FIFA 14 News & Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

ive gone full manual except passing on semi..normal speed with accel at 51 and sprint at 53..passing speed up to 58..using camera mod to achieve a bit more zoom..loving it

anyone who says this is same as 10,11,12,13 etc just isn't prepared to give it a chance
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I'm checking the Origin page... is the only difference between the Standard and Ultimate PC editions the 24 FUT Gold pack addon?
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I absolutely love how "free" the ball is now, and being able to push players off the ball properly. Finally Yaya Toure can play like in real life and show his strength to win the ball etc.

When this game flows, it's excellent.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

My experience with this demo is identical to last year's. Loved it initially, then got less enthusiastic about it, now I don't even want to buy the game.

The game doesn't flow properly, and doesn't somehow feel like a football match. It's like football crossed with Ice Hockey. It's disappointing because I really got into the FIFA series from 09 to 12, then when 12 came along somehow the balance of the game went all wrong.

I just tried the demo of FIFA11 again, and despite feeling more rigid, the game flows so much more like a real match. Also, I immediately noticed the difference in graphics. How are the graphics in this series getting progressively worse? I compared the sharpness, colours and pitch textures from 11 to 14, and 11 wins hands-down. In fact, FIFA14's graphics (in particular the pitch textures) are really, really poor.

How has this got progressively worse?
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I've played it, and haven't warmed to it, the fluidity of 13 has gone and it doesn't "feel" the way FIFA should. It feels slow, heavy and clumsy and the new camera angles are terrible. I had lots of fun playing FIFA13 and I was hoping for a refined version. I feel this one isn't refined - more like broken.

I really do hope it's a case of EA putting maximum effort into the Next Gen - because for this one, FIFA14 feels in many ways a step backwards.

And in reply to the above post, the "demo" build of FIFA11 is THE best FIFA I have ever played. Shame they ruined it for release.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I compared the sharpness, colours and pitch textures from 11 to 14, and 11 wins hands-down. In fact, FIFA14's graphics (in particular the pitch textures) are really, really poor.

How has this got progressively worse?

Yeah, the first thing that struck me was that the graphics seemed noticeably downgraded. I guess it could be because they're adding more elements to the gameplay each year, so need to free up a bit more cpu and ram to handle it.

My experience with this demo is identical to last year's. Loved it initially, then got less enthusiastic about it, now I don't even want to buy the game.

I thought it was ok after the first couple of matches, but by the 3rd, was already getting fed up with it. It has some brilliant stuff, some really beautifully random moments and complex physics, yet it will be followed up 2 seconds later by some atrocious junk.

The inertia stuff is a step in the right direction but it seems the cpu players aren't affected by it nearly as much as human controlled players (what a surprise...). Far too often, the cpu defenders just go from standing start to instant full speed, with zero inertia or reaction times afflicting them. And all the cpu players can suddenly develop the dribbling, ball-control, balance and agility of Messi whenever they need to.

It is, at times, horribly reminiscent of Euro2008, when playing against teams like Leichtenstein would be the hardest, because every player was like Messi and dribble around impeccably, keeping possession for ages, but they just wouldn't ever score.

There's just something uneven about and slow....stop and the players are on elastic ropes and suddenly move really fast, then slow and cumbersome.

Like previous years, the only reason I would buy this is for online play...but even that has become progressively worse in recent years, with the horribly obvious momentum scripts.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Yeah, the first thing that struck me was that the graphics seemed noticeably downgraded. I guess it could be because they're adding more elements to the gameplay each year, so need to free up a bit more cpu and ram to handle it.

I thought it was ok after the first couple of matches, but by the 3rd, was already getting fed up with it. It has some brilliant stuff, some really beautifully random moments and complex physics, yet it will be followed up 2 seconds later by some atrocious junk.

The inertia stuff is a step in the right direction but it seems the cpu players aren't affected by it nearly as much as human controlled players (what a surprise...). Far too often, the cpu defenders just go from standing start to instant full speed, with zero inertia or reaction times afflicting them. And all the cpu players can suddenly develop the dribbling, ball-control, balance and agility of Messi whenever they need to.

It is, at times, horribly reminiscent of Euro2008, when playing against teams like Leichtenstein would be the hardest, because every player was like Messi and dribble around impeccably, keeping possession for ages, but they just wouldn't ever score.

There's just something uneven about and slow....stop and the players are on elastic ropes and suddenly move really fast, then slow and cumbersome.

Like previous years, the only reason I would buy this is for online play...but even that has become progressively worse in recent years, with the horribly obvious momentum scripts.

Yeah I agree mate, also the pitches seem huge in comparison to the players. Really odd. Also, the knock-on with the right stick is broken again, you can run so fast down the wings by using this, that you can cover practically half the pitch and straight in on the keeper.

I dunno. One minute it seems good, the next, like a game designed to be end to end rather than realistic.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Also, the knock-on with the right stick is broken again, you can run so fast down the wings by using this, that you can cover practically half the pitch and straight in on the keeper.

I dunno. One minute it seems good, the next, like a game designed to be end to end rather than realistic.

You don't even need the right-stick for this. On quite a few occassions, I've taken the ball from deep in my own half and just normal sprinted across to, and then down, the wing and into the opposition 18 yard box. And it's so easy to exploit the channels in behind the full backs with lobbed through-balls or one-two, or plain sprinting. Needs fixed before release.

