FIFA 12 Discussion Thread

By the looks of that gamescon video EA decided to copy PES2011's revolutionary mega pressure auto tackle system, wonder what they will call it.
I like how rubbish the Dortmond defender looked on the ball but the game looks a bit clumsy to me. PES has super human dribblers and FIFA has ones that play like the fat kid in the play ground, why cant we ever get a happy medium?
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I think this video might be showing off the new angle. I'm speculating though. This angle looks nice though ;)

YouTube - FIFA 12 Gameplay HD - Gamescom - Dortmund vs Arsenal Match

Is there anything at all new apparent in the gameplay from FIFA11? Looks identical to me. And the AI defending is laughable, particularly towards the end when Dortmund go on a quick counter attack after a corner - the AI defenders slowly jog back, then stop for a bit, then jog a bit, then hesitate....pathetic.
And the AI defending is laughable, particularly towards the end when Dortmund go on a quick counter attack after a corner - the AI defenders slowly jog back, then stop for a bit, then jog a bit, then hesitate....pathetic.

For the less gifted: it's played on amateur...
I've just had a go on FIFA11 for the first time in at least a week, after a couple of games on the PES PC demo earlier, and can still find enjoyment in it. The tactile satisfaction of Manual controls still offers a lot, as does the challenge of playing against Legendary without using the pressure buttons.
Is there anything at all new apparent in the gameplay from FIFA11? Looks identical to me. And the AI defending is laughable, particularly towards the end when Dortmund go on a quick counter attack after a corner - the AI defenders slowly jog back, then stop for a bit, then jog a bit, then hesitate....pathetic.

I traded FIFA 11 in after a couple of months so I couldn't tell you :P
I played quite a bit earlier this week, for the first time in maybe months, and I enjoyed it more than I had before. Maybe it was because I could see how the changes coming in 12 could make gameplay much more balanced and less frustrating, if improvements to defending and dribbling are implemented well.
Then I'm not the only one.

Yeah, hopefully the next month will fly away ;) I can't wait to get my hands on 12. I am most excited about the new Career Mode, which seems to me as a huge improvement over 11's shitty and buggy Career Mode.

But after watching vids of 12 - To me 11 just looks Last Gen. I think I am one of the few that can see that it is a huge step forward :)
Don't know if this has been mentioned, but I have just seen a video where they show the PC's where FIFA 12 was running on in Gamescon.

Intel Core i7 2600K
8M Cache, 3.40 ghZ
4-Core w/Hyper-Threading
3.8 ghz
Intel Desktop Board DH67GD
4GB RAM PC3-10700 DDR3
Intel HD Graphics 3000 - This is where I went - WTF :S !!

Seems like you can run this with a good FPS on a pretty shitty graphics card!
Don't know if this has been mentioned, but I have just seen a video where they show the PC's where FIFA 12 was running on in Gamescon.

Intel Core i7 2600K
8M Cache, 3.40 ghZ
4-Core w/Hyper-Threading
3.8 ghz
Intel Desktop Board DH67GD
4GB RAM PC3-10700 DDR3
Intel HD Graphics 3000 - This is where I went - WTF :S !!

Seems like you can run this with a good FPS on a pretty shitty graphics card!
I believe they said at one point they want to make the game available to as many people as possible on PC. Surely that is why they have worked on making the game run well even on so so computers.
This thread reminds me a lot of Arsenal.

Quiet like the Emirates. Questioning whether the guy in charge has lost the plot. Despondancy from fans at the recent performances (videos). Charging more and more. Forgetting to strengthen the team since last season despite all the cash :D.
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