I bet I've posted 100s of negative things about Fifa over the years, maybe if you'd been on here more than a few months you'd know that :)

Bet is on. :P I've been here more than a few months, maybe not very active but enough to know you are a FIFA fanboy. But there's no problem on that, the problem is how you react to anti-fifa comments. Just check your last 3 posts.
I've not been on here very long but I've trawled through the entire Fifa 12 CM mode thread (yes, I read every page, I've finished college and I'm unemployed so I've got a lot of time on my hands) and Placebo has posted negative things about Fifa in that thread alone, so he's not the ultimate 'Fifa Fanboy' so to speak.

Give the guy a break, he's just trying to make the best out of the game rather than slagging everything about it off and moaning because it's not perfect.
I've not been on here very long but I've trawled through the entire Fifa 12 CM mode thread (yes, I read every page, I've finished college and I'm unemployed so I've got a lot of time on my hands) and Placebo has posted negative things about Fifa in that thread alone, so he's not the ultimate 'Fifa Fanboy' so to speak.

Give the guy a break, he's just trying to make the best out of the game rather than slagging everything about it off and moaning because it's not perfect.

No kidding. I'm sure the definition of "fanboy" changes depending on who you're asking, but with the amount of (constructive) criticism that Placebo has given the various FIFA career modes over the years it would be hard to call him a "fanboy" by any rational definition.

Certainly, he prefers FIFA over PES as both games are currently... same as myself. But I'd happily jump ship back to PES or to a new footy game once someone comes up with something better than FIFA. Pretty sure Placebo would do the same.

Most of the regulars came to these forums because of the outstanding PES/WE series from the last generation of video games. Many have changed their series of choice to FIFA since then, but I think it's safe to say we'd go right back to playing PES/WE if we thought it was better.
Yep, yet their animations engine (80% animations are great) is what saves it.

A lot of the shooting and crossing animations look poor, IMO. Transitions and blending between animation is what saves it, but the craftsmanship isn't there.


These are just some examples. Nobody moves like this in real life.

Placebo is no. 1 FIFA fanboy on Evo Web. No doubt.

lol, is this sarcasm or a joke? If being a fanboy is educating people on certain aspects of the game that they don't understand, providing slider setups to enjoy the game and preferring one game over the one, he's definitely the number 1 FIFA fanboy around here.
Shikasi - you're right. If the players on FIFA moved more naturally I'd be able to play more games at a time. I think it's mainly the lack of momentum. It can feel stop start when you're passing the ball around and a little forced.

Real shame because I do enjoy the shooting and keepers but I feel the gameplay could be a lot better given the tech at EA's disposal. Even the passing to me doesn't feel as nice as let's say PES 11.
Thanks guys, much appreciated! :)

Hopefully now we can get back to talking about Fifa13, looking forward to the positive things it's going to bring and constructively analysing the things that don't look so good and/or need significant improvements :)

No idea when we get the next batch of info but based on Rutters/Broads Twitters it's Career Mode stuff next (yay!) then Clubs stuff.
Placebo and co, i dont evne know why u had to feed the troll.

anyways any club news yet? Last i heard is that your club and vp stats get carried over to fifa 13
One single element, games are made up of dozens if not 100s of elements from top to bottom, obviously the inertia needs work to some degree, but the series as a whole is massively improved in just about every single area over Fifa08. Or can you name say 5 different elements of the series that in Fifa12 are far worse than Fifa08?
Well your reply didn't really specify that, you quoted someone mentioning animations with a reply of "Unfortunate. FIFA has been getting progressively worse ever since 2008." which sounded to me you were talking about Fifa as a series, obviously I apologise if that weren't the case but can only suggest you be a little more specific next time? :)
Well your reply didn't really specify that, you quoted someone mentioning animations with a reply of "Unfortunate. FIFA has been getting progressively worse ever since 2008." which sounded to me you were talking about Fifa as a series, obviously I apologise if that weren't the case but can only suggest you be a little more specific next time? :)

I just assumed it was implied I was talking about animations specifically, my bad.
No worries :) It's weird watching that old video, I definitely see lots of improvements in certain areas of the animations, the "fidelity" of them if that makes sense, a lot of the old ones are very jerky whereas they look a lot more organically natural now to me.
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Wow, I can have new Arsenal kit? Really?! Great. How will it improve gameplay though? :)

Come on... David, I know you still collect user input they send you on issues they have with the game :(.

