FIFA 12 Discussion Thread

i think hes taking a quick leak before kick off then he will jog back into position, dont worry people it will be fixed in the final code have faith in david rutter he has never made a mistake before
Afaik, he can be there, the players from the team kicking off can be anywhere their own half. It's the opposing team that has to be away from the players on the center spot, the center circle applies only to them.
Why did EA say they patched it in FIFA 11 if he's allowed to be there then?

You’ll now find that the implementation of the offside rule in the game is more accurate, both in terms of when the infringement is called and in terms of player positions when it happens. Occasional strange player positioning at kick-off have also gone away, while shooting from weak volleys has been improved, too. Importantly, so-called ‘micro-pausing’ during gameplay will also be a thing of the past. Overall, your gameplay experience should now be even better.

In any case, I thought it was bug. Never saw teams do that after the 80's. My mistake.
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i don't know why but the link i posted looks totally differnet in a bad way from what we've seen on gamescom clips.

does it mean that pc version is different than console ones after all?
Lol, don't panic, they are the same :D it's just Ian who plays very badly.
There are enough PC Videos on YT which show the exact same gameplay than console.
Lol, don't panic, they are the same :D it's just Ian who plays very badly.
There are enough PC Videos on YT which show the exact same gameplay than console.

i hope you're right but graphics, animations, motion capture look same as in fifa 11 pc on that video with rutter and jarvis.
i hope you're right but graphics, animations, motion capture look same as in fifa 11 pc on that video with rutter and jarvis.
You must have something with your eyes :D the games are 100% the same :D
Only little bit better graphics because of AA on PC and Origin service, thats it.
seems like PC is the only way to go as it offers the only chance of the modding community fixing some key issues. PES2011 was a ton better with the gameplay patches so hopefully our friends here can fix some of FIFA's problems as well.
To Hitmanuk - I play on slow and manual too but you can't deny the actual tackling animation and effectivness is akin to rugby. They look like shoulder bardges most of the time. If I do a video analysis and prove myself right you can buy me a copy of FIFA 12 :LMAO:
Sigh. Why does the Youth Academy CM feature sound nothing like an actual Youth Academy at all and almost exactly like the Scout feature they had in FIFA09 and removed? Unbelievable.
To Hitmanuk - I play on slow and manual too but you can't deny the actual tackling animation and effectivness is akin to rugby. They look like shoulder bardges most of the time. If I do a video analysis and prove myself right you can buy me a copy of FIFA 12 :LMAO:

What i will say is there is too much pressure and the auto tackle is annoying but its not annoying as having piss poor collision detection, awful animation, retard goal keepers who cant stretch out properly and a garbage camera..Ive said this before I grew up with ISS/PES and it used to walk the floor with FIFA but now it deosnt and I'd be surprised if it did this year too, in fact after watching the few videos ive seen id say they are trying to replicate FIFA on assissted pong down the pitch. Anyways time will tell but at the end of the day it comes down to a trade off depending on what you enjoy as neither will be perfect
In all of these videos everyone is still just committing straight into a tackle, almost never using Tactical Defending :PUKE: . There's a bit at 16:43 in that Livestream video where Gibbs contains Silva by jockeying, but nobody else is bothering. Neither does anyone appear to be using Precision Dribble :PUKE: at all. I'd be keen to see just what the balance is between the two, whether you can punish the opponent for flying in by using the skill dribble to easily shield/sidestep. Otherwise both of those additions will be worthless.

i think that could be the worst video so far in terms of two people that are completely clueless about how to play a football game. the thing is you might conclude based on this video that sprint tackling is less effective now but i'm more inclined to believe these guys would be too dumb to tackle even in FIFA 11, they are just flying towards opponents pressing slide tackle at every opportunity, it tells you nothing about the game :YAWN:
What i will say is there is too much pressure and the auto tackle is annoying but its not annoying as having piss poor collision detection, awful animation, retard goal keepers who cant stretch out properly and a garbage camera..Ive said this before I grew up with ISS/PES and it used to walk the floor with FIFA but now it deosnt and I'd be surprised if it did this year too, in fact after watching the few videos ive seen id say they are trying to replicate FIFA on assissted pong down the pitch. Anyways time will tell but at the end of the day it comes down to a trade off depending on what you enjoy as neither will be perfect

Each to their own I guess. I grew up on FIFA until FIFA 11 when I couldnt handle it anymore. PES 11 is my first change. Sure there are some elements that aren't perfect but I still get the feeling of actually playing football more from PES than I do from FIFA.

Each of your arguments are valid from your perspective and no doubt from other people but I could counter them by saying FIFA's keepers are TOO good often and make superhuman saves that would not be made in real life, whilst at times flapping away at simple saves (yes I've seen enough poor efforts from them too). FIFA's collision detection may be better but it's over the top and still makes mistakes (or perhaps cheats in the CPU's favour) and animations are mainly better in FIFA yes, but there are a couple of funny looking ones too so it's not all perfect.

