FIFA 14 News & Discussion Thread

Watching some vids of people who can't pass properly shows nothing to me. It's all about how the game actually feels when playing it yourself. The graphics will look good when you stick it on your big HD TV's so that's a nice to have. The gameplay? Well I'm not expecting much to change anyway. Anybody who is is fooling themselves but as I said, its how it feels when you play it so making comments based on the vids are pointless. I don't play like they do in CG so its no comparison.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

TBH "default" Fifa as you see in every gameplay video sucks for me anyways, default being normal speed, assisted controls, default sliders, I hate playing Fifa like that and as with last year will have maybe four or five matches on the demo before deleting it. Slow + all manual + tweaked sliders is for me the only way to play Fifa.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Taken from Playstation magazine:

Could the generation shift signal the biggest footballing breakaway since 1992?
Although this is a feature about going hands-on with PS4, bear with us for a couple of seconds. Because immediately before getting to grips with EA Canada’s FIFA 14, we had a bang on the PS3 version. And it was slightly concerning: players felt heavy and inputs delayed, with little tangible improvement over FIFA 13. That is not the case when you venture into the next-gen iteration of the game, which immediately feels slick – with a new raft of animations, a fresh physics system and an Edinson Cavani who’s even more handsome than you’d expect.

It’s the physics system that makes itself known first. Playing as bewitching minifigs Barcelona, string-puller-in-chief Xavi is roughhoused by an Atlético Madrid bully. But where in previous games the maestro would have tumbled as his legs were swept, this time he’s kept upright. Riding the challenge thanks to fresh animations, he’s then able to lever himself back in front of his attacker and lay a pass off to a teammate. Okay, so it’s not a 30-yard screamer to win the Champions League, but it’s these little tweaks that end up making the difference.

Likewise when, a few minutes later, a ball is rolled towards that same player. Previously you’d have needed to take a touch, turn, and then proceed. Here we dispense with such Neanderthal behaviour, instead silkily adjusting our body position, letting the momentum of the ball roll it into our path before stroking an onward pass first time. Again: the little things.

There’s a fluidity to the game that current-gen versions so far haven’t provided. Players feel more agile and responsive, their movements corresponding more both with button-presses and how a real player would behave. Shooting is also far more true to life. Previously the game would simply prevent you from an having effort on goal if your player wasn’t in a position that fitted in with its shot animations. Now, your fleet-of-foot charges make adjustments – such as taking a stutter step – in order to do as they’re told. It might not always result in a successful shot, but then when has that ever been guaranteed as Cameron Jerome bears down on goal?

All of this, combined with the visual improvements that PS4 brings and a (thankfully) overhauled menu system, means FIFA is sitting pretty. Next-gen football may be a one-horse race for now, but you suspect EA might well have won anyway.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

In fact, it seems not much changed from CG version.
There's a noticable difference and improvement between this and FIFA 13. But it's the sort of improvement one would expect from one year to the next, not one gen to the next. Overall it still looks like a CG game, especially when compared to PES 2014. No question EA simply ported the CG gameplay code and cutscenes, and then tweaked it a bit. Deceptive on their part to call this a NG game, but this is EA after all so no surprise there.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Offcourse ill still buy it (current and next gen) but i have a feeling PES will take most of my time this season.

I don't understand why you're going to buy the CG version and then shell out the same money (or more) for the same game with a shinier engine - why do you want to line EA's pockets twice in the space of a few months? And PES as well! Three football games, two of which are the same game - you must really have money to burn...
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I don't understand why you're going to buy the CG version and then shell out the same money (or more) for the same game with a shinier engine - why do you want to line EA's pockets twice in the space of a few months?
I said this when EA first announced there would be no NG version for CG platforms. It's a marketing/money-making decision on their part as much as anything: knowing FIFA fans who planned on buying a NG system wouldn't be able to contain themselves come September, and would rush out and purchase the CG version as well.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I don't understand why you're going to buy the CG version and then shell out the same money (or more) for the same game with a shinier engine - why do you want to line EA's pockets twice in the space of a few months? And PES as well! Three football games, two of which are the same game - you must really have money to burn...

I buy all football games every year... kind of a collector, but still like i said FIFA will definatly be a safe port for me this year, IF i dont fall in love with PES, also i play online fantasy leagues of FIFA, so it will definatly take some of my time(talking abou CG). (thats next month)

Than comes november ill buy day one xbox1 and hopefully get FIFA too, keep in mind o dont play other genre games(i only play footy and MLB the show)... so its no big deal to cash out on 3 games since those plus MLB the show are the only games i buy the hole year.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

There's a noticable difference and improvement between this and FIFA 13. But it's the sort of improvement one would expect from one year to the next, not one gen to the next. Overall it still looks like a CG game, especially when compared to PES 2014. No question EA simply ported the CG gameplay code and cutscenes, and then tweaked it a bit. Deceptive on their part to call this a NG game, but this is EA after all so no surprise there.

