FIFA 12 slider settings & discussion

In User Customization Sliders there is Run Frequency slider.

Setting it anything above 5 results in whole team making runs and to be honest I don't like that as it makes your whole team tired quickly in season.

I am testing 5 atm with said settings above. The game is still hard, but your players now initiate runs when needed. Which is exactly what I wanted (previously with Runs at 0 I had to use L1/LB + pass often).

I have seen runs set to 80/90 in some sliders, but that just meant I could run past AI team and whole lot of my team moved out of positions... And I want them to at least pretend they sit on their position and not run towards opponents box like crazy idiots. Slow build up, possession game, sort of thing.

I was testing this yesterday with Liverpool and after 22 games I was sitting 5th in league with rather no chance of finishing 1st or 2nd.

I could say I achieved what I wanted. Realistic results. Though I can say, the game is harder than on default Pro at times (there is one thing bogging me, I would want AI to shoot more from outside box, but I guess it's not slider dependant thing, but CTT, so might try and replace all default AI tactics with Realistic Project ones) ;)

I said what do you mean by 5?

You mean 55? raising it by 5 over 50=55?

I had this slider at 80 and thought it was ok. though I now have it at 65 as 80 was a bit OTT.

You think 55 is enough?
As for long shooting does micahel essien have long shot taker trait? He took about 5 shots form 25-35yrds versus me with chelesa
Yeah, he does. Lampard is the same :).

I meant 5 as in 5.

From 0 to 5. Not 55.


wtf you have run frequency at 5? are you serious?

At 50 they make hardly any runs.

I had it at 80 and had no problems. Maybe a bit OTT but still better than static players on default.

I play 65 atm.

As for long shooting trait thats cool that these players try more, I notice also player like Ibrahiomovic always try skill moves and hes good at them with cpu on pro as well.
Has anybody tried the sliders made by Dan Stringer? They are supposed to be massively regarded by the Fifa community. Will give them a good go when I get the game. Here is the link for those who haven`t seen them.

I've tried them and 15 others.:P I just applied CTT for all the EPL sides from a guy over at OS. Play pretty nicely. I'm using the line settings from JDM on the 1st page of this thread. Sliders are a welcome addition this year but you can drive yourself crazy with them after a while. I'd like to see some new sliders added next year like CPU fouls. Best FIFA yet I think.
@ pes4lyfe: I don`t know. I don`t have that patch.

@ lancers: What do think of Dan Stringers sliders? The best around, good, or average?
@ pes4lyfe: I don`t know. I don`t have that patch.

@ lancers: What do think of Dan Stringers sliders? The best around, good, or average?

I think they're OK. I prefer Normal speed. His speed and acceleration at 55 work fine using Tele Broadcast set at 12 Height and 2 Zoom.
How would one suggest editing sliders to make more shots per game.

SOmetimes I get games only 4-6 shots each if even game or if I dominate maybe 10 shots me 1-3 opponent.

IRL often games have 18 vs 12 shots or 15 vs 10 shots or even 20 vs 7 shots etc....I think maybe 20 shots total per game is mimimum IRL?

well against tough teams on pro oppoenent in 5min games may get 7 shots, 10 at most. MOst average teams 3-5 shots. and worst teams maybe 0-3 shots.

For me against tough teams I may get 4-8 shots
average teams 5-10 shots
poor teams 8-13 shots


Anyway you think if I increase to world class the CPU will make more shots.

But to counter goals I can decrease shot accuracy so though more shots not more goals always?!?!

But then world class hard for me to make chance so what can I do? IMO perhaps reduce CPU marking which makes it easier to score/create chances I notice.

or is it just as I play 5min games there is so few shots and ofen few goals?
How would one suggest editing sliders to make more shots per game.

SOmetimes I get games only 4-6 shots each if even game or if I dominate maybe 10 shots me 1-3 opponent.

IRL often games have 18 vs 12 shots or 15 vs 10 shots or even 20 vs 7 shots etc....I think maybe 20 shots total per game is mimimum IRL?

well against tough teams on pro oppoenent in 5min games may get 7 shots, 10 at most. MOst average teams 3-5 shots. and worst teams maybe 0-3 shots.

For me against tough teams I may get 4-8 shots
average teams 5-10 shots
poor teams 8-13 shots


Anyway you think if I increase to world class the CPU will make more shots.

But to counter goals I can decrease shot accuracy so though more shots not more goals always?!?!

But then world class hard for me to make chance so what can I do? IMO perhaps reduce CPU marking which makes it easier to score/create chances I notice.

or is it just as I play 5min games there is so few shots and ofen few goals?