So neither game is perfect, but people get frustrated because FIFA have the licenses and animation technology which is the hard part - the gameplay requires just a couple of small tweaks to balance it out and they never fix it. Hence never realising the full potential of an immersive gameplay experience.
Each to their own I guess. I grew up on FIFA until FIFA 11 when I couldnt handle it anymore. PES 11 is my first change. Sure there are some elements that aren't perfect but I still get the feeling of actually playing football more from PES than I do from FIFA.

Each of your arguments are valid from your perspective and no doubt from other people but I could counter them by saying FIFA's keepers are TOO good often and make superhuman saves that would not be made in real life, whilst at times flapping away at simple saves (yes I've seen enough poor efforts from them too). FIFA's collision detection may be better but it's over the top and still makes mistakes (or perhaps cheats in the CPU's favour) and animations are mainly better in FIFA yes, but there are a couple of funny looking ones too so it's not all perfect.

So neither game is perfect, but people get frustrated because FIFA have the licenses and animation technology which is the hard part - the gameplay requires just a couple of small tweaks to balance it out and they never fix it. Hence never realising the full potential of an immersive gameplay experience.

Agree :)
Where fifa still has a problem (and always has) is one-on-ones. There is still an inability for a player (even Messi) to take on a defender and beat him one-on-one without having to resort to tricks and such. Until they get this right it is flawed imo and doesn't represent the game of football.
In all of these videos everyone is still just committing straight into a tackle, almost never using Tactical Defending :PUKE: . There's a bit at 16:43 in that Livestream video where Gibbs contains Silva by jockeying, but nobody else is bothering. Neither does anyone appear to be using Precision Dribble :PUKE: at all. I'd be keen to see just what the balance is between the two, whether you can punish the opponent for flying in by using the skill dribble to easily shield/sidestep. Otherwise both of those additions will be worthless.

Where fifa still has a problem (and always has) is one-on-ones. There is still an inability for a player (even Messi) to take on a defender and beat him one-on-one without having to resort to tricks and such. Until they get this right it is flawed imo and doesn't represent the game of football.

Actually, after watching that video of the producers playing each other, I for the first time see the improvements made over FIFA 11 with the addition of Precision Dribbling and the changes made to defending - there are numerous examples of players beating defenders *without using skill moves* that simply would rarely if ever happen in 11. I can already see that the removal of auto-tackle has major implications while some of the worst of the over-powered tackling animations, like the spread-eagle tackle animation that I highlighted in videos a while back, appears to have been removed.

I still have some concerns, like that Precision Dribbling, while an improvement, still does not do enough for the dribbling game, and I am also worried that defending by sprinting into players is still too effective a tactic. I am also concerned that keepers still are over-powered and that there is still not enough variety in the types of goals scored.

Most important for me though is seeing what it's like playing against the CPU - h2h looks to be a great and an improved experience this year but what about playing against the CPU? So far no indication has been given that the CPU defends more realistically and that Precision Dribbling works well enough against the AI. I really hope they release a producer video like the one above that shows single-player matches on at least WC difficulty.

But if you consider FIFA 11's biggest problem to be an imbalance between offense and defense, with defending massively over-powered in single-player, as I do, then I think you can see from the vids with more experienced FIFA players playing, that gameplay will certainly be an improvement over 11.

Still a lot of questions, still not enough emphasis on some important fundamentals, and there's still not enough evidence of massive changes that would truly imply a "Revolution," but to me it appears that they've addressed the most glaring issues of 11.
I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that maybe the new collision system is more relevant for what you don't see than what you do. Don't shoot me if that's not the case but at this point that's my guess.

In FIFA 11, the physical side of the game is massively over-exaggerated. If anything, it looks like the new impact engine is more subtle, with players less frequently being barged off the ball.

I'm not sure but maybe in the long run the new impact system will be better known for all the collisions that don't happen , and for dribblers to better be able to sustain physical interactions, than for crazy and acrobatic tackles. That's what I'm hoping for anyways.
The player impact engine (PIE, as me and Rod were calling it) is at its best when the attacker and defender brush against each other, rather than when there's a full on smash. It's the little things like the trailing leg being flicked out to the side but the attacker still carrying the ball when he lands, or the little additions that PIE allows elsewhere like defensive sliding tackles to hook away balls that aren't on the ground. For full on smashes it doesn't really make a difference to gameplay, because FIFA 11 had decent animations for such crunching tackles and the attacker would be flattened - so the end result is essentially unchanged. But those little collisions and interactions are where FIFA 10 and 11 struggled, and where the physicality was such an issue - there simply wasn't the fidelity to represent such subtle interactions properly.
It's good that they didn't go over the top and turn the player into a ragdoll as soon as they collided with another player, as I feared when they announced it.
Things like having realistic subtle collisions affects the gameplay as well as the visuals, so well done EA.

Does it affect aerial battles or keepers does anyone know? Would be good to see if you brought your keeper to collect a cross and he got clattered, or if when chasing down a one-on-one he got booted in the head and had to go off injured.
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