They are just depressed because PES hasn't evolved at all and became an arcadey mess.

Sorry but that is just utter codswallop. There is the inevitable and quite reasonable bias every person holds towards their game of preference, and then there is simply drooling eyes-glazed-over ignorance. I'm looking forward to trying the FIFA demo once I get a proper internet connection but FIFA will not be the better simulation until it implements true momentum/inertia and slows the game down to a more realistic pace. There are many, many criticisms you can level at PES but being arcadey—at least in the latest incarnation—is not one of them. Unless of course you judge the game with the default settings, which would be as ill-advised as judging FIFA on the gameplay videos played between trick-whoring assisted users.

But don't rise mate....they are missing by ignoring a game just because EA make it

This is nonsense as well, if there is any brand loyalty it's to the games themselves and not to the companies that make them. Brand loyalty is stupid, but to suggest that this is the only driving force behind people's aversion to FIFA makes you look like a simple-minded drone. Why admit there is anything wrong with the game when you can just put your fingers in your ears and believe that anyone who dislikes it does so for dishonest reasons.
This is nonsense as well, if there is any brand loyalty it's to the games themselves and not to the companies that make them. Brand loyalty is stupid, but to suggest that this is the only driving force behind people's aversion to FIFA makes you look like a simple-minded drone. Why admit there is anything wrong with the game when you can just put your fingers in your ears and believe that anyone who dislikes it does so for dishonest reasons.

Something Konami should pay attention too sticking by Sony and ignoring the xbox 360 got them on this mess to start with
Am I imagining that semi seems a bit less automatic?

I know I'm evil for not switching to fully manual, but... I've misplaced way more passes than usual so far. Which I really like.

But I'm wondering if that's down to them altering semi, or just altering the physics and the likelihood of making a mess of things.

I agree.
Something else I'd love to see, and it's cosmetic but it kind of isn't at the same time... Disallowed goals being celebrated by player/crowd/commentator until they realise it's offside.

Nothing takes me out of the experience like smashing a ball into the net to dead silence, with everyone suddenly stopping with their arms at their sides (doing that swaying animation) and a line from the commentator like "yes, we all see he's offside there".

(Not had this happen in the demo so far so I'm - stupidly - holding out hope this may have been altered in some way...)
Semi passing feels a little easier to me, if anything. Not sure I want to drop to manual as I feel manual takes away a lot of the players stats (which is half of the point really). But I tried Placebo's sliders last year and that made a big difference to accuracy anyway so I'll use those again this year.
You do know you're allowed to call the "other" game by its real name, right? Why not say its name? Seems a bit weird, it's not Beetlejuice or anything.

...but what if it's The Candyman? Bees all coming out of his mouth and shit! Bee stings can hurt.

Actually, fuck it! Say it. That way I hope Candyman and Beetlejuice both come along so they can beat the fuck out of these stupid little pricks arguing about the two games all the bloody time! STFU!!!!
Semi passing feels a little easier to me, if anything. Not sure I want to drop to manual as I feel manual takes away a lot of the players stats (which is half of the point really). But I tried Placebo's sliders last year and that made a big difference to accuracy anyway so I'll use those again this year.

Manual passing seems a lot easier this year to me. Sure I've misplaced passes but nowhere near as much as I did in 11. It seems to get dumbed down a bit each year.
Manual passing seems a lot easier this year to me. Sure I've misplaced passes but nowhere near as much as I did in 11. It seems to get dumbed down a bit each year.

Agree m8, manual is excellent to play for me this year. Loving it to bits! :)
Played over 30 games now. The first impressions were v. positive from me, but the more I play it, the more I start to wish, that Career Mode from FIFA would be in PES this year.

What am I getting at? Simple: FIFA feels like Action Game wrapped into Football mechanics. It doesn't try to be realistic. It's action/action type of game where midfield battles are non existent or midfield can be omitted.

Sure it presents superb quality at doing what it does, but "that" realistic football feeling is missing.

