FIFA 14 News & Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

At least in Fifa the AI never deliberately drags my defenders out of the way! Happens all the time in PES :(

At least the defenders are in the right position. The amount of soft goals I've conceded because one of my fullbacks is playing in the grass is ridiculous.

Some of this can be remedied with sliders but the fact that the game, out of the box, is fundamentally devoid of defensive midfield principles is infuriating. And this is coming from someone who has played 4 yrs of CM and another 4 yrs & counting of BAL.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I honestly don't understand what people are seeing in these NG videos. Bad enough it's little more than a CG port. But EA hasn't even bothered to address the #1 issue with this series: the static, PS2-era player position coding. Everyone sticks to their own little areas of the pitch: defenders never attack, attackers never defend, and midfielders hang around the middle and don't help out on either end. And so every attacking play ends up with 4 defenders against 2-3 attackers, and with only 2-3 players fighting for the ball in front of the goal.

EA programs FIFA that way because it opens the game up and makes it easier: easier to connect with passes, easier to gain control of ball, and easier to score. But it's the reason why most goals in FIFA all feel the same, why defenders never score, and why the CPU always ends up with 85-90% pass completion totals. This is the sort of thing that I expect NG to address and improve upon; I couldn't care less about enhanced visuals. But I don't see EA making any strides to incorporate gameplay realism on this level, certainly not in any NG video I've seen.

First screen below is an example of player positioning taken from the FIFA 14 NG vid; second screen is from a real game.


Exactly my thoughts, both on FIFA and PES (2013/below). To me, football games are no better than the tactical replication they try to archieve.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

That is a fact, and that's why nothing much is going to change with FIFA next-gen. We're talking about a corporation and marketing juggernaut with one objective: Identify what kind of game and which sort of marketing strategy is going to make them the most money. Answer: licenses, and a fun, pick-up-and-play gaming experience.

The crazy thing is that if they were to go for both (gameplay improvements and marketing strategy) they would improve their sales even more. However I think it's easier (less time and money consuming) to come up with childish gimmicky improvements every year than really attack the core of the gameplay.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

At least the defenders are in the right position. The amount of soft goals I've conceded because one of my fullbacks is playing in the grass is ridiculous.

The amount of soft goals I've conceded because the AI has dragged my back 4 to the halfway line so that a fast AI forward can get a through ball to 1v1 with my keeper despite the fact I have it set to 0 for how far they push up and despite the fact I have 1 attacking bar is also ridiculous ;)
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

The amount of soft goals I've conceded because the AI has dragged my back 4 to the halfway line so that a fast AI forward can get a through ball to 1v1 with my keeper despite the fact I have it set to 0 for how far they push up and despite the fact I have 1 attacking bar is also ridiculous ;)

That is the biggest annoyance with FIFA, the AI when defending is an absolute joke, but this also isn't helped that when playing on World Class and above the computer can turn on a sixpence and weave through your whole defence and bang it in the bottom corner at any time it feels it wants to also bugs the hell out of me.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Exactly my thoughts, both on FIFA and PES (2013/below). To me, football games are no better than the tactical replication they try to archieve.
That's it exactly. The height and length sliders in FIFA do help with that; that's something I should mention and it's great EA added sliders a couple years back. For example, if you want your FWs and MFs to come back deep to defend, set both sliders very low. I play with them both at 0. It solves one issue but creates another when attacking, but something is better than nothing.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

The crazy thing is that if they were to go for both (gameplay improvements and marketing strategy) they would improve their sales even more. However I think it's easier (less time and money consuming) to come up with childish gimmicky improvements every year than really attack the core of the gameplay.
Console gaming and then online gaming changed sim sports forever. I was playing sim sports games back in the late 80s and early 90s when PC was king. Every game dev including EA put out sim sports games, that was the norm. Then consoles took off, and developing games for young console gamers became the big thing. EA was really the first dev to recognize there was more money in creating pick-up-and-play fun sports games for the growing market of young gamers. They were also the first to recognize the popularity and monetary potential of online gaming. Online development pretty much became their primary focus while offline gameplay and features became an afterthought.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

That is the biggest annoyance with FIFA, the AI when defending is an absolute joke, but this also isn't helped that when playing on World Class and above the computer can turn on a sixpence and weave through your whole defence and bang it in the bottom corner at any time it feels it wants to also bugs the hell out of me.

