FIFA 12 Discussion Thread

Looks the same as Fifa 11 and that gets on my tits now with twats that play lobbed 1-2s all the time with defenders running off

So i guess im gonna get sick of this game pretty quick
thanks for that . :CONFUSE:
crap innit. if only PES has club mode.

edit: sounds like a fucking patch which is pants. they shouldnt be "fixing" broken things and charging £40 for it. fucking rip off. CLub mode should have been fixed with updates. not wait a year and charge £40 for the fix
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Blimey, just watched a lot of videos from Gamescom and sigh, I'm just pleased PES looks so good this year because I can't see any difference between this and FIFA11, except with a nice new camera angle and maybe sharper graphics.

The thing is, if no-one is using the tactical defending and just abusing the game's poor physics to ram players off the ball rugby style, then you can guarantee the game's AI is gonna do it too. These new features seem as half arsed and effective as, like I said before, their 'revolutionary' new climate system for World Cup 2010 where playing at high altitude stadiums would radically affect player stamina. It didn't. It was almost non existent. Every year EA boast upgrades (I think before FIFA09 they promised over 2000 improvements) and most are invisible.

Agree again with nerf, the youth system seems like a rehashed scout system from 09. No real improvements. And I'd wager there'll be some kind of buggy problem with it anyways, maybe new youth players won't develop properly or some will disappear if you do x, y or z. I'm being negative about the game but the last three years point to this being a big probability.

Sadly the worse the game gets, the more people seem to buy it which is bizarre in it's own right. But I think that trend will begin to diminish now that it finally has some proper competition again. EA got a lot of new customers because they improved the game tenfold, now seem to be losing a few because rather than ramming home their superiority they've released sub par products that don't work properly and I think they've pandered to the market of under 15's, and how they'd like to see a football game.
Blimey, just watched a lot of videos from Gamescom and sigh, I'm just pleased PES looks so good this year because I can't see any difference between this and FIFA11, except with a nice new camera angle and maybe sharper graphics.

The thing is, if no-one is using the tactical defending and just abusing the game's poor physics to ram players off the ball rugby style, then you can guarantee the game's AI is gonna do it too. These new features seem as half arsed and effective as, like I said before, their 'revolutionary' new climate system for World Cup 2010 where playing at high altitude stadiums would radically affect player stamina. It didn't. It was almost non existent. Every year EA boast upgrades (I think before FIFA09 they promised over 2000 improvements) and most are invisible.

Agree again with nerf, the youth system seems like a rehashed scout system from 09. No real improvements. And I'd wager there'll be some kind of buggy problem with it anyways, maybe new youth players won't develop properly or some will disappear if you do x, y or z. I'm being negative about the game but the last three years point to this being a big probability.

Sadly the worse the game gets, the more people seem to buy it which is bizarre in it's own right. But I think that trend will begin to diminish now that it finally has some proper competition again. EA got a lot of new customers because they improved the game tenfold, now seem to be losing a few because rather than ramming home their superiority they've released sub par products that don't work properly and I think they've pandered to the market of under 15's, and how they'd like to see a football game.

Couldn't have said it better. You just have to look at forums around the web. Even EA's own forum has a sense of lingering apathy around it. No one really cares for 12 cause there's literally nothing new that i'm seeing. There is so much that should have been done this year.

- stat-based inertia to send players and lose them withjust left stick dribbling.

- stat-based skills. sure everyone can do a step over but... well check out Emile Heskey's step over last world cup. In FIFA he's a beast in the air and the ground. Had to roll my eyes at at him McGeady turning his way to my goal.

- Stat-based team positional awareness. Make defenders drop and contain and you can finally open up midfield play in fifa. the problem with it now is they stand high up even with someone like Ronaldo on the ball and have the ability to charge him down into dispossession. Teams like Stoke/Wolves should have a defence that rush to get back behind the ball and contain.

- Along with team positional awareness FIFA players NEED our cpu controlled players to drop into space. Look for passing lanes. Run in behind defence. Make diagonal runs. Form triangles. All this is possible with today's hardware and EA have sold 15million copies of the last fifa title alone so we know they aren't skint, so why is the AI so brain-dead? Players amble into position. There's zero alertness.

Those changes alone should be a start. Many, including myself, have been asking for this way before PES2012 came around. I'm convinced Konami look at FIFA fan wish-lists too.

Don't get me wrong, FIFA will play like "FIFA" as usual and the first play with the new cinematics will be great, but once we settle down to a season of career mode scoring the same bloody goals over and over we'll be bored again. 1 v 1 should be great but i want EA to work on offline now. How much more can be added to UT and online while ignoring the ACTUAL gameplay??

Look on the brightside

PES 12 may actually be good this year so at least we have a choice

I found it really interesting how these guys actually played their own game. Rutter seemed to like pulling off skill moves and doing flair passes. If that's how the developers envision the game should be played then the franchise is screwed as a simulation at any rate. Neither player seemed remotely interested in playing other than like the majority of people you see online. Oh dear!
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LTFC did you ever see the video of Rutter playing football? J.H.Christ. The only football that man plays is video football. Fair enough but he makes out he knows a great deal about the game, not from what i'm hearing spouting from his gnashers. The greatest thing for me in these games is that you can go L2 and be the smaller teams.
I found it really interesting how these guys actually played their own game. Rutter seemed to like pulling off skill moves and doing flair passes. If that's how the developers envision the game should be played then the franchise is screwed as a simulation at any rate. Neither player seemed remotely interested in playing other than like the majority of people you see online. Oh dear!

If you've watched the video, you'd know it's not Rutter who's playing and it's pretty obvious on numerous occassions...

And like glen said, he dislikes skilled dribbling moves but tolerates them because the majority of the community wants them in.

