FIFA 14 News & Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Not for me this year either. Doesn't really feel like Football, can't really explain it. I could forgive it that if it was at least fun to play, which it isn't either. Time to walk away, there is always next year :)

Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Just had Bale sent off for a second yellow and the commentary that kicked in was some bored monotone line about how 'this player already had one booking and he's not learnt his lesson so he's off'

When has any player been sent off and the commentary just not given a toss?


Hate the menus too. Why is it STILL the same un user friendly crap?

Do you mean the menus when you go deeper into tactics/formations? If so, I agree; why go to all the trouble of designing a snazzy new front end and ignore the part of the menus that needed work the most?? And I don't understand why EA didn't allow the new formation screen to be drag and drop - that would eliminate the need to go into their stupid outdated, archaic formation/editing menus!

Love the way you can play a pass in behind the defence and your speedy attacker can actually get to it now!
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

A lot slower & much heavier which will take some getting used to but no point me judging it from playing against the superhuman AI at this stage :LOL:
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Pleasantly surprised by this as after a month i skipped fifa 13.

Really enjoyable to play, will enjoy it. got it ordered for my ps4.

Ai got sent off against me which was always a rarity and it feels really unscripted.

And damn EA worked on the sound! Scored a last minute winner and my room exploded

EDIT - Select changes music track, is this new??

Also it will be superb when Placebo gets his sliders going
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

This demo is bug fest galore. Nets changing colors when you score goal (and your players are celebrating, the nets change colors to... your player kits, when AI players were celebrating one of them... Froze up. Stone. Ball gets away from player feet, players with 90+ ball control have trouble trapping the ball, etc.)

Player models are not that good. Expected that tbf from CG.

Stadiums are the same as above. Atmosphere same.

Ball physics were re-done, but now, it's easier to score. Long range bombs hit the back of the net like there is no tomorrow! Finesse shots are overpowered, to such extent that you can shoot with them from 45+ yards out. Sometimes you score such goal.

Interia is visible only while doing SLOW turns. Lofted through balls are almost 100% proof way of getting to scoring opportunity. Be it for AI or user. Can see how it will be online... ;)

Right stick knock on is gone, now all is done on RT/R2. Variable sprint speed (the more you press the bigger knock on).

Seriously, I won't pay for this. It's more like a patch to FIFA 13, than new game I wish to pay hard earned money on.

There is NOTHING or very little warranting a buy. Pass from me. Will stick to FIFA 13 if other game disappoints me (hopeful it won't).
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

This is taking an age to download.

20% in nearly an hour. I have a virgin 120mb a second connection......
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

You probably broke something in the config file? I assume you're talking about the PC version? ;)

You assume right but the weird thing is that I could play one match. PSG vs Barca, I liked the pace, the heavier ball, all the little added touches here and there. Momentum was clearly present and it was nice.
Got so fed up I uninstalled the entire thing :RANT:
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

You assume right but the weird thing is that I could play one match. PSG vs Barca, I liked the pace, the heavier ball, all the little added touches here and there. Momentum was clearly present and it was nice.
Got so fed up I uninstalled the entire thing :RANT:

While sprint.. try to do the skill trick, i wonder if momentum or inertia stuff plays important role there..

I like the sound of re-done ball physic though @Doctor comment :))
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Good demo. Heavier and slower feel is very welcome. Ball physics still seem a bit light but better. Professional gameplay on normal speed with full manual is where it's at for me, without even hardly having to touch the sliders. Think I will wait and get the PS4 version though.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I think it's great. Full game should be lovely. However, I am still waiting for the next gen version.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

This demo is buggy. Crashed to desktop 5 times already. Only changed difficulty from default to Professional. Always crashes at some point.

It works fine unaltered. Weird!
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

This demo has all I hated from Fifa 13... With inertia and better ball physics.

Tactically it's the same turd, deffensive AI and awareness is a drama, it's impossible to defend properly at all and the AI turns into Maradona mode at will, delivering perfect 50 yard passes no matter who, dribbling and doing sharp turns everywhere and being absolutely clinical. Milan, PSG and Red Bulls felt exactly the same. Cheating continues to be the base of e AI design, I once had Henry pressuring all my defenders one by one as I was passing the ball until I got Neymar with open field, but Henry csme from behind, outmuscled him grabbed the ball perfectly THROUGH him and started the counter. At his age, it's a miracle.

It's shallow arcade end to end action with improved things here and there, but I'm conceding ridiculous goals, my gk hasnt blocked a single shot and I get the feeling that stats other than speed and strength have no influende at all.

I'm not disappointed, though, because I suspected that's what I would find. i dont care about sliders, editing or whatever. The design of the game is sbsolutely unidimensional, deffensive midfield doesnt exist AT ALL.

There are very good things there, of course, like ball physics, inertia and better finishing, I scored a fantastic lob, incredible headers and a long range screamer. But 90% of the time all the mentioned things are there constrainig what could be a great game, but it isnt. Specially the deffensive AI and terrible tactics kill the game, You cant pressure upfront, as the AI will easily get over it no matter the team or players, they are just perfect. The goals AI score are lame and always involve defenders than do nothing about it. Defending is really terrible, no matter the teams the only way to defend is getting behind and accumulate people in your area. Stats don't mean much there.

Will try Professional to see if some things are mitigated there...

Ps: did I say the CPU wasnt whistled any foul at all in 10 matches?
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I can't download the 360 version, the box to download bizarrely says '-1' on it and doesn't do anything when you click it.

I did however try the PS3 version, I actually like it so far. The beach ball physics are much improved and everything has a lot more weight to it. The speed seems much more slowed down too. I'll probably get this on next gen for my PS4 but why oh why can't they redesign the cameras? I don't like any of them.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I'm enjoying the demo. Last Fifa game I had was 09' which I played the crap out of. The fun factor is back. My days in 09' consisted of going to school, going to football practice and then coming home to play Fifa against my friends who were playing for Tromso and Strasbourg. Oh, and the soundtrack is TITS!
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

One thing i don't like - the ball seems to run forever. I've played some great balls outwide into space, and the ball literally doesn't slow down, so my attacker can never catch it. Very odd.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

no problem with the demo at all so maybe its a hardware thing. 6 min extender working and camera patch.

Game is good, good inertia, need to think about passes and take time to get the ball under control, no more sprinting past 3 or players, good midfield someone said default sliders with slightly raised passing speed on normal speed full manual...whoever said long shots are going in all the time im not sure what controls you have on but i can assure you that does not happen on a decent difficult setting using manual..good game so far
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Not a massive fan of either demo TBH, both are significantly different from the previous versions, PES will take some learning again but I won't bother doing that until there is a 360 option file with Sheffield Wednesday and Fifa there's no point investing time in the demo as there's always the chance it will be tweaked further before release and 3 minute halves are a waste of time, already seen a number of areas that need tweaking via sliders so will wait for the season ticket early access before I play the game again :)
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

The only things i really like are menus and commentators. The gameplay is barely improved version of Fifa 13, thats what i feel after ~4 hours of gaming.
Played some 10 min halves games as well and cpu barely ever misplace passes once again...
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