In your opinion.

I clock in thousands of hours a year in CM doing very few tricks and scoring normal goals, guess I'm a casual eh?

Of course you don't have to play with tricks or try to find glitches in gameplay with any game unless you want. Curious if you have tried the demo for Pro Evo yet. I find it gets a bit worse every time I play it. IMHO.
Hoping that such ridiculous things get reduced massively someday...

YouTube - Best FIFA 12 Scorpion Kick Ever SCORED!?

Sorry, but FIFA thanks to such bs is not even close to simulation. Show me such goal scored in real life, even once...

Arcade game for casuals who enjoy scoring bs goals or doing million tricks/skills. Yawn :). Until FIFA gets realistic in those aspects, I can't see it not being labeled Arcade. Sorry. However, I do know there are people who do try to play FIFA in normal way. All the glory to them ;).

Could this happen in real life?... yes. So why can't it be possible in the game? There are loads of real life goal highlight videos with all sorts of crazy volleys from outside the penalty area... this doesn't look any more ridiculous than some of those.

If this was a goal that could be scored every time in FIFA than obviously it would be a problem. That doesn't appear to be the case.

FIFA gives players the ability to do all sorts of creative and tricky feints if players chose to do them... and a feints success depends on the ability of the player to use it properly. Or, players could ignore all the tricks and play simply.

I've never understood this knock on FIFA that it is somehow a game for "casuals" because of all the trick moves. Yet for anyone to master to use all the tricks, it takes a pretty deep mastery of button combos and skill with the controller to pull it off... similar to the "hardcore" masters of fighting games.
Actually all those tricks/skills are easy to pull off. You need to get timing right and that's the problematic part, especially vs AI.

Human opponents do rush into tackles more often so they are easier to beat and humiliate (just watch any Online Goals compilation).

Scorpion kick? Show me ONE in real life. I have watched DOZEN of goals videos and NEVER seen one. Hell, I saw rabona goal for the first time recently in some African league :D. Of course there were masters like Jay Jay pulling off Rainbow vs Arsenal or Bergkamp doing his famous flick vs Newcastle(?). However, how many times do you see that? That should happen once in I dunno 100 games played. On FIFA you can do it in each game. Sure looks lush and it's fun, but...

The most amazing goal so far scored irl was Rooney overhead kick, Messi running similar to Maradona beating players like they were not there. That's it. FIFA has got many elements of FIFA Street in it.

And seeing this doesn't make me one bit optimistic for future of FIFA series... As I want REALISM over fancy skill moves.

YouTube - FIFA 13/14 Skill Move Suggestions

Seriously... Those things should appeal to Junior/Middle Schoolers not people who watch football day in day out and want to recreate it in game.

But like I said, each to their own. I urge for proper football sim. Unfortunately none of companies will make one.

And I don't hate FIFA. It's the game of my youth days. Played it since FIFA 98. Have all FIFAs till FIFA 11 and will be buying FIFA 13 too no doubt, because FIFA gives me fun (ok, FIFA 12 did not, but let's count it as beta game version:P).

Can't wait for demo :).
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But like I said, each to their own. I urge for proper football sim. Unfortunately none of companies will make one.*

Exactly - neither company will make a "proper football sim" because these are video games.*They are designed with a mixture of realism and entertainment in mind. Exaggerations will always be present. Get over it.

If you're looking to play real football, you're looking in the wrong place - you'll only find it on a real pitch. I can guarantee that you'll never find a perfect sim on a Playstation or Xbox.

But I'm sure you're no idiot and already know this. So what's the point of your posts? Other than to stir up controversy and criticize FIFA for being a video game?
Not really.

Hardcore gamers are very hard to please and of course gaming companies know this.

That's why I am glad there are companies who break their set rules and release hardcore fans pleasing games. Like Dark Souls :).

FIFA would be great if... They did make pulling tricks more complicated. Not massive change, just more challenging to pull of tricks, implementing interia/momentum and proper player physics into game. Those are hardly radical changes are they? Also making ball separate object like they did in NHL series.

Seriously, those are NOT hard to implement and I did feedback those things to David directly. Maybe one day...
Of course you don't have to play with tricks or try to find glitches in gameplay with any game unless you want. Curious if you have tried the demo for Pro Evo yet. I find it gets a bit worse every time I play it. IMHO.

indeed , the AI through balls are borderline ridiculous..i wouldnt let tbe PES trolls bother wasn't so long ago they were slagging manual controls off now its the best thing since sliced bread...the keepers are still shit too..massively improved for shot stopping but on one on ones they sometimes just let the attacker walked past them and tap the ball also reading silly comments like "perfect"
indeed , the AI through balls are borderline ridiculous..i wouldnt let tbe PES trolls bother wasn't so long ago they were slagging manual controls off now its the best thing since sliced bread...the keepers are still shit too..massively improved for shot stopping but on one on ones they sometimes just let the attacker walked past them and tap the ball also reading silly comments like "perfect"

I love Pro Evo. Too bad the game was made in 2006.
Huh? Why?

A post I did a few pages back about all the special editions of FIFA 13.

Apparently a steelbook edition too. But only gamestop for USA and Amazon for Germany have it smh........