I'm eager to play the PES demo which should be online in the US store in a couple of hours. It's been ages since I've been so keen on trying PES out.
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LTFC did you ever see the video of Rutter playing football? J.H.Christ. The only football that man plays is video football. Fair enough but he makes out he knows a great deal about the game, not from what i'm hearing spouting from his gnashers. The greatest thing for me in these games is that you can go L2 and be the smaller teams.

I dunno he played 60 mins on the pitch against the community side last year in a friendly.

And for a bunch of "people who know nothing about football" they beat us quite badly. Now in all fairness I smoke and drink way to much to fullfil my semi pro promise i showed at 15. I'd just like to point out that a lot of the FIFA dev team plays football regularly, the lead animator is a highly regarded freestyler etc.

What does that all mean? Probably that they are employed by bean counters to make games that sell. They do a good job at that. Do they lack "the fundamentals" well clearly no. No they make the game we want, no but they do try, but compromise is compromise. It would be way more productive if people took stuff like cm or clubs less personally. It seems like all the good comments are being hidden by this personal slight over something that's much more than aimed at annoying us personally.

Pes is looking good and deep but again fallable in areas. Much as FIFA is. Although time will tell on that.
I think that if they want to make good stretegic game with AI that move on pitch as have to. And players runs on position. Make good defence.

Thay should hire a couch. Even for young players. Who train children and teach then how to move and play real football. And then move on with others things.
Blimey, just watched a lot of videos from Gamescom and sigh, I'm just pleased PES looks so good this year because I can't see any difference between this and FIFA11, except with a nice new camera angle and maybe sharper graphics.

The thing is, if no-one is using the tactical defending and just abusing the game's poor physics to ram players off the ball rugby style, then you can guarantee the game's AI is gonna do it too. These new features seem as half arsed and effective as, like I said before, their 'revolutionary' new climate system for World Cup 2010 where playing at high altitude stadiums would radically affect player stamina. It didn't. It was almost non existent. Every year EA boast upgrades (I think before FIFA09 they promised over 2000 improvements) and most are invisible.

Agree again with nerf, the youth system seems like a rehashed scout system from 09. No real improvements. And I'd wager there'll be some kind of buggy problem with it anyways, maybe new youth players won't develop properly or some will disappear if you do x, y or z. I'm being negative about the game but the last three years point to this being a big probability.

Sadly the worse the game gets, the more people seem to buy it which is bizarre in it's own right. But I think that trend will begin to diminish now that it finally has some proper competition again. EA got a lot of new customers because they improved the game tenfold, now seem to be losing a few because rather than ramming home their superiority they've released sub par products that don't work properly and I think they've pandered to the market of under 15's, and how they'd like to see a football game.

Completely agree, I'm almost 100% certain you wont see tactical defending or dribbling by the CPU in career/manager mode. It will be more of the same barging.
LTFC and gameklip - enjoyed your posts guys.

For all the technology and animations FIFA has, it still does not allow you to beat players with dribbling or real football moves like PES does. Sure you can do a trick or flick the right stick to beat someone and it looks like eye candy but watch a real game and you'd find these happen infrequently in comparison to a subtle dribbling touch or a change of direction etc.

Hopefully they fixed this with FIFA 12 (but I doubt it) and we can beat players with subtle movements. But if defenders magically intercept every movement and can tackle you behind their body while facing the other way, then the gameplay will suffer again! Couple that with the rigid positioning of the defensive AI, and you can see why some have called FIFA 11 a game without soul and why many people get frustrated at having the same gameplay over and over or having to win by scoring the same goals over and over.

I'm a long term FIFA player - no FIFA hater - I just wish they'd chip away the rough bits and let the football aspect shine.
LTFC and gameklip - enjoyed your posts guys.

For all the technology and animations FIFA has, it still does not allow you to beat players with dribbling or real football moves like PES does. Sure you can do a trick or flick the right stick to beat someone and it looks like eye candy but watch a real game and you'd find these happen infrequently in comparison to a subtle dribbling touch or a change of direction etc.

Hopefully they fixed this with FIFA 12 (but I doubt it) and we can beat players with subtle movements. But if defenders magically intercept every movement and can tackle you behind their body while facing the other way, then the gameplay will suffer again! Couple that with the rigid positioning of the defensive AI, and you can see why some have called FIFA 11 a game without soul and why many people get frustrated at having the same gameplay over and over or having to win by scoring the same goals over and over.

I'm a long term FIFA player - no FIFA hater - I just wish they'd chip away the rough bits and let the football aspect shine.

I love PES style of dribbling, but saying that in fifa u can't dribble with simple movements means that u haven't played as much as me and others have hehe. I wish I could show you a lot of matches that I've played in full manual. Most of them would have been a joy to watch - and play of course -.

I love PES style of dribbling, but saying that in fifa u can't dribble with simple movements means that u haven't played as much as me and others have hehe. I wish I could show you a lot of matches that I've played in full manual. Most of them would have been a joy to watch - and play of course -.

Mate - if you're on Xbox, I still have FIFA World Cup if you want some manual games...and to school me on dribbling :P

I've played every FIFA so far and I know how to dribble but I still find it more clunky. Against a human player you can do it easier because they overcommit quite often but against the CPU they are able to tackle you in situations where you'd in fact be able to beat them with a dribble. The way you do in PES, which I think has more nuance available.

Again, probably down to the tackling radius on FIFA more so than the dribbling itself!
I love PES style of dribbling, but saying that in fifa u can't dribble with simple movements means that u haven't played as much as me and others have hehe. I wish I could show you a lot of matches that I've played in full manual. Most of them would have been a joy to watch - and play of course -.

All in all, i guess it is about capturing the "feeling" to dribble past an opponent that fifa lack of compared to PES.
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