one thing id like to see, although not massively important by any means, (AI fouls are a must this year - way too lacking in the last game) is goals being disallowed for offside. I think it was in an old ISS/PES game where the player would run off celebrating only to be ruled out..Added something to the game
i want to see a few simple things, sorry if these have already been covered.

1. If a player is injured and cant carry on then he should be carried off not hobble off in a shitty cutscene.

2. Better linkin with the tv companies in which the leagues are played to give it a tv style authenticity ie nba 2k12 and espn.

3. Quicker subs.

Absolutely to all 3, hoping the kinect implementation makes 3 more likely.
Kinect implementation will be a failure. Can't see why people are so hyped about this.

It will turn online into pass to me yelling thing and can't see Kinect having that much impact for single player mode.

But we shall see. Kinect has a future, but football game is not something I would use it for :lol:
Not sure where you're assuming the "hyped" from? I don't remember seeing any comments from people hyped about it?

I don't play online so I definitely don't care what it turns online into, all I'm hoping for is that it works ok to make on the fly subs and tactical changes, obviously we should have been able to do that stuff years ago just from the controller but I'll take it in whatever form it comes.
So whos pre-ordering from where? Don't know if I want the Adidas team or EA Sports Football Club pack as the Football Club pack says about extra matches to unlock on H2H.
So whos pre-ordering from where? Don't know if I want the Adidas team or EA Sports Football Club pack as the Football Club pack says about extra matches to unlock on H2H.

I'm ordering FIFA for ps3 and PES for pc (easier for editing). Both from zavvi. Not sure what club pack FIFA is though, I think it's just the standard one.
Am I the only one that wishes they change player models. I don't like FIFA the models. The textures are excellent, but the models don't do it for me. They should have more recognizable shapes from the normal camera.
For somebody who is interested in Faces.


Adam 'Balo' Bhatti
There was a FIFA13 playtest today in Spain, and my friend confirms new faces for pedrito, busquets, santiago, javi martinez, hamsik, cavani.
Yep, yet their animations engine (80% animations are great) is what saves it.

You obviously believe your own drivel. FIFA has not got progressively worse its got better each year, maybe not as much as people want or expect but has got better. For me it innovates each year with a new feature, maybe it isn't polished but you can guarantee the year after it will be..e.g handballs awful in 11 but pretty much flawless in 12. The same will be for the collision system this year amongst other things... On this forum people have different views of what football is and isnt and how it is represented..As a season ticket holder to a premier league club I can say maybe FIFA isn't a sim as such but it certainly captures the atmosphere and the excitement...people who think PES is a sim have absolutely no idea on what they are talking about...the animations alone kill that argument dead in the water
FIFA is not a simulator either. It's closer to FIFA Street but with 11 players and pitch instead of home bloc ;).

Skills kill FIFA. Animations? Have you seen FIFA 12 animations?! Dude they are way worse than on FIFA 10! Or FIFA 11 on PC for that matter. How did they ruin them is beyond me.

I'm also on the side which thinks that FIFA got worse in last 2 years. If they polished FIFA 10 up, then I wouldn't even look in PES direction (after all FIFA 10 was the one I played most on console :P). After that FIFA 11 on PC took the crown (played that one for 1.5 years, straight:)).

FIFA 12 ruined it all. Starting with pointless sliders (rubbish thing if you ask me and broken beyond belief too, also nice cheating mechanism for VP and so on), collision system which does not work as intended to, etc.

FIFA 12 feels more like full priced beta (which should be released for free :P), than full fledged game.

You may bash me, whatever, I've played football games for almost 18 years now, so know quite about their evolution and revolution.

However, FIFA 13 trailers as well as the other game trailers both don't look promising... Guess demos will tell the whole story. Again :/.
You obviously believe your own drivel.

Don't you believe in yours?

As a season ticket holder to a premier league club I can say maybe FIFA isn't a sim as such but it certainly captures the atmosphere and the excitement...

So, since you have a Premier season ticket you can see football brighter than me. LOL. It means you have an advantage over me. :( You have your own idea of football and i have mine. To me, FIFA, is purely arcade, and it can be exciting for you, not certainly to me. I dont know why you mentioned PES, i dont play it & its far from being a sim too, but i just wonder if PES had the same animation engine...
e.g handballs awful in 11 but pretty much flawless in 12. T

I agree with your overall comment but disagree with you here. I still think handballs are useless! I have them on simply because the AI doesn't foul enough but they're very arbitrary. The players need to be conscious and in control of their hands before handballs will work.
FIFA is not a simulator either. It's closer to FIFA Street but with 11 players and pitch instead of home bloc ;).

Nice try, but far too obvious trolling, 0/10

FIFA 12 ruined it all. Starting with pointless sliders (rubbish thing if you ask me and broken beyond belief too

And yet I've seen dozens of comments referring to my sliders saying they gave people a fantastic experience for them, saved football gaming for them, so no that's a fail again sorry, I'll give you 1/10 because I can tell through your sadness and desperation you were clutching at straws.

FIFA 12 feels more like full priced beta (which should be released for free :P), than full fledged game.

That genuinely made me laugh out loud so I'll give you a 7/10 on the troll meter cos that was genuinely hilarious!

You may bash me, whatever, I've played football games for almost 18 years now, so know quite about their evolution and revolution.

Well gee mister, I've been playing football games since about 1978 so that's 34 years so obviously I know far more about the evolution of football games, I'll give you 3/10 cos it made me nostalgic for the system I first played "football" on:


So your grand score is 11/40 on the troll meter, must try harder!
Dude you're known for being FIFA fanboy. No need to hide it.

Troll? I beg you pardon? If you have read EA forums you would have known a little more about me and my in game insight. It's easy to bash someone you hardly even know. Nice attitude.

Your sliders? Tried them and sorry, but they are meh for me. I know they may fit others. It's just that you cannot please all people. As for sliders being broken maybe I did tell it wrongly, but they don't do what their definition mentions. Example? Pass error slider. It doesn't make passes go astray more, it makes ball bounce of the ground more. That still makes people keep over 80% ball passing accuracy. If they are good at games that is and give it long beating and not play 1 - 3 games on FIFA a day :lol:

(I played it over 12h a day on weekends, but after 3 weeks I returned the game and took my money back. Gone back to FIFA 11 and it was best thing me and few other people found to do).

No need to act like a boss, just appreciate that someone can have different opinion from yours and your life can get a tad easier.

Thank you.

Pass error slider. It doesn't make passes go astray more, it makes ball bounce of the ground more.

And you say you tried my sliders? High pass error + high pass speed doesn't make the ball bounce off (I assume you meant "off"?) the ground more, it makes them go astray more, exactly as you apparently wanted?

No need to act like a boss, just appreciate that someone can have different opinion from yours

Anyone can have a different opinion, it's silly to think otherwise and I certainly don't, your comments are not coming across anything like a "difference of opinion" as much as you try to hide behind that, they're coming across as nothing more than trolling ie deliberately posting negative statements with the sole intention of getting a rise out of people.

I'll tell you what, the day I go into the PES threads trolling anti-PES crap in there similar to the anti-Fifa crap you just trolled in here, that day you can call me a "Fifa fanboy", until then I'm just someone who mostly enjoys Fifa and mostly looks for the positives in it, I bet I've posted 100s of negative things about Fifa over the years, maybe if you'd been on here more than a few months you'd know that :)
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