FIFA 14 News & Discussion Thread

Then you probably didn't understand the game as much as you could have done.

Its a vital part of football and you cannot have a substantial amount of realism without it.

You can get away with it to an extent but If you didn't explore these options, those matches where you felt the CPU was just too much, or was cheating, the tools are there to win any match.

Well unless your against Barcelona and you have Sparta Rotterdam or something.

It's something I advocate to people, something people used to do but don't anymore. Living in England, it is a very, very tactically naive country now. Look at the issues regarding the English national team and the lack of any good coaches available. Hodgson is the only one I rate in terms of being tactically astute. There is nobody apart from him, these days.

Wales is similar, it seems that Scotland is different, they produce so many good coaches.

It's something people in England do not look into enough with the obsession with 4-4-2 and kick and rush with big, strong, fast, powerful players.

England has just over 1,000 qualified coaches compared to just over 12,000 in Spain. Its sad, even professionals themselves massively lack awareness in the tactical side of the game, they do their job and follow instructions but don't have the understanding of how every specific role works and what it enables and disables.

Weird when you consider England is the home of football and also Sports Interactive an English company produce football manager.

I don't play with the CPU at all. Should have said that. It makes no diff online. Well it doesn't to me anyway.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Maybe geared for kids is tad too strong. To me FIFA is very accessible, the learning curve is pretty mild. And there's no denying the amount of automation in the game is just staggering.

Though it is understandable. With those amount of licenses, it is only logical to reaching out to many demographic as possible.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

EA and their Youtubers?

Really? These are all wannabe reality TV celebrities. They want fame for the very sake of fame, begging for Likes and subs.

What ever happened to being modest. creating quality essentially.

'Build it, and they will come'?

These people have all sold out, they will say anything to play the game early and get channel followers.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

If you have no interest in the game why do you keep posting, if this stuff was posted in the other games thread everyone would be going mental.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

If you have no interest in the game why do you keep posting, if this stuff was posted in the other games thread everyone would be going mental.

Well, maybe because I play both. However, I don't like the direction FIFA took. Went from awesome and fresh to barely good.

Dunno what happened, but there is big difference between FIFA 11 (PC one only!) and FIFA 12 and 13. Gameplay wise, FIFA 11 tops new FIFAs. Add to that edited tables and db + gameplay mod. It's as close to old Pro Evos as no other game (with greater visuals and 360 movement).

The only problem I saw it was on the fast side.

FIFA 12 and 13 not only degraded in terms of animations, but also... There is no pressure. The gaps between midfield/defense/attack are too big and easily exploitable. Sliders? Please, those can help you offline (but not to big amount). Online, no.

Currently, playing with Moddingway patch and if this was FIFA out of the box, I wouldn't grumble. It mostly fixes many problems and makes the game much more enjoyable ;).

As for PES, well, from 2008 till 2013 I couldn't even play one whole season on them. Going back to PES 6 all the time. Hopefully, PES 2014 will bring back the stuff I enjoyed most. ;)
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

EA and their Youtubers?

Really? These are all wannabe reality TV celebrities. They want fame for the very sake of fame, begging for Likes and subs.

What ever happened to being modest. creating quality essentially.

'Build it, and they will come'?

These people have all sold out, they will say anything to play the game early and get channel followers.

Can't talk about the beta. But FIFA YouTubers can happily play the retail game and post videos. Makes sense.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Well, maybe because I play both. However, I don't like the direction FIFA took. Went from awesome and fresh to barely good.

Dunno what happened, but there is big difference between FIFA 11 (PC one only!) and FIFA 12 and 13. Gameplay wise, FIFA 11 tops new FIFAs. Add to that edited tables and db + gameplay mod. It's as close to old Pro Evos as no other game (with greater visuals and 360 movement).

The only problem I saw it was on the fast side.

FIFA 12 and 13 not only degraded in terms of animations, but also... There is no pressure. The gaps between midfield/defense/attack are too big and easily exploitable. Sliders? Please, those can help you offline (but not to big amount). Online, no.

Currently, playing with Moddingway patch and if this was FIFA out of the box, I wouldn't grumble. It mostly fixes many problems and makes the game much more enjoyable ;).

As for PES, well, from 2008 till 2013 I couldn't even play one whole season on them. Going back to PES 6 all the time. Hopefully, PES 2014 will bring back the stuff I enjoyed most. ;)

Thats fair enough then mate, thought you was just being an arsehole like most of them in there, i play both too
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

uksix said:
klashman69 said:
EA and their Youtubers?