They also boasted about new Freekick system, First Touch, Polished Player Impact Engine. Ok it's there, but you won't really see it vs AI. AI is almost perfect and no, that isn't compliment. Humans as well as footballers in real life do make mistakes. Some of which lead to attackers/midfielders/wingers/fullbacks etc. being left wide open for goal. On FIFA 13 demo, AI tackling is 100% perfect.

Well, ok, I was given away foul ONCE in past 20 games.

It's like EA is saying openly: you won't see those gameplay improvements if you don't go online. There is something in it. Seeing lots of goal compilations, a lot of players look worse than Amateur AI. The game definitely is more varied in PvP environment, because humans, do make mistakes, mistime tackles, etc.

I do love the lightning, new time mechanics, cameras, commentary(!!!), stadium atmosphere (audio).

But gameplay wise, it will be v. hard to win more fans... Unless you play online mostly.

This is unbiased opinion. Gonna play FIFA some more now.

YouTube - FIFA 13 Demo - Juventus vs Arsenal - HD (720p)

And video for kicks and giggles :D.
I had CPU red carded just now. chiellini got booked the first time for tugging Ox shirt and on the second he did it again. Second yellow and an early bath. And another thing I've experienced is the wall during the free kick seems to move to the front a little bit and the referee whistle and brandish the man on the wall a yellow card. I'm not sure which one of them but one of them. Fun. A lot of yellows for the CPU just now.
It's like EA is saying openly: you won't see those gameplay improvements if you don't go online. There is something in it. Seeing lots of goal compilations, a lot of players look worse than Amateur AI. The game definitely is more varied in PvP environment, because humans, do make mistakes, mistime tackles, etc.

I don't understand why they refuse to touch the player vs. cpu experience every year. Surely it wouldn't require a technical overhaul to implement more randomness and error in the CPU's decision making.
PES 2013 is the real football game, sorry mates. FIFA 13 is REALLY GREAT but it has "something" in the air, it smells of the american touch like if it was a basketball game, it´s like cartooned or something like this and gameplay is quite good but it lacks of "somehing" I still don´t know what it is.
PES 2013 has an overall atmosphere of football.
Both are good games I think.
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Can't wait for Early release! I'm definitely getting EA season ticket.

Just wish the f'n demo wasn't 3-min halves! It's so short it's ridiculous! I know it's always been this way, but since they're only providing you with 5 damn teams and ONE game to play, why not make it a 5-min half one at least? It's not like people wouldn't go buy the game then and just play the demo with 5 teams and no other modes lol.

I wish it was longer.

I also find it odd that they included Two Italian and English teams and no French or Spanish. Last year there was Marseille and Barcelona I think. This year it could've been PSG instead of Milan (since they now have their best players anyway :P ) and Barca or Real instead of Arsenal let's say.

Then we'd have a more diverse set of teams considering it's only 5 of them. Thank god they got Dortmund in there at least who are a JOY to play with!

Lewandowski is deadly as in real life! It's just a shame they've given wrong 'work-rate' attributes to a few players like him.

Kolo Toure and Robinho are also massively over-rated. 82 and 83! They were that in their prime maybe and now they're definitely not that good any more.
I'm playing on PS3 in manual and for me no way this is faster than Fifa 12. The footplanting and inertia problem was not fixed as we all already expected, but I do feel that players are a bit heavier on the ball than on Fifa. IMO, PS3 version in manual and in slow is defineltely slower than Fifa 12 withou tweaking sliders.

I'm finding CPU Ai to be more enjoyable to play against this year, CPU takes more riscks and shoot from different positions more often than last year, and first touchs even tho are not so much pronounced, it does make a difference, it's a very welcome feature. The game is an evolution compared to Fifa 12, it's more enjoyable, the attacking Ai opens more options wiith some new runs,, but in it's core is not really a different game. It's better, clearly better to me than fifa 12, but I don't know if it worth the money, maybe not.
The demo's out on PS3 now so I've been able to have a sneaky few games at work.

The shot delay is absolutely doing my head in. Every time I fancy a shot, the delay between the button press and the player kicking the ball means it's blocked or saved at the guy's feet.

