FIFA 12 slider settings & discussion

Yeah I noticed that too, I think it plugs the gaps in defences a bit better. It's odd but on default the game seems to spread all wide players really far out.
I haven't but keep meaning to as I'm getting a bit annoyed with how wide my fullbacks are when defending!
I suspect that a high Marking slider can make your fullbacks stay wide when defending. The opposing wingers stay wide, and your fullbacks want to get close to them because the Marking slider is telling them to get tighter.
They really should of added a CPU tackling success slider, I am get very fed up with the constant perfectly timed tackles.
Only just got FIFA 12, looking to have a mess around with the sliders, what have you guys found to be the best suggested ones in this thread?
Scorpios earlier on in the thread are basically what I am using and like them so far. I haven't tried Placebos yet, but I bet they are good :))
Only just got FIFA 12, looking to have a mess around with the sliders, what have you guys found to be the best suggested ones in this thread?

I have found at least a half dozen that are quite playable. Some camera angles lend themselves to different sliders.
If you really want a quick look at how the different sliders affect play try using Dynamic height 20 zoom at 0. Graphically the game is outstanding with that camera angle but not all that playable. I have settled on Tele Broadcast. Dynamic will give you a really fast inkling on how the game is affected by changing the sliders.
I'd agree with that, I've found myself changing sliders if I use a different camera angle. I personally use normal broadcast (the broadcast cam from previous games) on zoom 20 and height zero to almost replicate the TV camera you get in replays, and I've had to alter sliders for sure. Because the camera pans slightly rather than scrolling left or right the action can be made slightly faster because this view almost 'slows' things down.
I'm looking for sliders with pes 6 pass speed, shot speed, acceleration, etc etc. Would be nice.

dont think shot speed more than 51 is good idea a bit ott.

try shot speed 51

pass speed try 60?

acceleration maybe try values between 51-60, more 51-55 though if on normal speed.

Reduce cpu marking to 48

Increase player run frequency to 80
Increase full back positioning to 60
dont think shot speed more than 51 is good idea a bit ott.

try shot speed 51

pass speed try 60?

acceleration maybe try values between 51-60, more 51-55 though if on normal speed.

Reduce cpu marking to 48

Increase player run frequency to 80
Increase full back positioning to 60

Alright. Thank you :))
So increasing passing errors will cause errors. And increasing shooting errors will cause errors, So i would need to decrease for the ai to make less errors lol?

I find the ai miss far too many attempts on goal.
Thought I'd investigate the Marking slider a little bit, to try and visualise it so we can get an idea of exactly what effect it has.

I watched CPU v CPU with Marking 1 and then Marking 99, to compare the extremes.

Marking 99

A Wolves attack has broken down and Villa start to counter. The Wolves LCM glances and identifies the Villa RCM near to him:

Gets touch-tight straight away:

And stays glued to him about 30 yards down the field:

We can see that other Villa players joining the counter are also being marked closely. The Wolves RB (top left) has not come into the centre to cover, he has stayed wide to remain close to the Villa LM:

Marking 1

A very similar situation with Marking 1, when Villa have set off on another counter-attack. This should visualise for you the difference in marking distance between the same two players:

Later, Wolves are camped in Villa's half. From a higher angle you can get another impression of the distance between the Villa LCM and the opponent he is marking, who is open enough to receive an easy lateral pass:

Marking 99

...compared to an almost identical scenario with Marking at 99, where the Villa midfielder (far right) is touch-tight. So are the Villa defenders, but I believe you will see close marking inside the penalty area no matter what the Marking slider is. This is because the defenders don't want to drop any deeper, but the strikers are pushing as high up as they can, so it's natural they'll be close together in that area:

Marking is not uniform across the field. Players on the opposite flank (to the ball) are not marked as tightly, but they are accounted for. Here the Villa RCM is actually marking the Wolves LB, dragging the RCM out of his team's shape.

Marking 1

So we've seen that Marking affects proximity, as you would expect. But it is worth pointing out that it does not necessarily affect Marking quality.

Here with Marking set to 1, the Villa LB is happy to give the Wolves RM room to receive a pass:

However, when the Wolves RM releases the ball and makes a diagonal run towards goal, the Villa LB still tracks his run:

Marking 99

Similarly, 99 does not mean flawless marking. Here the Villa RCM has got close to the Wolves LCM:

But when he identifies a gap ahead, a sudden forward burst by the Wolves LCM leaves his marker in his wake and results in a shot on goal:

So the Marking slider does affect proximity when marking, but does not make the marker more/less prone to error, nor does it affect decisions (e.g. whether to track a runner or not).

It might seem at first that maxing out this slider would be a good idea, but there's a trade-off between that and retaining team shape. A high slider value can make ball rotation a little more difficult, because the recipient is more likely to have a marker right on top of him. But at the same time, defenders are more easily pulled out of shape into 1v1 tussles, with gaps opening up between, and a less defined formation. So there's a compromise to find between the two.