(player interia/momentum is pretty high on the list btw)

Oh well... Will try it anyway. Cos online is where it's best :D.
It's a joke, isn't it?

Despite the new Arsenal kit & the "complete dribbling or whatever" move, i can't see nothing new! FFS, not even a new animation!

I like the new animation after the ball is won around the 20 second mark. I've never seen that before and it looks a real nifty way to quickly counter attack after a defensive steal.

oh hell yeah, focus on more f'ing useless features. come on.

It may be hinting at a better practice mode or arena which I would be all for, personally. I wish their focus would be on making the greatest management mode ever, but I would appreciate something new added to the arena to spice things up.

I would love a way to do an arena mode "practice" with my career mode team, especially to check out promoted youth players, but I'm sort of crazy like that.
I like the new animation after the ball is won around the 20 second mark. I've never seen that before and it looks a real nifty way to quickly counter attack after a defensive steal.

Yeah, its cool. But as i mentioned, despite that, nothing new. :(
I want more defensive options. I want to be able to slide when I want, not when I am in range of the ball/player. There have been a million times where I could break up a pass by sliding, but my player just runs, or sticks his foot out entirely too early. The only way to break up a pass is to actually intercept it.
Jockeying has not worked (for me) to gain ground on someone and instead often just ends up giving them an advantage and me a card.
Heading still needs to be worked on, not actual heading but number of players, it is frustrating as hell to (in clubs) try to defend a header and have the game mark a CPU player who isn't as close to the targeted area go for the ball, thus ending up in some backwards dolphin heading animation and getting beat.
I want more defensive options. I want to be able to slide when I want, not when I am in range of the ball/player. There have been a million times where I could break up a pass by sliding, but my player just runs, or sticks his foot out entirely too early. The only way to break up a pass is to actually intercept it.
Jockeying has not worked (for me) to gain ground on someone and instead often just ends up giving them an advantage and me a card.
Heading still needs to be worked on, not actual heading but number of players, it is frustrating as hell to (in clubs) try to defend a header and have the game mark a CPU player who isn't as close to the targeted area go for the ball, thus ending up in some backwards dolphin heading animation and getting beat.

Yeah, those elements certainly are ripe for improvement. Thankfully, it sounds like two out of the three problem areas you mentioned should be improved in 13.

I'm not sure that we'll be able to slide tackle whenever we want, but supposedly interceptions is vastly improved. It won't give you power to slide to intercept, I think, but hopefully it'll upgrade that area of the game to not be such a noticeable flaw.

Jockeying is a bit of mess in 12 but thankfully that'll be much better in 13 hopefully with the combination of lateral contain and the improved tugging system, or whatever it's called. Though I doubt the improvements will be enough to fully satisfy a lot of us here, the early impressions have been positive.

Heading... yeah, it's not good now and I think you'll see it get addressed with either FIFA 14 or 15. That area of the game is being brought up more and more, and I can't help but think it's gotta be moving up the devs' priority lists.
It may be hinting at a better practice mode or arena which I would be all for, personally. I wish their focus would be on making the greatest management mode ever, but I would appreciate something new added to the arena to spice things up.

I would love a way to do an arena mode "practice" with my career mode team, especially to check out promoted youth players, but I'm sort of crazy like that.

I was just about to post about how I'd fly into a blood-rage if it turned out that a Streets mode was added at the expense of resources that should, in my opinion, go into CM, but the Nowgamer article has just been updated:

UPDATE – EA has been in contact and told us that the 'street mode' in question is actually a mode in 3DS FIFA and will not feature in the home console version of FIFA 13. Apologies for any confusion out there.

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