What's everyone's verdict on player/team individuality, then? I'm definitely seeing an improvement in player individuality, both in how they feel and how the AI uses them, but teams overall feel a bit too similar still.

I have the opinion that player individuality is something u can only see in football or any sports games after u play a lot of it and get used to the gameplay for the simple reason that only once ure used to the "regular" gameplay the good and the bad players will shine and differ from the average ones.

I say that because this is something i see plp complain over and over about the fifa series for years now, and i must say that i had that complain too until FIFA08 where i really started playing FIFA as my number one game, once i got used to its gameplay i started feeling player individuality just like i did in my WE time, and at the same time i stoped seeing it so cleary in PES(i belive it was because i stoped playing it very often)...

I do think that some atributes, specially mental ones started to differ players in FIFA only last year(positioning, reaction, aggression) wich was great, for exemple a player like Pazzini who isnt fast or strong was a bit of a flop in FIFA11, but in FIFA12 he is deadly, his mental atributes added to his incredible aerial ability and finishing makes him one of the best strikers in the game.

But yeh, i think FIFA 13 is looking evan better in that department, all the good things that FIFA12 had plus the huge diference in players technic this year is something that makes me really exicted and happy about this new game!
What's everyone's verdict on player/team individuality, then? I'm definitely seeing an improvement in player individuality, both in how they feel and how the AI uses them, but teams overall feel a bit too similar still.

Player individuality in FIFA has come on leaps and bounds in recent years. The difference I notice in the demo just from adding the new first touch feature is staggering. For example, so many times Kieran Gibbs would be wide open in a great position on the wing and would completely muck things up with his lack of ball control skills.

Team playstyle variety... not so much. Although, to be fair, I find such short halves in the demo basically make it impossible to get a good feel for this.

I will say that Borussia Dortmund is one of my favorite teams in real life and I found that their playstyle is much more accurate in the demo than it was in 12. In fact, I hated playing with them in 12 because of how wrong they played. In the demo, they bomb forward and attack much more like their real life cavalier approach. Their midfielders don't press near aggressively enough though, which has been one of their big keys to success the last couple years.

Hopefully we'll see greater improvement with the final code but a top priority for next year still must be team management/tactics/playstyle variety.
I have the opinion that player individuality is something u can only see in football or any sports games after u play a lot of it and get used to the gameplay for the simple reason that only once ure used to the "regular" gameplay the good and the bad players will shine and differ from the average ones.

I say that because this is something i see plp complain over and over about the fifa series for years now, and i must say that i had that complain too until FIFA08 where i really started playing FIFA as my number one game, once i got used to its gameplay i started feeling player individuality just like i did in my WE time, and at the same time i stoped seeing it so cleary in PES(i belive it was because i stoped playing it very often)...

I do think that some atributes, specially mental ones started to differ players in FIFA only last year(positioning, reaction, aggression) wich was great, for exemple a player like Pazzini who isnt fast or strong was a bit of a flop in FIFA11, but in FIFA12 he is deadly, his mental atributes added to his incredible aerial ability and finishing makes him one of the best strikers in the game.

But yeh, i think FIFA 13 is looking evan better in that department, all the good things that FIFA12 had plus the huge diference in players technic this year is something that makes me really exicted and happy about this new game!

Great post and couldn't agree more.

Like you say, people still criticize player individuality in FIFA, but those of us who put in hundreds of hours in MM/CM each year all know very well that player individuality in FIFA is now a key component of the game. It might not be at PES levels but it's neither a weakness, as some would argue.

A big change occurred around FIFA 10 when they really started to de-emphasize the physical attributes, like strength and sprint, and begin really working on adding depth to the other attributes. It looks like this year first touch will add a massive new level to player individuality, and I'm hoping that as we have more time with the game, we'll be able to say the same thing about attacking runs/positioning due to the upgraded AI.
Personality has definitely got a lot better, with room for improvement.

Mikel Arteta has been a stand-out player in the games I've played on the demo. His high Vision and his passing. As a CPU opponent he's difficult to get close to because he moves into space and then releases the ball quickly with accuracy. He also plays more passes with the outside of his foot and automatically adds swerve to some of his ground passes.

