I've uploaded a little random sample of the game I'm seeing on the PC in Slow speed, with some adjusted sliders (but nothing drastic). Arsenal are on Legendary AI.

Nothing exciting happens, so don't expect that (unless you're curious as to how I play the game, of which this is fairly typical). It's mostly just as a comparison of speed, because some people have been saying the game is fast... but Slow seems the same as I remember 12 being, and although some animations can be a bit rapid, it doesn't feel unreasonably quick to me. Not compared to previous versions, anyway.

YouTube - FIFA 13 PC Demo Sample

Of course if they make the full version slower, that would be cool too. Just curious if there is a difference across formats and if we're seeing the same thing.

I haven't tried Normal speed because I won't be playing the game with that.
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i find it strange why you are having so many niggles with it.. i should record a full match of my games against world class and see if it seems any different to you.

as it plays like football to me

I've tried and tried again to get into it. It's not happening.

There is so much CPU BS on World Class and Legendary, makes it unplayable. I seem to remember the FIFA 12 demo was exactly the same.

EVERY attack the CPU has, no matter how or where they get the ball, they can pass their way out. They NEVER hoof it, they NEVER attempt to clear it long to anyone. They do their crappy turns and moves super quick and pass pass pass every time, with a 99% hit rate.

I seriously hope this is changed for the final game, otherwise playing against the CPU is a no no.

I've played FIFA 12 off line and on line all year...hoping I can with FIFA 13.

I love how the players feel, the things we can do and how the ball reacts. I just can't play with god awful CPU.
YouTube - FIFA 13 PC Demo Sample

Of course if they make the full version slower, that would be cool too. Just curious if there is a difference across formats and if we're seeing the same thing.

I haven't tried Normal speed because I won't be playing the game with that.

Doesn't seem too fast to me. But what is strange is the behaviour of the midfield... You pass the ball around there and the CPU-midfield and defense doesn't pressure you and doesn't anticipate and intercept obvious passes... ie. they stand around and watch.

First I thought it's maybe because of beginner-difficulty, but then I read there that it is Legendary-difficulty.

Are there slider-settings that can make the midfield and defense actually work together and anticipate and pressure somewhat intelligently?
Are there slider-settings that can make the midfield and defense actually work together and anticipate and pressure somewhat intelligently?
No. It's what we've said before, about defenders away from the ball being too passive (mentioned on pages 46 & 48 of this thread).

The only thing you can do is make them play more compact so the spaces between them are smaller. And they are quite good now at blocking passes that travel near them, which at least is an improvement over 12.
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I love how the players feel, the things we can do and how the ball reacts. I just can't play with god awful CPU.

this sums fifa up for me.

What i would describe it is like having the best roller coaster park in the world but there is a power cut and none of the rides work.

What im saying is in fifa you have the great animations, amazing skill moves, beautiful shooting, amazing manual freedom of passes, decent impact/collisions/physics engine...really FIFA has all that one could ask for in a football game, graphics, presentation and all..

BUT when you play the CPU it just gets reptitive and boring as hell.

Well that was up to FIFA12 cant judge FIFA 13 hope its different.

Tbf I only played profesional and been farting about a lot but some mad results on 6mins games.

(im home team)
1. Milan 1-1 Man city
2. Milan 4-1 Man city (Man City went 1-0 up)
3. Juve 2-4 Dortmund (dortmund went 2-0 up i got 2-2 at half time)
4. Aresnal 2-6 Milan (Milan 1-0 up I got 2-1 at 25mins then they score 2 before half time 42,45mins 2-3 HT)

Looks like lots of people will be playing on PC this year (PC FTW! :) ). Maybe someone should start a thread with origin IDs and controller settings so people can pick and choose if they want to add on to their friends list on Origin?
Looks like lots of people will be playing on PC this year (PC FTW! :) ). Maybe someone should start a thread with origin IDs and controller settings so people can pick and choose if they want to add on to their friends list on Origin?

We should start a head to head online league!!!

I dotn have enough IRL freinds on pc only console
After a couple more games on the demo, I must say I'm disappointed with EA sports. I think they got really close to having a game capable of being fantastic against the CPU but I still feel that everything on the CPU is so static.

I'm not talking about player runs - there are actually some nice runs made by your teammates. I can live with the dribbling and the inertia as they are but when you have the ball and are moving it around, it would be nice if the AI tracked you a bit more. They just sit there in lines of 4 marking space. Even when you do get a player of yours getting in between the defensive lines, it feels like they're just letting you go past, as opposed to beating them.

The first touch errors I'm seeing all round look really nice it must be said, and I'm sure playing human vs human could be fantastic. But it's a shame I won't feel like playing the career mode, which looks really good again, because of my annoyance with the CPU's defensive AI :(
YOU have PSN ID u play ps3 also or just pc?

I might buy both if I have enough $$$

I haven't used my PS3 much in the last year or so. It's becoming really outdated by now and playing games at 30fps with 720p just isn't the same when I can play them on up to 3 screens with maxed out settings :)

Btw, I use the same settings on FIFA as you - all manual, except for semi shooting.
I haven't used my PS3 much in the last year or so. It's becoming really outdated by now and playing games at 30fps with 720p just isn't the same when I can play them on up to 3 screens with maxed out settings :)

Btw, I use the same settings on FIFA as you - all manual, except for semi shooting.

cool same same all over.

I just play games on my pc HDMI to my big tv 360 for windwos controller

Only reason for console is exclusives and to play freinds on concolse.

