FIFA 14 News & Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

YES GOAL El Shaarawy is awesome :LOL: Nice arcadish game ;)

If you ever played fifa series in slow/manual you should have known that the game is more realistic the way we manual players play. I already had great fun with my friends offline in slow/manual and placebo's sliders on fifa13. If fifa14 is a click better, that will be great. Not to mention NG Fifa14...

Something else. Do we know the time the demo gets out tomorrow?
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Do you have any evidence to back up what you are saying? That EA directly bankroll these YouTubers? As far as I know, this isn't the case. They are funded by YouTube, and by various outlets like machinima and IGN. If that is correct, they aren't really 'paid off' any more than any journalist working for any outlet.

I don't think you quite understand how corrupt the media is.

These people are given this 'present' by EA to play the game early and know full well to stick their tongue up EA's backside to say thank you for doing so and hype the game up accordingly so they can receive it next year. shelling out tons more videos of 'nothing'!

They wouldn't give their game out early to someone who isn't pre instructed to say only nice things about it.

People make accusations about gaming personalities/journalists being paid off all the time, but I think one should recognise how severe that accusation actually is because you are calling into question their integrity. In more serious circles, it is certainly libel.

I say what I want to, it's not about being right and politically correct, its about being able to freely debate what we perceive.

You don't get anywhere by being, 'nicey, nicey' when something seems wrong.

They're releasing a demo in two days - they can't be that scared about people playing it.

No, that is the whole point! If people said the game wasn't good a week before the demo people wouldn't other to download it. that is why they need as much positive hype and press as possible to get people to try it.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Feck. Just leave the Fifa boys be. I don't like what I'm seeing so far but I'm not annoying anyone in here.

Just drop it please.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Feck. Just leave the Fifa boys be. I don't like what I'm seeing so far but I'm not annoying anyone in here.

Just drop it please.

Cool, to be fair it wasn't heated, but a rather progressive debate . I'll happily leave it at that since I knew from the start that what I say wont really matter much to FIFA as a game.

No need for this to escalate, have a good day people. :SMOKIN:
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

If people said the game wasn't good a week before the demo people wouldn't other to download it. that is why they need as much positive hype and press as possible to get people to try it.
Football fans will always download and play a football demo whether they're FIFA fans, or PES fans, or they've heard a game isn't very good this year. Two reasons for the lack of info about FIFA compared to PES: 1. Konami has a lot more to do to win back football gamers, so they have to put extra effort into marketing. 2. FIFA 14 looks to be a FIFA 13 roster update with some minor tweaks to the gameplay, so there's really nothing for EA to show off. Plus they don't have to market the game; they know they'll still sell 14 million units regardless, FIFA is that popular.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I don't think you quite understand how corrupt the media is.

These people are given this 'present' by EA to play the game early and know full well to stick their tongue up EA's backside to say thank you for doing so and hype the game up accordingly so they can receive it next year. shelling out tons more videos of 'nothing'!

They wouldn't give their game out early to someone who isn't pre instructed to say only nice things about it.

You're overthinking it and it's starting to seem a bit tinhat.

I do not believe that EA pay the YouTubers, nor do I believe that EA tell the YouTubers what to do. I think that, broadly speaking, the YouTubers believe what they are saying. They're FIFA fans in a way that very few of us are, and they're paid for entertaining people. The reality is that they probably are all pretty excited for FIFA, and they are going to get money for producing popular videos. That's as far as it goes. EA aren't paying them, and EA aren't telling them what to do. It's a simple, mutually beneficial relationship. The YouTubers want access, and EA want positive press. This isn't some special, cynical thing that goes on between EA and the YouTubers. It's what happens between publishers and media outlets across the industry.

I don't like it any more than you do, but this is the industry we have at the moment. Complaining about it doesn't really help a great deal. Really, we need to strengthen as a community if we want to have more influence. The round-in-circles bickering isn't going to get us the game we want. We need access, and in the past we have had that. In the future, I hope we will have that. It will never be like the relationship EA have with the YouTubers, but that doesn't mean it can't make its own mark.

I personally believe that having a level of respect for EA, and a bit of faith in them, is only going to benefit us. If we want to have an influence we have to put the effort in and to do it right.

Feck. Just leave the Fifa boys be. I don't like what I'm seeing so far but I'm not annoying anyone in here.

Just drop it please.

Another boy band I've never heard of?