IF that is what you want to see you can do a few things. In Custom Team Tactics you can push shooting up to 100. You can also force individual players to dribble less and shoot more by editing them man by man in the editing player area. Supposedly the stat for dribble and shooting relates to frequency and not ability.
IF that is what you want to see you can do a few things. In Custom Team Tactics you can push shooting up to 100. You can also force individual players to dribble less and shoot more by editing them man by man in the editing player area. Supposedly the stat for dribble and shooting relates to frequency and not ability.
Those attributes do relate to ability, but now apparently also affect frequency. This year I think they've made some attempt in the AI code to generally weight their decisions a little more toward actions that they are good at. I guess the 'threshold' for wanting to shoot outside the area is set too high.

Has anyone tried maxing Chance Creation Shooting, and does it actually work? I tried with one team for half a game and I wasn't convinced it made a difference, but I didn't exactly test it thoroughly so I wouldn't say for sure. I suspect that it only encourages them to move into shooting positions and look for lay-offs, whereas the decision to actually then pull the trigger depends on attributes & traits. Which perhaps makes sense.
i try this:

Sprint Speed - 85
Acceleration - 48
Shot Error - 50
Pass Error - 50
Shot Speed - 50
Pass Speed - 70
Injury Frequency - 90
Injury Severity - 70
Goalkeeper Ability - 55
Marking - 0
Run Frequency - 70
Line Height - 40
Line Length - 40
Line Width - 22
Fullback Positioning - 75
Power Bar - 50


Sprint Speed - 85
Acceleration - 48
Shot Error - 70
Pass Error - 90
Shot Speed - 50
Pass Speed - 70
Injury Frequency - 90
Injury Severity - 70
Goalkeeper Ability - 45
Marking - 0
Run Frequency - 70
Line Height - 40
Line Length - 40
Line Width - 22
Fullback Positioning - 75

Auto Switching: Air Balls
Auto Switching Move Assistance: Low
Passing Power Assistance: Off
Pass Assistance: Manual
Through Pass Assistance: Manual
Shot Assistance: Manual
Cross Assistance: Manual
Lob Pass Assistance: Manual
Analog Sprint: On
Defending: Tactical Defending

is more slower gameplay, but sometimes have easy shoots.
Those attributes do relate to ability, but now apparently also affect frequency. This year I think they've made some attempt in the AI code to generally weight their decisions a little more toward actions that they are good at. I guess the 'threshold' for wanting to shoot outside the area is set too high.

Has anyone tried maxing Chance Creation Shooting, and does it actually work? I tried with one team for half a game and I wasn't convinced it made a difference, but I didn't exactly test it thoroughly so I wouldn't say for sure. I suspect that it only encourages them to move into shooting positions and look for lay-offs, whereas the decision to actually then pull the trigger depends on attributes & traits. Which perhaps makes sense.

its not just about freqeuncy of shots but the chances to make shots though.

Point is often game is locked inmidfleid so no chances are creation.

I think id like more chance creation per mathc for me and cpu with good teams.

I find agaisnt an average team the cpu might make 0 chances unless I slack up then they get 2 or 3 at most semi chances.

how many chances on goal does a team get per match?

Sometimes I play games and as good as 0 chances the whole mathc for cpu or very low.

I duno
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I play 15 minute halves on Legendary the CPU gets anywhere between 10-25 shots per game depending upon their ability.

Teams with long range shooters take a good amount of shots from outside the box.
I play 15 minute halves on Legendary the CPU gets anywhere between 10-25 shots per game depending upon their ability.

Teams with long range shooters take a good amount of shots from outside the box.

well i play 5 minute halfs so maybe thats the problem?

and only pro? or world class? i think pro?
Has anybody tried the sliders made by Dan Stringer? They are supposed to be massively regarded by the Fifa community. Will give them a good go when I get the game. Here is the link for those who haven`t seen them.

These are deffo the best sliders i have used in fifa 12, the AI count attacks brill and give's you a great game, have tested theses now in a few leagues now, working great....:BOP:
I have decided that realism is not good for football games. Excitement is good.

I experimented a bunch of old footy games up til now. ANd what stood out to me that made games exciting was.

1. Ability to create chances somewhat easily but with variety and not always in same manner, though not always score, preferablly keeper punches out or goes for corner rather than catch
2. Time it takes to create chances i.e. how often and how quick you can get up pitch
3. The number of chances you can create per game
4. The ability to score various goals and from various angles and distances
5. The goals scored per game.

Therefore I have decided to edit my sliders to make the game much faster and hopefully more exciting. Faster game, create more chances, keeper make more saves= more exciting game.
Not sure about the sliders in that link, setting acceleration and sprint to more than the default at 55 then increasing pass speed to 60 surely makes the game like high speed ping pong?
Okay well I think I've settled on my favourite settings now. It would be interesting if anyone tries these settings to see what you think :)

My set up is as follows;

I play on Broadcast camera, lowest height, maximum zoom.