I was referencing PES there ;)
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

You can edit the defensive workrate of players in FIFA never done it myself but have seen others do it and they actually stay back and in shape
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I don't get the grief for Next Gen Fifa.

Before it was announced all the posts on here were about how it would be watered down and missing modes etc.

Now it's a bad thing that it has everything current gen has but with a few extras.

I'm sure the big improvements will come next year but I'm happy with whats been announced.

The way Fifa flows because of the formations and lack of AI is the biggest issue with the game at the moment but as each game steals from each other I can see EA learning from Konami in this area.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I don't get the grief for Next Gen Fifa.

Before it was announced all the posts on here were about how it would be watered down and missing modes etc.

Now it's a bad thing that it has everything current gen has but with a few extras.

I'm sure the big improvements will come next year but I'm happy with whats been announced.

The way Fifa flows because of the formations and lack of AI is the biggest issue with the game at the moment but as each game steals from each other I can see EA learning from Konami in this are.

Im really looking forward to NG FIFA, all the new animations and sharper graphics are enough to keep me interested
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

You can edit the defensive workrate of players in FIFA never done it myself but have seen others do it and they actually stay back and in shape

Yeah that's something I'm missing in PES right now not being able to control how much players go forward or stay back and having players push into certain directions, eg if I'm playing two up front in fifa I always have them criss crossing their runs.

One annoyance in particular with PES is that if I play a DM he pretty much plays as a CB and is almost always in my back 4 which is really annoying, if I wanted that I'd play 3 CB's! Doesn't seem to matter how far up I push him in the formation screen.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Im really looking forward to NG FIFA, all the new animations and sharper graphics are enough to keep me interested

Yeah me too. Plus having seen on the 60fps video how much slower and heavier the game feels I have hope it will play better.

I do hope EA look at the new PES and look how the formations work and how there is a really good balance between pressuring and having your players be out of position if you do pressure too much.

At the moment in Fifa there is no real down side to high pressure defenders recover so quickly and have infinite stamina.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Yeah that's something I'm missing in PES right now not being able to control how much players go forward or stay back and having players push into certain directions, eg if I'm playing two up front in fifa I always have them criss crossing their runs.

One annoyance in particular with PES is that if I play a DM he pretty much plays as a CB and is almost always in my back 4 which is really annoying, if I wanted that I'd play 3 CB's! Doesn't seem to matter how far up I push him in the formation screen.

You can change players positions and their positional mentality though. This year PES has added quick tactics for link-up plays and the like.

Hopefully on NG FIFA will open up the UI for formations and allow us to edit them freely, on the fly and for purposes of saving them.

On a different note, I'm not as gutted about the lack of CM updates as others are. I think it's already a very solid mode and hopefully some minor changes to scheduling and transfer logic will help to iron out some of the minor annoyances.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Guys, I need an answer on EA Season Ticket. I bought it last season for FIFA 13. But my subscription according to my EA profile is running until April 2014, does this mean I don't need to re-purchase it for 2014 or what?
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Guys, I need an answer on EA Season Ticket. I bought it last season for FIFA 13. But my subscription according to my EA profile is running until April 2014, does this mean I don't need to re-purchase it for 2014 or what?

you wont need to renew it for FIFA 14 mate, but will for FIFA 15
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

You can edit the defensive workrate of players in FIFA never done it myself but have seen others do it and they actually stay back and in shape
That's not really the case, not in relation to what I was attempting to explain. Workrates mostly affect the speed at which a player will move back into position. You can see this clearly with FWs. A FW with a high defensive workrate will run back into his end of the pitch. Whereas a FW with a low defensive workrate will jog back at an excruciatingly slow pace... horrible for defensive purposes but great if you always want someone available up the pitch for the quick counter-attack.