Football fans will always download and play a football demo whether they're FIFA fans, or PES fans, or they've heard a game isn't very good this year. Two reasons for the lack of info about FIFA compared to PES: 1. Konami has a lot more to do to win back football gamers, so they have to put extra effort into marketing. 2. FIFA 14 looks to be a FIFA 13 roster update with some minor tweaks to the gameplay, so there's really nothing for EA to show off. Plus they don't have to market the game; they know they'll still sell 14 million units regardless, FIFA is that popular.

Precision Movement is no minor tweak. It's a huge change to some of the most fundamental systems in the game, in terms of how they animate, and in terms of how players move. I believe they've been working on it for two years.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I think Pes could deatroy Fifa with new engine and new technollogy than Fifa could Pes.
No, this isn't 2003, it's a whole different generation of gamers now. PES could end up as the most brilliant sports sim ever created, and FIFA would still outsell it by millions. The typical gamer today is not looking for a sports sim. They're looking for a smooth-playing, fantastic-looking, super-fun online game with real licenses, real teams and real player faces. IMO Konami is in an impossible uphill battle to win back gamers: they don't have the licenses, they don't have the superior online experience, plus they're fighting the generational perception that simulation means slow and boring.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Precision Movement is no minor tweak. It's a huge change to some of the most fundamental systems in the game, in terms of how they animate, and in terms of how players move. I believe they've been working on it for two years.
We'll see tomorrow. EA is renowned for making minor tweaks to the gameplay and then listing them as new features, that's been their game development and marketing strategy for a decade. I was able to make the player movement in FIFA 13 much more realistic, and also eliminate ridiculous CPU ninja-dribbling, by simply editing player ratings and modding the career mode AI game coding. I doubt EA has done anything more than that, but again we'll see tomorrow.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

We'll see tomorrow. EA is renowned for making minor tweaks and then listing them as new features, that's been their game development and marketing strategy for a decade. I was able to make the player movement in FIFA 13 much more realistic, and also eliminate ridiculous CPU ninja-dribbling, by simply editing player ratings and modding the career mode AI game coding. I doubt EA has done anything more than that, but again we'll see tomorrow.

You really don't trust EA at all, do you? I don't really think it is particularly up for debate - just read a bit around the subject and you'll see that this isn't a tweak. I can't speak to how well the change will be executed in the demo, of course, but whether or not they've nailed it, it's a huge change.

In general, I think the tendency isn't so much that EA make minor tweaks, but that EA make significant changes that they end up neutering for one reason or another.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I think it's fairly clear that EA do listen to us, to be honest. Forget your concerns about the execution - just look at the gameplay change list this year.

Revamped movement physics, improved defensive AI, upgraded shielding mechanics.

Who do you think has been asking EA for upgraded movement physics? It wasn't the YouTubers. It was us.

To be clear, because I'm sure it looks like I'm entirely on EA's side here, I'm not. A lot of you have become really cynical, and frankly a lot of your beliefs about EA aren't fair. I am opposing the extremity of the negativity, not the negativity.

Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

You really don't trust EA at all, do you?
It's not a matter of trust, it's a matter of reviewing their game development history on current-gen. Madden, FIFA, and their NHL series are all essentially the exact same game, minus minor gameplay tweaks, that they were several years ago. EA's sports franchises barely change from year to year. They improve the graphics and add online modes. But the gameplay at its core is still the same. Heck, Madden in 2013 is pretty much the exact same offline gameplay experience it was in 2003 on the PS2.

I could say the same thing about you BTW but I don't. I could say, "You really do turn a blind eye to all this, don't you?" But that's the lazy person's way of discussing: implying someone's different POV is a result of some problem they have. I don't have a problem and this isn't personal. You have your opinion and I have mine, that's all. And I have no idea what you base your opinion on so I don't need to speculate on that. For me, I've been editing and modding FIFA for a decade and I know the core game coding hasn't actually changed in all that time. Player ratings interact with the game engine in the very same way they did pretty much a decade ago.

The fact is most of the so-called new features EA announces for FIFA each year can be applied to the previous version of the game simply by opening the data files with a database editor and editing those files. That's just the reality. EA for example shows us a FIFA 14 video about the improved player ability to curve the ball into the top corner of the goal. Well modders like regularcat and Fidel have been tweaking ball physics for years. You can easily add additional curve, friction, bounce or whatever you like to the ball physics by simply editing the game's balltouch values. That's what I mean when I say much of what EA advertises as new features are not really new features, they're just minor game coding adjustments and tweaks.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

It looks like it plays a better game of football than 13.
The most noticeable is, as you say, there is more weight to the players and better footplanting.