After a dozen or so games, can't recall winning a single free-kick. Seems the cpu cannot commit fouls. But have also been through 1-on-1 on the keeper a few times, only to be rugby tackled from says the ref. Feck off, EA.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I wish my attacking players would stop making darting runs in behind the back 4 when I'm trying to slowly build up the play. DROP SHORT just once in your life please
There's a run frequency slider for that.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

No idea how people can compare the PC demo to PS3. PC demo is way smoother faster, more responsive. Only thing there is a LOD issue. certain objects turn black from a distance. nets...I have a little trick to fix it...considering nets become usually black during pre-match skill games...try to do it : press ALT+TAB...making the game an icon...after 2 seconds click with mouse on the icon to back in game...nets will be white again
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Tried a few more matches, nope, can't get into it. Wanted to be able to play it more due to the lack of a PES PC demo, but single-player gameplay feels so utterly terrible I can't stand it for more than a couple of matches straight.

It doesn't play anything remotely close to football, and without the fun factor of online this game is no good.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

All well and good for offline but what about online?
Glad I could help, no problem. Lower your height and length sliders and your players will adopt more of a defensive attitude. Edit your players and formation: assign players high defend/low attack roles and even move them back in the formation. Choose to play players with low attack workrates. Use the d-pad to switch to ultra-defend tactics.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Are you guys able to sprint like in FIFA 13? I mean the direction. I'm using a keyboard so 360° is not available.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Sprinting has changed quite significantly. There is no angle limit anymore, so you can make a 90 degree turn with the sprint button held. Really, you need not only an analogue stick but an analogue trigger to use with analogue sprint to get the most out of it this year. Quite a significant change that I don't think many people have even noticed.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I have to say I had been feeling pretty let-down by this demo, but then I upped the difficulty to Legendary and I've been having a blast. Some really fun matches.
On World Class and Professional, I was seeing the worst of everything, and most matches were dull, uneventful, 0-0 draws. I think this had a lot to do with me slipping to the AI's quality level, relying on Sprint too much, being overly aggressive on defense, etc. - there was no real need to play real football so I unconsciously didn't bother.

Upping to Legendary I've seen some f'ing awesome moments of quality, and defending against the AI is quite fun. Ironically too, since going higher in difficulty I've been scoring more goals, even if I've conceded more too. I think, again, because at Legendary I have to make smarter decisions or get toasted, I end up actually playing better.

Overall, my rather poor impression of the demo has jumped quite a bit after moving up to Legendary, even if gameplay at that level is wickedly intense. Who knows, maybe I'll play it tomorrow and be back to being disappointed, but at the moment I'm looking forward to the full release, which I hadn't been before increasing the difficulty.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

@Thespeedster84 : Difference is there. NY Red Bulls, maybe I'm exaggerating but, relatively pass poorly than Barca who like to feed it to Neymar and Messi which they do it quick. Need to play more matches. Team individuality is better than last year.

GP mods will do the trick anyway once the full game is out.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

To be honest i'm quite pleasantly surprised by FIFA 14, i seriously expected the so called inertia to very minimal or even no existent at all, at least going by off screen gameplay videos from Gamescom.

The game at long last has that weighty tactical feel that I've been dying for in FIFA after all these years, it's a sign that they're going in the right direction. Question is, how long before they compromise this to appease the sprint abusing arcade contingent?
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

How is passing accuracy between high /low rated teams in legendary ?
Doesn't really matter as all teams play hyper-unrealistically on Legendary. May as well have named it CPU God difficulty. Global edits to the database tone the CPU cheating way down though if you play offline, I've had some very good games since. Anyway, all teams end up with 85-90% passing accuracy after every game on all difficulty levels, just like always, so nothing has changed there.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

World Class is the most balanced for me. Legeendary, hmm, a lil' beat of God mode CPUness.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Yep for me too, I find the Legendary mode a little bit too much scripted.
Like saying the sky is a bit blue. Not trying to hyperbolize, but I don't recall Legendary playing anything like that in the past. The CPU cheat boosts have always been bad but this year they seem off-the-charts insane.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Anybody agrees with me when I say that players like Xavi and Iniesta are a joy to control especially using LT? Love the touch of individuality.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Like saying the sky is a bit blue. Not trying to hyperbolize, but I don't recall Legendary playing anything like that in the past. The CPU cheat boosts have always been bad but this year they seem off-the-charts insane.

As someone who has only played legendary for the last 5 or so Fifa games, I say legendary in the Fifa 14 demo is one of its easiest iterations. Also, "cheating" and "scripting" are myths. The CPU plays under the same set of rules as the human players. C'mon.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Played FIFA 14 demo.
To be honest with you, I was shocked!? This game has really good presentation (as always). Cut scenes at the beginning of the match are wonderful, especially one just before kick-off. Players shaking hands, refs acting cool…
However, after kick-off it was like…


It is same story every year…
Yes, I always liked PES more then FIFA. Every year I buy PES, FIFA and NBA2K games, but I never play FIFA more then a week. This demo is… I don’t know – I managed to score 4 headers with Messi in 5 games I’ve played! I know Messi is god, but… Am I doing something wrong?

PES is far from perfection, but at least last year I was able to make it more realistic for me (by using edited EDIT.bin files). This year is even more promising. I wasn’t able to do that with FIFA – not ever, and I tried everything.

Really don’t understand why EA can’t make FIFA more like NBA2K? (in NBA2K user can choose several mods arcade, simulation or custom made)? Then KONAMI would be forced to make even better PES game, as so on… Everybody wins! I’m just hopeing that one day in the near future, honest football fan like me, will have hard time choosing between two footy games.
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