Hope that helps anyone who is not sure about this slider.
very good post
but you didn't post what marking do you use ?! :D
With the CPU slider, it depends on your taste. Some people want the game to be more open, others prefer a tighter game where it's less easy to continually pass the ball. Personally I think that default marking is a bit too slack so I would maybe look somewhere around 60/65, but I haven't totally settled yet. I'm trying 65 at the moment.

I think there could be an argument for treating the Human Marking slider as an extra tactical option. You could alter that slider dynamically depending on your tactical approach to an individual match, whether you want to get tight man-to-man or to stay more cautiously goalside and in shape.
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Hope that helps anyone who is not sure about this slider.

I found anything below marking 45 and its just far to easy to score. Lofted through ball to unmarked attackers. I was winning games 7-0 on pro with amrking at like 43? or soemthing.

I found deafult 50 to be tight and a key reason I wasnt enjoying game as couldnt find space.

I found 48 to be the sweet spot. Marking slacks off slightly so you arent always closed down but at the same time marking isnt so slack its to easy.
I'd like to know your game slider ;)

These are the slider settings I'm using at the moment. I've had a few enjoyable games recently so I might stick with these for a bit.

15 minutes / Legendary / Slow
Camera: Tele H:7 Z:3
Passing on Semi (Power Assistance Off) or Manual, all others Manual, Tactical Defending.

Sprint Speed --- 45 / 45
Acceleration ---- 48 / 48
Shot Error ------ 53 / 53
Pass Error ------ 60 / 60
Shot Speed ----- 50 / 50
Pass Speed ----- 55 / 55
Inj Frequency -- 92 / 92
Inj Severity ---- 66 / 66
GK Ability ------- 48 / 48
Pos: Marking --- 65 / 65
Run Frequency - 50 / 52
Line Height ---- 50 / 51
Line Length ---- 38 / 38
Line Width ----- 35 / 35
Fullback Pos. -- 51 / 51
Power Bar ------ 50
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OK. After lots and lots of testing, over 200 games testing various sliders (not one hit my sweet spot) I finally came out with settings which work best for me. Tested them in Career for over 5 seasons starting with Millwall, ending in Real Madrid.

I found out that most sliders are for Legendary/World Class difficulty and most are for all manual players, which I don't like. Try those settings with assisted/semi assisted settings and all magic vanishes and you can walk past defenses, easily.

So, here are settings which I use now and stick with them:

Difficulty: Professional
Controls: Default (Assisted for most except for Save and Cross which are on Semi). Tactical Defending. Auto Switching Move Assistance: Low
Halves: 5 minutes
Game Speed: Normal
Camera: Tele Broadcast H:12 Z:0


Sprint Speed: 0/0
Acceleration: 100/100
Shoot Error: 50/45
Pass Error: 50/62
Shoot Speed: 50/50
Pass Speed: 55/55
Injury frequency: 80/80
Injury severity: 60/60
Goalkeeper ability: 45/45
Marking: 0/0
Run frequency: 0/0
Line height: 50/40
Line lenght: 50/35
Line width: 50/30
Fullbacks positioning: 50/50
Power bar: 60

I believe there might be various questions going on, about so many 0s here. I will try to explain it.

Passing error at 62 for opponents makes their passing realistic and not Barcelona like. It's probably best setting imo.

Sprint speed at 0 puts both you and CPU on same terms. You can't use Sprint+Right Stick flick on to gain head on advantage over opponents defenders. Limiting you to play smart and not walk past defenders.

Acceleration at 100 is to make players reach top speed fast and sligh counter measure for Sprinting at 0. Fast players will still be fast, don't worry (Bale can still outrun most defenders, just without 5-10m advantage :D)

Marking and Runs at 0 is simple. Teams will have to play to CTTs. Play to their strenghts, no stupid runs where there should not be, no straying off position. If you think with marking at 0 you don't get marked, well, you're wrong. ;)

The AI Height, Width, Lenght are set so they don't leave out huge gaps for you to exploit. They defend in compact shape, intercept quite a bit of passes, they play smarter.

Try'em out and let me know. I feel guilty pleasure using them. The game is not easy and poses some great fun which was lacking for me.

Of course those should work well, with every Difficulty setting...

Here is the game I just played stats:


Loving it...

And another one:


Cheating? No. I feel proud I just lost 1-0. Super happy even :D
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Some people believe that that game chosen CTT are not correct for the vast majority of the teams in the game. I haven't delved into it enough to know. I have seen quite a few slider sets with marking and runs set at 0 for both the user and the CPU. More room in the back and in midfield but they do mark in their own third.

