FIFA 12 slider settings & discussion

Same I watched the replays for the couple that were given and I have to give credit to the ref :P lol, it was a penalty with the defenders hands raised all the way up!

So although it's still early days and needs more testing, I have to say so far I think it has been tweaked from FIFA11 and so am gonna have it fully on until I notice it shouldn't be.

Hi mate, any new slider settings now?
Nah bro am using the same ones I gave you before though am thinking of reducing short pass error of AI from 65 to 60 (Am playing World class) for next season as I've conceded only like 12 goals in 34 league games this year and am dominating most matches now. So as I've gotten better, I'm gonna reduce this and shot error back more near their default settings and who knows maybe eventually move up to legendary.

In regards to handballs, I have to say it has to be ON in this new game! It's brilliant! They're not frequent at all but just like real life happen here and there sometimes in worst moments and when you see replays, they almost always are real handballs!

I just had a match where both I and the CPU got a penalty handball but prior to that, haven't had a PK handball for months! Very exciting and interesting stuff.
Nah bro am using the same ones I gave you before though am thinking of reducing short pass error of AI from 65 to 60 (Am playing World class) for next season as I've conceded only like 12 goals in 34 league games this year and am dominating most matches now. So as I've gotten better, I'm gonna reduce this and shot error back more near their default settings and who knows maybe eventually move up to legendary.

In regards to handballs, I have to say it has to be ON in this new game! It's brilliant! They're not frequent at all but just like real life happen here and there sometimes in worst moments and when you see replays, they almost always are real handballs!

I just had a match where both I and the CPU got a penalty handball but prior to that, haven't had a PK handball for months! Very exciting and interesting stuff.

What goalie setting are you using?
Nah bro am using the same ones I gave you before though am thinking of reducing short pass error of AI from 65 to 60 (Am playing World class) for next season as I've conceded only like 12 goals in 34 league games this year and am dominating most matches now. So as I've gotten better, I'm gonna reduce this and shot error back more near their default settings and who knows maybe eventually move up to legendary.

In regards to handballs, I have to say it has to be ON in this new game! It's brilliant! They're not frequent at all but just like real life happen here and there sometimes in worst moments and when you see replays, they almost always are real handballs!

I just had a match where both I and the CPU got a penalty handball but prior to that, haven't had a PK handball for months! Very exciting and interesting stuff.

Thanx PLF:))
Do you also play with default XBox 360 controller settings or have you switched on semi or manual?
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I play with assisted except crossing which is set to semi and pass power assistance off.

p.s. Just lowered short pass accuracy of AI from 65 to 60 as I'm about to start a new season (3rd season) and think that should be enough to give me a bigger challenge next year.

p.p.s. I'm finding with GK ability set to 45, I still have goalies get Man of the match awards but not as often as they used to and when they do, it's often top class goalkeepers. So just played Real and beat them 2-0 but if it wasn't for Casillas, it could've been real embarrassing for them! He did end up with MoM award as I've had numerous other goalies still get it despite lowering this rating. Yet the cool thing is here and there now just like real life, you do see goalies make a few mistakes too, whether it's not dealing with a cross well (happens all the time in real life) or badly parrying a shot they should've saved... especially crappier goalies which gives the game a lot more 'variety'. At the default 50, I never saw a single goalie make one mistake and consistently had the AI goalie win MoM awards and save the team time after time, these very average goalkeepers.

So to those who've experienced something similar or want that little 'variety' which is definitely part of real life especially with goalkeepers, I highly suggest just slightly lowering the GK ability of AI to 45 instead of default 50.
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Great, thanks.
Have you tried the sliders and settings of Placebo? They are also very good imho.
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No I haven't but I'm sure they are very good.

For now, this is what works for me so I'm gonna stick to it but in future, I'll probably give it a go.
Why are sliders disabled in some game modes? Ultimate Team I can understand and I suppose the Challenges to, but Live Season? That just seems like laziness or an oversight to me.

Edit: Just did some tests and it seems that slider settings are applied to Live Season, you just can't change them (or any other options like audio/camera/display in-game.
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@PLF Good info about keepers, think I will adjust that slider myself as I move up to world class next season, need to choose the right settings to balance the additional difficulty against unrealistic CPU play :)
Definitely bro.

World Class is very tough otherwise. I did it by bumping up CPU pass error to 65 (Though I've now moved it down to 60 after 2 seasons at WC and being a better player but also having a much stronger team) and shot error to 60 because I noticed a lot of matches where the AI has one shot, one goal (happens even now!) where as I had 12 shots and it'd end 1-1 etc. And for me these settings have been perfect so far and made sure the game is a big challenge while not being frustrated and outclassed or like you said a victim of some 'unrealistic' Barca-esque pass and movement even from the lowest teams.

