FIFA 14 News & Discussion Thread

Snip - I hate people who cruise these forums looking for ways of baiting others into arguments with their biased preferences for one or the other.

Aka pathetic little assholes! I find people blabbing on and constantly slating one game are pathetic little pissants! Play what you like. Nobody gives a shit about anybody else's opinion anyway. I like what I like no matter what anybody else says. I'm sure others feel the same so why the stupid fanboy (I hate that term but it will have to do this early in a Sunday morning!) comments? Grow up FFS.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I've had the privilege again this year of going to the communtiy day in Koln (as I'm an editor of the database) to play FIFA14 all day on an XBOX360.

I wasn't looking forward to playing the game, just wanted to meet with the producers again and visit Koln.

As soon as my first game started I was blown away with the fluidity, the slower gameplay, the bad controls, etc. It was like watching a real game. The whole feeling of every single match was amazingly lifelike and very difficult. You really had to think two/three steps ahead when defending or attacking. Aboslutely loved it.

Have to say that it was a build from about a month old.

I was thinking of not buying the current gen version and waiting for the next gen one, especially with GTAV coming in a few weeks. But I just can't play FIFA13 anymore now. I've got to have FIFA14...
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I've had the privilege again this year of going to the communtiy day in Koln (as I'm an editor of the database) to play FIFA14 all day on an XBOX360.

I wasn't looking forward to playing the game, just wanted to meet with the producers again and visit Koln.

As soon as my first game started I was blown away with the fluidity, the slower gameplay, the bad controls, etc. It was like watching a real game. The whole feeling of every single match was amazingly lifelike and very difficult. You really had to think two/three steps ahead when defending or attacking. Aboslutely loved it.

Have to say that it was a build from about a month old.

I was thinking of not buying the current gen version and waiting for the next gen one, especially with GTAV coming in a few weeks. But I just can't play FIFA13 anymore now. I've got to have FIFA14...

Every year Fifa blow You away :WORSHIP:
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

But this year I wasn't expecting massive gameplay changes like foot planting, bad controls,...

I'm not trying to convince anyone, just giving my experience with the game and it was the best footy I had played (without having to fiddle with sliders).
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Don't know if he is serious or trolling...

But both games don't look different especially in PvP games (most important due to how online will play).

Sorry, but I don't know many people who could play FIFA vs AI (where every game feels the SAME - there is no variety whatsoever).

Och well. Get people hyped, propaganda Scorpio? :P
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

To be honest i don't really see the big gameplay differences ,besides maybe a slower pace,everybody is talking about...Not to bash EA Sports(this happens every generation with the first sports games, i remember how shit Fifa 06 was on Xbox 360) but i think they could at least take the time to create a proper next-gen experience and not just an upressed CG port with better graphics and smoother animations.
Fifa 14 CG:







Fifa 14 "NG"





Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I've had the privilege again this year of going to the communtiy day in Koln (as I'm an editor of the database) to play FIFA14 all day on an XBOX360.

I wasn't looking forward to playing the game, just wanted to meet with the producers again and visit Koln.

As soon as my first game started I was blown away with the fluidity, the slower gameplay, the bad controls, etc. It was like watching a real game. The whole feeling of every single match was amazingly lifelike and very difficult. You really had to think two/three steps ahead when defending or attacking. Aboslutely loved it.

Have to say that it was a build from about a month old.

I was thinking of not buying the current gen version and waiting for the next gen one, especially with GTAV coming in a few weeks. But I just can't play FIFA13 anymore now. I've got to have FIFA14...

Nice feedback thanks :) Did you get chance to play on slow or were you playing on normal? Any new sliders? :)
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Nice feedback thanks :) Did you get chance to play on slow or were you playing on normal? Any new sliders? :)

Was playing on normal settings and the game speed felt natural. Didn't check the sliders as it wasn't necessary. :)

Career Mode is looking pretty cool with the new scouting system to find players and the option to turn off the first season summer transfers.

I started as Lokeren and the first news I got was Milos Maric being sold to Waasland Beveren which happened in real life when the build was done. Nice details like that will give it an extra dimension.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Then why are you reading and replying in the Fifa thread if you already know you won't like the new version and therefore presumably won't be buying it?

Oh im sorry mate, didnt know you could only post here if you going to get the game. Apart from that, it was just a bit of feedback contradicting that false statement from someone whos been playing manual since 08.

Anyway, why im justifying to you?!
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

How was it a "false statement"?

I only want to say one thing. People who play fifa series in slow/manual will love the next gen version of fifa14. Period...