Okay.. what i actually mean is the goal celebration though.. :P But it still applies up to a point.

I will likely buy it though.. if PS4 price does not sky-rocket in my country.. and that also depends on when MGS 5 will be released :P
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

TBH "default" Fifa as you see in every gameplay video sucks for me anyways, default being normal speed, assisted controls, default sliders, I hate playing Fifa like that and as with last year will have maybe four or five matches on the demo before deleting it. Slow + all manual + tweaked sliders is for me the only way to play Fifa.

Erm no. Tweaking sliders is no good for most people.

This is why I really like what Moddingway patch brought with itself. Turned good game into awesome one (in my book at least). All sliders on default + WC difficulty + Normal speed.

This game is awesome now... Can't get enough of it xD. Even started new career recently with Valencia (shame no Jonas there, but Helder Postiga is here to save the day! :D).

Love it. However, I would not buy FIFA 14 in any form. Moddingway patch brought what FIFA 14 will bring on CG (well, except for knock on ball missing in F14).

I can also say, this patch brought many real faces for players with itself. A joy to behold if you're faces whore ;).

Shame it's only available on PC though.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Hm. I tried yours sliders and I can tell u they were meh. I don't know, maybe they don't work on PC (due to unlimited framerate setting).

Actually for me and many of my friends (who love midfield play), changing any slider from default 50 made the game MUCH easier. Unless you went for very extreme settings (which I provided in FIFA 13 sliders thread). But then, those settings made Professional difficulty ridiculously hard to play against.

I found out that I prefer to leave them at defaults as that is what game creators intended from the start (and with Moddingway, teams got balanced out, so there is HUGE difference how the game plays now. If you're on PC, anyone is encouraged to try it).

Maybe it's just me though. I perceive things differently from others tho. ;).
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Well maybe the issue is a PC v console one, and obviously if you can mod the gameplay properly that's always going to be preferential to changing sliders which only have a limited range of impact :)
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I said this when EA first announced there would be no NG version for CG platforms. It's a marketing/money-making decision on their part as much as anything: knowing FIFA fans who planned on buying a NG system wouldn't be able to contain themselves come September, and would rush out and purchase the CG version as well.

Oh, I know exactly why EA are doing it - I just can't understand why so many people are falling for it. If I were to get a PS4, I'd hold fire until the PS4 version was released, but I guess that's just me.

Why no? And what is your "no good for most people" based on exactly? Certainly not based on responses in the slider thread...

Agreed - you can do a lot to the game with the sliders. Takes a lot of trial and error though. Moddingway patch is the best way to go if you're on PC.

Edit: So what's happening about the Conference: is it in or not? And if it's in, have they provided some small (5,000 or less seater) stadiums? It'll be daft playing Conference matches in Championship level stadiums...
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

But I guess I wonder whether there's even a necessity for Precision Movement to "absolutely alter the way you play and the way the game plays." We all know that there is inertia in FIFA. It is there, just not always. It's inconsistent, and because of these inconsistencies, when the game physics do fail it is especially noticeable and frustrating.

I want realistic player physics as much as anyone, but if I'm EA, I'm not going to massively overhaul the way the game plays and feels when they already have such a successful juggernaut in FIFA.

If you're EA why not though? You have the licenses which means people will still buy your game at a much higher clip. Why not make implement something ground-breaking when there is no fear of running off to the competition?

Hopefully on NG the tech will drive the game more towards a simulation.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

If you're EA why not though? You have the licenses which means people will still buy your game at a much higher clip. Why not make implement something ground-breaking when there is no fear of running off to the competition?

Hopefully on NG the tech will drive the game more towards a simulation.

I doubt it - from what I've seen, it doesn't seem to play that different to CG. As I said though, you can't tell everything from a video.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I doubt it - from what I've seen, it doesn't seem to play that different to CG. As I said though, you can't tell everything from a video.

I'm primarily speaking about moving forward. I wouldn't expect any NG sports games to be innovative, not enough time with NG technology yet. 2015 will be the year we see what these developers have in mind.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I'm primarily speaking about moving forward. I wouldn't expect any NG sports games to be innovative, not enough time with NG technology yet. 2015 will be the year we see what these developers have in mind.

I guess they already have in their mind or their separated raw code of the game what to implement in the next one-two year.. Implemented one-by-one, so there is something for an advertisement prepared ahead.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

If you're EA why not though? You have the licenses which means people will still buy your game at a much higher clip. Why not make implement something ground-breaking when there is no fear of running off to the competition?

Hopefully on NG the tech will drive the game more towards a simulation.

