Re the Arsenal video, is it just me or are Rosicky and Arteta reasonably well known for not being all that strong with their weak foots? And yet we see Rosicky with a left footed lobbed through ball and Arteta with a volleyed left foot finish (which looks a bit dodgy anyways in terms of ball movement)...
Yeah, those elements certainly are ripe for improvement. Thankfully, it sounds like two out of the three problem areas you mentioned should be improved in 13.

I'm not sure that we'll be able to slide tackle whenever we want, but supposedly interceptions is vastly improved. It won't give you power to slide to intercept, I think, but hopefully it'll upgrade that area of the game to not be such a noticeable flaw.

Jockeying is a bit of mess in 12 but thankfully that'll be much better in 13 hopefully with the combination of lateral contain and the improved tugging system, or whatever it's called. Though I doubt the improvements will be enough to fully satisfy a lot of us here, the early impressions have been positive.

Heading... yeah, it's not good now and I think you'll see it get addressed with either FIFA 14 or 15. That area of the game is being brought up more and more, and I can't help but think it's gotta be moving up the devs' priority lists.

All of that sounds pretty good. I just hate that the only time I can slide is when I'm locked to the ball. I like to sit in passing lanes and try to break up passes, sometimes the game chooses to lock someone random onto the ball and if I could slide I could at least "tackle" the ball away to break that up. Instead it's completely random if I will, and most of the time when it does decide to let me it actually clears the ball instead of trying to trap it (x to slide/clear).

I think more LT freedom would be nice, like how they added forced volleying with LT this year. I'm kind of rambling but I've been playing clubs a lot more lately and little things like this bother me when I'm chasing around 5'4' midgets with green and blue afros/dreads. Oh that reminds me, strength isn't that noticeable in this game at all.
Re the Arsenal video, is it just me or are Rosicky and Arteta reasonably well known for not being all that strong with their weak foots? And yet we see Rosicky with a left footed lobbed through ball and Arteta with a volleyed left foot finish (which looks a bit dodgy anyways in terms of ball movement)...

Unfortunately, its been always like that. EA careless about "preferred foot". I think it got worst since FIFA 10 when they introduced 360 dribble. Since then players dribble with both feet.
Well I have to confess wrong foot dribble is something I personally don't consider remotely important, wrong foot has definitely improved in 11 and 12 but it's just weird they would make such a big mistake in a PR video pretty amateurish.
You obviously believe your own drivel. FIFA has not got progressively worse its got better each year, maybe not as much as people want or expect but has got better. For me it innovates each year with a new feature, maybe it isn't polished but you can guarantee the year after it will be..e.g handballs awful in 11 but pretty much flawless in 12. The same will be for the collision system this year amongst other things... On this forum people have different views of what football is and isnt and how it is represented..As a season ticket holder to a premier league club I can say maybe FIFA isn't a sim as such but it certainly captures the atmosphere and the excitement...people who think PES is a sim have absolutely no idea on what they are talking about...the animations alone kill that argument dead in the water

Say what you want about PES, but at least Konami attempts to simulate inertia, momentum and foot planting. You know, actual human movement based on the laws of physics. Key mechanics that are noticeably absent from FIFA. Couple that with the ridiculous mime-esque containing system and you've got issues. FIFA captures the atmosphere of match day? Hardly. Unfortunately, neither PES or FIFA excel in this department.

Each year I pray that FIFA will feature foot planting and a decent inertia/momentum system.
Say what you want about PES, but at least Konami attempts
It attempts to do a lot of things but fails miserably. And I would argue have of this amazing stuff Konami do do is simply down to rubbish animations rather than some intentional feature.

I was playing it last night with the Euro patch and was rather enjoying it for about an hour and half until the AI had a shot on goal and it was right next to the keeper..He "dived" it was a more of a fall over and let the ball go past him..It i was cynical i'd say he tried not to save it

Where is the natural movement there? Its either not there as a goal keeper would never just fall over or its programmed to let some shots just go in..

People call people like me a troll but ive played PES for years and years and this one I've given a good few months. The fact it what is wrong with it destroys the game where as what is wrong with FIFA doesnt
The fact it what is wrong with it destroys the game where as what is wrong with FIFA doesnt

Again that is your opinion though. For many people what is wrong with Fifa utterly destroys it for them.

Let's all just agree to disagree and get on with playing what we like.
I take FIFA's ball physics over PES' every day of the week, but it's still not "perfect". When I was a young lad, I used to play football with a volleyball ball sometimes and it acts very much like it does in FIFA. These balls are much lighter and have more spin and this is the feeling I have when I see shots, crosses and passes in the game. It would be interesting to see if they could tweak the weight a bit and maybe tweak their numbers for calculating lift (Magnus effect to be precisely for the nerds in the house).

Another thing that might make it look wrong is that the ball shoots away too quickly from the foot which might be solved by simulating the compression on the ball when kicking it hard. For that a slight delay would probably be enough. Just some thoughts.
Yeah, the ball physics in PES have been one of the game's faults that I haven't been able to deal with this gen, and one of the reasons I can't take the game seriously. I forget if it is was FIFA 09 or 10, but when EA upgraded their ball physics it made a massive difference for me, and one of the reasons I've kept with FIFA over PES.

And hitmanuk has it right about the movement physics: one of the reasons FIFA has been poor with momentum is because they've made freedom a priority whilst PES has had better player weighting at the expense of lack of freedom and animations. It's a trade-off that neither game has nailed yet.

As Konami is now really trying to emphasize greater freedom, it'll be interesting to see if they can maintain the balance between realism and freedom. Getting this balance right is one of the key battlegrounds between the two games for me.