I play on slow speed.

I've recently started using all manual controls.

My slider settings are equal for both user and CPU, and are all at default settings apart from the following;

Sprint speed 49
Acceleration 49
Pass Error 58
Injury frequency 95
Injury severity 50
Marking 56
Run frequency 70
Line Height 53
Line Length 45
Line Width 45

These seem to give a nice balance between attacking play on both sides, while squashing up the space in the middle of the park a bit more so that there's a good deal of midfield battling. I'm finding it's not too fast, there's a good deal of counter attacking but still balanced with midfield play and the CPU is both shooting from range when the right player is in the right situation, and also keeping roughly half the possession rates, which makes for a pretty good experience.

I may increase the game time from ten minutes to fifteen, as I've heard the game plays a little differently and is less frantic even further.
Ah i just tried to increase line lenght and width trying to make more space in between areas and more occupied pitch.

what do you think is better/more realistic?

Reason I wanted increase in lenght was to prevent all them 1v1 situations
Ah i just tried to increase line lenght and width trying to make more space in between areas and more occupied pitch.

what do you think is better/more realistic?

Reason I wanted increase in lenght was to prevent all them 1v1 situations

As far as my experience goes, the lower the line length, the higher up your defenders will be because the setting dictates the space between your defence, midfield and attack. Lowering the space will squash everyone up more, increasing the space will see more gaps between each unit of your team, so I suppose yeah increasing it would see less players through on goal.

Mine is set to 45 which squashes the play up more, but I don't really see that many 1v1 situations to be honest.

Line height will also affect the height of your back line, so whereas I have it at 53 (again, to push the play up a tiny bit as I think the default settings leave too much space for players to dribble at ease), then decreasing line height to a smaller number will see the defensive lines of your team naturally sit deeper. The deeper they are, the less chances of a 1v1 situation.

I also find that altering line width just a fraction to 45 squashes the width of both teams just enough so that wide men still stay wide, but everyone has that tiny bit less space in midfield. It's a fine balance, I don't want the midfield to resemble FIFA11 where there was no space at all, so tiny adjustments make all the difference with these settings.

Hope that helps.
As far as my experience goes, the lower the line length, the higher up your defenders will be because the setting dictates the space between your defence, midfield and attack. Lowering the space will squash everyone up more, increasing the space will see more gaps between each unit of your team, so I suppose yeah increasing it would see less players through on goal.

Mine is set to 45 which squashes the play up more, but I don't really see that many 1v1 situations to be honest.

Line height will also affect the height of your back line, so whereas I have it at 53 (again, to push the play up a tiny bit as I think the default settings leave too much space for players to dribble at ease), then decreasing line height to a smaller number will see the defensive lines of your team naturally sit deeper. The deeper they are, the less chances of a 1v1 situation.

I also find that altering line width just a fraction to 45 squashes the width of both teams just enough so that wide men still stay wide, but everyone has that tiny bit less space in midfield. It's a fine balance, I don't want the midfield to resemble FIFA11 where there was no space at all, so tiny adjustments make all the difference with these settings.

Hope that helps.

I might try it. I just had them

line height 45
line length 60
line width 60

So i have the teams sit kinda deeper moreso on edge of box with more space between midfeild and defense, there was few 1v1 oppportunities. Games played quite fun actually.

on 5mins games on pro I beat swansea 4-2 at home then in CL lost 3-1 to barca at home.

I notice on default fifa 12 teams sit so high up pitch crossing from say 30-40 yards out and on touchline into box is impossible as noone is in the box. However, if you watch real live football u see often wingers cross the ball from this area into a crowded penalty box. I notice the penalty box is always empty on FIFA hence my sliders above. This seemed to make it possible to qhip in crosses from 30-40yrds out wide into the box for strikers for headers and chances to win rebounds out on edge of box very much more life like. I think though I could perhaps increase lenght and reduce hieght furthermore. I need more testing.

On default I feel fifa 12 plays the game in only 1/3 of the pitch i.e. the middle 3rd.
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Is there any way to get defenders to track back? This situation is occurring many times a game:

I work a breakaway down the wing and begin to cut in diagonally into the box. I tap the player run button to get my forward to make a run into the box, and the defenders just jog behind him making no effort to mark him. Then it's just a simple cross along the ground to the unmarked forward for an easy tap in. I've got my AI marking slider set quite high (67 I believe) and I'm playing on Legendary.
there is a button to make players make runs? I never knew this..waht button?

bte I have come up with amazing sliders that are making this game so enjoyable, for me that is, off course we all look for something different.

I will post it later
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