Also for Arsenal, Carl Jenkinson's first touch is clearly shakier than most of his teammates.

I feel like the obvious next step would be to emphasise Player Styles, to differentiate more between behavioural templates, particularly in movement. e.g. more vertical movement from a box-to-box CM contrasting more lateral show-to-feet movement from a playmaker CM. So that there becomes less generic behaviour and more tangible tendencies, on top of abilities.

That would, in theory, tie in nicely with a re-vamp of the tactical side of things, the fact that substituting one CM for another could affect the shape of your team rather than just the ability level of the individual.
Regarding player styles, I have noticed David Silva getting very central when I play him on the left wing. But I'm not sure if that's something that every player will do or if it's because he's not really a winger.
I agree with Brunnoce and MaxPower said. Especially Max's bit about Dortmund.

I'm quite satisfied with how different players 'feel' and can really notice the difference. I agree that 'teams' don't play AS different to each other as you'd like still but I also think with 3-min halves and only 5 teams, it's too early to judge FIFA13. Probably a 10 min half against Stoke City will play a lot more differently than 10 minutes against Barcelona.

But yeah the tactical side of things need to evolve a step further or two in the next versions. All in all though, I'm quite satisfied.

And yeah guys like Lewandowski, Reus, Gotze, they all feel 'different' and yet very good because they each have their own strengths.

Just a little disappointed that Lewandowski's been given HIGH defensive work-rate. It should be medium.

Also disappointed that Robinho is a f'n 83! He's too strong for such a wasteful player who has little actual productivity. Kolo Toure is also over-rated and rated as he was in his peak when we all know he's gone downhill past few years. I think he's rated higher than Lescott and on par with Kompany which shouldn't be the case.

I hope Kaka is rated lower this year because in FIFA12, he was still way too strong and one of the best players which we all know sadly is no longer the case in real life. :(
I played a human for the first time and I really noticed how fast the game is.

Previously playing the CPU and me dictating t game I did not thin it was to fast

Against a human who sprint pressures, this is very fast but I think the camera angles make a difference
Im really dissapointed with it.

Dont feel its different enough from 12. I got bored with that and really wasnt lifted when playing the demo.

Sad because I enjoy playing football games, this just didnt set the fire in me like say 11 and 12.
Im really dissapointed with it.

Dont feel its different enough from 12. I got bored with that and really wasnt lifted when playing the demo.

Sad because I enjoy playing football games, this just didnt set the fire in me like say 11 and 12.

Serious question.
What were you really expecting? I don't know by how much people expect it to change. I'm talking actual gameplay wise. As in on the pitch and not all the modes behind it.

If people don't like it or are bored of it than that is fair enough. I just don't get the comments about it not changing much. I certainly wasn't expecting it to.

I actually like the little improvements made and really enjoying the demo. I've hardly scored a goal but I'm playing some great stuff. All on manual.
i agree mate, i wasnt expecting a whole lot of change but it doesnt even feel refreshed. The complaints i have about 12 still exist in 13 so from that I wasnt overwhelmed.
I hear you mate the thing that gets me is the same old cut scenes, not enough new animations and i want to see everything that happens on the pitch from dirt on kits to real time pitch wear. I don't want to pay £50 for a few minor changes every year. I do like the way it plays and it's only a demo but everybody has there own idea of authenticity and for me Blood Mud and Guts is what i want. But everyone has a different opinion. I personally hate all the tekkers and skills stuff.
I think player individuality is better as well, playing as Arsenal players that stand out are mertesacker, diaby, Wilshere, Gibbs.

Vermaelen doesn't really though and he seems really small, like a child sometimes compared to the other players, like Proportions of him are weird?

I love Wilshere though he really gets hold of the game, spreads play out well and can have a good crack at goal. Looking forward at how Cazorla plays.

I'm liking Professional at the moment harder than 12 in my opinion(not as easy to get ball off of computer)
. Much better game with these 3 min halves. Will probably go back to World class when I can have longer halves.
@cowden - aah. Got you. That's fair enough.