Regardless, with height and line sliders set at default 50, FWs and MFs, no matter what their workrate, will not move back deep enough to really be of much help in front of the goal. I took two screens just now to demonstrate this. I'm York City in red, defending my goal. In screen #1, I played using my default db and settings. You can see my CPU-controlled teammates, including FWs and MFs, all come back to the box to help defend.

I then edited the db and assigned every player in the game a high defensive workrate (most players on my team by default have low defensive workrates, it's York City after all). I then set the height and length sliders at default 50. You can see two things happening in screen #2 that are different from screen #1. First, my FWs and MFs do not come back to help. Second, my four defenders don't even come back as deep into the box when defending. Workrates do affect positioning some, yes. But adjusting and improving player positioning is mostly all about adjusting height and length slider settings.

Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I don't get the grief for Next Gen Fifa.

Before it was announced all the posts on here were about how it would be watered down and missing modes etc.

Now it's a bad thing that it has everything current gen has but with a few extras.

I'm sure the big improvements will come next year but I'm happy with whats been announced.

The way Fifa flows because of the formations and lack of AI is the biggest issue with the game at the moment but as each game steals from each other I can see EA learning from Konami in this area.

Well I remain steadfast, I wanted a full on overhaul, I thought I was getting one, and very clearly I'm not getting one.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

You thought you were getting one based on what? The first NG version is certainly a massive improvement on what we saw from EA Sports for the first PS3/360 version, that in itself is great.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

You thought you were getting one based on what?

The announcement of FIFA 14 NG and Ignite? Unfortunately, 'new engine' is one of those phrases which can mean pretty much anything. With FIFA 07, we got a full on overhaul. With FIFA 14, we clearly are not. That's not to say EA have been duplicitous - just that the lack of progress in what I would call fundamental areas is frustrating. Ignite may well facilitate much faster changes in future - with FIFA 14 I'm just not that impressed.

The first NG version is certainly a massive improvement on what we saw from EA Sports for the first PS3/360 version, that in itself is great.

Based on what? I suppose massive is a fairly subjective term.

I just don't see it. I haven't played it, so I'm only going on what I've seen, but outside of aesthetics, the differences between FIFA 14 NG and CG seem fairly subtle. More problematically, the differences between FIFA 13 and FIFA 14 seem fairly subtle.

Precision Movement, Improvements to Defensive AI, Protect the Ball - none of these are ticking the boxes I expected them to tick. Add to that the fact we're still lumbered with the same passing model, the same awful assistance settings, and the same old Team Management screens?


Maybe I'm overly negative and overly expectant - but personally I think I'd have been happier with a bigger overall change even if it did leave us with a less feature packed game.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Thinking about it, it's mostly Precision Movement which is getting me down. There is such a wide gap between what was advertised, and what it should be, and what it appears to be from gameplay videos (CG or NG).
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Thinking about it, it's mostly Precision Movement which is getting me down. There is such a wide gap between what was advertised, and what it should be, and what it appears to be from gameplay videos (CG or NG).

This is nothing new, same has happened with every simulation orientated featured they've added this generation. Stamina model, pro-passing etc. etc.

I honestly can't see any difference in terms of momentum/inertia, if it's there then it's completely cosmetic and appears to have no impact on the way people are playing the game.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Thinking about it, it's mostly Precision Movement which is getting me down. There is such a wide gap between what was advertised, and what it should be, and what it appears to be from gameplay videos (CG or NG).

Maybe it'll be better when we get our hands on it? Scorpio was impressed with it after all :)
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Guys, I need an answer on EA Season Ticket. I bought it last season for FIFA 13. But my subscription according to my EA profile is running until April 2014, does this mean I don't need to re-purchase it for 2014 or what?

Mine Expires in 21 days

when does fifa 14 early access start?
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