Played the full retail game yesterday at the community day in Köln and it was the best gaming/footballing experience I've ever had.

It was polished, everything ran smooth, collision system better then in the demo, and the pace of the game was slower compared to the demo.

Haven't looked forward to a game like this since I started breathing 34 years ago. :)

I have 2 questions to you :

1. When did you start play FIFA?

2. Do you like previous FIFA's in particular FIFA 12?
That's great news, Scorpio! If only AI fouled a little more this game would be close to perfect!

+1 - to me this is the only thing holding the game back from being as close to a simulation as we've seen. I understand that EA likely wants to appease casual fans who want a free-flowing, foul-free game but why not just add a foul slider for those of us who want realism?
Has anyone heard any news on changes/improvements to Creation Center? Did I miss it?

Last year seemed like a pretty big upgrade but it was plagued by performance issues, at least for me, when downloading to the game. I'm hoping that even if the editing/creating options haven't been improved much, that at least the core performance and integration with the game has been improved. Any news?
On the PC demo with time extender, it is so very easy to go right down the pitch against the CPU on Legendary. I have never been able to play legendary previously.

I don't understand why the AI is so passive? The tactical defending makes them just sit there and watch you as you get by them. Even when you are at or near the box, they jump on you, but slower then in the past.

I have lower slider settings for speeds/agility/ and line height and length, but that can't be causing it. Hopefully that is better in retail, otherwise it will be all offense, no defense.
I don't have an issue with lack of AI free kicks, mainly because I've seen plenty. Maybe the slider settings are helping but I've had opposition players give away penalties, pulling shirts and hacking me down when through on goal.
The AI defense into the box is an abomination. Attacking players always receive the bal with space to do their ridiculous skating turns to shoot.
On the PC demo with time extender, it is so very easy to go right down the pitch against the CPU on Legendary. I have never been able to play legendary previously.

I don't understand why the AI is so passive? The tactical defending makes them just sit there and watch you as you get by them. Even when you are at or near the box, they jump on you, but slower then in the past.

I have lower slider settings for speeds/agility/ and line height and length, but that can't be causing it. Hopefully that is better in retail, otherwise it will be all offense, no defense.

Thats why cpu defence is worse. I play on default and world class and its very challenging.
On the PC demo with time extender, it is so very easy to go right down the pitch against the CPU on Legendary. I have never been able to play legendary previously.

I don't understand why the AI is so passive? The tactical defending makes them just sit there and watch you as you get by them. Even when you are at or near the box, they jump on you, but slower then in the past.

I have lower slider settings for speeds/agility/ and line height and length, but that can't be causing it. Hopefully that is better in retail, otherwise it will be all offense, no defense.

I'm not seeing that at all,in FIFA 12 it used to be very easy. FIFA 13 is totally the opposite for me, a lot tougher
FIxed in the retail version, apparently the pace and midfielders problem from the two months old demo was because EA wanted people to more opportunities in front of goal.

Where did this come from? Is this just your own assumption or do you actually have a source for EA purposefully making the midfield weak in the demo?

I ask because people keep complaining that midfielders aren't defending, it's too easy to bypass the midfield, etc. Clearly it's a big concern.
+1 - to me this is the only thing holding the game back from being as close to a simulation as we've seen. I understand that EA likely wants to appease casual fans who want a free-flowing, foul-free game but why not just add a foul slider for those of us who want realism?

I put up the difficulty and lowered the speed slightly and now seeing far more. A few trips and more tugs of the shirts. Good now. Time extender obviously helped loads
can u sue sliders online for frienldies in fifa 13?

Also does anyone think default 50 shot pwoer and pass pseed is faster/better in ffia 13

My MAJOR ISSUE with fifa 12 is that pass speed 50 is as good as unplayable IMO..the passes trail along the ground with no zip at all...its shit!!

Also shot pwoer 51 is much much better than 50!!!!
Does anybody else find the CPU to be really bad at defending against wingers? They seem to press and it's very easy to right stick dribble it past them and stay past them. I can see a human opponent being more aware and not getting so close to them - which is probably a more accurate way to defend against pacy wingers.
shot pweor 50 on fifa 13 seems improved actually its not so bad maybe? need to tet with crap players...but pass speed 50 is still far to slow ball drags along ground at 1mph.

BTW just seen the greatest ever save in football history in my game haha saved it wil post up in a minute
Raising the sped and agility sliders higher did make it harder to get through the defense. Legendary does seem a bit easier though which is good for poor players like me. Still think that there isn't enough physicality in the games. Since they went tactical defending, that part of the game has gone out the window.

How are you guys drawing fouls. Seems like perfect tackles from the cpu every time or non calls, frustrating.
Raising the sped and agility sliders higher did make it harder to get through the defense. Legendary does seem a bit easier though which is good for poor players like me. Still think that there isn't enough physicality in the games. Since they went tactical defending, that part of the game has gone out the window.

How are you guys drawing fouls. Seems like perfect tackles from the cpu every time or non calls, frustrating.

I'm pretty shite at FIFA but it's pretty hard to skip past defenders by just dribbling. It is possible, but as you said, the CPU almost always times their tackles perfectly and can tackle you from any direction. I've had some success alternating using LT+RT, LT and LB.
One of my mates won't be happy with the first double save. He ALWAYS tries shooting across the keeper with his 3 man forward line and ALWAYS gets a cheap tap in. Hopefully the keeper will now make the 2nd save since he parried it straight at the striker with the first :P

Played a few games of the demo over the weekend and was 2 passes out from having a strike on goal and the ref pulled up play because someone was injured. Martin Tyler said "it's up to the ref to call it now, not the players."
One of my mates won't be happy with the first double save. He ALWAYS tries shooting across the keeper with his 3 man forward line and ALWAYS gets a cheap tap in. Hopefully the keeper will now make the 2nd save since he parried it straight at the striker with the first :P

Played a few games of the demo over the weekend and was 2 passes out from having a strike on goal and the ref pulled up play because someone was injured. Martin Tyler said "it's up to the ref to call it now, not the players."

true that to many taps in on old fifa maybe thats why they made keepers super save 2nd attempts
Ah did it? I've seen the ref stop play and re-commence for a drop ball, but never during play and more importantly, not during a critical moment. If it happened at a stoppage and the ref went back to check the player then it would work better I think. Sometimes too much realism in a game can be a bad thing :P
Ah did it? I've seen the ref stop play and re-commence for a drop ball, but never during play and more importantly, not during a critical moment. If it happened at a stoppage and the ref went back to check the player then it would work better I think. Sometimes too much realism in a game can be a bad thing :P

Well I say loads of times, it maybe happened 10 times in 1,000 games or however many I've played, but when it happens one time that you're clean through, onside, in the box, just got the keeper to beat and the ref pulls it back to check on an injured player that's one time too many IMO.
Well I say loads of times, it maybe happened 10 times in 1,000 games or however many I've played, but when it happens one time that you're clean through, onside, in the box, just got the keeper to beat and the ref pulls it back to check on an injured player that's one time too many IMO.

Yep - you're right. 1 time too many.
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