But i rarely use my ps3 at all
PC Version crashes all the time, any ideas my peoples?

i did have crash in the middle of every second match :RANT: EA said it was because of custom keyboard issue they are trying to fix for the retail. I revert back default keyboard button. and no crash at all. Using gamepad will also be no problem according to them, but my xbox 360 controller is far away left at home :RANT: So cannot test it.

Anyway real-time physic engine:

YouTube - FIFA 13 impact engine bug
I was thinking about buying the game before I played the demo.

After a few games, I can definitely say, I don't like it, it is still more an arcade football game then a simulation for me.

Graphic especially the faces of the players and ball physic is unrealistic for me, it is improved but still not good enough that I could say I have to buy it.
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i did have crash in the middle of every second match :RANT: EA said it was because of custom keyboard issue they are trying to fix for the retail. I revert back default keyboard button. and no crash at all. Using gamepad will also be no problem according to them, but my xbox 360 controller is far away left at home :RANT: So cannot test it.

Anyway real-time physic engine:

YouTube - FIFA 13 impact engine bug

The patch is live on Origin BTW. It should fix the issue with your custom keyboard.
Yeah same and I know we aren't the only ones.

And it's not just about playing with them. I guess having no Napoli or Torino there, Serie A just isn't the same. I guess that's one league I won't be doing a CM mode in unless things are fixed up.

What a shame.

Yeah probably what I'll do but that sucks. Can you imagine all those amazing players being snapped up left right and center by all clubs and being 'Free agents'! It will change dynamic of each team/league I play in.

Cavani, Hamsik, Maggio, Zuniga, De Sanctis,etc. all those players on a free is a dream for some club!

Thanks for the info bro! That sounds somewhat promising at least. Keep us updated if you hear anything more.

I hope they release a patch which fixes Napoli.

Sina, evan if they dont release a post release patch to make Napoli fully licensed they do have a part-license wich means the team will be there in CM or any other mode, it just wont have oficial kits and logo... the players and real formation will be there using a generic light blue kit in a team called Naples(possibly). (same license issue goes for many teams in the brazilian league such as Palmeiras and Internacional)

BTW, scored this beauty tonight, really nice new animation:
YouTube - Podo

Made me jump out of my seat like the good ol`pes6 days!
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Sina, evan if they dont release a post release patch to make Napoli fully licensed they do have a part-license wich means the team will be there in CM or any other mode, it just wont have oficial kits and logo... the players and real formation will be there using a generic light blue kit in a team called Naples(possibly). (same license issue goes for many teams in the brazilian league such as Palmeiras and Internacional)

BTW, scored this beauty tonight, really nice new animation:
YouTube - Podo

Made me jump out of my seat like the good ol`pes6 days!

ha i scored a very similar goal with podolski i shoulda saved.

Ball came out corner of box on left side and he samshed it in top corner
pes4life, I like the goal you scored with Montolivo because it's a long-range LOW-shot! What makes it even more impressive is the swerve and the fact that it's with his left-foot.

Sina, evan if they dont release a post release patch to make Napoli fully licensed they do have a part-license wich means the team will be there in CM or any other mode, it just wont have oficial kits and logo... the players and real formation will be there using a generic light blue kit in a team called Naples(possibly). (same license issue goes for many teams in the brazilian league such as Palmeiras and Internacional)

BTW, scored this beauty tonight, really nice new animation:
YouTube - Podo

Made me jump out of my seat like the good ol`pes6 days!

Nice goal bro. :WORSHIP:

In regards to the licensing, oh I see. That's good news then. I remember one or two Italian teams were like that in FIFA12 anyway and like you said quite a few Brazilian teams.

As long as they 'exist' so I don't have to make Cavani and co 'Free Agents', then that's not too bad. I still probably won't play CM mode with a Serie A club as I don't want to see plain kits of Napoli and Torino, same way I don't do CM mode with Santos let's say but it's nice to know they'll be there at least and so will the players be.
As long as they 'exist' so I don't have to make Cavani and co 'Free Agents', then that's not too bad. I still probably won't play CM mode with a Serie A club as I don't want to see plain kits of Napoli and Torino, same way I don't do CM mode with Santos let's say but it's nice to know they'll be there at least and so will the players be.

Yeh, besides that CM with brazilian teams is really pale without the continental competition, its boring and repetitive to say the least.
Yeah and also a lot of players don't have 'pictures' from what I remember.

These are just a few reasons I avoided a CM mode with Brazilian league and since things haven't changed (have they? ), I'm afraid I'll follow that trend again in FIFA13.
The barrier to entry to this year for Manual has been significantly nulified if this demo is any indication of the final game. The hardest part, arguably, shooting is more forgiving. I wouldn't say it's quite semi but definitely in between Manual and Semi on FIFA 12.

This is coming from someone who has been struggling with Manual after returning to 12 after a long, long time.

Anyone interested in Full Manual, now is your best chance!
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Something's up with manual lobbed passes though. There is no way to make a short lobbed pass, right over top of the opponent, if your teammate is close. It always goes faaar away from the intended target no matter how short the button press is. Is there any way around it?
Something's up with manual lobbed passes though. There is no way to make a short lobbed pass, right over top of the opponent, if your teammate is close. It always goes faaar away from the intended target no matter how short the button press is. Is there any way around it?

Try using the lobbed through ball.

Seems that the lobbed pass has been made longer and the lobbed through ball shorter - compared to 12 which was the opposite.
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