And the GK thing I said above, I definitely am glad with! It's really opened up play more and if anything given great goalkeepers a bigger chance to take center stage and shine and stand out. I still regularly see MoM awards for either my or opposition GK but not from some random 72 rated 19-year old as often anymore.
Found the ultimate realism slider settings through months of tweaking and enjoying every single second.

World Class
Game Speed: SLOW
6 minutes
Semi(pass, shot, cross) - assisted (through balls)controls
Handball: ON
Camera: Tele broadcast custom HEIGHT 18, ZOOM 0

Sprint speed 48/48
Acceleration 46/46
Shot error 50/45
Pass error 50/62
Shot speed 50/50
Pass speed 55/55
Injury frequency 90/90
Injury severity 70/70
Goalkeeper ability 48/48
Marking 55/90
Run frequency 70/70
Line height 45/45
Line length 45/45
Line width 45/45
Fullback positioning 52/52

Hope you enjoy it!
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Found the ultimate realism slider settings through months of tweaking and enjoying every single second.

World Class
6 minutes
Semi(pass, shot, cross) - assisted (through balls)controls
Handball: ON
Camera: Tele broadcast custom HEIGHT 18, ZOOM 0

Sprint speed 48/48
Acceleration 46/46
Shot error 50/45
Pass error 50/62
Shot speed 50/50
Pass speed 55/55
Injury frequency 90/90
Injury severity 70/70
Goalkeeper ability 48/48
Marking 55/90
Run frequency 70/70
Line height 45/45
Line length 45/45
Line width 45/45
Fullback positioning 52/52

Hope you enjoy it!

Thanks, will try it...

These sliders are very good, lost one match with City against WestBrom 0:1.

Please could you exact explain your controller settings?
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After a long time with pass error set to 65 I've bitten the bullet and gone down to 55/55. The matches feel better paced, the floaty feel to the ball has gone and proper, crisp, passing moves are more common.

Oddly though, I played a match with pass error set to 65/65 and each team had a pass accuracy of around 84%. I switched it down to 55/55 and in the next match, pass accuracy was around 75% each. Strange. In some ways the pass error seems to just affect the flight of the ball rather than the direction, so players were hitting passes that were more floated and slower, meaning they could inadvertently find their targets a bit better. Moving down to 55/55 means there's a lot more 'zip' to the ball, the physics are more realistic and I'm seeing more passes go astray because the pace of the ball carries it past players better when you do misplace a pass.
I haven't tried them as I already failed miserably on world class and went back to professional with my tail tucked between my legs!

Started the season on World Class for the first time, beat Arsenal 3-1 in the Charity shield so thought hmm not so bad, next match Man City, lost 6-2, next match, Newcastle home, was losing 5-1 when I accidentally turned the xbox off ;) So now I'm back to professional but 100% manual including no auto switching (got the achievement yay!) lowered pass error for both teams, enjoying it much more, teams I should beat I'm beating (example Stoke who I played twice in the space of 3 days I beat 4-1 and 3-0, against Man Utd I lost 6-2 but I played really badly so no complaints), Champions league is going great so far, Marseille I beat 3-0 at home then Bayern Munich 2-1 also at home, early days of course.
I haven't tried them as I already failed miserably on world class and went back to professional with my tail tucked between my legs!

Started the season on World Class for the first time, beat Arsenal 3-1 in the Charity shield so thought hmm not so bad, next match Man City, lost 6-2, next match, Newcastle home, was losing 5-1 when I accidentally turned the xbox off ;) So now I'm back to professional but 100% manual including no auto switching (got the achievement yay!) lowered pass error for both teams, enjoying it much more, teams I should beat I'm beating (example Stoke who I played twice in the space of 3 days I beat 4-1 and 3-0, against Man Utd I lost 6-2 but I played really badly so no complaints), Champions league is going great so far, Marseille I beat 3-0 at home then Bayern Munich 2-1 also at home, early days of course.

World Class is also very hard for me.

Do you use the same sliders that you have posted or what changes do you made exactly - please post them.

Which team do u use?
I'm using pretty similar, obviously I'm trying to make the game harder for me and not so hard for the AI so right now they're a little unbalanced in favour of the AI, but not by much, I believe I lowered AI GK slightly as per PLF's suggestion, will post them next time I play :)
I'm using pretty similar, obviously I'm trying to make the game harder for me and not so hard for the AI so right now they're a little unbalanced in favour of the AI, but not by much, I believe I lowered AI GK slightly as per PLF's suggestion, will post them next time I play :)

Cool. Thank you.:D

Which team do u use Placebo?
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I’ve been picking through this thread the last couple of days during lunch and I have to say thanks everybody for taking the time to share your experimentation with the slider settings. This game has just gotten so much better.

