Liking the demo, but one thing I am finding really annoying is the automatic odd walking/dribbling kicking in whenever an opposition player is near. It looks so gamey and off. I thought the new dribbling only happened when you held the modifyer and not automatically due to proximity. What do you guys think?

I feel the same way as you.
It just looks weird, but can't remember seeing it in the videos from the YouTube event.
So just hoping it has been toned down (or totally removed in the full retail version.)
I remember reading that some new dribbling thing was contextual. They said it when it was first announced as far as I know.
Im sure there was something similar in a previous version, maybe 10 or 11. That also had some odd contextual movement. Might have been the crabwalk, instead of turning you would do some odd drag with the ball. They removed it in the next version...when will they learn.
i've noticed when you do a delayed rainbow flick, the player u do it with just runs away from the ball and you can't control him for few seconds, assuming it won't be in full game which is good
I remember reading that some new dribbling thing was contextual. They said it when it was first announced as far as I know.

Yes, it does work contextually. However, it will never do so in a way which will slow you down - so it will only change your facing angle so much contextually.

Personally I'm OK with it. It does look a little weird, but to a large extent I think that's us being unused to it. When you think about it, players always having the facing angle and movement direction being the same, which was always the case before, is just as weird - we just got very used to it.
Yes, it does work contextually. However, it will never do so in a way which will slow you down - so it will only change your facing angle so much contextually.

Personally I'm OK with it. It does look a little weird, but to a large extent I think that's us being unused to it. When you think about it, players always having the facing angle and movement direction being the same, which was always the case before, is just as weird - we just got very used to it.

I think I like it....I think.
Was just playing a game and I swear my wall took a couple of sneaky steps forward when I squeezed the R1 or R2:SHOCK: I don't remember this in FIFA 12, although I didn't play it a lot.
I think with all the money EA have and all the hype the put out the should get the Faces right, Gervinho looks nothing like the real deal.

How do you update squads?
I think with all the money EA have and all the hype the put out the should get the Faces right, Gervinho looks nothing like the real deal.

How do you update squads?

Noticed quite alot of faces that are just awful. Can these be modded when the full game is released?

One thing I love about Pes is you can easily update faces etc once the games out.
I feel like the obvious next step would be to emphasise Player Styles, to differentiate more between behavioural templates, particularly in movement. e.g. more vertical movement from a box-to-box CM contrasting more lateral show-to-feet movement from a playmaker CM. So that there becomes less generic behaviour and more tangible tendencies, on top of abilities.

That would, in theory, tie in nicely with a re-vamp of the tactical side of things, the fact that substituting one CM for another could affect the shape of your team rather than just the ability level of the individual.

Ha, I had been thinking the same exact thing recently, except in my mind I had been using the FIFA-friendly catchphrase, "Player Tendencies" - a striker's tendency to run the channels vs play with his back to goal for layoffs; a fullback's tendency to bomb forward and overlap vs sitting back; a keeper's tendency to come aggressively for crosses vs sitting on his line. As it is now, some of these are already represented at a minimal level just through player attributes but I'd like to see it taken to the next level.

Couldn't agree more - combining an upgrade to the team management/tactical components with greater player individuality through Player Styles/Tendencies is the next step for me to increase gameplay depth.
Ha, I had been thinking the same exact thing recently, except in my mind I had been using the FIFA-friendly catchphrase, "Player Tendencies" - a striker's tendency to run the channels vs play with his back to goal for layoffs; a fullback's tendency to bomb forward and overlap vs sitting back; a keeper's tendency to come aggressively for crosses vs sitting on his line. As it is now, some of these are already represented at a minimal level just through player attributes but I'd like to see it taken to the next level.
The encouraging or frustrating thing, depending on how you look at it, is that every one of those examples you mention above is already accounted for in the database by either a Player Style or a Trait, waiting to be put to effective use in-game.
Can't get enough of this demo. Already played 15 hours and still can't get tired of it. If only AI was a little bit more "human" and pace was a bit slower...Too bad no more vacation days left, might have to call in sick on the 25th :)
Can't get enough of this demo. Already played 15 hours and still can't get tired of it. If only AI was a little bit more "human" and pace was a bit slower...Too bad no more vacation days left, might have to call in sick on the 25th :)

Agree but at least the AI is having a go this year and not trying to get to byline and cut it back for a tap in.
seen some amazing saves amazingly saved plus amazing animations..diving one way one hand flick the other way incredibel..i saved it i will post video later

I had a shot, the keeper saved it, I fired it back in, keeper dived, ball took a deflection so the keeper got up, sprinted back towards goal and punched ball of the line back into play where it was cleared. Look amazing. My description don't do it justice.
The only issue I have with the goalies is that if they do get their fingers on the ball it will always be a save. There are not enough times where they almost save it where they get their hand on the ball but it's still ending up in the net. This only seem to happen if you are very close to them, but never from shots outside the penalty box. The saves feels too perfect. Apart from that I think the keepers act very realistic.
I keep playing it and playing it, with the 3 min halves professional fully manual is giving me really good chances, but still enough of a challenge. Really enjoying it. When I can play longer halves and have a bit more time I think professional might be a bit too easy so can go to world class. At the moment it is great and can't wait for the full game :))
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