FIFA 14 News & Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I've yet to see anything in any of the videos that gets me excited. It looks like the list of "improvements" are, as usual, having a negligible effect on how it plays. I've found that, having played every FIFA from 08 to 13, if I go back and play any of the earlier editions, the experience is broadly the same from edition to edition. There are subtle differences of flavour but no impression that things have improved much at all, or that they will any time soon.
No, it's not. It's like a top table football tactically. I used to play with great people and members of this forum, like Azur, and even tried to play clubs for some time.

It doesn't play at all like what I would like to, tactically it's a top table football game with lines always separated by 20 meters.

And personally, I don't like playing full manual, I don't want my skill to be that prominent in a simple 5 meters pass.

Strength and pace are the dominant stats and players like Xavi and Pirlo, for instance, don't have any impact in the game. There's no midfield build up. Yes, you can try and pretend that you do playing slow and full manual, but it's redundant, because you gain practically nothing by trying. I don't get any enjoyment trying to build a nice teamplay for hours only to succeed once every 2 matches.

The problem, as I said, it's that the game is designed to be played differently: end to end action, silly skills, abusing the high through ball (which is ridiculously accurate and defenders still can't react to), sweetspots... Yes, you can try to mod the game but at the end, you end up fighting against it, and I have the feeling this franchise has been stale since they got so dominant in the market, in FIFA 09-10 and they introduced the cow milking game modes like Ultimate team.

Well said
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Strength and pace are the dominant stats and players like Xavi and Pirlo, for instance, don't have any impact in the game. There's no midfield build up. Yes, you can try and pretend that you do playing slow and full manual, but it's redundant, because you gain practically nothing by trying. I don't get any enjoyment trying to build a nice teamplay for hours only to succeed once every 2 matches.

The problem, as I said, it's that the game is designed to be played differently: end to end action, silly skills, abusing the high through ball (which is ridiculously accurate and defenders still can't react to), sweetspots... Yes, you can try to mod the game but at the end, you end up fighting against it, and I have the feeling this franchise has been stale since they got so dominant in the market, in FIFA 09-10 and they introduced the cow milking game modes like Ultimate team.
So very true, all of it. I do get enjoyment out of slow play buildup though, regardless of how useful it actually is. FIFA is such a pleasant game to play from a tactile perspective. I spend hours in the arena taking shots on my GK for example, it just feels so good to kick the ball.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Anyone know what time the demo usually comes out on PC? I think it was 9am or so last year?
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I may have missed it out (I'm not really following this thread even if I should) but...
Are there any full manual, human vs. human matches/highlights available to watch?

This vid looks exactly like quite every player I get online with FIFA12: 90% of the people I played recently were people playing with Barça/Real/Chelsea on fully assisted and with no TD :(
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

About the guy who said EA listened to "us" feedback. Are you serious? I have not seen any of the improvements you say.

And I did get chance to play it already. Just prepare to be massively disappointed. EA, due to YouTubers feedback (the 5-6 people who have like 15-20mln subscribers in total?) might have just scrapped some of the innovations to cater for such players. Believe it or not, their voice will be heard.

To be clear, I am not saying they only listen to us, but I'd argue we, considering the size of our community ('we' here standing for the hardcore fans more interested in a simulation), punch heavily above our weight.

If you look at the major features that have been brought in since FIFA 11, a huge proportion of them are aimed to deal with our feedback. That's not even that debatable.

Personality+, Pro Passing, Tactical Defending, Analogue Sprinting, Improvements to Attacking & Defensive AI, Precision Movement, Protect the Ball, 14's changes to sprinting - these are just some off the top of my head.

What is far more debatable is how successful these changes were. I think, because I am opposing the most negative posters here, I am misrepresenting my position slightly. Anyone who reads what I write will know that I am not all that positive about FIFA in general - my most recent article praised PES's demo heavily and criticised the footage I had seen of FIFA 14.

Tomorrow, I will post some impressions I have of FIFA 14, and I'm sure you'll see that I'm not a lunatic who thinks EA shits gold. I do however believe, for reasons I can tell you and for reasons I cannot, that EA listen to us far more than you think.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Can you mention why they change things last minute, ignore obvious bugs and continue to promise things that never happen?
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Surprise! The PC demo is already available in Origin.

PD: Honestly I'm pretty happy with the changes they made to the game. Slower tempo, the players have more weight feeling... Much, much better than the arcade-fest FIFA 13 was.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

@Niko : How does the game play out mate? Like they said, more in midfield?
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I'll try to play a few more games to make a decent conclusion about the gameplay (it's so late right now, time to sleep :D), but:

The CPU does possession game more often (but not abuse of it like in FIFA 12), but when is needed makes some nice counter-attacks. It's nicer to play against CPU this year, so those Career Mode fans will be satisfied.