@pepper - the over the top skills do my head in. I just pass the ball. Might try a flick on the right stick to go past someone now and then but never the flicks and all that other shit.
I noticed something in the demo screens that was greyed out. Pitch wear or something like that. Is that new? Never noticed it before. I doubt it will be real time wear and tear but just make the pitch look a bit less perfect.

Suppose we will have to wait until next gen for all the cosmetic stuff you mentioned. I wouldn't want it to over the top though.
I think player individuality is better as well, playing as Arsenal players that stand out are mertesacker, diaby, Wilshere, Gibbs.

Vermaelen doesn't really though and he seems really small, like a child sometimes compared to the other players, like Proportions of him are weird?

I love Wilshere though he really gets hold of the game, spreads play out well and can have a good crack at goal. Looking forward at how Cazorla plays.

I'm liking Professional at the moment harder than 12 in my opinion(not as easy to get ball off of computer)
. Much better game with these 3 min halves. Will probably go back to World class when I can have longer halves.

Professional is certainly more difficult this year, yes.
Came across the following video this morning. Now this may be the optimist in me (yes it exists), but I don't know - this, to me, looks a lot better than the demo.

It's zoomed out so it will appear slower anyway, but it does seem slower, and there seems to be much more space, and it looks much more like real football to me.

(Although I *am* selectively ignoring the guy playing as Brazil who seems to think the through-pass button is a "free sweets" button, and the guy playing as France who hammers the pass button like the bad old days.)

Skip to 1:05 to avoid the waffle about how much the guy loves his subscribers.
Also, you may as well watch it with the sound off, because all he does is talk shit.

EDITS: Silly defending at the start too, ignore that bit...

Looks like the managers on the sidelines are the exact same model/skins, that's a bit daft.

YouTube - FIFA 13 Gameplay - Brazil vs France (HD)
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I think the little additions change the game completely even though at the core its similar. I can't go back to FIFA 12. Loving the battles off the balls, the AI is fouling now in legendary mode, mainly pulling me back and the odd trips. The first touch element has made the game totally unpredictable too with some brilliant scenarios, even see the bounce of the ball catch one player out which was really nice. There is definitely individuality there Pirlo is boss as is Toure. The quick free kicks are also nice where the player kicks it to the free kick taker and they can take the free kick, totally seamless..On top of that even though i'm losing most of my matches on legendary, manual i have never felt cheated
Mikel Arteta has been a stand-out player in the games I've played on the demo. His high Vision and his passing. As a CPU opponent he's difficult to get close to because he moves into space and then releases the ball quickly with accuracy. He also plays more passes with the outside of his foot and automatically adds swerve to some of his ground passes.

Yeah and he scores against me every time. It's the same daisy-cutter from the edge of the box. I'm confused.
Could someone tell me exactly what I'm gaining if I was to buy the EA Season Ticket.. The only games I play are FIFA and Madden, but not much of Maddens Ultimate Team.. So I'm not sure it's worth it, thanks :)
Sorry for not reading through the thread but while Taylor is asking a question on it. How come people are saying they will play it on 22nd with the Season ticket? but it only says 3 days early? it comes out on the 28th doesn't it?
Go to My Documents\FIFA 13 Demo folder

Edit fifasetup.ini and add HALF_LENGTH=6


Now go to where you have FIFA 13 Demo installed (should be: Program Files\Origin Games\FIFA 13 Demo\Game)

Create new text file. Name it cl.ini



Play the game.

It won't show 6 min halves in game, but you can count with stop watch how much the halves last ;).

I tested this and it works.
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Does anyone know if it will be possible to edit team tactics on the PC? So that, in theory, the community could go through and 'fix' each team to make them play differently?
Using the Fifa Polina tweaker and it works. I doesn't show in game options menu but if you choose SNOW in weather options in Tool it will be that in game no matter what menu says. Also it has Messi in arena. Playing 20min games..Nice.
Liking the demo, but one thing I am finding really annoying is the automatic odd walking/dribbling kicking in whenever an opposition player is near. It looks so gamey and off. I thought the new dribbling only happened when you held the modifyer and not automatically due to proximity. What do you guys think?
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