FIFA 12 Discussion Thread

We're complaining about lack of info and lack of improvement annoucment, not about the game itself. As we know, EA's market, for every significant improvement made in a game, comes with a big campain, videos, interviews etc...

I remember last year with gameplay "improvements" like pro passing, personality + and other stupid shit names they gave to simply changes. Even with none of those things working properly at least they said they would be in the game and gave people hope of a better gameplay.

This year all we have of significant announcment is the impact engine, excuse me, REVOLUTIONARY inpact engine, and football club, that's it. Not even the sliders were properly explained. Or they are waiting to gamescom or they really have nothing new for fifa12 and will try to sell the game based on previous versions success.

Relax man i don't like FIFA too:P
As for the budget I seriously doubt that NBA2k has a lower budget than PES.

PES is selling a lot more copies of the game than 2K12. If Konami is not investing all that money back into the game, then Konami is to be blamed. That's what happened in the PS2 era. Konami would put ridiculous budgets to the game and use all the money in other projects or just to make up the numbers.

They tried to do the same at the beggining of the current generation and was a complete disaster. Now they have again a big team working, and if the budget of the game is below the budget of 2K12, then it's because Konami simply don't want to invest more in the franchise, seeing as selling numbers are incredibly high all around the world for all versions.
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You'd have to be some type of cunt to pay for that season ticket.


I'm waiting for the demos, at the moment. I like what I'm reading about PES, which sounds like it has at least attempted to address the main obstacles I encountered, but I'm also cautious that a lot of those words are being written by people who liked 2011 a lot more than I did. Have to wait and see.

By all accounts PES sounds a major improvement but I doubt it'll sway those who didn't like PES2011. I'm only guessing though because I obviously haven't played 2012 yet.

Yeah why have PES release an absolute ton of videos showing features, gameplay etc, and yet EA haven't released a single gameplay video. Nothing. The only video I've seen of the game is that leaked one from May.
Let's be honest, Fifa have already achieved what they want. They'll get more record sales making yet another half-arsed game. Your average Fifa player is so set in their ways that PES looks inferior in every aspect to them. Truly sad times for simulation football gamers.
I guarantee everyone moaning about the price will be buying this season ticket.

Want to put a wager on that? I for one, am not interested in this one bit.
I would only be interested in FIFA out of all the EA games tbh so paying £25pa on top of the RSP for the game to get it 3 days early isn't going to happen. I don't play UT or buy boosts (boosts are for gimps imo) so not interested in DLC at all.

That £25 will be better spent in the pub.
I meant the people commenting on the video on YouTube saying they won't pay; no-one on this forum. We have brains.
2K should jump onboard when consoles enter a new generation cycle.
If there ever existed a football game with as much craft, detail and simple love for the game as NBA 2K11, I'd simply sell all other games and dedicate my time to this virtual football heaven. It cn be done in this generation, they are simply choosing not to and consumers are to blame.
Let's be honest, Fifa have already achieved what they want. They'll get more record sales making yet another half-arsed game. Your average Fifa player is so set in their ways that PES looks inferior in every aspect to them. Truly sad times for simulation football gamers.

@bold, is it about gameplay here, yes ?

As you may know many of my friends over here who praise FIFA alot consider FIFA has good gameplay, by gameplay they mean :

1. Fluid animation & its transition of a footballer
2. Good ball physic
3. Loads of animation variety related to footballer

This is how some/many people talk about gameplay. Some even may regard this as a simulation of football. It is inevitable as a reality.

Personally, i agree in some part with this logic but in a sense that 3 points above should work in hand with "core gameplay" to make a great football game. Do i like 100% EA's animation ? of course not.

I will be very angry if PES 2012 will exactly the same as PES 2011 regarding 3 point mentioned above but with only addition of active ai and stuff. Thankfully, by the look of it, konami at least does something regarding those 3 points to be incorporated into PES 2012's core gameplay.
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I still can't get my head around the logic behind the EA Sports season ticket.

They are effectively asking customers to pay extra to save money further down the line.

Fucking really?!

And how is the chance to play their games three days early an incentive? Have they never heard of the likes of ShopTo, Play, Amazon etc....?
other people getting the game 3 days early means everyone gets the game 3 days early, if you know what i mean. (for pc gamers at least)
Omg... IGN award, best of E3 award,!!!
Im so buying, this is ''buy now'' trailer for kids or what? Who trust gametrailers or IGN to buy football SIMULATION game?

20 awards, 10 of them are best of E3 show award, yay....
no news?

I'd like to think the lack of news or heck, any media updates/release is because they're busy putting genuine, concerted effort into tweaking the game with all the public feedback they've gathered so far.

But yea I should know better... :(
I just think it's because they have nothing substantial to show. Graphics looks almost the same, there's a new impact engine malarkey in there but apart from that, I think the game will play pretty much the same as this year's. That, and they're resting on their laurels that they've already won over the majority as regular customers now - hence the fact that the only two videos I've recently seen have been some rubbish showing off Manchester City's new kit and another one trying to prize money out of people for getting almost nothing in return. Sweet!
I just think it's because they have nothing substantial to show. Graphics looks almost the same, there's a new impact engine malarkey in there but apart from that, I think the game will play pretty much the same as this year's. That, and they're resting on their laurels that they've already won over the majority as regular customers now - hence the fact that the only two videos I've recently seen have been some rubbish showing off Manchester City's new kit and another one trying to prize money out of people for getting almost nothing in return. Sweet!

nailed it. if they had something to show, they would.

remember they started off calling this game a "revolution"? with impact engine, a new way to tackle and intelligent AI (crouch gets into the box for crosses eing the example...) being their main claim to that? well, then konami totally guzumped them by not only announcing "everything those guys said is in our game this year" but then going past that and talking about player runs, hold-up play etc all team-specific using stats.

So now the silence.

totally got side-swipped by the PES announcements imo.

Gamecom will show us basically what they've been up to. I'm expecting more of the same as last year. Maybe better lighting? And a better Manager mode. Can't hope for more really.
Can't help but think EA are holding off for the Premier League season to start again to release anything substantial.
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