Really? These are all wannabe reality TV celebrities. They want fame for the very sake of fame, begging for Likes and subs.

What ever happened to being modest. creating quality essentially.

'Build it, and they will come'?

These people have all sold out, they will say anything to play the game early and get channel followers.

Can't talk about the beta. But FIFA YouTubers can happily play the retail game and post videos. Makes sense.
EA have given retail copies to people they trust. EA have allowed those people to release footage about their finished game.

EA have invited people to a closed beta to test an unfinished build of their game and get feedback. They do not individually vet these people. They do not want those people to release footage of unfinished parts of their game.

So yeah. That does make sense, when you think about it. It's how the gaming industry works. Should you take everything the YouTubers say with a pinch of salt? Yes!
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

EA have given retail copies to people they trust. EA have allowed those people to release footage about their finished game.

EA have invited people to a closed beta to test an unfinished build of their game and get feedback. They do not individually vet these people. They do not want those people to release footage of unfinished parts of their game.

So yeah. That does make sense, when you think about it. It's how the gaming industry works. Should you take everything the YouTubers say with a pinch of salt? Yes!

Jesus, that's enough. You've made your point several times now. The demo is out in 48 hours anyway. Chill out.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

EA and their Youtubers?

Really? These are all wannabe reality TV celebrities. They want fame for the very sake of fame, begging for Likes and subs.

What ever happened to being modest. creating quality essentially.

'Build it, and they will come'?

These people have all sold out, they will say anything to play the game early and get channel followers.

Come to think to of it, it is probably meant to be like that, from business marketing point of view. Not ideal for some of us.. but yeah we still have an option at least ;)
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Jesus, that's enough. You've made your point several times now. The demo is out in 48 hours anyway. Chill out.

So, to be clear: uksix is allowed to post his point, but I am not?

I see.

I also see that you seem to be misinterpreting what I am saying. I am not reiterating my "threat" to uksix, and I will not do so. He has not continued leaking information, so I am happy. I am spelling out the reasons why YouTubers are allowed to post information and beta testers are not. Is that not a worthy addition to the discussion?

I have to say I'm pretty shocked by some of the posting over the last few days, primarily from those who clearly have no respect for EA, nor any understanding of how game companies operate. I do not have any issue with these members making posts, but I do have a serious issue if I am not allowed to counter their points.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Can't talk about the beta. But FIFA YouTubers can happily play the retail game and post videos. Makes sense.

Money Talks

EA have given retail copies to people they trust. EA have allowed those people to release footage about their finished game.

EA have given retail copies to people they have paid good money to say nice things about the game. EA know their best chance of generating hype and positivity on their game is to get paid off youtubers to hype it, since they know people will browse these videos not understanding these people have been given the game early for the precise reason to say nice things about it.

EA have invited people to a closed beta to test an unfinished build of their game and get feedback. They do not individually vet these people. They do not want those people to release footage of unfinished parts of their game.

What uksix is trying to say, but since he cannot say it and me, a free man with no obligation to EA will say, its clear as day EA know their gameplay isn't good and they are scared of people actually talking about what is wrong with the game.

PES released a beta for Master League online in 2011, it had tons and tons of bugs, but they topped nobody from speaking about it.

The 'unfinished beta' tag is just a excuse. I think people can understand the bugs like with the recent PES demo, but what people are concerned about is the age old flaws which will still be there after release.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

If you ask to what Nephetez is saying...

"EA leads asked "them" - KSI, Neph, airjapes, etc. for what is negative in their opinion in the game."

Says enough for me. They don't care for what majority of people say. If they listen to the likes of above, you will never get FIFA to simulate anything.

And watch Neph video closely. He does finesse shots from 35-40 yards out... Seriously?! Too much power and in the long run, people will learn how to exploit finesse shots. AGAIN!

It is almost as bad as glitched long range shots (Modric strike in exact video).

However, those YT generate hype. Generate income (yes, they really do).

Later on watch their goals compilations from FIFAs. Do you see what target audience is FIFA aimed at now? Football fans? Not really.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

If you ask to what Nephetez is saying...

"EA leads asked "them" - KSI, Neph, airjapes, etc. for what is negative in their opinion in the game."

Says enough for me. They don't care for what majority of people say. If they listen to the likes of above, you will never get FIFA to simulate anything.

And watch Neph video closely. He does finesse shots from 35-40 yards out... Seriously?! Too much power and in the long run, people will learn how to exploit finesse shots. AGAIN!

It is almost as bad as glitched long range shots (Modric strike in exact video).