And another one

Whats with all these different editions and pre-order boneses. Drives me crazy. Looks like we have this

Ultimate Edition
Ultimate Edition + EA Sports Football Club Points (Amazon UK)
Ultimate Edition + Adidas Team (GAME UK)
Normal + Lyon 3rd Kit (?)
Ultimate Edition + Lyon 3rd Kit (?)
Normal + Steelbook (Gamestop USA)
Ultimate Edition + Steelbook (Amazon Germany)
Ultimate Edition + Steelbook + Football + Cap + Flag + Boot Bag + Adidas Team + EA Sports Football Club Points (EB Games Australia)
Scorpion kick? Show me ONE in real life. I have watched DOZEN of goals videos and NEVER seen one.

What a bizarre thing to say, I know you're aware of Youtube because you just posted a video above... here's how to see a real life scorpion kick:

Here are two results from the first page of the search: (Yes, the first video isn't a goal, but it just shows how "arcadey" real life players can actually be.)

YouTube - Rene Higuita and the Scorpion kick

YouTube - Erlan Mealla scores flying back-heel bicycle scorpion kick goal for Nacional Potosi in Bolivia
Higuita got famous for this so really, everyone knows that. That happened long ago.

2nd one, nice. But Bolivia isn't top flight league and I don't bother to watch it, sorry.

Higuita got famous for this so really, everyone knows that. That happened long ago.

2nd one, nice. But Bolivia isn't top flight league and I don't bother to watch it, sorry.


You asked someone to show you a goal scored like that...and he did :DD

Some people ignore the truth even if it's in their face.

I play Fifa as a sim with sim sliders, thus it must be a sim game if one follows info0's logic.
Yeah I know. Truth be told if I just typed in search box on YouTube Football Scorpion Kick there would probably be quite a bit of those...

Wow, you are all over the place.

You go from talking about a realistic football sim, to somehow bringing Dark Souls into the conversation, to challenging someone to show you a real life Scorpion kick goal, to now saying they're quite a few such examples...

I'm afraid to consider the number of brain cells that I've lost as a result of reading your posts.
Info0, you say that hardcore gamers are hard to please. How would you define a hardcore gamer and what does an hardcore gamer expect from a game. I guess, like most of us, you consider yourself and hardcore player.

Well, i'm not. I play games to have a litle distraction from real life. I like my games being resonably realistic, but not frustrating. Idon't mind loosing games against the CPU, but i want to win roughly 60% of the time (or more). If the realism of a game prevents me from winning regularly, it becomes frustrating to play and then it's not a good game IMO.
There used to a Rally game that supposedly was a simulation but that was sooo difficult that hardly nobody bought it or played it much. There was only one version of it (i think it was called after a Brittish WRC World Champion, Burns if i'm not mistaken). That was a real simulation for the "hardcore" gamer. So "hardcore" that they only made one. A good game whould be fun for freaks like you claim to be and also for gaming nitwits like me...
you mean Richard Burns Rally, the sequel was never made because the protagonist died, not because it was too hard
Info0, you say that hardcore gamers are hard to please. How would you define a hardcore gamer and what does an hardcore gamer expect from a game. I guess, like most of us, you consider yourself and hardcore player.

Well, i'm not. I play games to have a litle distraction from real life. I like my games being resonably realistic, but not frustrating. Idon't mind loosing games against the CPU, but i want to win roughly 60% of the time (or more). If the realism of a game prevents me from winning regularly, it becomes frustrating to play and then it's not a good game IMO.
There used to a Rally game that supposedly was a simulation but that was sooo difficult that hardly nobody bought it or played it much. There was only one version of it (i think it was called after a Brittish WRC World Champion, Burns if i'm not mistaken). That was a real simulation for the "hardcore" gamer. So "hardcore" that they only made one. A good game whould be fun for freaks like you claim to be and also for gaming nitwits like me...

Hm. Not anymore sadly. Hardcore gamer is a player who puts in 8 or more hours a day into game. Learns it. Goes to tournaments. Wins. Someone like Fatal1ty. There is also vast majority of such players in Korea. Look at their Starcraft/Warcraft base of players. No European ever won vs Koreans in those games. If I'm not mistaken Moon is one of those players. ;)

In Poland we had a guy who won NFS Shift World Cup @World Cyber Games. When you read how much time he spent learning each track inside out, tuning car, etc. you know, what hardcore means.

Of course such people win money and are sponsored by computer companies.

I'm working now, have no time for this, my reflexes probably turned sh*t too. Now I do play games only to get enjoyment of them.

Can't deny that after coming from work, I wouldn't like to get upset by game. There are however, exceptions to the rule: Super Meat Boy and Dark Souls. Hard, but fun. :)

I wouldn't mind FIFA getting tiny bit more real, so it would stop skill spammers online from pulling millions of tricks (just making tricks system a tad bit more complicated, implementing weight of players so they move in more natural way, etc.)

I didn't want to turn FIFA upside-down here. That would be way OTT and even I know that :lol:. I have enough of playing footy irl.

Sorry, if before I sounded like total douche bag. Was a bit drunk, so probably didn't make much sense haha.

Roll on the demo!
Well we better enjoy what good footie games we have because its almost next gen console time again and we all know what happens then.
Shit Sports games for two years.
Or in Konamis case 2,3,4,5 years especially if a new Xbox comes out first lol ;)
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