The ball look more free and I like the ball physics.
We're going to see a wider variety of goals in 14.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Stadium List

Movement physics was the only thing that was severely lacking in 13. Glad to see the difference now.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!


After watching this I am really hyped about the game.
Early release can't come soon enough.

Well, after watching thixs I'm absolutely convinced I won't buy this game. The franchise is going to the complete opposite direction I would like it to go since FIFA 09-10, which is a pitty.

Tactics-wise the game is designed to go only forward and to have end-to-end action. It appears to be even more shallow than its predecessors.

About manual/slow, been there done that. At the end you're forcing the game to play in a way it's not designed and I always felt fighting against the game.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

@UP: Offline players, though a small amount, have sliders and gameplay tweaks to make it a better game overall. Now since proper locomotion has been introduced, it's just a matter of tweaking it to perfection.

EDIT : KSI v TheMasterBucks
UT Gameplay
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Is x360 demo for those in North America coming out tomorrow then?
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I think it varies, it does on the uk store anyway, seems to be between tuesday and thursday, not sure if demos have a set date but i know other stuff randomly appears.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Well, after watching thixs I'm absolutely convinced I won't buy this game. The franchise is going to the complete opposite direction I would like it to go since FIFA 09-10, which is a pitty.

Tactics-wise the game is designed to go only forward and to have end-to-end action. It appears to be even more shallow than its predecessors.

About manual/slow, been there done that. At the end you're forcing the game to play in a way it's not designed and I always felt fighting against the game.

It depends on how you approach the game and who your'e playing against.
If you try and play a passing game and doesn't play against a pressure-whore/contain-abuser - The gameplay is gonna be amazing.

And no - I'm not a fan boy. I'm going to get both FIFA and PES this year, as I think PES plays really well this year too.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

It depends on how you approach the game and who your'e playing against.
If you try and play a passing game and doesn't play against a pressure-whore/contain-abuser - The gameplay is gonna be amazing.

And no - I'm not a fan boy. I'm going to get both FIFA and PES this year, as I think PES plays really well this year too.

But most wont play like that so it defeats the purpose.

Better to force people to play properly then to encourage people to play in an unrealistic way
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

About the guy who said EA listened to "us" feedback. Are you serious? I have not seen any of the improvements you say.

And I did get chance to play it already. Just prepare to be massively disappointed. EA, due to YouTubers feedback (the 5-6 people who have like 15-20mln subscribers in total?) might have just scrapped some of the innovations to cater for such players. Believe it or not, their voice will be heard.

About paying them, it's clear EA supports KSI. Paid for his visit in LA, paid for UCL Final (at Wembley), when he lost his UT team worth 2000 pounds... EA offered him money for it to re-buy it ;).

It's great business for both parties. Money making machine which sells LOTS. Just look at ANY KSI video and comments below. It's like new religion ;).

I will leave it at that. I know FIFA I don't fancy this year. Especially after Moddingway patch for FIFA 13 with some gameplay adjustments.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I think its obvious that they are focusing on NG mate, from what i have seen it looks like FIFA 13, but I said that last year too lol
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

It depends on how you approach the game and who your'e playing against.
If you try and play a passing game and doesn't play against a pressure-whore/contain-abuser - The gameplay is gonna be amazing.

No, it's not. It's like a top table football tactically. I used to play with great people and members of this forum, like Azur, and even tried to play clubs for some time.

It doesn't play at all like what I would like to, tactically it's a top table football game with lines always separated by 20 meters.

And personally, I don't like playing full manual, I don't want my skill to be that prominent in a simple 5 meters pass.

Strength and pace are the dominant stats and players like Xavi and Pirlo, for instance, don't have any impact in the game. There's no midfield build up. Yes, you can try and pretend that you do playing slow and full manual, but it's redundant, because you gain practically nothing by trying. I don't get any enjoyment trying to build a nice teamplay for hours only to succeed once every 2 matches.

The problem, as I said, it's that the game is designed to be played differently: end to end action, silly skills, abusing the high through ball (which is ridiculously accurate and defenders still can't react to), sweetspots... Yes, you can try to mod the game but at the end, you end up fighting against it, and I have the feeling this franchise has been stale since they got so dominant in the market, in FIFA 09-10 and they introduced the cow milking game modes like Ultimate team.
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