsive to me than FIFA 14, and I don't see much advantage in "slowing" FIFA down by making it react more slowly to button presses... which is the feeling I get in FIFA 14. I think an area that PES has nailed down better than FIFA this year (and previous) is the default speed of play. The passing speed to running speed ratio seems to play better than in FIFA (although FIFA has sliders to adjust, which is nice).

Overall, I do agree that FIFA 14's demo slowness was not enjoyable, although I disagree on your reasoning why. I play a slow buildup style already in FIFA 13 so I don't disparage on that type of gameplay. However, in the final attacking 3rd of the field, quick passing movements and dribbles require highly responsive button controls which seem to be lacking in FIFA 14's demo. And that, I don't enjoy.

And I think both FIFA 13/14 can be played up-and-down or possession. That's up to the player.

It's interesting how subjective pace of play clearly is. Personally, I find PES's default speed far too slow - sometimes it feels to me like I'm watching/playing a slow-motion replay. Sometimes it feels like I'm waiting too long for my player to complete his move/animation.

Somewhere between FIFA's slow and default game speed would be just about perfect for me. I used to always play on slow, but now I'm finding I like playing on the default speed for some reason.

It's interesting that you're thinking there's something off with the button response times. I'm not so sure. I'm wondering if it might just be getting used to the changes to the way players move? I'm not disagreeing with you, just thinking out loud. In any case, I'd imagine it'll be one of those elements that's refined for the final release.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

PES looks like it might be a nice alternative this year. Yes it plays a more methodical, tactical, slower pace game, but it's just as easy to find issues with PES gameplay as it is with FIFA's - they are flipped sides of the same coin in many respects; one can feel to frenzied, the other too lifeless.

PES superior? Debatable. Highly, highly debatable, especially when considering everything beyond gameplay itself, like game modes and especially CM vs ML.

Far superior? Now that's laughable.

Yep, especially when you consider how barebones ML is this year.
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