bsmaff said:
At what point did I give a well informed judgment?
I said I had one game and felt the same on first initial impressions hardly goes for massive informed judgment.

Just had a quick game whilst at work and initial impressions are it is exactly the same as FIFA 12, the impact engine has been slightly improved but everything else is FIFA 12, the passing the AI all feels exactly the same.

I thought they introduced intelligent runs this year??? My players still stand still as if it is sunday league.

Yes you did say on initial impressions, but then went on to say the second bit I bolded which is utterly ridiculous. How can you say the new FIFA is exactly the same as the old one after playing it for 5, 10, 15 minutes?

My 'well informed' judgement comment was obviously sarcastic, aimed at people like you.
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I don't get it why you people don't like Origin. Origin was shite initially maybe, but now it's pretty decent. Maybe not at Steam level, but good enough for sure.

Anyway, woke up at 6am just for this demo, better be worth it :) 5 more minutes
Yes you did say on initial impressions, but then went on to say the second bit I bolded which is utterly ridiculous. How can you say the new FIFA is exactly the same as the old one after playing it for 5, 10, 15 minutes?

My 'well informed' judgement comment was obviously sarcastic, aimed at people like you.

Well sarcasm is the lowest form of wit..

Plus that's why I said initial impression.
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Had a couple of matches on the PC demo, was expecting it to look a lot better than it does, quite disappointed about that.

Gameplay tweaks seem nice additions, pity anyone who has to play on default sliders as there's clearly a need for a slider set to increase the speed of passes etc, saw a few bad touches in really bad situations which was an improvement over the forced way my old sliders introduced it, demo never shows you enough so doubt I'll play it again on the PC, will try it on the 360 later.

The good thing is trying the PC demo made certain I won't be buying the PC version because Origin is just awful.

Tele far zoom seems zoomed out a bit more than before? which is great

First time I discovered that they've done absolutely nothing with the sliders beyond probably tweaking the adjustments, I raised shot power to 51 and it barely increased which is great so we should be able to find a good balance for it now, extremely disappointed there's no additional sliders to last year. Stamina and aggression sliders would have been very good additions.
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Well sarcasm is the lowest form of wit..

Plus that's why I said initial impression.

But the point is, your initial impression is completely untrue. Its not even an opinion, its a fact - FIFA 13 is not 'exactly the same as FIFA 12', as you so matter-of-a-factly stated.

People like me who are waiting for a console demo / at work like to come on here to read impressions from people playing the PC demo. Placebo and MadsenDK have already posted some good initial impressions about the new features and feeling they're getting from the game, whereas you are just having a strop and misdirecting everyone.
I had the same problem - Just lock the framerate to 60 FPS, then it won't stutter :)

Running it on my laptop it is slightly more juddery but like you I just changed the settings down a little.
But very low graphics on the PC version looks identical to the console version.

Thanks for replying lads.

I done what MadsenDK said and actually cranked all the settings up to max at the same time :JAY:

Plays perfectly now :BOP:

Although the game itself is leaving me a little bit :YAWN: from VERY early impressions.
There is an 363mb Update for the PC Demo on Origin,
unfortunately the demo still crashes to desktop after the language selection screen :/
Nice build up play.

Do the players feel more "individual" and unique now like thye used to in PES 10 years ago?

You can definately feel the difference between the likes of David Silva and Yaya Touré.

Silva is the little nifty, technical player that have alot of flair in his play.

And Yaya more heavier and feels alot more like that working machine you need in the middle of the field :)
Ok some quick impressions.

- First touch control, more noticeable on AI than on my players, but it's there. Not as pronounced as I hoped it would be though, but these are top teams and seems to be worse with less skilled players, so I guess it's good enough.

- Graphically the game looks better than FIFA 12. You guys will be in for a surprise if you think Xbox/PS3 looks good - PC version is where it's at with 4xAA and high settings it blows consoles out of the water and has been since last year. Nice surprise is that I think finally I won't have to mess around with the LOD tweaker. Definitely an improvement over last year, if only slightly. I think higher resolution shadows and higher player LODs are "responsible" for this. Very smooth gameplay. Well, I expect no less on a 6-core cpu with a GTX680 :)

- One thing you can really notice is Attacking AI. Really helps you when the players FINALLY make the runs into space and play more intelligently. This is my favorite feature so far.

- The impact engine is better.

So far so good. Definitely don't regret my $40 pre-order.
Another nice little feature is that the crowd reacts when you are closing in on the box.

Played a through-ball too Milner and the crowd just went nuts.. And then I missed it and they won't "Oooooooooow..."

Another thing I noticed is there is a third commentator, which tells you about the player's injury, if someone got injured. That's brilliant. You can also see 2-3 subs stretching on the sidelines. I've never seen it on those youtube videos for some reason. That's nice.
after playing 2 games against juventus, it's a good improvement, cpu is a bit more varied but still nowhere near enough, over the top balls are still too powerful, pace/big touch still hasn't been toned down, the control is still slick as from fifa and noticed timing your headers are more important now which is good, alot new sliding animations is great, overall its good but feels more of an expansion than a whole new game but bare in mind, with fifa 10/11/12 doing so well, i highly doubt they'd change the whole game, hopefully the full game is a bit slowed down online
Kolarov at right back??? you're crazy he can barely defend at left-back :-)

Does mean he can cut inside i guess... Great shot
after playing 2 games against juventus, it's a good improvement, cpu is a bit more varied but still nowhere near enough, over the top balls are still too powerful, pace/big touch still hasn't been toned down, the control is still slick as from fifa and noticed timing your headers are more important now which is good, alot new sliding animations is great,

overall its good but feels more of an expansion than a whole new game

but bare in mind, with fifa 10/11/12 doing so well, i highly doubt they'd change the whole game, hopefully the full game is a bit slowed down online

Re: The bit in the middle - That's all I expected anyway. I'm at a loss if anybody was expecting any different. I enjoy 12 with the modes I play, if it's improved then great.

I've never really had a problem with over the top balls either. I'd say 98% of the time they are a piece of piss to defend against.
Re: The bit in the middle - That's all I expected anyway. I'm at a loss if anybody was expecting any different. I enjoy 12 with the modes I play, if it's improved then great.

I've never really had a problem with over the top balls either. I'd say 98% of the time they are a piece of piss to defend against.

its improved gameplay, not by a mile but its little bits here and there that you'll notice that improve upon fifa 12, i was in awe with a moment of defending with arsenal as the cpu did a low ball into the box to vucinic which normally the bang in but sagna was just ahead and did a little heel flick to put it past him

and the over the top thing, i've never had issues with it but i do know some people think there to effective and i'd say there just as or maybe just a touch down

i'm sure you'll be more than pleased with the final product
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