But like Lami says, people place different levels of priority on different aspects of gameplay, whether it's AI, freedom of choice and movement, ball physics, or say having realistic league structures in CM/MM.

The simple reality is that both games do some things well and other things not so well. Take your pick.
i prefer sunshine, nicer song i think. not really fifa material though.
I never keep the FIFA soundtrack, always replace it with my own songs.. So much better!

they always have 2-3 quite excellent songs among a lot of trash. and most of the time the trash is the first song to play in the menus, after the match, and so on, so the stuff you hear the most.

compared to other games the fifa soundtrack still is clearly one of the better ones.
The best soundtrack ever in a football game was imho in PES 2011.

As to the discussion regarding the failings of PES and Fifa. Both have them equally, both are not there where they should be in this gen.

Fifa 12 has a problem with inertia and momentum, but it's not like it's not there at all. It is there but it could be pronounced way more. The other problem is foot planting is missing, so that the players seem to slide a little and that always.

Besides movement, problems exist with the new physics-engine, resulting in wrong referree-decisions and funny output.

The next major problem is ball-control, as it seems like all players had superglue on their boots, receiving highvelocity-balls under difficult situations, and the ball immediately gets trapped in. It's so wrong and really takes a lot of realism and feeling out of the game. Luckily this aspect gets attention for Fifa 13. But we will have to see the final version, to be sure that EA doesn't reduce the effect too much, like it did with pro-passing back then.

Offensive AI is pretty much brain-dead right now, but it also got the attention for Fifa 13.

Tactical depth is pretty much at a minimum, but this won't be improved for Fifa 13.

PES 2012 has problems with player-awareness, ballphysics, goalkeeper's performance, animation-transitions, not being able to leave rails without using supercancel, and cheating is too much...

but it has inertia and momentum, and the ballcontrol is realistic and tactical depth as well as a good offensive AI.

So in the end neither game truly shines and it's best to have both and to play one for a few months and then to change to the other... to keep things fresh.
I'm actually surprised they bother with a set soundtrack at all anymore rather than plug into some type of streaming radio.

In fact, I wonder if that'll be a feature of the next gen: evolving from this gen allowing us to play music stored on console hard drives during a game, allowing us to stream radio during gameplay?

Or maybe allow us to share soundtracks and audio via "the Cloud," which would be perfect for sharing custom audio for individual clubs.
I liked FIFA 09 soundtrack, however the best was UEFA champions League 06/07, Bonobo! I love Acid Jazz/downtempo

YouTube - UEFA EURO 2008 HD Gameplay


ooh the unresponsive masterpiece those games where. Might play that again. :)

HENRY!!!!!!!!!!!!! i got so sick and tired of that lol :)

In the future will FIFA change their player models, it this same problem with PES, they are built into the player rather than clothes being a separate entity? They look really odd now, needs to be freshen up and changed.
In the future will FIFA change their player models, it this same problem with PES, they are built into the player rather than clothes being a separate entity? They look really odd now, needs to be freshen up and changed.

I agree: I'm really hoping for a significant visual upgrade with the next gen, especially regarding the player models, lighting, color palette, and overall detail.

I've always preferred the player models and color palette in PES over FIFA, but now on top of that FIFA is just starting to look rather dated.

Wait... does saying that make me a casual fan or can I still carry my membership card for the hardcore?
I agree: I'm really hoping for a significant visual upgrade with the next gen, especially regarding the player models, lighting, color palette, and overall detail.

I've always preferred the player models and color palette in PES over FIFA, but now on top of that FIFA is just starting to look rather dated.

Wait... does saying that make me a casual fan or can I still carry my membership card for the hardcore?

I say fuck this stupid, hardcore, casual, arcade blah, blah nonsense. People have things they like in a game, some want a bit of simulation her and a bit of arcade there. It don't matter about these silly labels. The key is the game offering people the choice to play in ways that suit them and stiff offer the a solid challenge.

Some people will want a game to be 80% sim and 20% arcdae. Some 50%, 50%

infact i'll create a thread which goes into great detail in all the aspects of Football gameplay, maybe everyone could fill it out so EA and Konami will be able to attach appropriate sliders.

I'm an artist, i like a 'sim' football game at the base because i feel it lasts longer, however I REALLY care a lot about visuals in a game, i see the world like a painting, beautiful so i like seeing good graphics.
The music soundtrack for menus is hardly an essential element in either PES or FIFA. Personally I find the vast majority of pop music to be like an audible miasma so switch off all the music options without fail.

A soundtrack is essential to making a good signing! Finding a top player to the sound of "Adrenaline" by Shinedown is perfect for me :P
Most important thing for me is to me is they fix the competition rules.
It really can't be hard to find the correct information and do a simple bit of programing to fix these issues.

But then EA don't give a shit about that as long as Man Utd and Barcelona have correct player faces.
I know you've mentioned it before but I just searched the 3 main threads and couldn't find the discussion cos I thought we'd had one about it!

Which competition rules exactly? I personally only ever play in the English leagues so have only been exposed to applicable competitions but thought they did a fair enough job with the playoffs and cups etc, even the "fake" Euro cups?
I play the game normally as Exeter in L1 and the competition rules for the SJP Trophy are not correct and playing FA Cup replay games at the stadium the original game took place in.
Hmm I don't really know the rules of the SJP myself as I was desperately hoping we wouldn't be eligible to enter for much longer and fortunately we aren't ;) How is that one wrong?

I've had numerous FA Cup replays this season and the replay is always away if the draw was at home or home if the draw was away?
The Paint trophy is just a normal tournament on FIFA.

Where in real life it is divided between North & South with a 2 leg Southern and Northern Final then the final at wembley.
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