Couple of things i didn't see.... - Sheilding - Weren't players supposed to instinctively protect the ball? I used shield a few times and they still nicked it off me. I was hoping that would be more prominent in the fight against pressure whores. Like the World Cup game was

Thanks for the write up Johnny, sounds good! About shielding - I don't know if it's changed for 13 but in 12 you have to hold sprint while not moving for them to shield.
Thanks for the write up Johnny, sounds good! About shielding - I don't know if it's changed for 13 but in 12 you have to hold sprint while not moving for them to shield.

Yeah that was still there (to do it yourself) and still wasnt very effective. I think i lost the ball everytime.

But i remember Rutter saying players would do it contextually and be better at holding the ball. Defo wasnt there in the 6 games i played. Got pressure spammed everytime time i tried it.
I was thinking that the first touch would be more of a hinderence for manual players playing Assisted. It gives them more time to double pressure and get the ball, if it isn't easy enough for them already :ROLL:

But as I usually just play manual players online, then it sounds like it might be quite good.
Johnny thanks for ur briefing. Its just me or the ball is heavier and shooting improved? First touch is definetely there!
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Johnny thanks for ur briefing. Its just me or the ball is heavier and shooting improved? First touch is definetely there!

Shooting slightly more varied depending on power, ball looked lighter in some vids heavier in others, when actually playing cant say it was one or the other really.

Fast passes still looked light and low shots had weight and power. I'm not sure they've got everything right yet.

The whole thing felt 'heavier' though. Larger players could not go from 0 - full speed in 1 second. It looks like it in the videos but its not when playing.
Yeah there were some shocking players there.... Still feel better after having it my hands though. Worried a little about the defending. I think online people will go with 5 at the back again, i can still see the 5-2-1-2 clubs exploit working quite well.

Basically instead of whoever defends best wins. It seemed to be, whoever has the most defenders wins. Will take more than 6 games to judge that though.

That's one of the major problems (besides the inertia/momentum-thing) Fifa has, the tactical setup is not right, there is not enough football-logic in the positioning and teamplay of CB's, fullbacks and midfield-players.

Therefore for me it doesn't feel like football. Where's the fun in beating the defense if it isn't organized realistically to work together efficiently from cb's, fb's to the midfield-players?

PES 2013 has also its (different) problems though: It has no realtime twotiered stamina/fatigue-system and no vision-stats influencing pass-capabilities/success, and both elements influence a lot of other aspects and in sum makes the game also not very football-like, although it's a bit better than Fifa in that regard.
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That's one of the major problems (besides the inertia/momentum-thing) Fifa has, the tactical setup is not right, there is not enough football-logic in the positioning and teamplay of CB's, fullbacks and midfield-players.

Therefore for me it doesn't feel like football. Where's the fun in beating the defense if it isn't organized realistically to work together efficiently from cb's, fb's to the midfield-players?

PES 2013 has also its (different) problems though: It has no realtime twotiered stamina/fatigue-system and no vision-stats influencing pass-capabilities/success, and both elements influence a lot of other aspects and in sum makes the game also not very football-like, although it's a bit better than Fifa in that regard.

Yeah, PES seems to have the 'shape' of the team right but other things wrong, and Fifa seems to get individual player movement ok but not as a whole working for a team.

I dont think Fifa 13 will change that even with the Attacking AI improvements.
Is the contain function tuned in this release? I hate FIFA 12 for those crazy auto-contain maniacs who keep following my player pixel by pixel.
look at 11seconds on that video

when do you EVER see a player move like that? to turn 360 degrees he covers about 8 metres of ground. laughable

at the end of the day you can watch any of the two football games minute by minute and rip them apart in different areas, whether its fifa and inertia or pes and rails and terrible animations, i guess it all comes down to preference
The thing which mostly put me off in those videos is again, players sliding like movement on the pitch. Like they are weight-less, cartoon characters.

Look at it even at normal speed. I can put it down as engine fault or Impact Engine fault or whatever, but players don't move like that. Not in the slightest.
at the end of the day you can watch any of the two football games minute by minute and rip them apart in different areas, whether its fifa and inertia or pes and rails and terrible animations, i guess it all comes down to preference

thats not me 'ripping it apart' though, thats me clicking the first video link and seeing within 11 seconds the same problem thats been in the game for years now
look at 11seconds on that video

when do you EVER see a player move like that? to turn 360 degrees he covers about 8 metres of ground. laughable

Isn't the pace control modifier supposed to help with that issue? Most people would just push the movement stick all the way so obviously the players are going to turn like that
thats not me 'ripping it apart' though, thats me clicking the first video link and seeing within 11 seconds the same problem thats been in the game for years now

When the word laughable is used then I would say it's ripping it..If my boss at work said to me in my performance review I was laughable I would take that as pretty negative..maybe that's just me..Again it's what is most important to you when playing a video game, the things that are game breakers..If this is a game breaker for you don't buy it..I really enjoyed FIFA 12 and I'm still playing it now so this obviously isnt a game breaker for me. I'm not going to compare with the other title as its becoming boring. At the end of the day everyone has different needs and wants
Been an exclusive PES-man for a good few years now, I was still impressed with a few things in the Gamescom trailer (There may be more than the one I saw, though). The referee trying to get the wall to stand at the correct distance from the ball was one thing... and stuff like how players will stretch to save a throw in or save a ball which the goalkeeper has missed. These things have been better in Fifa for a while, now. If the feeling of the ball hitting the net could match the one I get from scoring in PES, I could see this years Fifa being a good alternative to it. It's really just that one thing that's kept me from it and made me rather play PES.
Thanks Johnny for the info and the vids. Did you notice if it lacks free kicks like Fifa 12?

As in, not many given? Now you mention it, yeah, don't remember many fouls at all. That might just be down to the players though. I generally don't slide too much.

Also i never got to play against the CPU so i cant say whether that was any better there.

Also never once saw the new Free kick (shoot on goal) setup either.

Not easy judging off 6 games.
@johhny what can u say about attacing pressure? In 12, if somebody wants to pass around defenders (especially when he is winning) ,he can do it easily and it is hard to get the ball from him.Is there any fix for that?
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Sorry but you're wrong, it's not easy to do but many times I've dribbled past opposing AI players so successfully they've ended up on their arse, without using a trick. I'll try to remember to upload a video next time.
completely agree with you, I've gone past people just using realistic movements like cutting behind the defender as he comes towards you, I've had mistimed tackles and defenders falling over
Where is everyone preordering from?

I usually go with shopto but it is £40.

The hut have it for £35 and a pair of boxers for that price, but how reliable are they for an early or on time delivery?
Thanks for that gameplay, now i realy cant wait, especialy when i think about massive carrer mode and such a great gameplay ....
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