Dropped the difficulty from "Legendary" to "World Class" and it's the same, so I'm guessing it's either to more accurately reflect real-world physics (the time it takes for a player to wind up for a shot), or it's to counter the new CPU AI and it's slightly more relaxed play in general (no more being bullied from switch-on to switch-off), rather than it just being Legendary's way to stop you winning.

Not having any issue with pass delays, only shot delays, and it stinks of the old Pro Evos and their cheaty bastard ways. Hopefully I'm just holding sprint too often or something...
You still get to play it 5 days early compared to our 3 days

Aha yes fair point ;)

we can do this Placebo ? tell me I'm willing to do it :JAY:

Yeah in theory, connect your laptop/PC to a USA VPN, run your 360 through your laptop/PC which then gives it a USA IP, create a USA based Xbox Live account and buy the season ticket off the USA marketplace and connect to season ticket from the US IP, all in theory of course I haven't tried that myself.
I've put the sprint speed down to 40, acc to 49, and passing error to 55 (User) and 60ish(CPU).

Really enjoying it at the moment. A crying shame that EA have not added a single new slider though. Nothing for dribbling speed / acceleration?

I'm noticing the lack of fouls and the (occasionally hilariously) unstoppable CPU passing moves, where the player switching simply cannot keep up. But I am at least enjoying putting moves together, and with this reduced speed it feels like the midfield is much more likely to give me a hand in defence.

Encouraged. Not exactly the game I wanted, but a long way closer than 12.


I didn't think the sprint speed was badly represented on the default setting. I myself put acceleration down to 40 to offset the lack of momentum as the issue with players being able to push the ball too quickly and get away. I thought it played pretty nicely.

Of course this is on slow setting as well.

I too noticed those unstoppable CPU passing moves. They usually end up missing guilt-edged chances though oddly enough. Maybe it's deliberate.
Aha yes fair point ;)

Yeah in theory, connect your laptop/PC to a USA VPN, run your 360 through your laptop/PC which then gives it a USA IP, create a USA based Xbox Live account and buy the season ticket off the USA marketplace and connect to season ticket from the US IP, all in theory of course I haven't tried that myself.

Yeah I did some quick google searches and it should work thanks for the advice, With only the extra day to wait I guess I'm going to stick with being patient although 24 hours is a long time to wait while others get to enjoy online. PES will be here make me forget about it I hope.
PES 2013 is the real football game, sorry mates. FIFA 13 is REALLY GREAT but it has "something" in the air, it smells of the american touch like if it was a basketball game, it´s like cartooned or something like this and gameplay is quite good but it lacks of "somehing" I still don´t know what it is.
PES 2013 has an overall atmosphere of football.
Both are good games I think.

I kinda agree with this...FIFA is a cool game but PES is real football.

FIFA feels dumbed down and individuality is not as good compared to PES. However, its still a good game
The shot delay is absolutely doing my head in. Every time I fancy a shot, the delay between the button press and the player kicking the ball means it's blocked or saved at the guy's feet.

Dropped the difficulty from "Legendary" to "World Class" and it's the same, so I'm guessing it's either to more accurately reflect real-world physics (the time it takes for a player to wind up for a shot), or it's to counter the new CPU AI and it's slightly more relaxed play in general (no more being bullied from switch-on to switch-off), rather than it just being Legendary's way to stop you winning.

Not having any issue with pass delays, only shot delays, and it stinks of the old Pro Evos and their cheaty bastard ways. Hopefully I'm just holding sprint too often or something...
I think you're being unnecessarily paranoid, don't you? Maybe shot animations just take longer than you're expecting, regardless of who is in control, and you haven't adjusted yet... I don't see any logic in it being a 'cheat'.
I changed my opinion, AI is still boring as hell to play against, it's a false challenge, boring Cpu assisted AI with manipulative ball physics to make passes almost uninterceptable, and cpu attacking Ai go in repetitive routs (against Juventus), completetly unbalanced playing in manual passing. Midfield still refuses to drop back the line in important situations, and there's not a realistic pressure inside the box that forces the attacking player to recieve the ball with their back to the opponent goal.
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