Best quote on this thread so far goes to Placebo..

“Had a couple more injuries towards the end of the season which was nice..”

Happy about more injuries.....I love it...that’s quality!
Found the ultimate realism slider settings through months of tweaking and enjoying every single second.

World Class
Game Speed: SLOW
6 minutes
Semi(pass, shot, cross) - assisted (through balls)controls
Handball: ON
Camera: Tele broadcast custom HEIGHT 18, ZOOM 0

Sprint speed 48/48
Acceleration 46/46
Shot error 50/45
Pass error 50/62
Shot speed 50/50
Pass speed 55/55
Injury frequency 90/90
Injury severity 70/70
Goalkeeper ability 48/48
Marking 55/90
Run frequency 70/70
Line height 45/45
Line length 45/45
Line width 45/45
Fullback positioning 52/52

Hope you enjoy it!

Tryed these settings with Oxford in Leauge 2 , Not bad at all i have to say deffo made the game better, but still that bit to easy at times, But good settings....:))
I'm getting a great game now after starting again and barely changing most of my sliders. Games feel exciting and are still a challenge.

I think I'm using off the top of my head;

Acceleration & sprint speed both at 48/48
Pass error at 60/60
Injury frequency 95/95
Forward runs 60/60
Line width 45/45

The rest are set to defaults.

Line width is the key ingredient for mine, play is nicely compacted a touch so that midfield battles occur yet without leaving space on the wings, and makes the game feel more combative yet can still become an end to end affair when players get tired. I really like it. I leave marking well alone now, increasing it beyond 50 for me seems to create more space and make games too end to end. Set on 50, there's a nice balance and seems to encourage the CPU to shoot from distance more often. I often then change my team tactics to attacking in-game, and likewise the CPU seems to get their attacking midfielders forwards too, to it feels like a nice balance. Still perhaps a title too fast, but it's a game at the end of the day so I can put up with that.
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I'm getting a great game now after starting again and barely changing most of my sliders. Games feel exciting and are still a challenge.

I think I'm using off the top of my head;

Acceleration & sprint speed both at 48/48
Pass error at 60/60
Injury frequency 95/95
Forward runs 60/60
Line width 45/45

The rest are set to defaults. the width is the key ingredient for mine, play is nicely compacted a touch so that midfield battles occur yet without leaving space on the wings, and makes the game feel more combative yet can still become an end to end affair when players get tired. I really like it. I leave marking well alone now, increasing it beyond 50 for me seems to create more space and make games too end to end. Set on 50, there's a nice balance and seems to encourage the CPU to shoot from distance more often. I often then change my team tactics to attacking in-game, and likewise the CPU seems to get their attacking midfielders forwards too, to it feels like a nice balance. Still perhaps a title too fast, but it's a game at the end of the day so I can put up with that.

Full manual air balls only for switching?
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Here's my latest sliders after having a brief but frustrating time on world class dropping back down to professional but this time all manual:

Half Length: 10 minutes
Difficulty Level: Professional
Game Speed: Slow

Auto Switching: Manual
Auto Switching Move Assistance: None
Passing Power Assistance: Off
Pass Assistance: Manual
Through Passing Assistance: Manual
Shot Assistance: Manual
Cross Assistance: Manual
Lob Pass Assistance: Manual
Save Assistance: Manual
Analog Sprint: On
Defending - Tactical Defending

User/CPU Game Customization
Sprint Speed - 49/49
Acceleration - 47/47
Shot Error - 0/55
Pass Error - 60/55
Shot Speed - 50/50
Pass Speed - 63/63
Injury Frequency - 98/99
Injury Severity - 50/60
Goalkeeper Ability - 49/47
Positioning:Marking - 75/75
Positioning:Run Frequency - 80/80
Positioning: Line Height - 48/48
Positioning: Line Length - 50/50
Positioning: Line Width - 50/50
Positioning: Fullback Positioning - 70/70
Power Bar - 60/-

Matches are much more enjoyable and I'm actually not doing that great, mid table in the league and already taken a couple of heavy losses including a 6-4 defeat to Liverpool!
Full manual air balls only for switching?

Yeah, full manual :). I also use that movement assistance setting to manual (can't remember the exact name). It allows you to move your player before he receives a pass, which is useful for bringing him towards the flight of the ball as a pass approaches him, helping prevent the CPU from nipping in ahead of him and intercepting the ball.

Placebo, have you tried altering line width? It's been my best slider change to date. I knocked it down to 45 and kinda squashed up the midfield in a more realistic way without compromising on space down the wings. Wide men tend to be just that fraction closer to the midfield and strikers making more attacking options for you and CPU.
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