However, those YT generate hype. Generate income (yes, they really do).

Later on watch their goals compilations from FIFAs. Do you see what target audience is FIFA aimed at now? Football fans? Not really.

So because they asked one group of people for marketing purposes what are the negatives, it means they don't ask anybody else or take into consideration anybody elses opinions?

I'm a football fan and I like Fifa, I have never watched one of those videos and I don't know who those people are that you are talking about?

The game isn't perfect, but I know with Career mode and Seasons online against Manual players I will enjoy this version as well and I will only stick to those modes.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

EA have given retail copies to people they have paid good money to say nice things about the game. EA know their best chance of generating hype and positivity on their game is to get paid off youtubers to hype it, since they know people will browse these videos not understanding these people have been given the game early for the precise reason to say nice things about it.

Do you have any evidence to back up what you are saying? That EA directly bankroll these YouTubers? As far as I know, this isn't the case. They are funded by YouTube, and by various outlets like machinima and IGN. If that is correct, they aren't really 'paid off' any more than any journalist working for any outlet.

People make accusations about gaming personalities/journalists being paid off all the time, but I think one should recognise how severe that accusation actually is because you are calling into question their integrity. In more serious circles, it is certainly libel.

What uksix is trying to say, but since he cannot say it and me, a free man with no obligation to EA will say, its clear as day EA know their gameplay isn't good and they are scared of people actually talking about what is wrong with the game.

PES released a beta for Master League online in 2011, it had tons and tons of bugs, but they topped nobody from speaking about it.

The 'unfinished beta' tag is just a excuse. I think people can understand the bugs like with the recent PES demo, but what people are concerned about is the age old flaws which will still be there after release.

They're releasing a demo in two days - they can't be that scared about people playing it.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

It's worrying though as they cater and adjust certain modes for 'skillerz' and 'pace abuse'. It's embarrassing that people who imo, don't have bare to little football knowledge outside EPL and sit and mash fully assisted while getting the full game early, to play 'next-gen' and give feedback. It's sad that social media has such a huge impact these days on pretty much everything, that ea employers are more likely to listen to one youtubers feedback as he has x amount of followers and he/she is a man/woman of the people than one person who plays fifa outside ultimate team, enjoys it for career mode or even single player.

It's sad that this happens and i guess almost every company is guilty for it but i'd rather someone represent people who play the game in different way's than a bunch of teenage boys who have never really tried a pass without assisted.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

With all the money EA has, they could completely destroy PES if they were making some basic and serious gameplay changes. It is sad when you think about it.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

If you ask to what Nephetez is saying...

"EA leads asked "them" - KSI, Neph, airjapes, etc. for what is negative in their opinion in the game."

Says enough for me. They don't care for what majority of people say. If they listen to the likes of above, you will never get FIFA to simulate anything.

I think it's fairly clear that EA do listen to us, to be honest. Forget your concerns about the execution - just look at the gameplay change list this year.

Revamped movement physics, improved defensive AI, upgraded shielding mechanics.

Who do you think has been asking EA for upgraded movement physics? It wasn't the YouTubers. It was us.

To be clear, because I'm sure it looks like I'm entirely on EA's side here, I'm not. A lot of you have become really cynical, and frankly a lot of your beliefs about EA aren't fair. I am opposing the extremity of the negativity, not the negativity.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

It's sad? Because they could destroy Pes but they can't?:CONFUSE: I don't want monopoly.

Yes it is because they're not focusing on the gameplay as they should and could. I honestly don't give a fuck about a sentimental attachment to a company that's only there to get my money.
I wanna play the best possible product, the one that corresponds the most to my footballing needs. If it would mean a bigger domination for FIFA then I would not give a fuck tbh.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I think Pes could deatroy Fifa with new engine and new technollogy than Fifa could Pes. Time was changed and EA will not have so easily right now to compete with Pes. In the past they deatroyed Pes technically because a lot of people looked for new real animations and physics ( it was something new in sport games) but now Pes cought Fifa in this aspect.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I think it's fairly clear that EA do listen to us, to be honest. Forget your concerns about the execution - just look at the gameplay change list this year.

Revamped movement physics, improved defensive AI, upgraded shielding mechanics.

Who do you think has been asking EA for upgraded movement physics? It wasn't the YouTubers. It was us.

To be clear, because I'm sure it looks like I'm entirely on EA's side here, I'm not. A lot of you have become really cynical, and frankly a lot of your beliefs about EA aren't fair. I am opposing the extremity of the negativity, not the negativity.

Good post
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