That is probably what everyone said when the PS3 first appears. EA's main fanbase do not want a hard-core football simulator, that's a fact - so they'll continue to cater for the majority, not a few whining forumites. ;)
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

They won't be updating gameplay imo. Their strategy from now on, will be trying to lock out competition from getting licenses.

I swear, it looks like another NFL/NHL licenses saga. I hope some committee will look into exclusive licenses bullshit (doesn't matter if it's FIFA/PES here, thanks to those 2 we can't have 3rd or 4th party joining the market of footy games...).
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

2015 will be the year we see what these developers have in mind.
Why do we have to wait until 2015 to see what's going to happen? This is playing out the same way the switch from last-gen to current-gen played out. EA released new-gen Madden back in 2006, but it looked and played just like last-gen Madden. And they've done nothing with it for 7-8 years now; they've only made incremental tweaks and improvements.

On the other hand, we can see what Konami is planning to do, and we can see that with PES 2014. They're going full-out in an attempt to create the most realistic football sim ever for next-gen. Meanwhile EA appears to be just as committed to making sure they put out a football game that looks and plays like current-gen. They know what sells and what most gamers want, and they obviously plan on continuing to cater to that crowd.
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

EA's main fanbase do not want a hard-core football simulator, that's a fact
That is a fact, and that's why nothing much is going to change with FIFA next-gen. We're talking about a corporation and marketing juggernaut with one objective: Identify what kind of game and which sort of marketing strategy is going to make them the most money. Answer: licenses, and a fun, pick-up-and-play gaming experience.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

BTW, I've been playing FIFA and not PES for the past two years. Why? Mostly because I have much more fun with FIFA. So there's nothing wrong with EA creating a fun game. But at the same time, I recognize FIFA is a shallow, arcade version of the sport it's attempting to represent. I have no illusions there. Nor do I kid myself with regards to EA's plans for this series, and what the next-gen version of this game is going to look and play like.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

BTW, I've been playing FIFA and not PES for the past two years. Why? Mostly because I have much more fun with FIFA. So there's nothing wrong with EA creating a fun game. But at the same time, I recognize FIFA is a shallow, arcade version of the sport it's attempting to represent. I have no illusions there. Nor do I kid myself with regards to EA's plans for this series, and what the next-gen version of this game is going to look and play like.

Agreed - while Fifa isn't mega-realistic, it's fun and that's what games should be about first and foremost: fun. When realism gets in the way of fun, it has to give way in my opinion.

To be honest, the main thing I'm disappointed with so far going by the videos is that even with 'NG', EA still can't provide proper team celebrations that PES seems to do so easily. It makes scoring a goal a very shallow experience when you just have two players celebrating while the others stand around watching.

I haven't really played PES since Fifa went 'NG' on the PC, but PES 14 could go some way towards breaking that trend. It all depends on the two demos.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Why do we have to wait until 2015 to see what's going to happen? This is playing out the same way the switch from last-gen to current-gen played out. EA released new-gen Madden back in 2006, but it looked and played just like last-gen Madden. And they've done nothing with it for 7-8 years now; they've only made incremental tweaks and improvements.

On the other hand, we can see what Konami is planning to do, and we can see that with PES 2014. They're going full-out in an attempt to create the most realistic football sim ever for next-gen. Meanwhile EA appears to be just as committed to making sure they put out a football game that looks and plays like current-gen. They know what sells and what most gamers want, and they obviously plan on continuing to cater to that crowd.

Because EA doesn't want to go through what happened for the first Madden release one this gen. With respect to release schedules I personally don't think they had enough time to make substantial upgrades to NG and I'd prefer that all sports makers port their game over and ensure that all options available on current gen are available on NG. Don't wanna go through another FIFA 06 experience.

All I really want though is an online career mode akin to NCAA's Online Dynasty.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

i loved it....even more because played in slow and full manual and with other camera ( broadcast ) , it will be a completely diferent(better) game...
I honestly don't understand what people are seeing in these NG videos. Bad enough it's little more than a CG port. But EA hasn't even bothered to address the #1 issue with this series: the static, PS2-era player position coding. Everyone sticks to their own little areas of the pitch: defenders never attack, attackers never defend, and midfielders hang around the middle and don't help out on either end. And so every attacking play ends up with 4 defenders against 2-3 attackers, and with only 2-3 players fighting for the ball in front of the goal.

EA programs FIFA that way because it opens the game up and makes it easier: easier to connect with passes, easier to gain control of ball, and easier to score. But it's the reason why most goals in FIFA all feel the same, why defenders never score, and why the CPU always ends up with 85-90% pass completion totals. This is the sort of thing that I expect NG to address and improve upon; I couldn't care less about enhanced visuals. But I don't see EA making any strides to incorporate gameplay realism on this level, certainly not in any NG video I've seen.

First screen below is an example of player positioning taken from the FIFA 14 NG vid; second screen is from a real game.

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