I think its pretty evident. I play in such conditions, as many other manual players, and the feedback is the same from a good % of that community. Manual/Slow doesnt change the gameplay or other weaknesses FIFA has, at all. Therefore, at best, he will enjoy it, as far as he knows. Just that.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I think its pretty evident. I play in such conditions, as many other manual players, and the feedback is the same from a good % of that community. Manual/Slow doesnt change the gameplay or other weaknesses FIFA has, at all. Therefore, at best, he will enjoy it, as far as he knows. Just that.

You play Fifa on manual/slow? Because his comment was directly aimed at people who play Fifa on manual/slow. You seem determined to share a contrary opinion to the guy, no idea why but if people play Fifa on manual/slow that'll be because that's how they like playing it, and thus his comment is correct.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I play on manual and slow too and sorry, but FIFA faults are still there. It's not like manual/slow make the game more realistic without exploits.

Also long range shooting on manual is easier for me than on assisted (where the error is added by AI :/).

Shame, there are not many people posting manual FIFA vids on YT (exceptions being HeikkiX360ES and FluorescentFIFA).

Hmm. Makes me wonder who does play FIFA then?
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Quite a few evo-webbers play for Manual FC clubs team and have done for the past few years. We love it mostly, but playing vs assisted is not hard, just kind of boring as they do the same move over and over.

Manual filters for clubs would be awesome, though I have not seen much online info apart from 2v2 seasons which does not really appeal to me. Fifa UT is also ruined for me as it is too hard 1v1 manual vs assisted.

We do have have vids up on youtube of us trying to play good football, combined with some funny moments and we are looking forward to the new season with Fifa NG.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

You play Fifa on manual/slow? Because his comment was directly aimed at people who play Fifa on manual/slow. You seem determined to share a contrary opinion to the guy, no idea why but if people play Fifa on manual/slow that'll be because that's how they like playing it, and thus his comment is correct.

Arf, yes, i do play Manual/Slow! It was adressed to me aswell! Does that will, automatically, make me love FIFA 14 as he confidently asserted? No. Can we end it?
Cheers for the info Scorps. I doubt I'll get it on CG but yours is a word I'd take over others in here as we play a similar way so I'm sure it will do me good... even with its faults... Which I can't even be bothered crying about. It will never be perfect but give me a Manual game and I'm pretty happy.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Which version.. i bet they'll stamp it on both for their advertisement :YAWN: Anyway congrats to EA for whatever reason..

Impact engine saga continues at 4:05 :NONO:

YouTube - FIFA 14 Next-Gen - Jugabilidad Gamescom (2)
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Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Worst part of the video is the guy loses on semi-pro, now that's embarrassing! Replay angles on the goal look nice and good to see it includes part of the celebration now.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

That video that Thespeedster posted; AI Barcelona played completely different than real life Barca. This was closer to high school run and gun match. Buildup should be much slower and they should not run into defenders. I guess we will have to edit the database again.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Some career mode stuff:

Have to say I'm massively underwhelmed, it's the mode I play exclusively and it seems like they put virtually no effort in this year to add stuff that's been missing for a long time and more importantly fix the numerous things which have big issues, such as regens with black silhouettes and the 8,000 6' 9" right footed left backs the game seems to always end up with. Really don't like the idea of a fog of war either, always turn that crap off in FM.
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

Great to see those improvements mate, thanks :)
Re: FIFA 14 - Game related talk only!

I've had the privilege again this year of going to the communtiy day in Koln (as I'm an editor of the database) to play FIFA14 all day on an XBOX360.

I wasn't looking forward to playing the game, just wanted to meet with the producers again and visit Koln.

As soon as my first game started I was blown away with the fluidity, the slower gameplay, the bad controls, etc. It was like watching a real game. The whole feeling of every single match was amazingly lifelike and very difficult. You really had to think two/three steps ahead when defending or attacking. Aboslutely loved it.

Have to say that it was a build from about a month old.

I was thinking of not buying the current gen version and waiting for the next gen one, especially with GTAV coming in a few weeks. But I just can't play FIFA13 anymore now. I've got to have FIFA14...
Well this is a nice surprise to read. I read a FIFA 14 CG hands-on preview a couple weeks ago, someone saying the game played so much slower that it felt too sluggish. I jumped for joy when I read that: too sluggish for most gamers means actual player momentum and a simulation gameplay feel, FINALLY.

The only way I will upgrade to FIFA 14 CG is if the above-mentioned gameplay changes are all true. I'm looking forward to the demo that much more now, thanks.
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