There's more midfield play, which adds to the overall more realistic approach of this year (although the referee doesn't call enough fouls yet).

Another detail I liked so much is the difference in agility and speed between teams. With Boca Juniors, I actually noticed, for the first time in recent years, that the team is definetely weaker than Barcelona or Man City.

To resume, there's a football feeling here, which wasn't present in 13. I'm happy both FIFA and PES can be a recommended purchase to its respective audience.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Anything else standing out positively? Sorry to disrupt your sleep. :D
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Tnx Niko,

Reminded me of something I found realy annoying with 13, the lack of cpu fouls. Is the cpu more agressive?
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Should have the demo in about 20 mins, any questions let me know.

(can't believe I'm gonna have to play as City. *shudder*)
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Seriously shocked about the ability of the CPU to play a really good realistic football !
I'm positively surprised, but let's wait for the final game to have a better look at it.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I'm enjoying it so far, still trying to wrap my head around the whole changing right stick big touch/tricks.

Loving the first touch and the passing, only issue really having thus far is finese shots. ridiculously OP
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Feels pretty good so far. Feels really slow and deliberate.

Good stuff:
- Massive difference in first touch between players
- Massive difference in 'weight' and agility of players
- CPU have kicked my ass a couple times with great play
- I've barely scored (always a good sign this early)

Bad stuff
- I've conceded 3 penalties from crosses, just trying to head it out. Could be a game wrecker - anyone else have this?
- CPU can basically hold onto the ball for the entire half. They're not taking a lot of risks, and 'magically' are able to perfectly weight each pass so it's just out of reach. This is on default sliders. Would need fixing.
- My teammates aren't moving much, so a high pressure defence is really effective.

One comedy moment - there's a whole commentary script dedicated to Levy standing firm and keeping Bale. Good work.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

One thing for sure, TheDoctor will love this game. It still retain the core of previous game but there's few tweak here and there for better experience. I need to play more to see whether they have tone down the amount of automation or not.

What if even without Ignite, the game is still awesome on it's own? Guess this is the dilemma that PC player will have to face.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Played a few games:

- You can definitely notice player inertia now, makes a massive difference. Players actually feel weightier and hefty when challenging for balls and even just turning. Feels good.

- A lot more difficult than 13, the CPU keeps the ball better (and longer), playing better football.

- Still no fouls from the CPU?

- Default sliders not great with regards to CPU passing, still getting 90%+ passing accuracy. Just hardly ever makes a mistake, the only poor passes from the CPU have only been trying a through ball but hit too hard. All other passes are accurate.

Not sure it completely justifies a new release as such, these changes could've been done with a patch but looked at on its own, it's played a good game and I'll likely pick up the full version.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

can anyone please give a direct link to download the pc demo??my net connection is too i cant download from origin...i must download from a resume supported link.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Defending feels worse in ways, although out strengthening a player happens alot more now. playing balls over the top require better timing which is good
Corners/crossing still a bit too easy. Enjoyed playing penalties, new animations more noticeable for keepers. Better than 13 for sure though.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Feels pretty good so far. Feels really slow and deliberate.

Good stuff:
- Massive difference in first touch between players
- Massive difference in 'weight' and agility of players
- CPU have kicked my ass a couple times with great play
- I've barely scored (always a good sign this early)

Bad stuff
- I've conceded 3 penalties from crosses, just trying to head it out. Could be a game wrecker - anyone else have this?
- CPU can basically hold onto the ball for the entire half. They're not taking a lot of risks, and 'magically' are able to perfectly weight each pass so it's just out of reach. This is on default sliders. Would need fixing.
- My teammates aren't moving much, so a high pressure defence is really effective.

One comedy moment - there's a whole commentary script dedicated to Levy standing firm and keeping Bale. Good work.

Must have been added by a deluded Spurs fan.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

The videos come out....the game is shit...... The demo comes out.... the game is good.....

.....aaaaaand... The yearly evo-web cycle is complete.

Was getting worried there for a moment ;-)
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

The videos come out....the game is shit...... The demo comes out.... the game is good.....

.....aaaaaand... The yearly evo-web cycle is complete.

Was getting worried there for a moment ;-)

I wouldn't say "good", it's FIFA 13 with inertia and the AI keeping the ball more. As I say, feels more like a patch than a yearly revision.

If you liked FIFA 13, you'll like this. If you didn't then I'm not sure this will be enough to make you play FIFA this year.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Looks just like FIFA 13. What is it with players shoulders being huge in Fifa?
Not buying it but will get free copy with my xbox1.
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