I play Tele Broadcast too but at 15-10 or 15-5. The game speed does change when you use different cameras. Tele plays very slow.
OK. After lots and lots of testing, over 200 games testing various sliders (not one hit my sweet spot) I finally came out with settings which work best for me. Tested them in Career for over 5 seasons starting with Millwall, ending in Real Madrid.

I found out that most sliders are for Legendary/World Class difficulty and most are for all manual players, which I don't like. Try those settings with assisted/semi assisted settings and all magic vanishes and you can walk past defenses, easily.

So, here are settings which I use now and stick with them:

Difficulty: Professional
Controls: Default (Assisted for most except for Save and Cross which are on Semi). Tactical Defending. Auto Switching Move Assistance: Low
Halves: 5 minutes
Game Speed: Normal
Camera: Tele Broadcast H:12 Z:0


Sprint Speed: 0/0
Acceleration: 100/100
Shoot Error: 50/45
Pass Error: 50/62
Shoot Speed: 50/50
Pass Speed: 55/55
Injury frequency: 80/80
Injury severity: 60/60
Goalkeeper ability: 45/45
Marking: 0/0
Run frequency: 0/0
Line height: 50/40
Line lenght: 50/35
Line width: 50/30
Fullbacks positioning: 50/50
Power bar: 60

I believe there might be various questions going on, about so many 0s here. I will try to explain it.

Passing error at 62 for opponents makes their passing realistic and not Barcelona like. It's probably best setting imo.

Sprint speed at 0 puts both you and CPU on same terms. You can't use Sprint+Right Stick flick on to gain head on advantage over opponents defenders. Limiting you to play smart and not walk past defenders.

Acceleration at 100 is to make players reach top speed fast and sligh counter measure for Sprinting at 0. Fast players will still be fast, don't worry (Bale can still outrun most defenders, just without 5-10m advantage :D)

Marking and Runs at 0 is simple. Teams will have to play to CTTs. Play to their strenghts, no stupid runs where there should not be, no straying off position. If you think with marking at 0 you don't get marked, well, you're wrong. ;)

The AI Height, Width, Lenght are set so they don't leave out huge gaps for you to exploit. They defend in compact shape, intercept quite a bit of passes, they play smarter.

Try'em out and let me know. I feel guilty pleasure using them. The game is not easy and poses some great fun which was lacking for me.

Of course those should work well, with every Difficulty setting...

Here is the game I just played stats:


Loving it...

And another one:


Cheating? No. I feel proud I just lost 1-0. Super happy even :D

Cheers for this will deffo give them ago , i like playing in the lower league's so will be
Hmmm, I think your settings could be a real challenge on World Class with slow speed and semi passing, shooting and crossing.

Used to play with passing error on 62 for the CPU but they can't seem to cross with it, so it's on 58 for me.

Will try them later on.
If you find that your players make too little runs up User Run Frequency to 5. Going over 5 makes your players make too many runs imo which breaks all the purpose of realism :/.

Sliders need to be fixed in FIFA 13. As I can see they are being quite stubborn in FIFA 12 :lol:
Have fun. Tell me how it goes ^^

Played Most of last night using your settings with Galway United in the Airtricity league (Ireland) and to say the least it was pretty dam, The defensive settings to me play the same frustrating way, was as if they were all set on default, I do like the fact that the CPU attacks more, As Scorpio said i would change the 62 passing error, as the CPU dose beat your fullbacks but refuses to, But they are interesting and much more of a challenge, And am sitting mid table which is my objective....:))
If you find that your players make too little runs up User Run Frequency to 5. Going over 5 makes your players make too many runs imo which breaks all the purpose of realism :/.

Sliders need to be fixed in FIFA 13. As I can see they are being quite stubborn in FIFA 12 :lol:

what do you mean by 5. I had run freq at 80, now at 65-70? i think.

you think 55 is enough?
In User Customization Sliders there is Run Frequency slider.

Setting it anything above 5 results in whole team making runs and to be honest I don't like that as it makes your whole team tired quickly in season.

I am testing 5 atm with said settings above. The game is still hard, but your players now initiate runs when needed. Which is exactly what I wanted (previously with Runs at 0 I had to use L1/LB + pass often).

I have seen runs set to 80/90 in some sliders, but that just meant I could run past AI team and whole lot of my team moved out of positions... And I want them to at least pretend they sit on their position and not run towards opponents box like crazy idiots. Slow build up, possession game, sort of thing.

I was testing this yesterday with Liverpool and after 22 games I was sitting 5th in league with rather no chance of finishing 1st or 2nd.

I could say I achieved what I wanted. Realistic results. Though I can say, the game is harder than on default Pro at times (there is one thing bogging me, I would want AI to shoot more from outside box, but I guess it's not slider dependant thing, but CTT, so might try and replace all default AI tactics with Realistic Project ones) ;)
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